New to VF - which fighter should I start with?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by synce, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Should I change my main for FS?

    Jacky is fast and can put scary pressure on you.
  2. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: Should I change my main for FS?

    What about Goh? Would it be a good newbie character to start with? (considering my last VF game was VF4:Evo).
  3. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Re: Should I change my main for FS?

    FS Goh, maybe.

    I started out as a complete VF newbie in VF5 using Goh and what I remember frustrating me most was that despite the fact that I was able to dish out quite a lot of damage with his throws, hitthrows and combo's, the actual game mechanics remained a mystery. I'd lose loooooaaaads of matches not knowing wtf just happened. Goh has tools for everything, but most of them don't really overlap in the purpose they fulfill. So unless you really understand what's going on, you'll have some huge holes in your games.

    When I switched to Lau, the game became a lot more fun, because you can scale your movelist down to just a couple of moves and gradually learn how everything works. Actually, now that I think back, my main reason for switching to Lau was his sweep! Having a simple knockdown move was so nice as a beginner, since it allowed me to easily mount an offense. Even if I didn't know what was going on exactly, I could at least put some pressure on my opponent without too much trouble [​IMG]
  4. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Re: Should I change my main for FS?

    Thanks man, so maybe the thing is that I should first find a character that will let me learn the mechanics first, and then maybe switch to Goh or Aoi maybe
  5. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Re: Should I change my main for FS?

    Well, there's no real reason not give them a try first! If they're the characters you want to play then you should definitely run through their movelists and maybe try them out in quest a couple of times. Having fun is the most important thing [​IMG]

    Also, when you try an easier character after giving Aoi/Goh a try, you'll probably understand why for example Jeff is an easier character to play than Goh and why that has nothing to do with execution [​IMG]

    Good luck!
  6. Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    pick whichever character looks most like you. but seriously. i would pick whichever one's fun to play. play all of them, one by one. see which one flows. i should not give advice.
  7. yegenek

    yegenek New Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    In vf4:evo i started with Aoi since i like Aiki Jutsu, i played for 2 or 3 weeks, then switched to Lau, Pai, wolf then Akira, strange huh?
  8. ElricOfGrans

    ElricOfGrans Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    In fighting games, I tend to prefer the small, fast characters. I also lack the mental stamina for a non-stop rushdown and the patience for a pure defensive style, so prefer a burst of attacking, then pull back to look for the next opening. Naturally, in Virtua Fighter, I picked up Eileen: the smallest of the fast characters... the fastest of the small characters... the cheeky monkey! I like her. A fun personality, great to watch and, lets face it, fantastic moves. However, I found she grew to be a little dull to play. I just feel as though there is not enough variety in her tools, so I play much the same in every single match.

    The other characters I have had my eye on are Pai and Sarah. I have always liked Pai and love watching high-level players with her, but in mucking about she just did not `feel' right. Perhaps she takes more time to get a feel for than Eileen did? Sarah is exciting to watch, and even mucking around it was easy to feel capable of playing in an exciting way, but I suspect she does not have any more variety in her tools and Eileen does. I also looked at Brad, because he is great to watch, but I quickly found his bobbing and weaving a pain in the butt, so I can rule him out.

    From an experienced eye, how are these appraisals? Am I underestimating Eileen's depth? Does Pai just take longer to feel as graceful as she looks? Does Sarah have plenty of tools that Eileen does not? Can Brad just do perfect bobbing and weaving without me having to bother making any inputs or even think about it? Is there an input that replaces Lion with a mute teddy bear? Well, some of them may be a stretch...
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    VF is about fighting the other player rather than their character. All VF characters become exciting when you learn to read your opponent and then do something devastating.

    If you like Eileen, stick with her. She can do amazing things.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    @ Elric
    I somewhat get what you're saying, personally i'd recommend you pick up another character to add some variety into your game/style. Eileen can feel a bit redundant in VF5, but I like her poke game a lot. Pai certainly is a different beast and requires a different play style imo (she does for me atleast). Sarah is my main but I also like Vanessa, if you want a deep move list, and tons of options, check out Vanessa. Her defensive and offensive stances feel completely different from each other and have their pro's and cons. They make for some great mixups for sure, I also like her counters, throws, and down grabs. She ends up being a pretty tough matchup for most characters/people once you get capable with her. Again just my opinion here.
  11. Mikiway

    Mikiway Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant


    I get what you're saying, I also prefer small and fast characters.
    Well I would say, stick with Eileen although it may feel sometimes redundant. It is as Plague said. Anyway, her movelist improved in FS so I guess it is worth waiting for it.

    It is a good thing too to switch characters once in a while to learn the mechanics, as FcoBenitez said. When you play your main a lot, you end up focusing too much about the combos, so switching allows you more freedom to thing about steps, punishers and other basic mechanics.

    Personnaly I sometimes switch to my former main (Lion) for that purpose. Maybe learning the other characters movelist would be a good idea too, but it really is harassing ^___^ I can't finish Brad's: too much "shi shi shu shi"
  12. ElricOfGrans

    ElricOfGrans Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    That seems like some good advice. Thank you!
  13. Grabczas

    Grabczas Well-Known Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    In SCV I Play Mitsu, in VF4:Evo I played with Jacky and gonna start playing him again after I buy FS. In SF I would probably stick to Ryu. So like you can see i like character's that are decent on most of games aspect and have good fundamentals.

    But when I saw that Jean is using Karate, which is closest fighting style to me, I'm hestitating on playing him instead but I don't what is his learning curve.

    Since some of users here know Japanese and some played FS already could you give me some info about Jean?
  14. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Re: Why is picking a character so hard rant

    Hey guys,

    I played the hell out of Evo with Jacky, Sarah and Brad and struggling to decide who to make my main character.
    some other users claim jacky's style gets boring after a while but I didnt feel that way.

    Sarah in FS looks to have more variety in her locker than Jacky which is making me lean to her more.

    Any recommendations? would be much appreciated

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