Monster Hunter 3

Discussion in 'General' started by social_ruin, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I assumed he had some equipment where you had to have low HP for the effect to become active, if not maybe he's just mad [​IMG]
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I haven't translated anything myself, but here are my guesses/notes:

    * Lance is a very strong weapon (I'm now mainly a lancer) and you might even consider it "easy mode" for soloing. At least some people have started calling it that.

    * The sidestep and backstep have "somewhat small" evade windows. Smaller than a roll, but enough to evade most things when timed well, and quicker recovery than a roll. However...

    * Modding the evasion skill ups your invulnerability time quite a bit.

    * Potential is a skill that can increase your attack and defense when you are low on health. I assume this player had it maxed out. I believe he lowered his health all the way for the challenge, but he lowered it in general for the stat boost too.

    * Gotta love earplugs--free rushdowns when the monster roars ^_^

    A bit more on Lance...

    * Lance is a pretty easy weapon compared to others, only difficult to start because you have to get used to attacking precisely (but if you are close up, upswing will do most damage and hits anything in front of you).

    * You also have to change your mindset from attack-attack-roll-run-repeat. Now it's more "get into instant block, attack from blocking state, stab, stab, stab. sometimes counter, sometimes charge."

    * Best to start with figuring what you can do while almost always blocking. Blocking and using your options from blocking is essential for lance and gives you opportunities on targets that other weapons don't have.

    * Hold R (Block) + Forward + X --> X --> X
    A good attack that many HR30 and below lancers don't use much but should! The first X is a shield rush which allows you to charge a small-medium distance while deflecting projectiles or headbutts. The second X is a shield bash. The third X is a straight stab that can combo into more upswings (A) or stabs (X) when it hits. A great way to attack defensively. You can win many chicken battles against monsters this way (but some monsters will still pwn you with some attacks, but those cases are exceptions).

    * Charge (+ on Classic Controller)
    The charge is that attack everyone tells you not to do for etiquette in the beginning. But a good player can use the charge well and not knock allies over (though sometimes, it's beneficial to knock a dimwit out of death range). The first few hits are strong, but you can combo out of any part of the charge as long as you aren't deflected. If your sharpness is green, you shouldn't get deflected. This will drain your sharpness fast. If you like charging, bring lots of whetstones (in fights where I use it a lot, like lagiacrus, I sharpen maybe 3-5 times in the fight). It's best to combo out of charge, but it's fun when you can charge lagiacrus literally from whisker to tail tip.
    ***UPDATE: You can't fully combo out of charge technically. You can finish the charge with X --> sidestep cancel --> attack of your choice. Also, I THINK that the damage works out to 20% damage first hit, 16% damage each additional--it doesn't sound as right, but that's what I've read.

    * Counter (A while blocking, keep holding R for powering up)
    Very strong attack and beginners should learn it right away (pwns Great Jaggi so quickly when he does his shoulder rams--easiest way for a beginner to learn the value of this attack). If you successfully hit, can combo out of it.

    * Instant Block (while unsheathed R+X+A)
    Everyone should know it, will save you and setup some direct attack opportunities. Same as doing it with GS.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Something I've just read about Lancing in Tri... and it's a little bitter for me :p

    I like Classic Controller Setting 1, that's what I use. But I've heard that with CC Setting 2, there's a benefit for lancing:

    CC2 can instantly do Counter Attack (Shield Up R+A on CC1). In CC1, you have to pop the shield up first and it causes a small delay in doing the counter attack. The Counterattack is one of the best attacks for Lance (arguably, it is the best).

    With CC2, you just flick the right analog stick (annoying, camera moved back to PSP's d-Pad, I KNOW!) and do the counterattack immediately.

    Or something like that, I'm too stubborn to try CC2 right now... but very annoying if true. Control schemes shouldn't affect mechanics in this way.


    Tested everything and yeah... it's true. I guess the CC2 controls try to emulate the controls as they were modified for Nunchuk + Wiimote.

    There is a catch for CC2: Counterattack cannot be done while already blocking.

    So on CC1: To Counterattack, you must already be blocking. Getting into blocking, while weapon is already unsheathed, takes a little time (I would say around a VF Elbow, but I'm bad at counting time while playing).

    On CC2: Counterattack must be done in ready position, it won't happen while blocking.

  4. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    just for the record (and b/c i find it interesting) i read on the wiki page that in japan they have a strategy guide for monster hunter that is over 1000 pages thick!!!!!
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Whats system is This Monster hunter on? and Really how good is this game? I see a version for Xbox 360 called Monster hunter Frontier and i wanted to know more about it.
  6. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    You guys keep taking the shots on the front lines. I'll chill in the back with a pouch full of crags and a chip on my shoulder. [​IMG]
  7. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    They're playing Tri on the Wii. I have a copy but haven't had a chance to play it yet.
  8. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    honestly, its a gathering/grinding gaming cleverly disguised as an action game. So it depends on how well you like those type of things. for me, personally, in all aspects of life i enjoy the grind--activities that lead to day-to-day, event-to-event improvements, that after time accumulate to an overwhelming superiority.

    wether its working out (trying to get bigger stronger and then leaner and cutter), level grinding on video games, playing chess, basketball, virtua fighter, academics, writing, art ...etc.... I take less enjoyment in the doing than do i in the having done, and being better at it for my efforts.

    [it is this very personality quirk that leads me to only having 1 or maybe 2 hobbies at a time. i have to grind away @ them. no time for a well-balanced life--this is why i played 400? 500? hours of vf, and now that i've moved on to other things i find it hard to be a casual player.. that and i'm a poor loser]

    So if you have this obsessive sort of personality, and the vids on youtube look fun to you, i'd recommend it. (wether you own a wii or not.)

    However, if you don't, or you're not sure, then i'd say its definitely worth 50 bucks to try it out if you already own a wii; risk vs. reward is in your favor. don't like it, out a few bones. do like it, literally 100s of hours of enjoyment.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    From latest to oldest (as far as I know):

    * Monster Hunter Portable 3 - PSP - End of 2010 in Japan. Will have online play.

    * Monster Hunter Tri (3) - Wii - Out now everywhere. Has online play. US and Europe is free online play, Japan requires monthly rate. This is the game we're talking about in this thread.

    * Monster Hunter Freedom/Portable 2/Unite - PSP - Been out for a year in US, people still play this locally. There is no online mode, but there are two popular ways to play this online--X-Link Kai is a USB plugin that uses your PC as a bridge to emulate PSP multiplayer online. Also, if your PS3 is online via ethernet (and your PS3 has wifi ability), you can freely download "Ad Hoc Party" on the Playstation Store and use that to play your PSP multiplayer games online.

    * Monster Hunter Frontier (the game you saw for 360). Came out on PC about 2 or 3 years ago in Japan, not outside of Japan. It is the MMO version of Monster Hunter (Monster Hunter is more Phantasy Star Online-like). Still updated with the latest content update coming this month in Japan. This will be ported to 360 (in Japan), but there will not be cross-platform play--at least it's not in the current plans. Subscription rate applies. There is a possibility it will be ported to the Western Markets.

    Monster Hunter Portable - First PSP Monster Hunter.

    Monster Hunter 1/2 - PS2 - Online play, I think only 1 came out in US and 2 did not? Not sure.

    I highly recommend the games! Portable 3 is looking great, but I'm still oh-so-more-than-happy with Tri right now.

    Side Note: I would compare Demon's Souls' combat to Monster Hunter, except Demon's Souls does have a micro-lock-on with some weapons. Monster Hunter doesn't have a lock-on, but most hunters prefer it that way because your targets are usually very particular and vary with range, and there's pride in mastering the combat and how to apply it to different monsters in this game.

  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Fellas... Im going to high jack my Lil Bro's wii. If you have to pay subscription fee for Xbox then they can keep that shit.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I wondered that, but it may simply just to prove that it was a perfect no-hit run, because I'm guessing one hit from that mofe would be guaranteed death.
  12. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    i don't think so. I think he had the adrenaline ability. it makes you X % stronger when you are down to Y % life or lower. sorry for the variables, forget tthe exact numbers.

    the same guy does a devihjho run with the long sword, and blows his health down to about 1/4 of his power, then uses meganutrients to extend his health bar (effectively lowering his health% even lower) and then goes on to fight him, for the same purpose.

    He is not the only one that does it. If you look around the internets, whenever people do "speed runs" they do this. You have to get every attack boost you can to shave secondds off the kill time. At least thats my own interpretation of whats going on.
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Folk done it in Ninja Gaiden Black as well. Get the Unlaboured Flawlessness and get their health to 5% for an attack boost to power through everything.
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    So far, what is your favorite quest in Tri?

    My favorite quest so far is Blood Sport. Lots of fun fighting Diablos and Ura both in a small arena!

    Side Note: Woohoo, just got my Rising Soul LS ^_^

  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Well, i think my favorite is Double Trouble.

    I think my least favorite is becoming "the brilliant darkness". I really like fighting Alatreon, and it would be my favorite...except for: i've played it 9 times. 8 times a team mate drops out near the beginning of the match, fucking everything up. The one time no one dropped, easy win. Fucking bogus.
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Anything Deviljho! It's to awesome hunting / fighting that thing. And there is something chilling about getting launched through the air by him or seeing someone else get launched. The feeling is definitely more intense of course when you realize there is nowhere to run and then BAM off you go flying through the air hahahahaha love it!

    If it's not a Deviljho hunt then it's a toss up between Qurupeco, Barroth and Diablos. A lot of people think Qurupeco is lame because he is very easy, but I like him a lot because he is the only monster who can call for backup. This can make any fight interesting because the monster that shows up when he calls can really turn the tide of the fight and give the mission a whole new refreshed feeling.

    Least favorite is definitely Brilliant Darkness because when this thing is near death it can literally wipe out a whole team in a matter of seconds with it's air born attacks. To make matters worse people constantly quit throughout the quest and when Alatreon goes air born for his last few dying minutes it's just way to much work to ground him and keep him grounded for the kill. If you don't have a gunner of flash bombs he just stays airborne until the whole team dies.

    I remember one time he was close to death and he went airborne and I'm not kidding here, but we chased this thing around for well over 10 minutes and just could not fucking hit it. Everyone is throwing flash bombs till we run out, but no one could get a good shot to blind him and knock him out of the sky. We had no gunner, just a lance user, 2 GS users and 1 hammer user. We were trying everything! Finally after 10 or more minutes he must have took pitty on us and lands, but pretty far away from us. Lucky the lance user had a mega juice so he uses his mega juice and then does the rushing charge attack than lance users can use to get over to where he was before he went airborne again. I swear to you he got there just in the nick of time and must have landed 1 if not 2 hits at the most of that charge attack and then the thing keels over and dies. Everyone was so fucking pissed man! It took 1 hit if not 2 to kill it, but it took us over 10 or more minutes just dodging ice sickles and hits double palm attack that can critical 1 hit kill you sometimes. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it was very annoying and I wish they would patch / re-balance this thing.

    And also breaking his horns and wings is way to hard imo.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Hey guys. Just thought i'd resurrect this thread as i've dove back in to some mh3 the past week and it's regrabbing my attention pretty hard. Downed alatreon numerous times. I have giggi+ armor and gem in bombadier and gem out low health, use my sleep lance, and than use a fire talisman for +15 fire resistance. I'm sure i could tweak it to make it a lil better, but it's still pretty nice for alatreon and makes me feel pretty cool using such a specific armor set to him. I actually find alatreon extremely easy from doing what i need to standpoint. As long as we got 1 good player and 2 decent, it's an easy win. Ya know, when you don't get those assholes who can't swing bringing in a barrel bomb when 2-3 peeps are sleep weaponing :madface:

    Only taken out deviljho once. I'm really waiting on my brother, if i'm gonna spend my time on the game, it's most fun with my bro and doing voicechat via macbook. Also, i know he has another run in it, and it seems silly for me to burnout alone, them him do the same, when we could do it together.

    To wit: do any of you guys still play?

    I have to agree with konjou and flash, i think the qurupeco is prolly the coolest dragon/wyvern on the game. And holy shit, i amber tusk+ lanced it offline the other day using elemental up bonus. WOW. That was some vicious shit. You literally knock it sprawling on it's side as soon as it gets back up every time. It does it's little 'you entered the room dance' and u knock it down before it attacks. And every time it got back up, i just planted it again. It was wonderful.

    Actually it's a shame they didnt do more with it. I mean, my fave from mh was gyceperos so i'm a little partial to the chicken wyvern with unique attacks i guess. They need to introduce an event quest where there is just a flock of qurupeco+ unleashed in an area. I'm talking about like 15 in one area. Every zone has a pack of 2-4 of the bastards. The goal could be to kill 10 or something. It would be so great. While i'm being ridiculous, make it so after u kill 10, you have to kill a larger stronger version of it.

    IDK, it just seems like the put more thought into qurupeco than just about any other wyvern, it would be nice if they did more with it.
  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Still playing Tri (though I've taken a week long break from the game). Still love Tri ^_^

    BTW, did you check out this article?
    20 Most Loved Wii Games (July 2010)

    Gotta love that the average Monster Hunter Tri Play Time has increased to almost 70 hours per owner by far. ^_^
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    holy shit, that is awesome. Thanks chanchai!!!!
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Cute video showing the 300 person Quality Assurance Division testing out Monster Hunter Portable 3rd right now.

    A Look at Capcom QA

    Some commentary by me:

    "Hey, that girl uses the Monster Hunter Claw technique!"

    "boy... if I was assigned the task of trying to run through rocks all day in Monster Hunter...."

    "I wonder if the QA department have set records for time taking down the beasts with poke-roll-poke-roll ^_^"

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