More minute VF4 details

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Kruza, Apr 9, 2001.

  1. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    That's why VF4 has hit sparks!!!!!
    (does it really?)

    Formerly known as Fogira Four
  2. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    "I was going off the gaming age info in that the joystick will be used for 3d movement, and double
    tapping up or down will give you an evade (which is really a dash) in that direction. I'm thinking it'll be
    the same as the current movement system along the x-plane, only adapted along the z-plane. So you
    will be able to walk in any of the 8 directions, and dash in any of the 8 directions. Whether or not you'll
    be able to crouch dash in each direction will remain to be seen, but my mind just boggles thinking
    about it."

    Ah, okay. NOW I get it. I was overlooking the idea that the joystick was already being used for true 3D movement. Sheees, how could I forget about 3D movement when this was among the very first gameplay element mentioned to be implemented for VF4?

    At any rate, I am stumped in thinking how crouching would be implemented. My proposed and possibly off-base assumption as the required input to crouch while guarding is D+G. As for striking while crouching... I'll guess that the required input is D+G then immediately let go of G in order to first crouch without guarding (reminiscient to how Akira's knee is pulled off in VF3, instead with a longer tap of the guard button), then press the P or K (or both) buttons while still pulling down on the joystick if the player wishes to strike while crouching. And to think I came up with this retarded suggestion while sober. I can't imagine what inputs I would think of while drunk. ;-)

    As for me being able to find a feasible joystick control input that allows crouch dashing and could coexist with the avilable true 3D movement... fughetaboutit!

  3. Cause

    Cause Well-Known Member


    He means as in using P+K to jump

    My joke by the way :)

    - The VF Student -
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    HMmmmmmmmmmmmmm..and how much time have you spent playing the game? I do believe about half of jackies arsonel is based on pressing p+k at the same time, and with counter characters, don't they use p+k (untill it is announced it is done another way) to counter? C'mon..take a moment and use a braincell...

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Oh, that was in response to Anonymous. I bet you're viewing the forum in threaded mode. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Flat mode rules!!
  6. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: How will P+K affect gameplay?

    ugh hell...if this "P+K to jump" is true, did you bother to think that it probably means using ub | u | uf+P+K?

    think about it - simply having P+K as a command for jump just does not make any sense whatsoever.

    the only two moves in vf3 that use an upward directional plus P+K are Aoi and Akira's flipkick reversal: ub+P+K.
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    LOL /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    Same here Rich

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  8. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    Awww Josh! You truly are _precious_! With every post of yours I am guaranteed a huge giggle-fest upon witnessing your English [butchering] skills, your bold, blatant, magnificent stupidity and brash indignity. You truly are living proof of the phrase "ignorance is bliss."

    Hooray for the board Village Idiot!
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sure, but i'm bold enough to go against the curve if I see a trend.

  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    VF3's mass market costs $1 to $1.50 a game when the game came out in the US. It was too expensive, see how economics comes into play? Obviously they learned something from VF3, so they decided to take out the dodge button, since they thought it was too complex. They made a number of changes to make it incredibly streamlined. I always though way before the movies that yu was going to make a moeny maker for the american and worldwide crowd.

    So far everything we are hearing is leaning towards tekkenish gaming. UU, DD dodging, Hit sparks, VF2 combo floats, flat square rings etc...Im sure they will bring in multi-hit combos in the 7+ hits area...just watch

  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    i think sega/yu is making a huge mistake by getting rid of the E button. this is a translation of a japanese web page which was written by one of the vf3 programmers nearly five years ago, containing huge amounts of technical info. in it he explains how and why they went with the E button.

    i simply don't understand why they would axe it.

    the translation is a little hinky but most should be able to understand it.

    <A target="_blank" HREF=>Click here.</A>

    Modified link to eliminate horizontal bar...hope you don't mind Rich.

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 04/10/01 05:24 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Arcade operating SCUM ripped people off, NOT SEGA.

    Let's make this VERY clear, for the last FUCKING time.

    The month it came out, VF3 on a brand new 50" machine in a small family owned arcade in Mass was _25c_ to play. At UMass it was 50c and later 25c. In Boston it was 35-50c., depending on how many tokens you bought.

    Arcade operators did NOT have to charge you $1-$1.50 to make money. If they did, they were SCUM, and they were RIPPING you the FUCK off. Remember that for VF4...

  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Obviously they blah bLAHh bLahAh bLah

    Obviously you have no clue what you're talking about. VF3 was a massive, utterly massive cash cow for Sega. VF4 has not been even been released, they have not started making or losing money, you do not have the first hand clue of what they are thinking. You are simply spewing mindless speculation with little or no basis in fact.
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    now that we are speculating, I might as well do it too :)

    i REALLY beleive vf4 is not gonna be "dumbed down" or dissapoint. all these changes are for the better even if we dont know it yet. Im just basing this on faith, given YU's past vf games. im not basing it cause some joystick motion was changed drastically. you and i know you could not play any vf game the same. vf4 will play different. changes are made for a reson.


    in the begining people will complain that am2 dumbed vf4, they'll play it for a couple of months then leave.

    like ALMOST any game, if given time you'll find stuff in the game that even the programers werent aware of, sure the coders will recognize the technical aspects as "possible", but they never imagine you could you use it in such an unplanned manner. if we play the new vf long enought (and i mean years) then i bet new techniqs will "pop up" to keep the game fresh, how many ppl till this day say "damm, i didnt know you could do that" or "i didnt know that" about vf3 (hell even vf1 and 2!). and this is after years of playing the game. given those facts (oh like you gonna say you know 100% everything theres to know about vf..plz) I think theres reason enought to beleive that vf4 wont dissapoint. have some faith :p

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>

    fuck spelling!
  15. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    amen brother : P nt

  16. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Whoa! After reading this stuff, I don't understand why the E button has been removed, either. It seems that the programmers came up with very logical reasons IMO as to why they implemented this button in the first place for VF3, so why get rid of this button now? I guess it's for the sole purpose of simplifying the controls somewhat, so that people who previously had little or no experience playing VF3 will be attracted to learning how to play VF4. I can't think of any other reasons why.

  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I totally agree with Mr.bungle, removing the E Button could be a very BIG mistake. I think that AM2 wants VF to be as simple as possible for newcomers(the hole PS-mainstream).
    And what about Jackys Beat knuckle(P+K), now that also has to change, imagine a little Imput error(f P+K) and your Character is Jumping...hehehe. Let's give'em a chance, but following the diffrent VF chapter anouncments(including innovations and changements), this one is the worst of them all. VF did always evolve and devellop itself around a solid core ,without such drastic changes, okay mainstream didn't like VF3 so much in Europe(America?). But was it the gameplay or was it the expensive price(v.s system 11) and the missing promotion/marketing(Ps-tekken hype). I think AM2 probably blames poor sucess on the game(gamecomponents) itself,now seeing the Soulcalibur/tekken sucess, they think they have to do the same(similar) thing. Attributions-errors could be very bad for 4 insatalment...

  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You mindless idiot......spewing crap my ass....VF3 was a cash cow in Japan and Japan only. Compared other ARCADE franchises, such as the Tekken or SF series VF made a pittance worldwide what the other series made. When you see the overall opportunity, its like saying yeah VF was sucessful for a mom and pop shop but it wasnt the huge corporation and it could be. Simply put where the games make real money are royalities and in home consoles. Thats where you make HUGE margins, not selling arcade machines/Arcade software/Aracde revenues.

  19. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    And every post you make only serves to assure me of your complete lack of ability to make a response to the content of the posting, as you have always reverted to commenting on the grammer and spelling errors. I really have no idea how long you've interacted with people, but I think you would find you would get more out of life should you focus on content. Please, for the love of logic, take a debate course and learn a thing or two about replying to what was said, and maybe less to how it is said. When I post on the internet, its just to make a quick point...I try to make what I say coherint. If you truly are not able to understand what I say, please let me know and I am sure I can find a simpler way to phrase my postings.

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    OT: Flat mode

    Oh, that was in response to Anonymous. I bet you're viewing the forum in threaded mode. Flat mode rules!!

    So it rules because it isn't clear as to who you're really replying to? ooookay! :)

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