New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Yeah Reon Kadena is hawt!! ^_^
  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Being a midget has its advantages
  3. fredstyles

    fredstyles New Member

    I picked up VF5 today as the title says, Ive played VF4EVO before and got somewhere around the 3rd tier with Lei-Fei. So I would say I know what I'm doing in the game. Maybe one problem would be that I cant throw escape and I barely evade.

    Anyways its been a while since I played a VF game since my disc for VF4 broke. So I'm a little rusty and wont play online anytime soon. One problem I have with the game right now is the damn controller /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif Anyways I just started off and I'm gonna finish quest mode and stuff first but soon, I guess Ill see you guys online soon /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    Why not invest in the Hori Fighting Stick EX2 for the Xbox 360. I use it to play VF5 and the arcade stick makes it easier to play the game. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  5. fredstyles

    fredstyles New Member

    Well, I'd like to try the stick out but I prefer to use my right hand for movement. I don't know if thats common but whenever I go to arcades (not often) I like to use my right hand instead.

    Also I'm jobless so I'm pretty broke right now >.<
  6. DominoLogic

    DominoLogic New Member

    I've been playing VF5 for a month now and registered on this site to get myself out of noob status asap. I think I play vanessa, brad, and kage (having trouble choosing a main char). Xbox live will be coming in a few weeks so i can go online to get my ass kicked.

    To the poster above me, if the xbox 360 dpad is what is bothering you about the controller try google searching for "xbox 360 controller dpad mod". I use the hori stick but the dpad mod is easy to do and helps a lot with fighters.
  7. drjase

    drjase Member

    Hi, new to VFDC, though been looking over for tips for a while. I'm a vane fighter, mainly, and have been facing the highs and lows of online ranked matches. As well as tips I think it would be helpful to have a forum for people to discuss recent battles (perhaps this exists), in a functional manner (i.e. not just narcissistic gloating, though a bit doesn't hurt ;)). I seem to be eternally struggling between 3 and 4 dan, promotion and demotion bouncing.

    Generally I lack skills, and mostly working on my defences to sitting punching noobs.

    Fight on!

    Gamertag Lotharian - if you played me, beaten me or if I've got lucky please offer advice. If not, come and have a go (fighting on UK, GMT time)!
  8. Sleepy_Di

    Sleepy_Di Member

    What up. Im new to the forum and i really like Virtua fighter.
    My best character is Shun Di and Lion.
    P.S does any one know an easier way to get emblems?
  9. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Well I am unable to get an X360, VF5, or get online (I'm using someone else's computer, and doing last years of high school), I've picked up PS2 VF4EVO recently as a bargain. After playing it, I am Champion with Akira on Beginner mode, and am currently using Sarah on Standard mode. I know how to evade, and am just beginnig to throw escape. Yeah the controllers getting me blisters, BUT I EDITED the layout.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome. The only thing that I know to make it easier, is to play on the lowest difficulty level. Not that much easier.
  11. ChaRaa

    ChaRaa New Member

    hi, I'm new Brad player here. I just got wireless modem and take VF5 online recently. Since I start late it seem that it's quite hard for me to search for opponent with similar rankings. I guess it will be a long journey until my first dan.. VF5 is a great game, I enjoyed it even just getting my ass kicked online.
  12. I've been trolling for quite some time, finally decided to make an account with my recent acquisition of an XBOX360 and VF5. I've been playing VF since VF4 came out off and on but always quit due to lack of competition. With the arrival of online play (even if it isn't the best option for VF'ing) I have picked the game back up with full force. Currently playing Akira, regrettably with the standard controller, will be getting a stick in July.

    I'm currently unemployed and seeking work so when I'm not filling out applications or going to interviews, you will catch me on VF a lot in the evenings. Looking forward to participating in some of the makeshift tournaments that are held by the community. Send me a message, always looking for someone to spar with and improve our game together.

    P.S. - I hate scrubs. Nothing more annoying then someone who does the same crumpling attack the entire round without blocking and immediately try to do a strong down attack. They usually get the first round on me because they just catch me off guard with their scrubbiness, then its just a punishing match. /endrant

    See ya 'round.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hi to all the new people!

    Nothing wrong with the scrubs... I admit it's annoying when the lag is bad but scrubs are fun to play.

    Just see how many times you can hit them with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif> /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif> /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif> /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif counter hit> KNEE> KNEE> KNEE> KNEE
  14. I did that to a buddy of mine the other day. He's not that bad but he's not that great either. He turned, looked at me with the most evil glare in his eye and set the controller down.
  15. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member

    Hi guys I want to introduce myself even though I am not exactly new. My name is Matteo, I am italian, but I live in wales.

    I played a lot of VF3 but I never owned a PS2, so VF5 was my first experience with VF in a long time.
    I am married and maybe too old to be any good, but I love the game as always, and I spend few good evenings every week on Live.
    Anybody who wants to add me or invite me, always welcome.
  16. Tangaz

    Tangaz New Member

    Introductions, introductions ... well, first, g'day everyone!

    I'm new to this site, and reading through all the content here makes me feel like I'm new to Virtua Fighter too! Which isn't true. Permit me to explain by way of slightly less verbose a story than this introduction...

    I still remember the day I got a few free credits to test out this new, strange-sounding game they were installing in a booth at our local (and sadly, now closed) arcade. What a shock it was to see a fighting game in 3D! And not only that, it wasn't a steaming pile to play either! So yeah, those colourful polygons danced a lot at my continual dollar donations. Unfortunately, being in a rather small town, there weren't many (well, any) challengers to learn with. Excluding, of course, my then very young brother (who also loves a good, steady, speedy scrapper).

    Then there was Virtua Fighter 2. Utterly blown-away is an understatement. Sad thing was that after I saw it in the arcade for the first time, it was over a week before I had any money to put in the machine! But a week passed, and a rather broke one followed immediately after. Me and the brother beat the hell out of each other on that thing. And the booth itself too, I'm sure. (I can still hum out the theme tune for that game in the arcades to this day, and have always been able to at the drop of a hat. I'm not the only one, surely!)

    Not too long after that, I think, was when I got my first console. I don't know looking back whether I would have preferred the Sega Saturn to the Sony Playstation, they were both good consoles and the Playstation is now legendary with the titles that were released for it back then, but all I know now is that I really want a Saturn and I could build a house out of disused Playstations lying around mine and my friends' houses. And then there's the shameful part; the first game I bought for it, Tekken. I'll admit that that game and its direct sequel did eat up a lot of my gaming time in the years following. Having a dedicated Sega console around at the time and there being no way Sega would produce its own games for other consoles back then, I guess I gave-up on/forgot about a Virtua Fighter of my own. I did end up getting a Sega Dreamcast at launch (what a great console it was!), but never even realised there was a Virtua Fighter released for it. I'd heard it had been cancelled for the Dreamcast in America, and if that were the case it would definitely never make it to Australia that's for sure.

    I'm not sure when it was, but I remember seeing Virtua Fighter 3 in an arcade around here, and was, again, blown away. I threw what change I had in it, but I had obviously gotten very rusty and just ended up beaten to death in no time by the computer. But man, it was cool to see a sumo wrestler so well realised in a game (you can imagine how stoked I am now to see here about VF5 R!). But anyway, I left that arcade and somewhere between then and my reappearance there, the VF3 booth had left too. It was to be another long hiatus from Virtua Fighter Land again.

    It was more recently that I heard about Virtua Fighter 4. I don't know why, but I just didn't really care. Maybe it was to do with how much I was getting into the old 2D fighters at the time. More likely to do with how much less I cared about Tekken with every release since Tekken 2. It was the same old same old, with a big gearing towards quantity over quality. Also, there was the fantastic Soul Calibur 2 to fill the gap of 3-dimensional fighting game alternative. More than all that, I really didn't want to fork out another few hundred bucks on another Playstation 2 that was just going to break on me like my $1000 launch one. I had my Xbox, and it had good enough games on it. ...I feel I ripped myself off.

    Now there's Virtua Fighter 5. I have my Xbox 360, and times are a little different; My little brother, winning the local, is heading to Sydney to play the Australian WCG qualifier for VF5; Sega is everybody's best friend; some whitecoats have a monkey using its brain to control robots; with some magical intonets or something, people are able to play console games against each other from all sides of the globe; and I'm playing the best fighting game ever created with the worst D-pad on a controller ever.

    I only bought VF5 about a month ago mind. I'd almost forgotten about it again until I saw it half price in a catalogue here, noticed a severe lack of good biffo in my games library, and went out and dropped the cash for it. So glad I did, though I'm only now getting used to it again. My little brother did that a little quicker than me, hence him flying to Sydney for the WCG next month. *cougharseholecough*
    Anyway, this brings me to a couple of requests I have for you good people here...

    I'm hanging out to play some less-laggy games of VF5 on LIVE! If you're an Aussie and not somehow running LIVE through your dial-up connection, please hit me up for some games! My GamerTag's Tangaz too. Nice and easy to remember, no? Send me a message on LIVE.

    Monkey-style rocks! Monkey Magic rocked! Eileen rocks! From what I see around the place in my couple of days research, Eileen is the least played character on VF5, am I right? I like those odds. Go The Underdog!
    Anyone with some experience in using her who'd be willing to help me out would also rock!

    Youtube is a pain, and I can't read Japanese (the Japanese characters don't even display on this thing). As much of a Godsend as this site is, are there any other places you guys know of I should check out? I'm especially interested in watching some high-tier matches.

    Arcade sticks. I need them. Two of them. But good ones! Not like that crappy Streetfighter anniversary one I got that felt like a fork stuck in a shoebox.
    Does anybody know where is the best place to get them, or know the best manufacturers? I would greatly appreciate help with this.

    ...Okay, aside from pleasantries, I'm done.
    Thanks for having me. And thanks in advance for your help. I wish you all merry arse-kicking.

  17. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Here's a free translating site to translate the Japanese "blocks".

    You're lucky. In Australian schools, they don't even allow Youtube. It's just blank on the screen.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Tangaz, post up in the Australasian Gamer Tag thread (Xbox Live forum) where you can also find local Gamer Tags.

    NobiyukiBB, Big Brother fan eh?
  19. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    I used "my Akira" that I used to reach Champion in the Beginner mode of Quest mode on PS2 VF4 Evo, I chose that because Nobiyuki "Nobbi" looks similar to Akira Yuki.
  20. Unforgiven_1

    Unforgiven_1 New Member

    Unforgiven VFDC, And i do play Doa, Got invited to CGS, Never went tho

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