New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. CrazBlaze

    CrazBlaze New Member

    Hello everyone... I am a new member an I just started playing VF5 for PS3 an I am having an hard time figuring out Blaze, I would like to become much better with him an be able to hold my own with him. Even though he is a tough son of a bitch!!! If anyone has any info for me to use him more effectively i would be in you debt. That really all I can say right now. ENjoy
  2. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

  3. dblax20

    dblax20 Active Member

    umm... since everyone is introducing themselves, i might as well do it too..I'm a brad user.. just started like when it first came out for 360.. I'm a 2d guy trying to find his place in this 3dimensional stuff. But VF, as i've come to FIRE!!! As of now, I'm being taught by a friend of mine (Cappo-MAJOR PAI USER ALERT!!!) I've seen one of his tournament vids(I Think evo 04..) and he's pretty decent>> seeing that he pawns me 50-0 all the time.. but I'm getting there....
  4. RawEmpire

    RawEmpire Well-Known Member

    Im new to the vf series but im so good at it. i play with el blaze and so far im the best el blaze i have ever seen on xbox live my gamer tag is Ant live 5000 message me on xbox if u want to play
  5. olivier

    olivier New Member


    I am new on this forum. I live in south of france in a city call Toulouse.

    I play vf5 ver C on xbox360, my gamertag is FireSleipnir. Pai is my main character. I like to play Jeff, Sarah and Brad.

    I play for fun and to improve my skill.
    later on xboxlive
  6. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    self confidence is overrated these days it seems.
  7. combo2008

    combo2008 Well-Known Member

    i am combo aka dacombo kid i just registered to the site i haven't really played the virtua fighter since vf3tb for dreamcast i bought virtua fighter 5 online, 2 weeks after it came out after much practice i can get on some nerves of others (KAGE is the best) and i do prefer.

    tuuuuuuugghhhl!!!!!! lol
  8. HauraNeko

    HauraNeko New Member

    Oright people!! Howlcatz here. From the UK. Kinda new to VF, played 2 back in the days and got whooped. played the one on the DC and got whooped.. havent seen much of 4 even though i got a mate that went on and on about it. But i FINALLY got my hands on 5 for some practice after watching it on XLeauge TV. Gotta give 'Yupa' a shoutout for slapping me around a lil (I say a "lil" but was a massacre really. lol) and also for the link to the forums. Well hope to get more of a beatdown from you guys. Catch you on XBL!!
  9. H2O_Caffum

    H2O_Caffum New Member

    Hey everyone! First time poster, long time lurker to VFDC here. It's a great community, very respectable especially compared to the DOA one I just hailed from.

    Anyways, a little about myself. I'm Caffum, currently i'm one of two members of the PMS/H2O Clan co-ed Virtua Fighter 5 division (if you are interested in joining or have questions, shoot me a PM or message on XBL: H2O Caffum). I'm new to the VF series, 5 being my first, but i've been around fighters for long enough (and I picked up a copy of VF4E) to get a decent handle on what i'm doing. I mainly use Pai (blame my Lei-Fang play from DOA) and i'm always looking to improve!

    I'm mainly a 3d fighting kinda guy, playing mainly DOA, VF, and Soul Calibur series. However, I do play some 2d fighters in the form of Street Fighter, Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, and i'm hoping to get into KOF when XII comes out.

    Anyways, glad to meet ya'll and I hope to see everyone around the forums and online! shoot me a friend request if you're up for some matches: H2O Caffum
  10. Nograve

    Nograve New Member

    Hello hello VFDC!

    I'm new to the VF, though I've spent a few coins back in the days in the arcades on these VF series. After being to Japan last year and playing lots of Tekken 5 and VF5 there in the arcades, I finally bought an Xbox360. I have no previous experience of playing fighting games online. Sadly not many friends either who likes to play these kinds of games, so I've mostly played against AI.

    I've gotten the basics pretty well by playing with Eileen, but now I've started to play with Akira, very aware how hard it is to pull off those heavy combos (especially with a pad), but I love it. So it's practice, practice and practice.

    Some people doesn't seem to like my playstyle or something, though. I got one complaint message earlier from someone when I played Eileen; as creative message as "lern2play n00b".
    Yesterday after beating someone with Akira a few times (unranked games), I got "learn to play with akira scrub", well uh, maybe that is what I'm trying to do :)

    But mostly good encounters, from very skilled players to very bad players.
  11. Greent4

    Greent4 Member

    hello guys me name is greent and im new here. i hope to master brad and or shun di and or pai
  12. mr_kyle

    mr_kyle New Member

    Greetings! Mr. Kyle here, I have dabbled in VF5 for the 360 for a while. I'm looking to get a bit better and I found this place. Currently using Goh but messing about with Jeffery as well.
  13. Tcsduo

    Tcsduo Member

    Hi there new guy here names Tcsduo just recently picked up VF5 but have played a bit of the older ones. I am mainly a DoA SC player but want to also get into VF right now I am mostly playing Brad and Goh and am looking for anyone to play online my GT is Duo Wong or for players in Kansas
  14. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    hi all, been a member for a long time but never contributed to the forums, ive been a VF fan since VF1, although ive only played a bit more 'hardcore' since VF4, my main is Akira ( always has been /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ) although i do dabble with Shun and Kage alot aswell.
    i do intend to start playing VFDC members once i can get XBL set up. hope i can contribute to the forums and hopefully play against some of you in the future.
  15. JustAGeek

    JustAGeek New Member

    Well, even though I a more of a lurker than anything, figure I might as well introduce myself /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    For a long time I was strictly a PC gamer, not having owned a console since I was a kid with my original NES. Though the few times I'd happen into an arcade, I'd enjoy a button mashing session on whatever fighter was there for a bit until someone came along and beat me soundly. Then, a little over a year ago, I found out about Kwon Ho, a North American port of a PC Korean MMO-ish fighting game.

    Well, eventually changes were made, the fanbase died, and the game closed. But that was when I started to try to learn more to get better, where I learned the concept of frame advantage/disadvantage, mixups, etc. Well, one of the things mentioned at the time was how similiar the combat system was to VF.

    So recently, I finally bit the bullet and got an XBox 360, and after playing the VF5 demo at a Best Buy shortly before, I knew it was one of the first games I had to get.

    Still nowhere near as good as most of you guys are, but hopefully I'll be able to learn a few things here and get better. Game on!

    *reads back over post* wow, that was a lot longer than I thought. Sorry guys. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Hello everyone!

    I've been following Virtua Fighter ever since the 4th installment. Someday I hope to get together with you guys to test and to build my skills. Right now, I'm just using the Quest Mode AI in VF5 to help me with that. I'm pretty busy right now with stuff, but when things blow over I hope to be able to come to a gathering or two. That might take awhile, though.

    Anyway, I'll try to be a good contributer when I can. Since I don't play against human opponents, I realize that I should probably keep a lot of my opinions to myself. I don't wish to be known as someone who makes ignorant posts, thinking that I'm some sort of pro or something. When I do post, I won't act as if what I'm saying is a matter of fact. I'll probably say something stupid here and there, but I'll try to keep that to a minimum. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Lastly, the character I'm most interested in is Brad, as you can probably guess from my user name. LOL. I plan to post what I think will be some very useful information in the Brad section sometime soon. It depends upon how long it will take my 360 to get fixed. I didn't get the three red rings of death, but it's still not functional enough for me to finish my testing.

    See you all around!
  17. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Yo, I've been checking out the site for a few weeks now its pretty cool. VF5 is one of the best fighting games around. I play it on the 360 and my fav/best character is Brad. What! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the boards JustaGeek, Libertine and Ippo! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. Pixelpojken

    Pixelpojken Member

    Hi there!
    Got my copy of VF5 just today, love it! Been a fan since Vf1 but never delved into the series until now.
    Fell for Eileen so I start learning this game with her. My latest problem is to learn how to use costume c^^ Unlocked it but can't use it><
  20. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    when customizing you have a seperate menu to select what costume you want to be the main and secondary costume

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