Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    The only thing I got from this article is that MS employees are just as blind/arrogant as their CEO.

    The basic premise of the article was "The people we left behind for whatever reason would have eventually changed their mind because they love us so much." Say what? This person even goes on to say that the Online Pass thing that EA was doing might not have been well received but if given time gamers would have loved it!?

    Yea, no, fuck MS...
  2. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Nintendo????? Are you having a laugh, mate? :eek::confused:o_O:(:eek: What about Nintendo is so fresh or innovative? Nintendo are the worst offenders with their endless Mario and Zelda games. Do you mean the tablet controller? Seriously?

    Also I wouldn't try and pick on Sony in this regard. They have pushed countless new and innovative gaming concepts to market this gen, probably more than anyone else actually. If the PS4 is a laptop processor with a £150 graphics card then what is the Xbox 180? It's the same processor with a downgraded version of the graphics card and slower/less RAM (but £80 more expensive). Neither of them are the technological marvels that consoles have been in the past but they should do the job. They've been built in the Age of Austerity and it shows.

    Yes, playing VF online in HD is great. We all love it but it would be nice to get an announcement for a new fighting game that would be something fresh and exciting. What was the last game you played which made you go "wow! That's amazing. I've never seen anything like this before."?
  3. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
  4. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    ToyDingo likes this.
  5. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

  6. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member


    Right, I might buy that for my laptop in the risk it'll blow it up....
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That tablet is where it's at. Seeing just simple concepts work and how seamless it is really a nice difference. It's like a console version of the DS, having two screens really opens things up that people take for granted. Having a clean HUD and being able to have your items right there at the touch of a finger, without having to bring up a menu is huge plus. They have the most exclusives right now and had the better games at E3.

    I only see Kinect functionality as being able to leap over what Nintendo did, with the Wiimote. Voice commands and hand gestures are more user friendly and convenient than using a remote. Saying the name of a movie or game and having it start is pretty cool, and something peopel are taking for granted right now. That thing can take off with casuals as of right now, but people aren't seeing it. The PR nightmare isn't helping, and they could lower the price, seeing as how MS can afford the hit more than Sony can.

    It's really about the little things that are bigger than people give them credit for right now.
    CheekyChi likes this.
  8. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Right now my flowchart is this:

    wait for VF6 or SC6 that goes in the right direction (aka away from Daishi ideas)

    If they come out for PC- don't buy a console
    If they come out for WiiU- get a WiiU
    If they come out for PS4/Xbone- get whichever one is cheaper/has less junk fees.

    I really don't want to buy a PS4 or Xbone though because of the online MP fee. If enough fighters come out for PC otherwise, I may just give up VF.

    And since this is my flowchart , you can add some random backdash 2K's in there.
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    What if no one foots the bill to maintain the online for FGs when they go PC?

    GGPO is a wasteland of hackers last I heard.
  10. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    No one foots the bill on consoles. The XBL/PSN fees are just junk fees.
  11. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Everyone foots the bill on console. It's more open on PC, but that's because someone else pays the bills, be it a company or wealthy do-gooder.
  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I'm just glad they decided to make the change. Next should be being able to buy an Xbox without the dang Kinect. Maybe in a year or so (when I decide to buy one of these) that will be an option. I don't need nor want that thing. Voice activated, so what if I'm having a conversation and I say "He got an Xbox off Amazon" or "Ima turn my Xbox off in a lil bit and go do X" "Oh good, I thought I left my Xbox on" etc. . The thing gon turn on and off when that happens or what? lol. Dumb. I'm ok with getting up and pushing a button for that.
  13. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I reckon they would've thought about these instances and probably requires Xbox <instruction> to be said at the beginning of a sentence. Or something like that.
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    That looks fucking awesome!

    (The Titanfall video above)
  15. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    That makes sense.
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I'll get the XB1 when it hits a price drop the flowing year and pick-up a good catalog of X1 exclusives by that time. But I'm going with PS4 day one and a new GPU. I Need 60fps at 4K resolution. Love gaming at 1440p, but need a IPS panel that could do 4K. But whatever, I'll stick to Downsampling for the time being.
  17. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    An article I found:

    *Interesting thing is about the multiplayer issues

    Basically I remember someone talking about "lag switches"? I'm not 100% sure what they are but from the name I can guess that hosts are lagging other players to gain an advantage. It seems that the cloud servers will eliminate this as there won't be a host? Or at least the quality of the connection doesn't depend on the one machine and their set-up. Sounds kinda cool that multiplayer will be fair-er than it is now. But the unfair bit is people having to fork out more money for a better setup. Which is an acceptable trade off.
    Gernburgs likes this.
  18. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    If you are not 100% sure then WHY comment on the subject? To show your hopeless ignorance? You go from admitting you don't even know what a lag switch is <scoff> and segue to saying Microsoft's cloud service will magically eliminate the problem (of which you are completely ignorant ). You might as well say Microsoft's cloud servers will cure cancer and bring about world peace. That's pure blind fanboyism if I've ever heard it.

    FYI a lag switch is a momentary off switch people solder into their ethernet cables that cause a momentary disruption in their internet connection. This disruption puts them temporarily out of sync with the game server, so it doesn't update their actual location accurately on the game map. This makes it nigh impossible to aim at them in a FPS.
    It's like trying to shoot a ghost, because basiacally that is what you are doing.
    Typically someone uses a lag switch when breaching a room, entering a door way, or clearing a corner to get the jump on their opponent on the other side. It's rampant cheating and the majority of Clan members in FPS and 3rd person shooters use it. It has NOTHING to do with the HOST lagging the game, any user can use a lag switch.

    There are several FPS and 3rd Person shooters that use Dedicated Microsoft/Sony based servers instead of player host servers (HALO, SOCOM )and that does nothing to stop the cheating with lag switches. The Cloud servers are just Micosoft Dedicated servers on a larger scale , the lag from a lag switch is on the users' end, cloud can't do anything about that. Unlike you, I actually read and understood Respawns article about the power of cloud servers. It means better physics engines in MP, better graphics , bigger maps, higher bandwidth and processing power for AI bots. It doesn't do anything to stop cheaters.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I think this is just a HUMONGOUS overstatement. A TINY minority of players, clan or otherwise, use lag switches. So few people would ever bother soldering their XBOX for a lag-borne advantage. You're calling other people stupid but you sound like a fucking asshole.

    The fact that you think everyone does use a lag switch tells me you're just one of those whiny-ass gamers who cries that everyone is cheating every time they get killed. You don't know nearly as much as you think and I strongly suggest you put a sock in it if you're just gonna spout off and be a dick.

    Further, many games now give you the kill if you hit them on YOUR screen, regardless of where they are after their position updates. For example, I KNOW for a fact that's how Transformers WFC works. A lag switch won't give you an advantage, it'll actually make you easier to kill.
    Happy_Friend likes this.
  20. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Two things that will shake scuzzy trolls up next gen though, is having to actually pay to play on PSN, and then not being able to switch tags at will. Good move Sony *applauds*

    Regarding the lag situation, best option for PS4 is probably not to include a wireless adaptor, as that seems to have been a major misfire towards their network rep this gen.

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