MoAT 2001 Rules

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Llanfair, Mar 13, 2001.

  1. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: DIFF bad.....:p

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    > *Groan*...your whole essence just reeks denial and constant lamenting for "how it was".

    maybe, maybe not. if you want to label me that way...gimme evidence. in the post that started this all i did was compare then to now. i have not been impressed for some time.

    > who are still interested in getting better and playing competitively

    and how many people is that?
    i hear nelson just "retired." i suppose by your logic his opinion isn't valid anymore.

    > Now, if they actually still played the game and kicked my ass, well...then it would matter to me.

    good players, competitive now or no longer, don't have to be able to kick your ass to validate their opinion. that's just lame arrogance.

    > yet you cling on to his nut-sacks based

    that's a little extreme...i've only mentioned him once by name before.

    but anyway, to me it doesn't matter how he plays now, or when you played him. _when_ he was competitive, his shun was more impressive than nelson's. you never saw it. i'm able to compare the two, and it comes out in mike's favor.
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: DIFF

    N u still haven't turned it on yet...

    I'm outta here..
    catch ya later!

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  4. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    ...gimme evidence want evidence of your lamenting of days gone by? Just go into the archives, and you'll see that a large number of your posts exhibit it. People i've talked to (i don't happen to have their "written" statements) also feel that its time for you to calm down and move on.

    i hear nelson just "retired." i suppose by your logic his opinion isn't valid anymore.

    Nope. Nelson expressed interest in training for MoAT and said that he will most likely make it (if work permits).

    good players, competitive now or no longer, don't have to be able to kick your ass to validate their opinion. that's just lame arrogance

    Arrogance? I don't think so. I strive for constant improvement in my game. I just think that a player that kicks my ass constantly (a better player) would have more of a positive effect on my performance, by sharing his thoughts and comments on my play. Opinions of old-school has-bins that don't play anymore just wouldn't help me achieve my goal, as they stopped "evolving" and are now relatively behind on the vf3 experience curve. Also, excuse me for not succumbing to the "circle jerking" employed by you of your old-school vf gods, even when their viewpoints/strategies/opinions are incorrect and dated.

    but anyway, to me it doesn't matter how he plays now, or when you played him. _when_ he was competitive, his shun was more impressive than nelson's. you never saw it. i'm able to compare the two, and it comes out in mike's favor.

    Tsk...tsk...what am i gonna do with ya, Wich Rilliams? You're telling me that Mike was soooo good back then, but since he stopped practicing/playing competitively that his skill deteriorated to THAT extent with Shun? So it could be safe to assume that your other old-school vf gods' skills deteriorated due to lack of practicing/playing competitively - thus facilitating their ass-raping by players who continue to practice/play copetitively to this day. But wait...didn't you said that practicing and playing more doesn't really give the "evolved" players any benefits over players who don't play as much anymore?

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    For the record, I'm not participating in this debate.

    All I can say is that I have sent copies of the NYG2 tapes to NOBODY. So it strikes me that I hear remarks (from both sides of the fence at one point or another, mind you) that refer to "people who have seen the NYG2 tapes."

    As for myself, I don't believe I have the understanding to express anything solid on the tapes, but I would say I personally do enjoy probably a good 3 hours, at least, per tape. But I cannot comment on skill, ability, etc... If you thought I was, I probably just said "uh huh."


    Correction: It's true that nobody else has received copies of the NYG2 tapes. But now I remember that there are people in the grapevine who have seen some of the tape. I don't feel it would be right to thrust people into a debate, so I won't say any of their names.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Chanchai on 03/23/01 05:47 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  6. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    >Also, excuse me for not succumbing to the "circle jerking" employed by you of your old-school vf gods, even when their >viewpoints/strategies/opinions are incorrect and dated.

    i asked for evidence.
    i think this stigma is unfair. if have a miserable time in ny, or if i say that i think i've seen better than what i've seen in nyc, or bring up an old name - i get railed as some freak lost in the past.

    i am just saying what i believe (and offer backup): i've seen better, had better times elsewhere. and an extremely hearty, loud "fuck you adnan rana" if you have a problem with it.
    and what do you give a shit, anyway? the people and places i'm making my judgements on are all in the irrelevant, useless, outdated past, eh?

    >Opinions of old-school has-bins that don't play anymore just wouldn't help me achieve my goal, as they stopped >"evolving" and are now relatively behind on the vf3 experience curve.

    fine, but doesn't mean that they're wrong.

    and succumbing? circle jerking? what are you TALKING about?? and who are you talking about?

    > thus facilitating their ass-raping

    you really love that term don't you? you use it an awful lot. and by using your logic to label and slag me above, i could do the same: ADNAN RANA IS AN ASS FREAK.
    but that's unfair and (probably?) untrue. lay the fuck off.

    >didn't you said that practicing and playing more doesn't really give the "evolved" players any benefits over players who >don't play as much anymore?

    in broad general terms, it does. and/but i've never once claimed that anyone i would compare you to could up and kick your ass this instant. my only point is, and has always been: i've seen better.
  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    nelson's going? really?


    yo nelson, THIS IS THE REAL TROPHY, MOAT 2K1

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>

    fuck spelling!
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    Think I can get my hands close to the cup???

    I just played Q3 at a lan shop todae
    HORRIBLE DEATHS/versus/images/icons/mad.gif

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  9. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    fine, but doesn't mean that they're wrong.

    True...but their viewpoints/opinions just don't hold much weight anymore IMO.

    and what do you give a shit, anyway? the people and places i'm making my judgements on are all in the irrelevant, useless, outdated past, eh?

    Yep true....but i just thought i'd voice my opinion on your recounts of people in the past when compared to those of today. Whats wrong with that? You seem to thrive on adding your .02 cents to various discussions with YOUR arrogance and belligerant attitude - thought i'd do the same.

    you really love that term don't you?

    Oh that term in vf. Good way to describe pummeling of opponents. So, Adnan Rana is as ASS FREAK (in vf)!!!!!!!

    and succumbing? circle jerking? what are you TALKING about?? and who are you talking about?

    Lets see...How about that instant where the TO crew shared a revolutionary find: that Shun's chowan was NOT guaranteed after surprise exchange (SE). Now, the mechanics of the game pointed to otherwise, but they held their position because they felt that Jo Shun's command input could not be doubted for one second. We had a Shun expert here in NYC and our own "walking-gamest" (Hiro) talk about this revelation and they came to the conclusion (after practicing and thinking about the game mechanics of the situation), that chowan was guaranteed no matter what (if done at the right time). This was presented and there was an unproar on the part of a few people (even your cronies from #vfhome came barging in here). They had this REDICULOUS notion that it didn't matter if an established player was wrong - that one must accept their statement (no matter how wrong or rediculous it seems), just out of some kind of respect. WTF?!?! A wrong statement is a wrong statement, and passing it for the truth is not conducive to building an environment where the understanding of the game is furthered. This is the prime example of "circle-jerking" amongst a group of old-school players (you, Jason, Dodee, etc..), that i was referring to. What a joke.......

    in broad general terms, it does. and/but i've never once claimed that anyone i would compare you to could up and kick your ass this instant. my only point is, and has always been: i've seen better.

    Better in what sense (im not just talking about myself, but Nelson especially)? My point is that practice makes people better players. People back then just didnt have as much of it when compared to people who still play today, so its just hard for me (as well as others) to believe that players back then were actually better than today. This is where i feel your delusion lies.

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by adamYUKI on 03/23/01 01:07 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  10. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    I, for one, have had enough of this. This conversation is getting us nowhere. In fact, if it keeps up this community may finally fall apart. I suggest we give it a rest.

    kbcat -- we are aware of our mistakes, and have admitted to them, long ago. Have you never made a mistake? It's clear that you don't like, or respect, Rich and the TO gang. But, that really doesn't matter. Let's just remain civil. In the end it's still only a game.
  11. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    It's clear that you don't like, or respect, Rich and the TO gang

    Rich? respect. I regret that you think that we don't respect the TO guys. Cause we do. You guys are civil and all around nice guys and that means a lot to us. I didn't mean to slam you guys about the Shun chowan controversy. After all, it wasn't you guys that said that one must accept/respect old-players' statments regardless of how wrong they are. You just honestly believed that the situation wasn't guaranteed, and didn't attempt to slam us (openly on the forum, at least) when we tried to correct it. Peeps like Dodee, Jason, Rich et. al did do that - and its these people with this attitude that i have a problem with and don't "respect".

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  12. Dodee

    Dodee Member

    Re: rounds?

    Uhm, wtf?

    "Peeps like Dodee, Jason, Rich et. al did do that - and its these people with this attitude that i have a problem with and don't "respect". "

    What the hell did *I* do? I have never said that the older players are always right. What I *have* said is that their input should be heard/acknowledged/whatever. In the few moments that I have taken my head OUT of the sand during VF3's run, there has been relatively open disregard for the original online VFers (one of which I am not). That isn't right, straight up.

    Without them, there wouldn't BE an online VF community as there is/was back when VF3 came out and "new" people came out of the woodwork. The same thing is going to happen with VF4. Some goddamn punk whippersnappers will come out of nowhere and say "pfft...these guys don't know" And the "VF3 people" are going to be on the recieving end this time. Maybe not, I don't know.

    Ad, we dogs! What'd I do that pissed you off or whatever? If there's anyone open to criticism it's me. The only thing I have *ever* been vocal about regarding VF is mutual respect, acknowledgement for contributions, and information sharing. It's all about TONE, to me anyway. No one needs to talk trash (at least seriously), as the better man will come up on top. And historically the winners haven't been "yahoo! I won!" instead it's more like "everyone did well, I just had a good day. good match" or something. Sportsmanship. Serious trashtalking or gloating by anyone just plain isn't welcome.

    I dunno, I had been attempting to act as something of a gobetween between the two factions. Given the timing I came in, I'm neither "oldschool" nor "newschool", so I figured who better to try to mend fences? Instead I get heaped in with one group and perceived as an enemy of some sort. What you haven't been aware of "VFDC people" is that I've done as much chiding to the oldschool people (Rich can vouch for this) about not being hard on the "new people", especially the ones that dont TYPICALLY do wrong themselves (Adam), as I have to the new people themselves. Olive branches and shit. I've managed to talk Andy out of the "NY Crew" thing in preparation for a phoenix from the ashes thing for VF4, preparing a community that will help new players get their feet wet as well as "old" players (that's EVERYONE that's been playing) learn the new game.

    Ad, come on #vfhome or something, or IM me about the problem, if there is one. I'm HOPING that I got heaped into there via misunderstanding or the #vfhome connection instead of actual resentment.

    Anyway, I think everyone should shut the fuck up and quit bickering like bitches about shit that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. It's a fucking game, people. And yes I mean everyone everyone, not just some everyones.

    - Dodee

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