Next Gen consoles. What console looks promising?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, May 21, 2013.

  1. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  2. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter


    Rodnutz, Shag, BlueLink and 5 others like this.
  3. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Sony will be forced to do something, or else the publishers might try to punish the system.

    The thing is, I think Sony could win over the publishers if push came to shove. The big AAA publishers- they need the sales, if Sony had big enough balls they'd win- but they'd be risking their existence over this (imagine if EA/Ubi/Acti became XBone exclusives)- I think everyone would lose in such a scenario, so I suspect they won't and will allow for some sort of publisher-created online pass system.

    I really don't think used-game bricking/limiting is going to determine how well a console does. I think Sony's big advanages will be (if they keep it) free PSN to play online games, and being much more indie friendly than the XBone. The first one is great for gamers, because that's $300 over the life of a console that you can use to buy games instead of paying an idiot junk fee, and the second means more innovative, creative games.

    I think there is still room for a (mostly) dedicated games console that is gaming first, other things on the side. I'm not sure if there is room for what Xbone is trying to do, and if there is, it can be done by other devices, perhaps more cheaply.
  4. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    hm... I'm not sure... I used to think like you too in that why is Xbox One trying to do all these other stuff?! Shouldn't it just focus on gaming? But then we already know it plays games, these other things are features which you can choose to use or not - kinda like the multiplayer of the new Tomb Raider game. Everyone complained about the addition of multiplayer and they were not buying it because of that. The thing is, they don't even need to play that mode - the one player campaign was excellent and if they really stuck to their words they're missing out on such a trivial matter. So everyone is complaining about all these new features, but it's not like they have to use it? I'm definitely liking the DVR(?) feature where you can save your gameplay.

    To me, it's about what games come out for the system, Dead or Alive 4 made me go with the Xbox 360 because at the end of the day, all I want to do is play games that I like. I haven't used the Xbox to play dvds yet even though I could - it's just a feature I'm not using.
  5. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    All in all i suppose it depends on what systems brings the most actual exclusive/particular games and experience/system around the games - rather then just bringing the same games as on PC only without modding and tweaking.
  6. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Because Microsoft thinks there is demand for this. I think it's a mistake.

    First I think gamers want a gaming machine first, all the anti-consumer stuff and being a slightly weaker console on paper isn't going to appeal to gamers.

    The non-gaming crowd, are they going to spend 500 for an Xbone to do all this stuff when there are cheaper devices that will do much of the same thing. Also the TV focus- an increasing number of folks are cutting the cable cord- and you still need a cable box to do all this stuff. Also this is the same company that did Windows 8 recently, so it's not like they can't make bad decisions.
    Gernburgs likes this.
  7. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Ps4 wins because it has GDDR5 memory? Its not like you will notice the difference between the two memory types anyway. Microsoft have always been ahead of sony with their online service which i would rather have than a tiny memory advantage which you wont notice anyway. Plus its always good thing knowing Xbox are usually first to have all the latest added features like Skype while you play etc. This is where the real victories lie lets be honest, would rather have all the cool stuff and extras than the small memory advantage where you wont even be able to tell the difference with.Its quite early to make a statement like that just because of the one thing you point out and you can have your GDDR5 memory but but to tell the truth Xboxone is already ahead in my eyes!
  8. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    The used game thing is going to decide what console I get, if any. What's next? Car companies coming up with a scheme to make you pay them a fee for a second-hand car? Ridiculous.
    Gernburgs likes this.
  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Actually, in Georgia, the state government just passed a law stating that all second hand car sales are not permissible without paying a fee to the government of 10% of the cars worth. :(

    So if I wanted to sell my car to my buddy for $1000, he'd have to pay me the $1000, then pay the state an extra $1300 because my care is worth about $13000.

    It's shit like this that makes people do illegal stuff...
    Keoma and Feck like this.
  10. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, amongst all these speculations flying around I think its pretty much guaranteed both the Xbox One and Playstation 4 will run games. Some people say a phone should just be a phone. But after getting a smart phone, I can check email, visit web pages (replying using phone now) and it would be seriously inconvenient for me without these functions now. Its when companies try to push beyond set boundaries that we get improvements. Sure sometimes it doesn't work, but nobody knows until its tried and tested.

    oh and I have a DS, an inferior machine to both the PS3 and Xbox360, but there are some games on it that aren't on either of those consoles. I'm loving this inferior machine. Seems like you want something different to gamers - good games.
    Darthminion likes this.
  11. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    nothing wrong with added extras, not everyone has them so whats wrong with having them all included it beats having them separate, after all its a home entertainment machine.
  12. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

  13. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    That was 60 pages long... I only read a few of the posts... Which bit was you referring to?

    EDIT: Actually, nevermind... judging by their responses, a lot of those people are idiots...
  14. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    You don't have to read the comments just the OP. It's been picked up by the gaming press now. Huge Twitter spam of top Sony execs campaigning against DRM on PS4.
  15. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    I think the steam box is going to be a console killer. Valve is an amazing company. strongly supports modding cloud gaming. Imagine to with their modding workshop on steam. MODs on your CONSOLE!
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Huh? No one has played or even seen what this new consoles could do. GDDR5 is not a slight difference my friend. Not even going to get into, Google is your friend. PSN+ crushes LIVE in service and value. Don't let your bias get in the way. As of now, I'm not getting a XBONE, and I'm doing a "wait and see" with SONY. Because it looks like I'm sticking to PC this gen. I'll get a new GPU next year, and play PC games in 4K resolution downsample at 120fps. Even if VF6 comes out, I won't get it if this strict DRM polices are in place and I'll frown on others who want to get fucked in the ass by greedy corporations. The fact that some don't see an issue with this is scary. It just proves how some gamers are worst than crack-heads. They will fight to get a mediocre franchise to get signatures(Not talking about VF)But won't fight for their rights as consumers.

    I hope no one here supports such a practice from this corporations even if your favorite fighter is on it.
    Feck and cobratron like this.
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I don't want to turn this thread into "Let's bash Microsoft because they suck!"......but.......

    The Xbox One will be region locked. So importing games is not going to be an option. I don't know about the rest of you, but I import a fair number of games. So, for me atleast, this is a huge strike against the Xbone...:(
  18. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    The 360 is region lock as well, besides a few disc. Not shocking at all. Whats the bigger problem is getting an imported system and not being able to activate your games because there might be a IP issue. Similar to Japanese arcades. The only reason I got an imported 360 was for Cave shooters.
  19. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    There are actually a few alternatives, including the one your mentioned, that might come out:

    There was another one which looked really interesting. A sort of virtual reality system, Oculus Rift:
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Seen a few articles recently mentioning the 360 was region locked:/ As far as I know it worked the same as PS3, console itself isn't region locked but developers/publishers have the option to region lock their games.

    360 certainly has more region locked games though.

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