New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. HamalSharatan

    HamalSharatan Active Member

    Hey, What's up, Tony? Do you finally have Gold live? I may have to renew mine soon. Yeah, I'd like to play with you guys in person whenever you are coming to FIU.
  2. Blackscarlet

    Blackscarlet New Member

    hello there blackscarlet is the name and gaming is the ga... na that wont work lol.#

    any way been a FAN OF VF BUT never really got down to understanding the machanics, till the 360 version came out. i have dambled a little bit and decided to use shun, but i am really stuck now especially playing online, i fare well some times and then other times its pure disaster. played a jap guy using shun today and thats when i realized i am a true beginner to the game. so HELP

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    wow, this is sad.

    where are all the welcomers at?! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  4. commie12

    commie12 Member

    Hi everyone, I was actually briefly on the forums last year and met up once with some of the VFDC community like Shang and Jerky. While I had intended to stick to playing Evolution, none of my buddies played or wanted to so I quickly got bored and gave up, never progressing very far. Now that I have a 360 and VF5, I've started playing again and love the online. (gt: boogiepop ngfl)

    So yeah, if anyone feels like adding my gamer tag or has a few tips for a beginner, please feel free. I'm currently trying out El Blaze. Seems the hardest thing to do is pick a character and stick with him or her.

    By the way, I absolutely hate these stock 360 controllers. Trying to hold out until those new HRAPS get released but it's hard when the controls I'm given suck so bad.
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    welcome guys, when ur online if u see me and have questions send me a message and i'll stop and take time to give u as good an answer as i got, even typing on xbox360. My current stick (doa stick) is fine and i've had it for a bit. if ya have a chance to get one grab it, it is good 2 have a back up
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    wellcome commie12. I'm a beginner like you on the online game, so if you want to add me i'll be happy to fight against you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. fiveten

    fiveten Well-Known Member

    What's up guys just a new player learning the game w/ Jacky. The info on this site is great.

    commie12 what's your gamertag?
  8. Aria

    Aria Member

    hey folks..ehm um i was only searching for help on the net...erm...ive played doa 4 for a while...but now im finished with that game...and buyed 1 weak ago VF5 ^^ wanted to try something new(never played before) so im a newbie...and so i just found "thax google" this forum and registered hehe....and..i want to play and have with virtua fighter....(sry for my lazy englis -.- ) but i do my if anyone wants to play with me...and show me that game how to play loool...i dont think that the quest mode is ggod place to spare so i need practice online..but many player..ehm...everytime i beat anyone i get a bad reputation..i dont know why -.- anyway..just ask me guys if ya wanna play =) seeya around neheee XD
    oh i forgot to tel..i play with sarah...i wish i were better with aoi but she is a lil hard to control for a newbie in VF like me ^^ so ill patient looool XD
  9. HamalSharatan

    HamalSharatan Active Member

    Hi, Aria. Remember that you are mortal, yes?? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. Aria

    Aria Member

    haha yesss!! ^^
    thx i appreciate if anyone reads my bio =)
    ...but sometimes it needs some changes...hmm ok back to topic if anyone wanna play with me lol (play with me sounds like im a toy -.- hehe XD) just klick matter if i lose or win im always in a good mood folks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif seeya around!
  11. HamalSharatan

    HamalSharatan Active Member

    I want to be immortal /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
    Sure, I'll play with you. Just need to buy some Gold live :S I used to play DOA4 for a long time, too, since it was the only fighting game for xbox 360. Thank goodness we are getting more!
  12. Jystfd

    Jystfd New Member

    Hey, I'm Jeremy. I've messed around with the game before. Big on 2d fighters (GG,ST)and I've really grown a liking to the game, and enjoy playing Eileen. Hope to get good matches in with anyone in hope to gain knowledge towards the game as well build my skill level up.

    XBL GT: Jystfd
  13. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Hello everybody

    I'm Francisco from Chile, and I'm new to the Virtua Fighter scene. The problem is, that there is NO VF scene where I live (Chile), so I think that I'll have a hard time trying to progress...

    The only videogame console I have is a Dreamcast, so my whole VF experience is limited to some VF1 at MAME and VF3TB at Dreamcast... Will 3TB be any good to learn some basics? I don't even have a PS2 to play 4Evo, I hope to have one soon.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Welcome to VFDC everyone.

    Fcobenitez: Im afraid VF3 is too old, the game took a quantum leap in VF4 in my opinion. You might try to test your connection to US somehow before considering buying 360 and VF5. If you think youd have decent connection Id say getting VF online would be good.
  15. Aria

    Aria Member

    @hamal sharatan
    yeah okis then send me just an friendlist request lol ^^ and if ya have your gold blabla then we can clash some nice rounds yeah ^^
    @jystfd and fcobenitz welcome loool ^^ im new to here =) hehe
  16. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    welcome aria! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    thanks for the answer manji! I'll have to ask somebody from around here to test if the online connection worth buying a 360.

    If not, then I'll just save for a Ps2 and I'll practice for now on 4Evo.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    100% online is worth it. I BOUGUT XBOX360 for online vf5, and play everyday and dont regret it a second. Warning; if u take the plunge be prepared to be shocked by just how mediocre u may has happened to most of us.
  18. Rathgar

    Rathgar New Member

    Hello all,

    I found your site yesterday and must say it’s impressive and has inspired me to get the dust off my hands. I’m a father who just started playing VF with his son. I played VF 1-3 back in the day on Sega systems (Genesis, Saturn and some Dreamcast). The new VF5 is fantastic and I’m excited about us (son & me) getting online with some of you. I hope to find some patient folks who will be willing to show an old dog some new & old tricks (I know they are not tricks, good play requires practice and talent).

    We’ve had a set back. Our GameFly VF5 disc went on the fritz and we’re sending it back and buying our own copy. Also, we are going on vacation but look forward to getting back and becoming a part of this community.
  19. HamalSharatan

    HamalSharatan Active Member

    Hey, Jystfd. I am also trying to get into GG. I played the very first one and after so many years I have discovered Accent Core. What are the cookie cutter or top tier characters in the game??

    You going down.
  20. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    I know I'll make a fool of me for the first couple months I'll play on 360 Live, but I think it's a nice challenge.

    I've been playing fighters almost all my life, being my best achivement one of the top players at the last national Ultimate MK3 tournament. It was cool but, when I realized that it was a game with so poor gameplay, that I started playing others fighters like 3rd Strike and MvC2 (wich are pretty popular here!). Then I looked at Tekken, playing TTT for the last months, but the lack of competition where I live really pissed me off, so now I'm considering the option of buying a 360 just to play VF.

    That's my story hehe

    Thanks for all the answers and advices

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