More minute VF4 details

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Kruza, Apr 9, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Movement system

    Please, for the love of logic, stfu.

    Dude, any normal person would not be making such a big ass out of himself as you are now.

    People would sooner flame your sorry ass instead or respond to the "content" of your posts because, quite simply, the content of your posts sucks ass. That isn't open for debate either... it's just that you're too fucking retarded to realize the truth.

    Debate courses... you sound so pathetic, but what's sad is that you are sitting at home thinking you're so goddamn clever. That's what pisses everyone off... that you are so clueless as to just how fucking retarded you are.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: OT: Flat mode

    Actually, one of the nice new features of the forum upgrade is that now you know to whom a post is replying to/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Makes things at least a little easier when reading in flat mode.
  3. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    i am not 'disabled' but i wish i could say i was him - he sums up my own feelings towards shadowdean's posts to a tee.
    and another thing, the constant references to your 'hip-hop' interests make me scream. SHADOWDEAN LIKES HIP HOP AND CLUBBING. there, said it - stop repeating it for the love of god.
  4. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    I think some are being a little harsh here.

    Josh has his faults, but he has also been around for almost two years now. I realize it isn't everything, but commitment should count for something. Moreover, it seems Josh is one of the few people actually excited about playing the game. It's nice to see him posting, "going to sunnyvale, anyone want to play?" Reminds me of my earlier days.

    I haven't always been the most welcoming person for new folk. But Josh has been around long enough not to warrant that. What that means is that when he posts something stupid, it means ignoring it rather than flaming him for being stupid. I love insulting newbies, but let's face it, we've always known who Josh is and what he stands for. Why is it now that people are so especially hostile to him?

    Maybe this shows my bias in that I favor those that I have met. Going to gatherings has been a very important part of this community, and Josh has gone to previous gatherings and makes a strong effort to continue do so. That counts a lot to me and I don't want to see him go.

    I understand Rich's and other's frustrations with his posts, but I guess that I try to see them as amusing or unimportant rather than something worth responding to. I think most people have this opinion, but given the hostility with which a few have attacked him, I feel the need to say something in his defense.

    Strangely enough, I have the most reason to dislike him. It was because of him that I scraped the bottom of my new BMW so long ago. I still look at the scratches and feel bad.

  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Movement system

    > I think we're being a little harsh here.

    no, we're not.

    > What that means is that when he posts something stupid

    "when" is redundant. everything he posts is stupid.

    > Why is it now that people are so especially hostile to him?

    new readers experiencing his posts, old readers having their boiling point reached. and seniority means nothing. it does not, and should not alter the effects of posts.

    > It's nice to see him posting, "going to sunnyvale, anyone want to play?" Reminds me of my earlier days.

    most of his "let's play vf" posts were him mindlessly using the board as his private msg system, most of them directed toward the NYC people.

    > Moreover, it seems Josh is one of the few people actually excited about playing the game.

    based on WHAT?!
    and lack of evidence does not prove something - people usually have, and continue to contact and arrange others for VF meets through private systems (email, board prv msg, irc) much moreso than publicly on the board.

    > That counts a lot to me and I don't want to see him go.

    ...why? so you can be assured of at least a few victories if you should both happen to be at the same gathering?

    > Strangely enough, I have the most reason to dislike him.

    please. give me a break.
    you, and you alone are responsible for your driving, and for causing superficial damage to a hardly-visible area to your free toy.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i think the 3d movement thing is a gimmick. it isnt that important, but people are going to want it.
    i think vf2 was very very pure fighting, and parading around in big circles is for nancy-boys.
    the control setup this way encourages a lot of spatial strategy, which takes away from the pure fighting.
    regular lesser skilled game playing losers are going to love it because they can move around though, you gotta admit.
    moving around in a level will be a big draw.
    people are like that.
    how come when i speculated vf4 would become more mainstream a long time ago, many of you bitched and whined that you had faith in suzuki.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    3D movement in VF3 is *very* important. In fact I would say it is essential to the gameplay and to succeed at a very high level. Will you be at MOAT? I would love to see you win without using 3D movement as much as anything else.

    One other thing that irks me to no end is this elitist, narrow minded notion that mainstream = bad. If you're one of those people, it's time to pull your head out of the sand.

    DOA, TTT and SC are widely considered as mainstream oriented 3D fighters; yet, they are very good. It is fine by me to speculate whether or not VF4 will be appealing to the mainstream but I think it is far fetched to make a definitive, "good or bad" judgment about its gameplay before playing it yourself and giving it a fair run. And I do have faith in Suzuki that he will be able to deliver a game that hardcore fans can enjoy; whether this has anything to do with mainstream appeal I really could not care, although it would be nice to see more competition.

    Shenmue, Daytona USA, Mario, Zelda, Crazy Taxi, SSX and Tony Hawk Pro Skater are all games that most would designate as "mainstream" -- yet there are many avid, "hardcore" gamers that enjoy those games too.

    So let's get it straight: mainstream does not necessarily equate bad.
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    reminds me of how indy comic lovers deemed 'mainstream comics' as BAD...just because they are commercialised.

    Very annoying

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i reread my post just to make sure and...
    i am not/did not say[ing]:
    #1. that mainstream is inherently bad. (i could go into detail of how it could make it bad, cases, etc but i dont want to feel like a chump and im too lazy.)
    #2. i can make definitive gameplay judgements based on this little info + without having played it.
    the points you made pointing out the above are truisms that noone would ever object to.

    i agree that dodging is very important in vf, i am not saying doging is not. but what i am talking about here is larger scale walking around. simply walking over here because its more strategic, because a wall is behind you or whatever, i dont think that should play such a big part, just an opinion, id rather focus on intense nerve wracking fighting.
    this is just a taste thing.

    by them making up and down walk into and out of screen, that means it is a big part, because they want to make it so easy to do (easier to do now than jump and duck.)

    id rather the game have more ducking and jumping than walking around (note, im not saying quickly DODGING, im saying walking around for spatial strategy)

    the control scheme now implies that walking around will play a bigger part than ducking and jumping. because walking around will be easier to do than d and j.

    this is all pretty much what i meant with my original post "the control setup this way encourages a lot of spatial strategy, which takes away from the pure fighting." but i just spelled it out here even clearer.

  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: How will P+K affect gameplay?

    Done Ikebukuro.
    It was 12 Cara present operation.
    A new case and the card system are still incomplete.
    It is two. the NEW versus(2 fighting)
    Lei Fei - can ÖôÞ«-of example be used.
    The jump changes to command (¡è+PorK).
    It is eight direction movement by the lever.
    When avoiding inputs the lever to ¡è¡èor¡é¡é because E button disappeared
    It is possible. Moreover, the avoiding attack moves it with P+K+G at the time of that.
    When downing it, passive can be taken with P+K+G.

    Translation (e-lingo) from a Japanese forum, this was dated April 1st I believe.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    In Korea, it cost 6p ( that's 9cents)

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