New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Superglu

    Superglu New Member

    Hey - I'm new to VF (but not to fighters) and this site. Anyone in LA want to get some games going?
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Wellcome on vfdc superglu /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Hey there and welcome to VFDC.

    Keep an eye out for new posts in the SoCal thread for VF night updates and who's playing where.
  4. StuartHayden

    StuartHayden New Member

    I am a VF Nub.

    I just got into it a few weeks ago via VF4:EVO and I am pretty much obsessed with VF now. I've put aside pretty much every other fighter I play to learn VF.

    VF5 is basically the main reason I'm buying a 360.

    I play Kage cause even though I hate Ninja's (not flame bait) I love how his combo's look and how precise some of the combo inputs need to be.

    Any ways, any beginner Kage threads or strategies would be nice. For VF4:EVO or VF5. Thanks.
  5. jaaaaamm

    jaaaaamm Member

    Hello everyone. I'm new to VF5 and this site but not to the VF series.

    I 've been playing since VF1 but I missed out completely on 4/evo because I didnt have a ps2, so My VF skills are pretty rusty and outdated. I got vf5 about 3 weeks ago along with my 360 and so far I am in love with this game, although I wish I could figure out lei-fei. He's so frustrating to play against.

    I generally hang out in player matches on xbox live so some of you may have played me recently. Jacky's my main, as he's been since VF1. Anyway, its good to be here.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    ^ only just signed up and he's already sent three emails to Sega... I like this guy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. Mamon

    Mamon New Member

    I am new to the series. I have a question. What fingers should I use for each button in VF3tb?
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'd use my thumb for Evade, then my first three fingers for the rest.
  9. Mamon

    Mamon New Member

    But Evade is the last button...
  10. Mamon

    Mamon New Member

    I can change the button configuration, right?

    I want this one:

    X= Guard
    A= Punch X and A for throws

    Y= Punch
    B= Kick

    One thrigger for guard also and the other for Evade. Is that all right?
  11. eC4Racer

    eC4Racer New Member

    hello at all !!! i'm relatively new in the virtua fighter world , but i like it very much , i think that the deepness of the gameplay make it one of the best and enjoing game i've ever played , hope to know you and learn to play better , (i'm not a shit , but not a strong player either :D) so if u want to add me and want to play a not so skilled akira add me i'll be happy to be pwned XD

    p.s. sorry for my bad english sometime , but i'm italian and i've been studying it
    p.p.s se ci sono italiani scritti su sto forum addatemi pure !!!!
  12. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Hello and welcome - nice to see other european players pick up the game /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  13. ImbecilicSage

    ImbecilicSage Member

    Alright, first off I actually want to say I haven't even actually gotten this game yet (I ordered it off amazon) but from what I could gather from the demo this seems like the sort of game/franchise that you have to have a decent knowledge of before you even start playing it at all to do pretty well.

    Some major things I wanted to ask about first include punishment regarding the advantage. What amount of frames constitute small, moderate, or large-scale advantage by VF standards (I'm a DoA migrant so I have knowledge of frame data and advantage, if anyone was curious regarding that)? I actually think I did come across those figures before when I checked out some guide, but upon checking out the newcomer guide 2 or 3 times I couldn't find them again (if they are/were in fact there) hence me wishing to clarify.

    I was also wondering if someone here could give me a list of the key acronyms/abbreviations/general terminology regarding this franchise, as I couldn't actually read up on some of the guides pertaining to character strategy for this reason. Again, as I am decently savvy regarding fighting games I know the universal terms such as WS, WC, NH, CH, etc., but I do need to know some of the terms that you definitely won't find outside of VF context, but maybe some more obscure general terms wouldn't hurt anyway either too.

    Lastly, I just wanted some more knowledge regarding character strategy guides. I tried checking out a few of the character sub-forums, but none of the ones I checked (including Akira, who's someone who I'd think would definitely have a guide due to his really versatile move set) actually had a definitive guide regarding best moves to rely on, or even general gameplay (unless maybe said guides weren't really title too blatantly). Anyway, if they do exist if someone could give me the direct links that'd be great, or otherwise are there any plans to put those sorts of guides up on this network? Thanks to anyone who will be able to help me out ahead of time; I hope to receive some correspondence here soon.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hi to all the new folks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. Sifu5

    Sifu5 Member

    YO Community of VF,
    Hit me up if you guys want to beat up on a Noob..i need the practice.
    I realized over the weekend that VF5 is the most intense Fighting game out there..Lei Fei is my Favorite player, but really Enjoying Pai too.

    XboX Live Tag: ITK5
  16. erica_chung

    erica_chung New Member

    hello. i'm new to vf and fighting games as a whole, just started exploring a few weeks ago after getting to watch one of shou's games in youtube. based on reactions i got, a lot of people seem to find that incredulous, but as far as i'm concerned that's just really what happened. i watched a vid and there was something about it that made me want to try vf out.

    i guess i should have done this before tagging in the shout box last night, but i'm not eric chung and i'm not related to him either. my username's just based off his name. i'm not any other existing player's alias, either. just a newbie.

    as i said, i've just began exploring vf, and i'm basically here just to learn and meet people.

    mata ne.
  17. ImbecilicSage

    ImbecilicSage Member

    Hi I'm new here too. This game marks my first experience with the VF franchise, and to be quite honest the game is much more complex than seemingly any other fighting game - or possibly game in general - that I've ever played, and it's been making playing it extremely daunting and a bit frustrating, especially when trying to assimilate all of this information available on the page.

    As I made less explicit within another thread I posted in, I really wish a lot of the resources here were made more comprehensively integrated, so you wouldn't need to sift through so many threads to find what you need. I realize this is a deep game, and so there are going to be numerous topics for things which probably are pretty distinctive, but it's just so hard and daunting when you're also trying to have fun with the game, yet there's so much one needs to know... At this point this is a rant, but yeah, I'm new around here, and while I might seem a little angry with the network I don't mean to, as I do appreciate it being up here. Anyway, thanks for the introduction chance I suppose, and I hope to interact with most of you within time to come.
  18. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    HI to sifu5, erica_chung and imecilicSage ^.^ wellcome on vfdc
  19. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

  20. XxLegaiaxX

    XxLegaiaxX Well-Known Member

    Hi, i don't know how can i introduce english language is quite ridicolous because i'm italian and speak bit english, but i really feel love for virtua fighter 5 that i played from the first on the sega saturn console, now in my country are really less the people that play to this game, i want partecipate at the forum community of the 3D fighting game more beautiful and better serious than i have saw and i hope to learn more on my favourite fighters.

    bye.....please forget my english grammar...sorry xd.

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