Necro76's thoughts and musings about games

Discussion in 'General' started by Necro76, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Eh, FPS games aren't a craze, just new to consoles. They've been making money in the USA for a minute now. VF has way too many factors besides it being hard that make it not sell in the US anyone surprised by this really needs to wake up.
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Is funny how a "Camers Angle" is a genre(FPS). Necro, I feel your pain, I to post on this website using the PS3 browser. I hope SONY fixes the character limit you could input. The thing with VF is, it takes time, People don't have time, they just want to BLOW shit up. Is not a easy game to get into, people want chain combos, and flashy supers and call it a day. But, those games are not for me(One sec, I'm a SNK Whore, sue me)VF gives me something I ALWAYS wanted....A Kung Fu game, more or less, a Hong Cinema flick.

    When you see top players play against each other you start seeing stuff you couldn't believe could be possible with your character, the timings, the perfect side steps, escape throw(How did he do it) . Is like a freaking ballet I tell you. Do I wish VF sold more? Of course. But, I also wish Vida Guerrea was my Wife /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I rather have the game for the "enthusiast" It feels special that way /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I respect and appreciate your opinions on the state of gaming in the West, and to a certain extent I even agree, but this particular post caught my attention.

    Remember MvC2 was a Japanese-manufactured game too, just as SF3, Tekken and most other fighters. So the people who managed to drop the ball with those unbalance issues were Japanese too.

    In many ways the extremes are on both sides with Japan and US's competitive nature. The US is becoming more and more a nation looking for its instant gratfication in any and every way possible, but on the other side of the coin, Japan has a habit of really stacking the deck against foreign competitors. A good example would be the Kamedas when they last fought a foreign opponent, they were completely outclassed, yet when it went to the judges, the Japanese judges pulled for the Japanese fighter. Go figure. Now, however, the Kamedas are being put in their place as cheaters, but what about the rest of the system?

    Another example, we always get the fighters months/years after Japan's had its way with them, made support mags, videos, tourneys, you name it. In the US, we can barely get its review in the current issue of EGM.

    It's bad enough Western society considers gaming a kids activity as it is, despite games out-selling major motion pictures (hello Halo 3 and Madden), but we are further fragmented by lazy "casual" gamers who somehow consider learning to play every other sports and action game DIFFERENT from learning a fighter. Perhaps in some ways they are fundamentally different, but in my view, they have really been significantly similar.

    Japanese people have the same win at any cost mentality, they're just not as open about it. There are tons of layers of justifications, "styles" and what-not that are basically their reasons for playing the way they do until it stops working.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Calm down. Just making a joke. I wasn't intending to rile you up. You did have some good points, it's just Christmas always puts me in a bad mood. My apologies, Necro.

    Sometimes, the west doesn't even get the games at all.
  5. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Very true. I'd love to get my hands on a copy of Kinnikuman Super Muscle Grand Prix 2 again. BUFFALOMAN > ALL!!
  6. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Sorry if I was unclear; I was specifically referring to FPS games on consoles (it is definitely a craze). I thought that was already assumed, my bad. Also, I'm well aware of how popular FPS have been on PC's for over 10 years now. I consider (perhaps my own opinion) PC gamers a different bunch, but just over the past few years, many of the same games are more regularly showing up on both consoles and PC's; hence the craze.
  7. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    I thnks for all the good intelligent replies. Made me come back... I dont know why, but since the tier C list appeared friends that dont play have asked me to let them try the game. LOL guess they pick....Lei..LOL. They come from Tekken so its understandable. I wonder, if Lei would loose the ability to combo u while u were on the floor ( a feat Im not to fond of ), raising u from the floor like a MrvlVSCap. reset, ( I know its not the same but I hate it so, I describe it as such LOL ) And if Sega tweaks his stance changes so that u have to cancel a move while pressing BACK a la Shun-Di? Would that change anything? He'd still be the top guy? Me thinks that automated stance change doesnt require skilll. Maybe this would be more like a real life wu shu master since he had to spend some brain energy to time each change correctly and plan ahead before the change like we do with Shun or ALL THE OTHER CHARATERS? Bwahaha imagine scrubs mashing with Lei and the only thing that he does is..PP. Hahaha Cmon win now!!
  8. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what you mean by "combo while you're on the floor"... he can bounce and slam people? Everyone in the game can do that.

    And no, I don't think an extra button would make any difference. Maximizing damage on his combos usually requires one or two manual stance changes as the game stands anyway. The reason he's considered top tier is cause he's effective at all ranges, and his sabakis allow for some very powerful guessing games. The people who wrote the tier list are on the average way, way better than any player in the US at the moment. His button-mashiness has nothing to do with it, because those top players would eat any lei for breakfast if he wasn't being just as precise with his inputs as they were.
  9. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Your complaints about Lei and his combos isn't anything you should be complaining about, the Tier system is something that only functions as a recommendation not the final word. IN VF more than Tekken or SF any character can beat any other character because it is more balanced when it is compared to GG, Tekken, or SF where tiers actually mean more to the overall scheme of the game. If you just be patient and play solid defense any combo strategy will be harder to land and might negate it entirely. Play it enough and you will find ways around any strategy complaining does nothing to change that.

    In any game one plays if one practices enough the stronger tier systems can be proven wrong and the weaker characters can beat the better ones it may take some practice to overcome the advantage in power etc but it can work. Complaining about it with games like SF or GG really does nothing.
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei sucks because he can combo you by hitting K>K>KK for half your life. That equals no skill, super-duper-scrub style.
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei is fine, learn him, and you'll be much better off.
    (Not to say he's not a douche, just saying)
  12. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Hmm I understand. Well... the detail is is Lei is my second character. Shun is main. Im not whining, just thinking what they should do to balance him more. Its too easy to do stuff with Lei. I play him. Its harder with Shun. And I didnt mean an "extra button", JUST pressin directional BACK on the stick/pad like u do with Shun to enter SOU stance. And Yes I agree that at higher skill u can overcome anything in this game. It applies to SOME other games too. Like the guy that won a tourney in 3strike with Twelve. But what I mean is if Lei would have to CANCEL moves to get into a stance like Shun does he would be more vulnerable. Still thinks hes overpowered. And dude, I got friends that're REALLY good with him, and I beat them. But I see they don't sweat for it as much as I have to. And they complain that Im a cheap grabby bastard. Go figure. My blood boils when I see Lei at the top of the list. Im sorry. I use him. I know how the story goes. I prefer Shun.
  13. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    That's definitely not a combo. Even if you're talking about his D+K out of his stance, that can be struggled and I'm pretty sure it's not half life.

    Also, @ Necro. Just because he doesn't have to cancel things like Shun to get in stance doesn't mean he's any less vulnerable. Often moves that leave you at disadvantage will go into a stance automatically and give you even more issues. Also, the fact that Shun can cancel into stance at many different points in many different strings adds to his mixup potential; with Lei, each set move will always go into a set stance every time (although he can shift stances for mixup, but that leaves him open to attack).

    Hell, Shun has his own set of annoying, powerful moves; sometimes it seems like half of his movelist has ridiculous evasive properties. He also does very good damage, has a long neutral throw range, and gets very strong with a lot of drinks in him. Not to mention that if you want to talk about tiers he's near the top as well. Does that mean he's too easy to win with?

    I really don't understand why people bitch so damn much about Lei Fei. Yes, he does a lot of damage and has some good safe attacks, but he is by no means as ridiculously overpowered and scrub friendly as some people seem to think.
  14. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    I see your point. Thanks for feedback, I think Im gonna start a thread on how and when to punish Lei. Since so many people bitch about Lei like you say, then it must be because of somthing, don't you think? I mean so many people can't be completely wrong. Maybe lack of knowledge? I've had folks get very angry at me when I use Lei. That doesn't happen when I use Shun. Maybe cuz its way easier to punish his evasive properties than trying to get out of disatvantage after Lei lands a hit and keeps going. So on behalf of all folks that agree with me. Ill start that thread. With Shun first so I understand better.
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    One thing I like about this game is that every character is feared.

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