Melbourne Games 2001 : The new challenger

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by SummAh, Apr 30, 2001.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Some help and movie comments

    Sorry bud n everyone/versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    Afraid my "debut" (even though I SHOULD have debuted a yr ago~!~) is gonna be delayed again.~~ ~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif

    Being the perfectionist prick that I am, I actually reviewed the clip Doomboy did n gave it the middle finger~

    (I still appreciate the effort though Doomboy)~~~/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    After all, I dun wan u guyz to DL a clip n go 'waste of time'.~~~/versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Thanks to fever...I do not recall much abt the 2nd day (FIRST NITE STILL THE BEST..too bad no recording done...crying shame)~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif

    I will have to wait till Monday to decide which is the best one.~~~

    Best not because I won the match or stuff.~~~

    Rather, I will pick a clip that I know I went as far as I could on the day with the particular character...~~~

    Strangely enuff...I did not use Jacky for the 2nd day. Only used him once...n decided to keep him in the closet. In fact, Doomboy n Dickson played most during the 2nd day..i didn't think I played more than 10 games.~~~

    Btw, I am all for keeping the in game music when capping a clip
    Retains the feel n excitment from battle
    Hear the bone crunch n feel the power~!
    ...having other music kinda distracts me...(strangely enuff...GE's clips just have the BEST MUSIC~)

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by SummErs on 05/03/01 12:43 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Some help and movie comments

    advice on codecs I should use are welcome

    From memory I used one of the indeo codecs. But just make a small movie and try various codecs to get a feel for the results they give.

    Thank you for being so "helpfull" Myke I love it when people point out how the character you're playing "should be played" : P

    I never said my comments were meant to be "helpfull" [sic] did I? The "help" part of the subject was for those having trouble with viewing the movie and/or downloading and installing the divx codec.

    Maybe my comment on the way I thought Pai should be played got you going? It was half an inside joke to Jan, but I'll say this anyway: a playing style is defined, in a way, from an expectation as to how that character should be played. We all have our own expectations, and I merely stated mine. A personal preference if you will.

    But you're welcome anyway :p
  3. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Some help and movie comments

    c'mon freddy - post the clip of your play. i can't speak for everyone, but i for one would be interested in seeing it....
    so much talking, but no action? ;)
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Some help and movie comments

    I never said I wouldn't post the clip.
    I'm just finding a good clip.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Some help and movie comments

    Maybe it's the lack of nicotine....maybe I'm not sure...

    But I really do not appreciate u suggesting that I am all talk n no action.


    That is why I must wait till monday for doomboy to pass the tape to me.

  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Sorry Phil~

    Looking back now...I must admit I really overeacted to ur comment.

    I'm sorry for snapping at u.

    I'm trying to quit smoking and been cutting down to a miserable few sticks per day.

    Thus, my usually *good* temper has suddenly becomed very very *short*....all it takes is a minor thing and i go BABOOM!~

    Sorry abt it Phil~

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  7. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Sorry Phil~

    i've only just seen your replies (all at the same time) so no probs
    fuckwit ;)
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Fuckwit~

    That's ok

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  9. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    you gonna post then?

    so, seriously, you gonna post any clips? :)

    if so, please no jackys - SO BORING, elbow-spinkick or not.
    let's see summers' reversal happy akira....<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by uk_kid on 05/07/01 07:56 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Fuckwit~

    Of cos I will
    As soon as I get my hands on the tape (tomorrow)
    review it..
    then I will tell Doomboy which clip to show~
    Probably should be ready by the end of the week

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  11. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Fuckwit~

    good to hear!
    we agreed on no jerksters then, yes?
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Fuckwit~

    lucky for u...
    no jerksters
    I was so sick that day
    All I was bothered to do was fuck around...
    !st's where the good stuff was..too bad I SO SMART DID NOT RECORD IT~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif


    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  13. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Fuckwit~

    :) i AM pleased.
    the world would be a better place without those stupid (boring) bryants! VF doesn't need em i say :p
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Fuckwit~

    no way~

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'

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