New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    It sounds more like your computer isnt allowing cookies. Although I leave the last word to moderators of this site as I dont really know that much.

    I use firefox all the time, although not from linux. Do you have latest version of firefox?
  2. Warp2

    Warp2 Member

    Well, I'm not sure if anyone cares, but the issue turns out to have been some incompatibility between this forum software and the old tinyproxy software package. Basically, from work I run an ssh tunnel to my home machine which runs http proxy software. For the past 5+ years I've been using tinyproxy which has quietly done its job. This morning I switched from tinyproxy to squid and this site appears to be allowing me to login now.

    Very odd, but I was looking for a reason to migrate from tinyproxy anyway. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. TEARO

    TEARO Member

    Hi everyone..

    I'm new.

    Last VF game I played was VF 2.

    Lion rafael was my favorite character.

    I stopped playing VF 2 A long time ago and never got interested by VF again,untill I saw VF 5 on the shelf the other day..Now I gotta get money to buy that game after I tried the demo and loved on my X-box 360
  4. complication

    complication New Member

    been playing off an on since part one. never had the chance to fully experience this deep game. such a shame. i'm hoping virtua fighter 5 r comes to the united states. i think that would be most appropiate for me to start.
  5. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site.
  6. TEARO

    TEARO Member

    I want to correct what I said

    Wolf has been my favorite not Lion..
  7. combo2008

    combo2008 Well-Known Member

    funny as hell, um still managing to piss people off. a year and a half later. ending internet friendships.
  8. kyle82

    kyle82 New Member

    hello. eversince i realized my mind's already responding to this world, ive always thought i can always defend myself in every way. but when i began realizing that fighting isn't really something you should apply everytime something calls you for a fight.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    hmmm, welcome to the forums.
  10. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    G'Day everyone!

    I'm new to VFDC, even though I have been a regular visitor for over 2 years now, I thought I'd finally join this wonerful site /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I have been playing VF since 1996, when I was just 6 years old. I got the Classic Sega Saturn for Christmas when I was just a wee lad, and 3 games, VF, VF2 and Baku Baku Animal (classic) lol
    and of course, i've been hooked ever since.

    I am a Lion Rafale player, and, as annoying a little shit he is, i have played with him since VF2 (I still don't get the reversed cycle of puberty with him... shouldn't his voice have been whiny when he was YOUNGER rather than GET WHINY when he gets OLDER? wtf??!)
    Anyway, point in case, I love this game, this is one of the few fighting games that's actually realistic, they don't have any of this bullshit fireballs coming out of hands, and fire trailing after when they kick and stupid things like that, just straight up, pure fighting. (As far as games like that go, i've never been a fan, bar Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat :p, What is unusual though, is i've never really been that into Tekken :| )

    Going on, I'm a guy from Australia, and live in a quiet Suburban area... which is good... except if you are majorly-mondo-huge-OVERTHETOPOMGWTF obsessed with VF.
    I mean, it's rediculous, I can't find anyone to play against, because I live in Australia, and it really isn't that huge in the area I live in (which is Melb, Vic btw)
    I mean, i've even told my gf of 17 months that, one day, we need to go to Japan, and I need to take on some crazy awesome Jap kids in Japan!
    I mean, i have said, since I was 12 or 14 or something, that one of my main VF dreams is to take on Chibita one on one, I mean, I know i'd get my ass and more handed to me, but I just wanna meet him! The best Lion player ever! For a Lion user like me, that's like, a dream come true!

    Anyway, getting back to the Australia thing... another thing is that, Coz I have no one decent to play against, and I have to stick against boring computer AI's, I have no idea how good I actually am just in general. I mean, I got desperate and introduced my Dad to the game, and he actually became quite a competent Jeffry player, but after awhile, when his work really had to knuckle down, he had no time for VF anymore, but he plays casually now on single player (arcade)
    And also, the fact that my VF5 that I have now, is on PS3, I have no online mode! This is really annoying, because I REALLY want to know about how good or bad I actually am. I mean, i've been playing this game for 12 years and in my whole 12 years i have found only 3 - Yes 3! VF players in this area, and even so, they live miles away, and would take me 3 hours or so just to meet up with them to play them... it's rediculous. I have never loved a game as much as I do VF, so it's quite annoying I must say!

    I suppose what I am trying to say is: If anyone lives close to, or in Aus/Vic/Melb/Frankston, then let me know, and we can get together and fight, and I can finally see how I'd do against a Human Player =)
    Oh so you guys know:
    VF4: Char: Lion, Rank: High-King, W: 643, L: 14
    VF4EVO: Char: Lion, Rank: Champion, W: 1123, L:73
    VF5: Char: Lion, Rank: Conquerer, W:607, L: 12

    Hope to talk to you guys alot more in future /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  12. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Thanks a million bud, I have been looking for some players to see just how good I am =)
    I shall check those out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  13. dcyuen

    dcyuen New Member

    Hey guys,
    I been playing this game for a year now, always practice on xbox or arcade. But I just can't be good at it! Sometime can't even beat computer. I dont really get this game. THis is harder to learn compare to street fighter. I only uses Fei Lei and I still sucks after plying a year. Can some advice how to be good at this game?
  14. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    There's is no secret to getting better. You gotta work at it. You may want to be more specific as to what gives you trouble. Spend a bit more time in getting to know Lei-Fei. Also familiarize yourself with the game's system.

    Also try other characters, maybe Lei-Fei isn't for you. Lastly, don't stress out. It's only a game. The most important thing is that you have fun. If you don't have fun, what's the point of playing? If you're playing to win this is the wrong game for you since there are much more profitable fighting game scenes out there.

    Most of the people here, and certainly the top players in the US play for the love of the game.
  15. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... Maybe pick a different character than Lei... Although, in theory, he's a pretty good Button-Mashing Character in the Beginning, all his stance changes and moves can become a Whore of a thing to remember.

    Perhaps try a more Beginner friendly Character like Lau, and see how you go from there?
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Actually, the beginner character would be JE imo, go with him!
  17. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Well, I meant a more beginner friendly Character in General, so yeah :p
    JE would be good too
  18. RadicalReactor

    RadicalReactor Well-Known Member

    Hey all, I'm new around here but I've been playing VF5 for a little while now. Just wanted to stop by, say hello, and possibly add some of you to my friend list to get some VF5 matches over XBL. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Welcome to the forums RadicalReactor, you are more then welcomed to add me (kamais ookin) into your friends list, we could hit some player matches and if my main is too hard I'll switch to my subs. It would be appreciated if you could mention where you live for connection purposes and which character(s) you use, thanks.

    May the spirits of Yoga be with you.
  20. RadicalReactor

    RadicalReactor Well-Known Member

    Ahhh, I forgot to mention that. I'm currently in Berkeley, CA and I only play Vanessa. No subs.

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