New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. TheEthnicMixup

    TheEthnicMixup New Member

    HEY! I'm TheEthnicMixup! I'm from the South East Coast of America and I'm mad excited to be a part of the community! I've played VF5 off and on since I was in 5th grade. Only playing by button mashing but having fun regardless. My FG background is really just Tekken 7. Ive always loved this game and I can't wait to dive deeper in the tech tunnels. I main Pai Chan as of right now and I play on Steam and PS5. Those and my discord are all under the same name as this. I HOPE TO SEE YALL AT EVO!! WOOOO
    Sonic The Fighters, Feck and akai like this.
  2. OcelotXVIII

    OcelotXVIII New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I played Virtua Fighter 2 as a kid in the 2000s and it's one of my favourite fighting games. It led me to being a huge fan of fighting games! I love Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Tekken, Guilty Gear etc etc. Lots of them!

    Hope to meet some like-minded fun players here :)
    Sonic The Fighters and akai like this.
  3. StilleMonnik

    StilleMonnik New Member

    Hi everyone I hope you're all good.

    I wanted to introduce myself as a new member of this esteemed group.

    I admire the dedication put into this website, the knowledge here is incredible.

    Anyway I'm StilleMonnik I'm based in Manchester, who plays fighting games casually.

    However with the release of VF5 Revo I have the need to get better. I've been told this is the place to help me improve my game, so here I am.

    Be patient with me.

  4. Mx. Up

    Mx. Up New Member

    Hi I'm Mx. Up have a lot of experience in 2D fighters but recently been making the jump to some 3d games, and really enjoying it so far, excited to join and learn more about the game

    current playing Jean
    Sonic The Fighters, Feck and akai like this.
  5. Bear (real)

    Bear (real) New Member

    Hi everyone!!!

    I'm Bear, and I have a lot of experience in a handful of different fighters (mostly Honda/Hugo in SF and King/Kuma in Tekken) but I've never fallen in love with one so quickly as I have VF. A member of my local FGC turned me onto the beta when it was open and I was hooked, I'd never tried VF before but it was exactly what I was after in a fighting game, and here we are.

    I've never been competitively good at a fighter before - always in that "too good for the average friend, not good enough for bracket" space - but for VF I'd like to change that.

    Taka main, here to learn as best I can, let's hit the ground running
  6. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! I'm from Singapore. My VFDC account is still alive! Back to playing Revo on PC after sooooo many years. It's a blast. So many changes since I stopped playing since VF4! See everyone around! I main Aoi and play abit of Lau
    akai and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  7. Hypercube1729

    Hypercube1729 New Member

    New to VF5 R.E.V.O.
    Long time Tekken player though.
    Having a har time understanding this game.
    What are the punishers? What are the launchers?
    Where can I find this info in a clear and concise way for each character?
    Sonic The Fighters and akai like this.
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter


    You can look at the combo section ( for launchers. For REVO/ 2.0 combos, they are getting added atm. But you can look at FS combo lists.

    You can use the command lists with the sortable columns ( to determine what is punishable and not. -10 or higher is magic number you are looking for guarantee punish situations.

    If this does not make sense, don't hesitate to ask questions. I suggest sticking to small set of moves and build form there. There are many introductory guides being made. Juicebox, RentalAnimator, RyanHart, and even SEGA's short videos are good primers. Threads with link for all four are in this "New Starter" section
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  9. FistfulOfNyquil

    FistfulOfNyquil New Member

    New to the website. Been playing VF5 since the REVO announcement back in November.
    Sonic The Fighters and akai like this.

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