New To VF, what should I do, where should I go

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by RaidenNC, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Kage, Brad or Jeff

    Posting some generic mumbo-jumbo here:

    - out of the three, Jeff is simplest and deals great damage out of a simple launcher. So countering something with him works best I think. Jeff's weakness is that he is mostly slow, and more risky when blocked. Playing him may feel hard when against a fast 'on-your-face' character.

    - With Kage you need to know combos and how he does damage or he wont appear anything special. He is overall very versatile and good, but you need to spend some effort learning to play him. He is not that great punishing stuff (damage-wise) but rather is more attack-oriented and good at keeping himself safe.

    - Even more so with Brad, who is ok but you need to be constantly aware of the stance and how to get the correct slip moves. Brad has most complex 'basics' if you ask me. I think Brad has great offense when he 'gets in the groove', but not getting interrupted by simple things like low punching requires some more adaptation and distancing than with other characters I think.

    ps. dont take me to seriously, this just personal opinions and ideas.
  2. jsmove

    jsmove Member

    Picking a Character

    Hey guys I'm new to VF games, but have had a lot of experience with games such as Soul Calibur. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on how to go about picking the right character?
  3. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    Re: New to VF need some help!

    thanks for all the infos, guys. very helpful.
  4. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

  5. Aria

    Aria Member

    Re: New to VF need some help!

    thanks guys for the new to ,to this game....since 1 week i think..but ive played doa4 for long so i needed something new...and i like the style in all around ..but the online mode sucks :/..anyway if anyone wanna fight agains me(jus klick me) ,i need practice and wanna have fun,meet new people =) this game ^^
    seeya!(sry for my lazy english -.-)
  6. vex

    vex New Member

    New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    Hello all

    After years of playing with my xbox 360 , i finally decided to invest in VF5 and hori ex2 stick..
    I read almost everything here but still need some help and hope someone can help me out.

    I would really appreciate if someone can point in the right direct , step by step.
    There is SO much information ( more than any game I played regardless of genre ) and its quite a bit to take in at once , actually I dont even know where to start.

    I picked Brad as my main character and this is what I intend to do

    1. Go through command training about a 100 times so I can memorize all his moves till it feels natural

    2. Go play player matches or CPU and execute all the moves under pressure

    what the hell do I do from here? practice OM , DM , Fuzzy Guard one by one till it feels natural? Even a simple OM ( sort of like a side step in other fighters ) is NOT an easy thing , read various posts and stuff ,it seems like there is all sorts of calculations built into it.

    Can anyone give me some insight on how I should go about my training?

    I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you can let me know step by step ( eg step 1 , learn to play , step 2 stop being a newb etc etc )
    I dont need you to tell me how I should train ( that seems to be days worth of post on each move lol ) I just want a guide one WHAT to train on in which order...

    please help

    p.s. I hope Im making sense here , this game is just mind boggling with all the options and calculations... it feels like college again

    b.t.w Im on xbox 360 ( live GT vex321 ) if anyone feels like training me in person
  7. mana_knight08

    mana_knight08 Active Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    hi vex
    Welcome to the game that takes over your life!
    i'm in no way an expert but its only 7 months since i was in your position and it can be daunting at first.

    1.I would recommend, rather than learning all Brads moves,it would be better to start with a few but learn the properties of each move ie.high punch,low kick, mid elbow, which moves are circular,which stagger crouching opponents,which moves leave you at extremes of advantage/disadvantage,execution speeds,moves which go to slipping/ducking,which can be fuzzied etc. (top left. site menu.commands)
    print them off or write them down and keep them beside you when you play.

    2.Learn a few of the combos which work on most characters.

    3.Get online and get your arse kicked.The people that beat you are the ones you'll learn from .Save your replays,try to figure where it goes wrong/right,see what other Brads are doing and why its working.

    4.Expand your move lists,combos,knowledge of other characters.I found that going to dojo and fighting the same cpu opponent was more beneficial. You begin to recognise moves/situations quicker.I've lost hours this way!

    5.Most important point.Have fun!!

    Cheers, hope this helps a bit.Gimme a shout if you see me on.

    p.s. I'm still at stage 3 so i'm waiting for the real players advice too. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    It would also help to play quest mode some too offline to get a feel for the combos you learn in dojo before you actually play online with brad. It tends to play tougher than most human players and will test your knowledge of the combos you learned in dojo against a foe that will very likely defend against it better than many of your online foes. If you can get them to work all the time on a tough CPU them it will be certain to work on a human player online.
  9. vex

    vex New Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need

    Thank you both for your reply
    Itll help me immensely
    This game is so fun , I dont know why I never picked it up lol
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help


    We should play more often. I'm pretty sure our connection was good.
  11. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    Hi I am kinda new but w/e

    I play VF5 on my PS3 alot and have been practicing with multiple characters. After doing quest mode alot it gets old and a little too easy with my mastered characters.

    I cant play online do to the lack of option which really limits me and prevents me from having any further enjoyment.

    What could I do to get more out of the game?
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    Can you play against real people? I used to play VF5 on the PS3 with VFNumbers. Where are you from? There might be some local VF'ers around
  13. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    I have one friend who does, but he only plays with me for laughs and stuff.

    I live In Alberta Canada. No tournaments or gatherings happen around here ever! lol
  14. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    Jargen - I'm from Victoria, BC. Is there no way for you to play online? I live on our island off the West Coast, virtually eliminating me from any scene/gathering/arcade crew/tournaments/etc., but I still have found I've gained huge improvements in skill (at least over what I might have had previously) thanks to playing online...
  15. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    PS3 version doesnt get online play which sucks

    I think ive gotten alot better from reading all the combos and stuff.

    I also retardedly dont own the game, I rent it from block buster and give it back like after 2 weeks before restocking fee lmao
  16. WhiteAngel50000

    WhiteAngel50000 Well-Known Member

    Re: New player here/read EVERYTHING here but need help

    You should buy it. Virtua fighter 5 is a great game. I got it on the PS3.
  17. FalconArrow

    FalconArrow Member

    New To VF With Many Questions!

    Hey what's up guys, brand new member here. I'm a Pai player, I've played ~400 ranked games and have a slightly winning record, but that's only because of the number of weak players that join my games. Against competent opposition I am still a big dog but I'm trying hard to learn all the nuances of the game instead of being just another spammy scrub. I've got a long way to go though and still fall into the trap of relying on certain moves far too often. I've got loads of questions which I hope you'll help me with because I am dedicated to improving my game. I never thought I liked fighting games until I played VF5 but the beauty of the fight engine has captured my attention like no other game of this generation.

    I'll just throw out a few questions to start with and hopefully as I keep playing I can come back to this thread with more questions for you. I really appreciate any help you guys can give me in understanding this fascinatingly complex game.

    If I know what strike my opponent is about to throw, should I Evade towards or away from the strike? ie If my opponent is on the 2P side with his back to the screen and he throws a left jab, should I Evade towards the screen or away from the screen?

    Which way should I be Evading generally if I don't know what is coming - towards my opponents front or back? And with OMs?

    At the moment I don't know any throw inputs for players other than Pai which obviously makes Throw Escapes very rare and/or accidental. If I know my opponent is going to throw, which direction will give me the best chance of escaping an unknown throw? Is anyone feeling generous enough to list the direction of each character's strongest or most commonly used throw so I can at least get one down for each character?

    Are Throw Escapes executable from any disadvantage or are there times when you cannot escape a throw even with the correct input?

    Can you Throw Escape side/backturned throws? Crouching throws? For crouching throw escapes do you have to enter p+k+g rather than p+g?

    Thanks and if you see me online I'd be grateful if you'd beat me up and then tell me how you did it! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  18. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: New To VF With Many Questions!

    Check out the wiki, movelists, and the dojo threads if you haven't already. To actually answer your specific questions:

    Some moves can only be evaded towards the opponents back, some towards the opponents front (towards / away from the screen isnt the deciding factor). Check the command lists in the upper left hand corner, you can sort by "esc" to see which direction.

    Generally you want to evade towards the opponents front (stomach side), exceptions are Sarah, Aoi, Vanessa, Lion.

    Theres some discussion of listing throw escape directions here
    and another guide
    but you're better off noticing the throws you get hit by most often & figuring out what they are. If you really dont know, just break forward.

    If a throw can be escaped, it can always be escaped regardless of disadvantage.

    You can throw escape sideturned throws: put yourself in your characters shoes & break by moving the joystick towards the opponent. In other words, your character is facing out of the screen, opponent is on the right side of the screen, so opponent is actually on the left side of your character == break left.
    You can escape low throws, you do have to enter p+k+g
    You cannot escape backturned throws or backturned low throws.
    All throw escapes should be listed in the command lists on the site.
  19. Talos

    Talos Member

  20. pestilence

    pestilence Member

    This is a real basic question I know but when I have been knocked down to the floor, is there anything I can press to get my ass up off the ground faster?

    I am playing as Lau-chan.

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