Modern Warfare 2

Discussion in 'General' started by FightClubHuBBs, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    One less scrub to worry about then [​IMG]
  2. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    It seems like there are a LOT more people running 1 man army, and DC than there used to be. At least one in every game i play. Do u guys think there are more people using this than before?

    BTW, i'm loving the new maps. The varying levels in some of the new ones are so great. well, based on my 2 hours of playing them anyway.

    it sucks though, finally turning it back off after my long break and i've dropped my accuracy .5% and my kill/death .06pts. noooooooooooooooooo. My sound like a little, but man, it dropped quick for how how large a sample size it is adjusting.
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Bailout is god damn brilliant.

    They did tweak OMA to try to deter people from doing that, mostly it just seems to have peaked peoples interests who didnt know that combo existed in the first place *facepalm*

    TBH I really would not care if DC was taken out, not to hate or anything but it is an incredibly noobish perk.

    Lol my accuracy went up a whole percent to 19.65 when I was solely using snipers. Currently at 19.10 with my fav gun being the MP5K an all >_>
  5. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    I once played with a guy whose accuracy was .75, true story.
  6. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Lmao hows that possible, he gets less than one kill per entire RPD mag?

    I have a guy on my friends list with a legit (I think) 103 killstreak.
  7. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I mean actually thinking about it how would you get to 103, lets say you had CG,harrier,pavelow on. It's really unlikely even against the most dense of teams that you'd get more than 60 with those. And then you still gotta get 40 more off the bat.

    But when I sent him a FR he got a 10 K/D 3 games in a row all with 70+ kills and nukes. So he definately knows what he's doing. I'm thinking his KS might be from one of those lobbies that never ends though.
  8. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    More than likely, this would have been the best way to do it (103 killstreak). I have 2 ways i think it could be achieved. Both fixed now:
    1. Use the bug that allows u to pick the match type and battlefield. I played with a guy name murk-a-fellow who did this. Pick RUST as the map, he'd put it on time limit intead of kill cap for team deathmatch. Then he'd climb the ladder to the top of the map, had rocket launcher secondary (would target opponents spawn twice with that). Easily get his harriar, pavelow, chopper gunner. I saw him do this once and get 113 kills 5 deaths. I thought it was pretty bogus. Basically, he had 75 kills to 10 deaths one match, and i said, 'how the hell u do that'. he showed me and i was pretty disgusted.

    2. Pavelow, choppergunner/ac130, emergency drop.
    This is how i think it is most likely. Care/emergency package glitch, combined with same as above. Drop the emergency pack after dying, if it's good u have 2-3 airsupports, climb the ladder to top of rust map. Now u have 3 (or however many) air supports, and can still get 2 more from ur killstreaks, as well as another emergency drop. ON rust there is very little hiding places, and if the rest of ur team is flushing them out, could be very doable for 103. It would take some luck, but still.
  9. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Woot woot. I believe u ugg. My accuracy is now 73.96% down from 74.47%. Woot woot.

    I run with barret .50 and spas-12 exclusively.

    I don't shoot unless i got a shot. No spray and pray here. I could get it even higher, but i suck at using my stun/flash grenades for free shots with my shotgun. Also, if i camped i could raise it, but camping is soooooo boring.

    I don't think u can have high accuracy with an AR, machine gun, etc. U would be lucky to have 50% even with perfect aim, cause the gun keeps firing even after they are dead, and recoil makes bullets miss even when lined up on ur target.

    What's better, stun or flash grenades? Anyone know?
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I think .75 = 0.75%, as in less than one percent.
  11. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    Naw I mean 75%. also social he used an m4 exclusively. Some people just have really good aim. My accuracy is most likely shit due to my recent love affair with an AUG with FMJ and a grip. (I really take advantage of that FMJ)
  12. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Well Stuns comes out quicker than flashes, dno if you knew that. Both supposedly give hitmarkers although I swear Ive never seen one the few times I've tested out flashes.

    I suppose it's personal preference. Personally I use stuns exclusively, usually in the role of covering my retreat, checking to see if they are enemies in a room or if you know for sure theres a guy coming round the corner. They are not really good for assaulting purposes because the guy can still shoot and if he's already aiming in the right place or has a very high sensitivity he effectively nullifies the stun.

    Also good in combination with a semtex (cause they cant move away fast enough), but I dont use this often as semtex has a timer of only 2 secs so, they usually kill without wasting a stun.

    Heres a point I'd like to bring up, who uses tactical controller setup?

    Tactical basically puts, crouch on the right trigger instead of knife. It makes knifing pretty hard but allows you to do things like dropshotting,swan dives or just dive behind cover very,very quickly. Pretty much all the good players use it.

    Ive just switched to it and have been using it for about a week. And basically its saved my ass alot more times than knifing ever did. On my last prestige it took me to lvl 50 to get 100 knife kills and I find knives very unreliable. I think tactical is really good you just gotta get used to not having a knife, which with the randomness of P2P isn't so bad.
  13. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i don't believe it's possible with the m4. He must have been doing a LOT of using a single shot (shotgun) secondary. Otherwise, no matter how good u are at aiming i just don't see how it is realistically possible to do 75% with an AR. Even when u shoot someone with perfect aim, it takes what 2-3 shots to kill them, but seriously, how is he keeping a 4th shot from firing? I don't think u can realistically time it with an assault rifle so that u kill people without "wasting" bullets as they die. Unless is is just tapping the fire button and worrying more about not shooting past the point that he kills them, and if that is his focus, then his K/D will suck as he leave too many people alive for fear of shooting after he kills them.

    Note: i'm not calling u a liar at all, i just think the info u received is faulty. Especially little things that lower my accuracy would be even more pronounced with an AR. For example, when i line up on someone and fire, but one of my team mates take them out a split second before my bullet hits, well that is like 2-3 miss with an AR not just 1 shot like with sniper. Also, when i'm shooting but my opponents bullet hits me right before i shoot causing me to miss my shot, again that is at least 2-3 misses with an AR. So i think even if that was his SOLE focus, it still wouldn't be managable.

    On the otherhand, it is entirely possible you could do this with a sniper and accurate secondary weapon (lots of my shots are secondary shots from behind where i would be just as well to knife them, but i would rather get 1 shot 1 hit). And then the person could say, oh i did that with an AR to you. But all this is just my opinion of course.
  14. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    When I first got the game I used Scar-GL/Scavenge/DC. I got tired of the fucking campers and lit their arses up!

    I played MW2 about 15mins ago. The game really stresses me out. I've been playing cod since cod2 but the amount of campers in mw2 is absolutely obscene. Much higher than the amount of campers I used to come across in cod4!

    I think cod is massively over rated as an FPS game, the spawning is absolutely DREADFUL (earlier I was playing FFA on Rust and I shit you not at the start of the round someone was spawned RIGHT next to me!!!) The awful spawning encourages me to use TI's as my equipment but this comes at a cost of slowing your play for about 5seconds and being completely vurnerable while placing the TI (even switching back to your primary weapon if you see someone takes wayyyyyy too long to be able to kill them first). Also someone can simply camp on your TI spot until you respawn and they kill you, effectively nullifying what the purpose of TI is all about. Here's another dreadful part of the cod engine which has been present in every cod game: the inability to aim your gun correctly when under fire. I don't know what genius that thought "hey I think it would be a good idea to make a shooting game where you can't aim" I believe this is in the engine to encourage noobs to play as they can spray and pray when being shot at and it will be more effective than someone like me who actually AIMS. Whenever I've spoken to other cod players about this issue where you can't aim when shot at they're completely oblivious to what I'm even trying to say. Some other random shit earlier happened in a game I played in. A guy jumped out of a window and landed infront of me. cods auto aim function made it so my character autoaimed to the floor near to his feet and it was a STRUGGLE to move my right thumbstick to be able to shoot him in the chest, infact I didn't even get that far because as he jumped down he shot me up. Another thing which pisses me off about cod is the random damage. You can, for example shoot the Intervention sniper rifle and have it be a 1 shot kill, then the next time you shoot someone it might be a 2 shot kill. I can use my Scar assault rifle and it will take between 2-3 shots to kill and sometimes even 4. Earlier I was trying to get more kills for my Magnum and I got FOUR HITS on 1 guy and he was left standing!!! Where the hell is the consistency at man!? Here's some more inconsistency: knifing. The amount of times just today I tried to knife someone and it not even hit them is crazy! The other inconsistency in knifing is the range at which you can knife somebody. In cod4 people called this "ninja knife" when your knife would randomly decide to reach 5metres and kill someone. I guess IW liked this so much they decided to turn it into the commando perk. Commando perk didn't even get rid of ninja knife though because non-commando knifes can still randomly go as far as commando knifes.

    The errors in cod mw2 is enough to make me want to punch a premature baby. I have been spawn killed so much today it is unbelievable. Die from some really random shit such as DOUBLE SHOTGUNS (even though akimbo model's have notably been toned down because they used to be ULTRA BULLSHIT when game first came out) I then get spawn killed up to like 7 times in a row. Earlier I spawned on Quarry and I did not even have enough time to move out of the way as someone was crouching, looking in my direction about 20metres away then fired. I suppose my main gripe with MW2 is the spawning. Why do I get spawn killed by a predator missile, followed by a random spawn kill, followed by surviving for 2 seconds then someone come and knife me from behind, followed by being raped for the rest of the match by a bloody chopper gunner!?
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I can't stop trolling this thread! Why does no one play BFBC2?!?!?!?

    It's a much better game.

    Every single time I try to get in-depth about my opinion on BFBC2 vs MW2 on this site, I somehow end up erasing everything I wrote before I get to post it. Then I don't have enough energy to try typing it all over again...

    It just happened to me again!!!
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    That happens to me all the time. Used to happen when I was at school as well. I compulsively save or copy everything all the time now.
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Hit the undo button and everything will magically reappear lol!!
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    It's a sign.


    Seriously, I'm not questioning your opinion as I have not played either game. VFDC is exercising its own will to keep these comparison posts at bay! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHH! I see it now, the server is parsing the posts <span style="font-family: 'Courier New'">"WTF?! Not again with this subjective ranting. BZZZZZT! Heh - his post is gone. I so love being a webserver. So little effort to cause so much frustration."</span>

    It's obvious the server has it in for you, man.
  19. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "I can't stop trolling this thread! Why does no one play BFBC2?!?!?!?

    cause we are all at #vfhome
  20. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I'm still waiting for this post:

    "ZOMG! Gerburgs, I was lost for so long but now you have shown me the light, BFBC2 is amazing, I can now be a true warrior! Gernburgs, you are the man!"

    My Response:

    "Yes, I know. Thank you for noticing..."

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