Martial arts styles

Discussion in 'General' started by TeaMeo, Aug 22, 2003.

  1. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I currently teach BJJ at my university (I'm co-president). I'm only about blue belt level and been doing it for a few years but heres my take:
    competition is what makes you better, in anything.
    The less rules in a competition the closer it is to real fighting and the more effective the martial art. This is why Muay Thai is way more effective than TKD. TKD was developed where their competition was based around "Number of hits" not anything else. Thus there round house kicks are quick and low-dmg, while Muay Thai style kicks and knees are extremely heavy and powerful. Muay That because of its history as a very violent sport, makes it extremely effective.
    Now, BJJ is good because of the same reason Gracies won the original UFC: Not many people know it.
    Most people know how to punch at the least, most DO NOT know how to prevent a takedown. Its extremely easy to take down people who are trying to box you. ESPECIALLY with cloths on which drastically increases your grip.
    The best thing about BJJ is you don't get your head punched in and destroyed every time you train hard since there is no striking usually. The weakness though, as someone mentioned is that grappling isn't that effective against multiple opponents. But 1v1 grappling is great. Although, in a real fight, I would just run, especially since if your in a public area(bar) you could get sued hardcore if you win I've seen many news reports of people getting arrested at the local bars.

    Anyway the key to good self defense IMO, is getting good at both striking and grappling. However, I recommend people focus first on grappling as it takes MUCH MUCH longer to get good at grappling, than it does at striking.

    As for these kung fu clubs. Sorry Nashi but it sounds like your instructor brainwashed you a bit. It sounds like the arguments religious people use. God exists, but he doesn't show himself, just like how these kung fu masters exist but don't show themselves.
    The thing is, this is impossible. You can't get good at fighting unless you well, FIGHT. So these "hidden masters" have to be fighting SOMEONE, and someone of a high level if they want to really be effective.

    And for self esteem. I think people who get into martial arts are just people who think being good at fighting is useful or just think its fun. I started MA to get good at fighting, stayed because BJJ is incredibly fun and is like fast-pace chess. After a few years of grappling, your body is going to get MUCH BIGGER, you'll get much much buffer and stronger and when you tap out guys twice your size your self esteem sky rockets.
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Sharp - who do you train under?
  3. Hououin_Kyouma

    Hououin_Kyouma Active Member

    Sharp, you know, any traditional wushu master(really, kung fu can be even your gardening skill, not exactly a martial art) who was fighting someone, if is not working for the government, may be in jail now. Even traditional muay can only be seen in closed doors in thailand(it's a war martial art, as in tradit. wushu, way different than the known muay thai, not for sports)...

    As for wushu in sports, there's sanda/sanshou(part of modern wushu/kickboxing made for competitions, just like modern muay thai). In this case, there's Cung Le, Marvin Perry, Zhang Tiequan, Muslim Salihov, Bao Li Gao and Liu Hailong(aka "conqueror of muay thai" for beating some top thailand fighters).
  4. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I trained at Gracie Barra, but mostly just under a purple belt who was a fellow student at my university. We are pretty competitive when ever we go to tournaments 75% of us usually get top 3 in their division.

    Interesting information Hououin, I like how you have a list of real names for examples.
  5. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Very cool, interesting, and informative post, @Sharp
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Which Gracie Barra location?
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Sharp posted:

    "God exists, but he doesn't show himself, just like how these kung fu masters exist but don't show themselves. The thing is, this is impossible. You can't get good at fighting unless you well, FIGHT. So these "hidden masters" have to be fighting SOMEONE, and someone of a high level if they want to really be effective."


    At first I took this a little personal :) LOL no, just kidding, I like this post, again , lots , lots of truth in it. I do a little of the martial arts thing here and there, but I will share this with the VFDC, I've been in several very serious fights, and in every one of them there were multiple ppl fighting multiple ppl (yep, a lot of gang sh#t. IMNSHO the best martial arts to use when there are multiple attackers and its a serious fight (not domestic) and you don't want to commit murder, is some kind of weapon based martial art. I personally would never want to shoot anyone, and I won't mention any particular weapon's based martial art, but I will say I've been beat down a couple of times, I've ran away more than a few times, but I've also prevailed a couple of times with weapon based martial art (even when my opponents had weapons [pipe, stick, and two guys with chains]. In my experience hand-to-hand real fights are rare. IRL Dudes(sometimes Byatches) are gonna come at you with guns, knives, sticks, broken off bottles, whatever, in those situations I aint gonna try no Muay Thai, no Grappling, no superman punches, none of that, I use my weapon based training, so I can get back home safely to my wife and kids.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    All martial arts is good and martial arts makes you better. Also it matters on the individual and not the combat art that they are practicing. Someone could be practicing a tough combat style but they are not seriouce about it and they can get beat by someone who just trains on their own but is siriouse and willing about training and getting better.
  9. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    You watch too many movies.
  10. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    I have studied Muay thai, grappling akidio and a little tia qwan doo. i found akidio to be the most fun, im 6"foot tall and i had 4"foot guys throwing me around lol and i was throwing 7"foot guys around, does'nt matter how big you are or small this martial art is for anyone, any age and gender.i dont play aio although some of her moves resemble akidio. i have also had a pop at kappawara, now that is really hard phyiclly but super cool to watch! I dont practice anymore because of funds, but i am defo gonna go back to akidio.
  11. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I also study 5 animal shaolin kung fu (my style is Ching Lung Kuoshu Kwan or green dragon...dragon being the main animal, and it is straight from pre-Cultural Revolution, so it doesn't have modern wushu in it:)) I want to see your Lei. Let's set up some matches.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I practice one-hung-low style son. find out who the mad bagger is

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    I've been training in "Regional-Contemporary" Capoeira since 2005. From 2005-2007 I trained in BJJ alongside Capoeira. Sadly there isn't a Capoeira character in VF so right now Goh is the closest character who uses an art similar to what I've trained in.
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I would think Vanessa is closer than Goh.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    I honestly haven't used or played against Vanessa much at all since VF4. I remember she had 2 styles then when Brad came she got changed. Does she still have lots of BJJ moves aside from her mount?
  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    She has a heel hook,kimura, GnP....I have no idea what else, I have not played vf of any sort in over a year :x

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Jeez over a year? Final Showdown not your cup of tea? I've seen a few who don't care for it so I wouldn't be surprised.

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