Losing the FGC one event at a time

Discussion in 'General' started by BlondieVF5, Jul 1, 2013.

By BlondieVF5 on Jul 1, 2013 at 4:53 PM
  1. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    The fighting game community has never been so big and active throughout the US. Every quarter there is a massive FGC(fighting game community) event showcasing some of the greatest talents in fighting games the world has ever seen. For some it's a chance to see greatness and clutch on a level that we aspire to get to. For others it's a way to showcase your talents and see just where you stack up in terms of time dedicated to your preferred fighter. This is not fact or statement, it is a compilation of feelings and emotions I felt after my time with some FGC events. It's a self check for everyone out there that loves fighting games and is connected to them as a player, spectator, or creator.


    I am no stranger to the tournament setting, the pressure, and excitement of travel worldwide for events. I have seen the FGC culture change. From old school hands in Streetfighter and virtuafighter to the new blood in titles like Injustice/MK(new version) and hybrids like SFxTekken. There is a loud and resounding difference between the culture back then and the culture now, media. Media makes everything so accessible and easy to share, it is a wonderful thing. There is however, a downside to media and all its outlets to the various fighting games. The downside being a very dangerous combination of the socially awkward, hype, expectation, pressure, and money.

    From the time you walk in to an FGC event there is tons of people yelling and screaming, bags on their shoulders, sticks in their laps, energy drink stationary on the floor as they hold their spots in the chair of domination. Tons of expletives, saltyness, and headshaking towards opponents that have bested their dedication to the game. No handshaking after a match, just yank your cord and walk away. The "saltyness" seems to be a combination of ego, expectation, and perhaps puberty for those that apply. It's losing, and if not checked by a peer or mentor can lead to violence.

    When watching a final, I find myself having to look past the goons taking bets with cash in hand on the players. No official stopping any of this, just allowing active cash handling bets to take place in something that to me is sacred. This isn't a fucking chicken fight in cuba. This is two young men playing a game that they enjoy to compete at its highest level. No one wants to hear you spray shit talk, you are embaressing yourself and your crew. How the hell did we let it come to this. Haggling from afar while someone plays his match. It's safe to say there is little sportsmanship in the FGC.

    As these events get bigger and bigger, I fear the worst. A tarnish, something that lingers over the culture of our beloved FGC. If we as mentors and elders don't start involving ourselves in the fundamental growth of some of these crews, violence will manifest itself into a tabu for tournament events, and could in the future be outlawed. This is not something to take lightly, if you add all the factors in, something terrible will happen at one of these events. It is important to note, there is a difference between hype and bad sportsmanship. Allow people to play, respect those playing. Obviously if something epic happens you can cheer or sigh, but think of it in terms of golf. You aren't going to haggle someone trying to shoot or concentrate on their shot, let them swing, then haggle. I'm going to put a link at the bottom of this post, keep in mind. I wrote this post before I had even seen this. While not directly involved with the event, it's only a matter of time.

    Yamato_Angeal_, Tocuh, Aion and 2 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by BlondieVF5, Jul 1, 2013.

    1. Happy_Friend
      What is with you guys being so scandalized about 'unlicensed gambling' ? WHo cares if people wanna bet? People bet on every sporting event in America. NFL coaches all have to provide injury reports before every game so the bookies have an accurate point spread. The bigger problem with the FGC is the aggressive and stupid people who stand out in a bad way. VF community is different fwiw. The crazy people actually stand out and become notorious for their antics even though none of them approach, say, Mr. Rayray whose sad tale is recounted above.
    2. nou
      Tax-free money is the worst thing about mankind.
    3. BlondieVF5
      Let me remind you, gambling will always be a part of sports, i get that. This was gambling at the finals of a tournament in a sanctioned event! Not only does open gambling take away from what a finals is all about, but it's an underground venture that should stay underground with the trash that decides to make money off of the FGC. It would be like open handfulls of cash being thrown around in wagers at the 50 yard line of the fucking superbowl. If you need to make money off of the FGC, make a website or get sponsors like JWong. Otherwise get your trashy ass back to the chicken ring.
      d3v likes this.
    5. Tricky

      I sometimes wonder how many people lost money or how screwed up the odds in the Tony vs Me FT10 fight. If anyone bet after the first few sets man they must've been sallty.
      MarlyJay likes this.
    6. nou
      You can legally gamble at VxG. Gambling isn't a bad thing, but I could see concerns about what happens after someone loses. Playing VF means I'm not part of the FGC, though.
      KiwE likes this.
    7. Lucky_GT

      Would just like to say that this isn't recent. Sidebetting at fighting game tournaments has been going on for 5-10 years and happened at both previous CEO events. It has been around about as long as money matches have been around. I've seen players lose 100$ playing Rock Paper Scissors in the hotel lobby.

      Nobody is going to stop it because no one really cares. And to be honest...I don't care! If people want to gamble a couple dollars on an upcoming match, so be it.
      Happy_Friend likes this.
    8. ZomgitsEd
      As far as the FGC goes, VF and everyone here is part of it. We're part of it in an isolationist American during the 1930's kinda way though. The other games go to war over who is "flashier" or "the best" and this community sits back, slowly builds, and trains its member for the next coming of VF. Problem is in places that gaming isn't deeply rooted in (I.E. Florida) we HAVE to make an effort to get the word out that this game exists and is one of, if not the best, 3D Fighting games out right now.

      Back to the main point though, gambling in FL is illegal unless you have the licensing, proper paper work, etc etc. While it could be argued that these events could make more profit from gambling, it just feels wrong. These aren't Cock Fights or Horse Races, these are two humans testing their mettle against one another. Seeing if their training, effort, patience, and perseverance will pay off and get them the victory they crave. Sure, it might be a romanticist view of doing battle, but its how I feel about sports face offs in general. I wouldn't want that sullied knowing some ass hat in the crowd is making a scene because he lost 500$ on Wong.
      BlondieVF5 likes this.
    9. ZomgitsEd

      Look, if I need to feel a thrill when I want to gamble, I play poker for free at a few local bars for 50$ pots. However, when I go to an FGC event like CEO, I expect things that can shut down the event and ruin the reputation of the gaming scene in FL to be top priority. If someone was to blow the whistle on the gambling going on Jebailey could be fined as well as the CEO event being banned from being held again. Its a serious offense in the state of FL and because its gone on so long, people like you, scoff and brush it off without a thought. Not only that but, gambling attracts a different breed of humans that just don't belong.

      Myke stated it best when he said "There are idiots everywhere. They always have been, and always will be." If people want to throw away money in the lobby or in hotel room money matches, I'm all for it. IN and AT the actual event however, is where I put my foot down and say that shits gots to go.
      BlondieVF5 likes this.
    10. Tricky
      If they gonna gamble just keep it out the actual ballroom. Do it in their rooms, do it in the shadows, but don't be doing it in broad daylight for all to see. Sporting events have gambling but you won't see people exchanging money at the stadium.
    11. Ylyon
      I think we have to learn from other countries such as Japan. They have big tournaments and nobody yells, gambles or whatever. People there attend to the tournaments just for the game itself. However, in the East, generally the average age in tournaments is also higher than in the West
      ZomgitsEd and BlondieVF5 like this.
    12. Plague
      There is but one FGC. It's everyone who plays any fighting game. And, damn, if it doesn't get more exciting every day.
      ZomgitsEd and BlondieVF5 like this.
    13. SDS_Overfiend1
      Side bets ruining tournaments? Wtf? Its obvious who aint from the streets.. Side betting been going on since forever.. I played SF2 in dirty game rooms with Big time drug dealers siding ln matches.. Guns drawn, fistfights and Razorblades a plenty. Fighting and Betting is not the most shocking thing.......... The fact Noel Brown had a Girlfriend is what really got me fucked up..
      MDSPrime and Plague like this.
      Just sayin', at Final Round this past year, side bets and money matches were BANNED from the tournament area, IIRC

      Also just sayin', there is absolutely no way that we are even considered a part of the 'FGC'. 'The FGC' is a misnomer -- when people talk about the FGC they are really referring to the SRK community. It's SUPPOSED to be about all players who play fighting games competitively, but its not. Even other 3d games, like tekken or soul calibur, and non-capcom 2d game communities like KOF or anime games, have to fight to be seen and respected
    15. Feck
      I don't understand this :/

      Sure, we may be in the minority but it seems you're saying that we don't exist because we play the wrong game. I've run into quite a few people from the Capcom crowd when attending VF events and they've made me feel more than welcome.

      I've seen KoF pull quite a few players at events too.
    16. hseiken1
      Anytime you get a large crowd in a competitive environment, you're bound to see some action out of the game. The same thing used to happen in arcades years back. Even the bets. Since there's no arcades for the kids, they do it at the tourneys. It happens. It's not cool when it does, but it's nothing new from my perspective. I think because it's a tourney, this aspect is much more obvious, though. In arcades, it wasn't spread on the internet or even appeared in the local paper that a fight broke out unless someone got arrested and then it'd just be a tiny paragraph in POLICE BEAT.
      I dont know too mich about Europe, but UK and EU always seem to have been very good about support a variety of games, and thats awesome. America is quite different and can learn from u guys
      Tricky likes this.
    18. MDSPrime
      Arcade's I was at in the 90's were always full of hustlers and gangsters, I saw all sorts of madness, from people getting beatdown in the arcade to one time where they tried to set a guys hair on fire, I even knew a russian guy who didn't go to the arcade when the vietnamese were there because the triads wanted to kill his brother, and this was all in London.

      None of this is new nor is it accecptable behaviour but these problems are coming from society not the FGC, Kotaku shouldn't even have reported that story with reference to CEO, the incident had nothing to do with the tournament, it undermines Jebailey's hard work.
      Shag, Pai~Chun and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    19. Laban
      That's really ironic since Japanese players such as Daigo have stated in previous interviews that they really like the Western tournaments over Japanese tournaments more due to the higher amounts of enthusiasm and hype. And to various extents between Japanese players, they also prefer the fact that you could actually play for money since it's banned in Japan by law since yakuza could get involved. Hell, even last year at EVO I watched some US players money match Japan's Kaoru in KOFXIII. I don't think it's because Japan is "more mature" or some bullshit, it's just culturally they're not as liberated to express how they feel or do what they want to do. If they wanna talk shit or troll, they do it anonymously on 2ch in the fighting game board. Japan is just repressed. Also saying Japan doesn't yell out during tournaments is bullshit in itself.
    20. KiwE
      Betting on games isn't a part of FGC culture; it's part of american culture.
      Ylyon, Cozby and Richkwondo like this.

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