Mistaken Rumor (Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July)

Discussion in 'General' started by KiwE, Apr 17, 2007.


    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Watch VF5 EVO comes with a cab and they'll still whine about it lacking an actual arcade because they're too lazy to move the cab into their house or whatever. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Leave it to humans to find more stuff to complain about. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Anyway, this sounds pretty exciting. As much I'm enjoying VF5 right now, the possibility of an even further improved game with more chars and such is always nice. And as for eventual home versions, I'm sure the PS3 and 360 can handle it as a dl-able upgrade and even if we had to pay for it, it really shouldn't be too much. And if that doesn't happen and it does see a separate release, then at least make it cheaper like they did with VF4 EVO.

    In the meantime, I'll just sit back and watch what happens.
  2. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I can't wait to see footage of this game. If it's not too different from the current VF5, I'd like to see this as a downloadable expansion pack like Oblivion Shivering Isles or something similar. At least if there's a VF5 "Final Tuned" after this, we might have a better chance of seeing it hit consoles unlike the painful VF4 days.
  3. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Irrespective of what's going to happen with Evo, I'm still nowhere near done with vanilla VF5 yet. Nowhere near.
  4. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    second that.

    Also, the biggest benefit of having the home versions being out of synch with the arcade is we get a more balanced game, which is probably more important in the long run.
  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    The complains about VF5 are legitimate gripes. If Sega restores the AI, training mode, and a few other things, the reviews will score higher, and less people will complain about VF.

    VF5 is an incomplete game for a console game. Considering they didn't even design it from the ground up for the console (most of the work was done for the arcade) the game has limited play value because of the shoddy AI. For a $60 game on a $600 console I expect much more. I haven't bought a PS3 because I am still content with playing 4:Evo if I feel the need for VF. Hopefully VF5:Evo has better AI, if not I wait until 5:FT or VF6.

    Personally I was more bothered by VF5 for PS3 being rushed then having a good version of 4:Evo and no FT.
  6. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I'm curious why people are still saying "VF5: Evo".


    I actually can't read Japanese, but I think the game is going to be called Viruta Fighter 5 DX.


    Again, I can't actually read that. Perhaps someone can verify.
  7. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    You ae one of thise insane vf fans eh?


    People complain thats what suppose to be done...thats how things get fixed. The people that make vf(sega or someelse..beats me) seem to never listen to their market in the states.Online..understandable.... .No way to transport the charcter you make to your friends house..pitiful.
    They have done this with the last three incarnations of the game when it has been an complaint
    major complaint they easily could have adresed with the ps3 version but ditn for some od reason.
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    "Baachafaitaa 5 DX"

    So yes.
  9. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Can anyone translate this for us please?
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I already talked about the details of the news on the page. They do report about VF5:Evo, with two new characters planned and a release date of Summer this year.

    Anyways regarding the complaining. Yes you can complain, I don't have a problem with that. I just think it's funny when people say things like "the game is incomplete." When did Sega promise you improved training mode, or portable profiles? They never said they will do it, in fact, they have denied things like online play from the very beginning. I got a game that doesn't crash or freeze, and has all the characters, background, music, gameplay, etc of the arcade version. How is the game incomplete? VF5 is not VF4:Evo-2, so don't expect it to be that way. I also wish for alot of these features that you guys talked about. In fact, I have been very vocal about it. The difference between me and you guys is that I get myself heard instead of do things that won't change anything.

    If you have a problem with that, by all means complain some more. I'm just trying to suggest ways where you guys can be heard instead of wasting your effort in a completely unrelated thread.

    The fact that you guys need to face and know, is that you will never get a 100% port of VF5 and VF.net feature wise. Stop expecting it. It will only come close, but it won't be 100%.

    Alot of the changes to VF5's home features are ACTUALLY a result of AM2 listening to the fans. Guess what though, because the fans never fully explained what they want and why it's important aside from saying "Sega sucks, why don't we have this and that", this is why things ended up the way things are.

    I look at the wishlist thread, and most of it are just one liners like "i want this and that" without any explanations. I'm trying to help but no one is listening, so you guys can say what you want, think what you want, and nothing is going to change still. Oh well, despite it all, I'm still having fun playing VF5 with or without new features.

    You guys need to really be convincing about the changes you want to see aside from crap like "people will stop complaining and it will sell more" because that's NOT what's going to happen. Instead, make use of those resources, say what you want to see changed in DETAIL, and EXPLAIN why they are important to YOU, and not worrying about EVERYONE ELSE. Cause you are NOT speaking for the majority no matter what you think.

    Anyways, not my problem... I will just be accused of being a blind fanboy anyways lol.
  11. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Alrighty, thanks.

    So you heard, people... Stop calling the game "VF5: Evo", cause it's not. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Stop acting like you know what's going on.

    I even posted the site of the company where the news originate from.

    ■「バーチャファイター5エボリューション」詳細(4.17 16:00)

    Virtua Fighter 5 Evolution
    Tentative addition of two new characters
    Tentative release in Summer (July)
  13. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Um, Cla, on that page is specifically says "Evolution" near the bottom, if you could even read Japanese.

    2006/8/3 「REVISION1(Ver.2.000)」稼動開始 詳細[Web]
    2006/9/19 アップデート
    2006/10/17 「VERSION A」
    2006/12/14 「VERSION B」
    2007/3/19 「VERSION B REVISION1」
    2007/5/ 「VERSION C」
    2007/夏 「エボリューション」
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    That may all be so, but what Sebo translated is just as evident.

    So which one will it be? We'll know soon enough.

    Srider, if your link is the original source... Then that could imply they just assumed it was called "VF5:Evolution" before they actually found out the name.

    Reno, by your logic, the game we are currently playing on the PS3 is not titled "Virtua Fighter 5", but rather, it's called "Version B Revision 1". By the way, look at where on that page バーチャファイター5DX is compared to エボリューション. Now, which spot do you think they would most likely put the game's title?

    My guess... Rather than say it's "Version D", it's Version "Evolution". But the game's title is DX.
  15. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    No, the PS3 one is Version B. The current arcade build is Version B Revision 1. That page is for arcade games, not fucking console games.

    There are two links on that site, one goes to VF5 DX (aka deluxe, aka the high grade cabinet that the game usually ships with) and VF5 "PCB" ( Virtua Fighter 5 PCB ), which is the normal kit for non-DX cabinets. By your logic, Sega must be releasing a game called Virtua Fighter 5 PCB as well!

    Now stop spouting your false claims, because like Srider said, you seriously don't know what's going on.
  16. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Wow, I'm impressed at the stupidity I'm seeing here... people who have no clue about Japanese or even the game as it is represented in Japan drawing conclusions and spouting idiocy (referring to Cla). Good thing there are others here to provide checks on them.
  17. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Srider, we know they didnt promise us shiet, but come on now they should know that console games need that extra content to really thrive especially when theres no arcade release anywhere. Sure we do have perfect ports of VF, but without that content that they had already included in older versions it just seems unfinished. They need to get that mentality that console gaming is different than arcade releases. Well I just hope that atleast 360 will get better treatment and then that content will be available to PS3 via DL. But thats just wishful thinking.
  18. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Whenever you here, a New game will come out, whether it is an expansion pack, like Evolution is, or whether it is VF5 or Tekken 6, you will then automatically get, I would like this, and I wish they could fix this thing that they didn't like about it. These things go together and expecting this board to not succumb to that would be a bit unrealistic.

    But fair enough here goes a more thorough explanation of what we want (at least what I would like).

    I know my friend would like some glitches to be eliminated, thinks like people's elbow from wolf or el blaze not hitting even though visually we see it should hit. In general there are some collision related glitches that needs to be ironed out. Also, my friend would argue to death that low punch is essentially a glitch but that's another story (I was 26-4 against him today).

    I and all the reviewers feel that in this generation, there needs to be Online play. Nearly every reviewer mentioned it as a negative. My brother lives far enough away from me so I only see him on the weekend. My friends sometime play madden, NBA2k, even some single player games like splinter cell so that it's not automatic that i could play VF against some at any given time I want. Finally, what happens when you don't have someone to play, either because no one you know likes the game, Your friends went away to college, or they simply had the game for Months and interest begin to wane. Online play fixes that.

    Even if we could have online play, We still would want transferable quest mode character files. WHY? simple, WTF is the point of pimping out my character, if I decide to go to any one of my few friends that play the game's house, i now have generic character again. In fact, whats the point of even having a saved game in VF. I don't care dural, I don't care for the training stage, which then leaves you with only the saved character as something potentially, interesting to save. After all, it's not like was have elaborate video endings of the story to save.

    We want a training mode akin to VF4 EVO. I never understood why games LOSE features, with the following game. This is how you make a sequal http://www.dailytech.com/Why+Collectors+Editions+Suck+and+God+of+War+II+Rules/article6909.htm

    Don't give me collector's editions, don't give me Evo (unless it's cheap), if you have an idea of having 4 new characters, Do that from the get go. If you have to spend half a year or a year in the arcade or quality control then do that. AFter your done, you release it for the home console. If done correctly, most fans would have no problem spending 100 bucks for your game. After all, some of you on this board have brought 2 VSHGs for more than 200 bucks of Dough plus the cost for the game. Ask 360 owners, there is nothing worse than buying something that was meant to be the difinitive version, only to have a more definitive version to come out a year later.

    Honestly, 2 of the 3 is required, all three would be great. Anything else is peripheral. Sure I would like a great Single player campaign like Soul calibur where there is a story to tell, and we could then see rivalries like Akira vs. Goh fleshed out, Lau vs. Lei Fei and so on. I'm sure some people will say the ability to directly upload saved matches on to a server that people could then all watch or share. And while I'm not particular on what I want the two new character's to be. I think it's time we get one or two heavy hitters and at least one Heavyweight to go along with Wolf and Jeffery. VF5 is now LOADED with the small, "pixie" (MvC2 reference) type of characters.

    On, for those who think we are picking on VF or sega, think again. People complained about DMC 2 when it was graphically worse and lost features. People complained when Deus Ex 2 was Dumbed down for the console and the charm that the first one had was gone. How about the shift from Madden 2006 on the PS2/XBOX to Madden 2006 for the 360 that came out 3 months after. the 360 version was quite barebones and everyone complained. In fact, even the 2007 version of the next gen Madden, is still missing features that the old tried and true, 8 year old engine of a game , had in the old generation.

    Hopefully people could add to this or tweak it as they see fit. And Srider, you seem to have some form of ability to contact, Sega, because after all, you are in the game, so might as well, let them know how the fans feel.
  19. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Limited features is pretty much always evident accross the board in first generation console games. Because the console is new most developers fall back on the quality of the visuals to compensate for lack of content. And in many cases this is because time constraints for first gen games are stricter and most of the attention has to be put into learning how to take advantage of the technology. If Sega release a new fighting game it will have way more features because they will already have a stable graphics library and due to the power of the PS3 being constant, they'll be able to optimise but not revolutionise, so they have to provide a reason to buy there game.

    Unless the other option is to wait, like Tekken/Gran Turismo players have to. Even then I can't say wether the feature set will be massive.
  20. DammyG

    DammyG Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    gah why do they have to announce these things and not provide us with any info, it's just painful:(.
    Oh and vf5 dx costs 3,374,700 yen, think that confirms things.

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