MLG is giving us a shot! Support MLG Raleigh!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shidosha, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Im so confused....which is it? and how about some details if it is happening?
  2. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Just hope that the MLG guys know that a LOT of the VF community has already committed to another tournament happening at the same time, and they probably won't have great numbers because of it. And I only say this in hopes that they would give us another shot at some point in the future.
  3. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I have to agree. I would have supported MLG if they had announced it two weeks ago, but not now- I already made other plans. It's not fair to expect players to jump from a FGC to a MLG event on short notice. On top of that, the NC locals will ignore MLG for ReSe, so it will be a disaster if you try running it.

    Raleigh was driving distance so I'll be really disappointed in MLG if they announce now- I'd rather just have them not do it- for real. Wait for the next MLG. I'd rather see it done right than halfassed.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    this ^^^^^^
  5. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Seems just about every one of the last few MLG events have stepped on the toes of other established FGC tourneys. I know they book these things way ahead of time but at least some effort could have been made to avoid the timing issues. Hopefully they work on this for the 2013 fighting game season.
  6. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    Raleigh's in my backyard, I'll be there. I agree that the timing for the confirmation of this event is a little late, but I hope a decent amount of competition shows up anyway.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You know I think the MLG folks don't want VF to succeed in their scene. It's just too hard for me to believe that they think us players have so little to do that we can just up and leave at the drop of a hat. Those folks know they're self sabotaging the event. Whatever.
  8. MLGCarlos

    MLGCarlos Member

    This doesn't even make sense. "We don't want a game to succeed" Why waste the resources and time just to sabotage a niche community from a company that we formed a partnership with just to have the game in the league. Seriously do you guys even think before you post? I can't even wrap my brain around how stuff like this even gets regurgitated so much. Unlike all the grassroots events we actually need written consent signed by the publishers to run games at our events. These things require lawyers, paperwork and TIME. The same brain you use to block and mix up should be the one you use before you post.
  9. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    OK, I can see that Tricky's response hit a nerve with you, so I'll take a crack at getting some questions asked and maybe answered from you.

    I'm curious, can you give a time frame of how long after the event was booked (I'll assume the event was booked a year ago though I'm probably wrong) did you start planning on having fighters there? And how long after that was VF chosen to be a part of it? How much time did you allocate for things like "lawyers" and "paperwork" and were those time requirements discussed with Shidosha prior? When Shidosha was contacted, how far along were the negotiations with Sega (ballpark percentage wise)? Is there anything in particular holding this up that we should be concerned about with future events or will your contract take care of that and the delay was only with this first tournament?

    I don't expect direct answers to everything, but just some general insight would be nice.

    Thank you.
  10. MLGCarlos

    MLGCarlos Member

  11. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Unprofessional behavior spotted!


    Hey! We don't take too kindly to your types 'round here
  12. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Whooaaa this thread turned on a dime.

    Just wanna take a second to say I appreciate what MLG is doing for us. Noticed you even acknowledged that there is another big event for VF happening on the same day, which is cool.

    Can only hope that you guys consider trying VF again after this event. I'd love to be there for an MLG event, it's just that I'm already tied up in this other event.

    Everyone cool out lol :p
  13. MLGCarlos

    MLGCarlos Member

    I can tell you the support wont end there. I can also tell you to look at KOF13 as an example of what not to do if you are at all interested in showcasing our favorite game.
  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So yeah I totally struck a nerve there but I'll respond to the relevant content in the post though and let you know where I was coming from there. Basically from what we'd known up until now this event that's planned was a trail run and if VF players showed up we would have an opportunity to see VF in future events but everything sounded extremely tentative on the turn out of this event that we just got confirmation for today (in Ernest). Hearing your say in newer posts that the support for VF won't end here is good, because I just don't see a huge turnout happening for this event because of how late confirmation was, especially with another major event happening that same weekend.

    I'm speaking for myself (and possible others) when I say that I want VF to succeed at MLG. I also really have a busy schedule and obligations with the kind of work I do and have very limited travel funds so I have to plan way in advance if I'm going to be traveling anywhere too far from NYC. Please if you know when the next MLG event with VF is tell us as soon as you can so people can show up. Now that the legal stuff is out of the way (I"m guessing here) maybe the next events can give us more time to prepare?

    Also I don't have issues with you guys planning things during same dates as other majors. It's just a fact that there are a ton of events now a days and it's hard to find a weekend that works for everyone and isn't during another community event.

    I hope this constructive criticism is better received than the last set.
  15. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    Alright my two cents here:

    Before i start I will say two things

    #1 - Carlos: you've done alot for us, ALL of which I appreciate. Don't stop doing what you're doing. It's people like you who take risks instead of doing "the usual stuff" that helps organizations grow and expand

    #2 - I thought about what i'm about to say since 4 this morning.

    Alright - now i'm reading posts on here about how uncomfortable people are feeling in regards to this event. Plans have been announced and now people are upset on both sides.

    I'm a big boy, and I know when i've caused trouble, so i'll take responsibility for all of this. I had the was informed this was still going on but i missed the memo.

    Okay? - Moving on.

    I had this thought on my mind for 12 hours now and I will say it here:

    I am fully aware that in the business world there are legalities and processes that need to be approved before announcements can be made. I understand that in order for an organization like MLG to showcase any game, they need to clear some circumstances up. I understand that because I too am a community manager in the business of gaming.

    BUT - your customers do not know about these things, it's not their business to. MLG (not you carlos, you get this already)AND SEGA need to understand that their target demographic is not some trustfund 90's kid with nothing but free time - we have lives, deadlines, obligations. We need TIME!

    Now what's the problem?

    Well - GVN Summerjam was announced Thursday, May 24, 2012 this is with Virtua Fighter already on their roster (sega is aware of this) - you all should note that GVN changed their schedule to conflict with MLG's not the other way around.

    either way, this creates an awareness window of 3 months for players with low funds to save up money and make arangements.

    On the other hand - MLG announced their dates a full year ago, but with no mention of Virtua Fighter being in their roster.

    Now we know some information leaked "by lil ol ME" a month ago that something was going down in Raleigh

    That gives the community a months window not only to make plans, but to make a decision...

    Now VF community has had our run-ins with corporate leagues and supporters in the past, and we LOVED it. This means if (and there will be) there is a chance to see our game in a league or circuit we will back it 100% - but we can't do that if we don't have enough time to plan and respond to your information.

    Now Carlos, THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT - I (as a community manager) know that you are not in charge of making the deals, you are a liaison between the people and the businesses. Thus this isn't your call or in your hands, all you can do is make suggestions (as you have been) and hope the big bosses listen (which the consumers wish)- But as a community manager, your job is to bite the bullet when shit hits the fan. It is what it is. You take the heat and wave the results (as well as a plan to get better results) in your company's face and get them to learn from it...

    Now to everybody else - It's on. Your info is there, I'm going to do my damndest to go (sorry hubbs) and that is that.

    If it wasn't for carlos keeping his eyes open and listening to us in the first place this opportunity wouldn't have come to us. I thank them for it and hope to see another one - this game in the circuit would do great if we all support it (and i know we will)

    But to MLG (not you carlos, you understand this already) - We'll accept that you will NEVER change your continuation rule... FINE - But if possible, can you TRY to speed up your process so that you give your consumers enough time to CONSUME your offers?

    If i'm right that's what people are up in arms about, No?

    TLDR; I fucked up, I was told it was still on but didn't realise it - my bad. Don't hate on MLG so harshly tho, yea they need to announce shit sooner but if they didn't do things the right way we'd have nothing at all.

    Carlos good looks on this link, im going, everyone STFU now [​IMG]
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I second shidosha's sentiment on giving us time and about us not being trust fund babies. Give us a chance to consume your product and we will give you the monies!

    Carlos sounds like a stand up guy, sorry we gotta give him the heat for the higher ups.
  17. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I planned events at major clubs in NYC and LA. This things takes time. But you don't announced an event to close to the actual date, that's a no no in any industry. And also, this is fully not MLG"s fault here. Communication issues seems to be the bigger problem here. SEGA should've told MLG behind close doors when the game was dropping and be more persistent on getting their game on MLG.
  18. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Shidosha, if there were a like button on this forum, I would like that post of yours.
  19. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'm not mad at Carlos or you Shidosha. I'm mad at the situation, and the comment towards the KOF community as an example of "what not to do".

    KOF was forced into the same situation, and chose the FGC.

    This isn't the first time MLG has made this mistake, and MLG has shown a pattern of not learning from mistakes.

    Their exhibition rules they are using for VF have been used before, and abused before. I remember one of our local Tekken players complaining about someone pulling a stunt under these rules the last time MLG was in Raleigh. I could get a bunch of scrubs to come, beat them over and over, and just have to beat one guy Saturday to win. I won't do that, but the rules would allow that.

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