Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO?

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think any chance of FT in any shape or form at EVO2k5 is now dead...

    But yeah, I thought it unlikely for AI to do something so crazy, if only EVO was still in Pomona...
  2. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Why do you say it's dead? I haven't heard from Llanfair at all about his situation if he is or isn't bringing a ft setup. I'm really looking for positive replies from people who want to help and donate. No offense, but I don't want to see negative bs about how things aren't going to work. If you really love this game than come up with alternative ideas, help with donating money or buy your own setup to help out. I really don't think it's too much to ask? $1 a day, c'mon.

    The full kit consists of:
    Naomi 2 motherboard, power supply etc.
    Gd-rom kit
    Gd-rom and security chip
    2 control panels with card readers on them.
    I'm guessing they would give a couple of cards too with the purchase and an option to buy more etc.
    I'm also hoping that the system has been updated or possibly you could get the firm update disc with the purchase. Once again the contacts overseas would have to see what is all available with the kit, because I'm just reading what is listed on the webpage. Hope that answers your question?

    Thanks for the information on the setups.

    If worst comes to worst, I don't mind coming up with half the money for a kit if someone else wants to go in with me just for this tourney and then we could decide who really wanted it after the gathering.

    Please help your community!
    Thanks in advance
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Wow, dude whatever you're taking I want some of it. Besides if you don't have the commitment of EVERYONE in the U.S. for this it's not happening!
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    Wow, dude whatever you're taking I want some of it. Besides if you don't have the commitment of EVERYONE in the U.S. for this it's not happening!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a easy thing to say when you have your own setup and a huge crew to play with all the time. I guess you really don't need to help us out to make a tourney happen, because you can have your own. Thanks for your input.

    I would like to hear from all of you if you are or aren't going to help? A simple NO or YES posts from all members would suffice.

  5. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    We should find out who's actually going to EVO2k5 for VF. Because having EVO2k5 at vegas isn't actually as great as having it in SoCal. The rooms we would have to share and I'm not even sure if we can share rooms due to that some hotels are actually fussy about it.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'll go in for $50 on the raffle idea. I'm happy to use PayPal for this.

    29 people left.

    Important detail: Assuming this raffle is a go, I'm not sure how to have a fair drawing unless participants are present. I'm guessing that if we get the set-ups from Japan and we get FT at Evo2k5, participants in the raffle will probably go to Vegas for the tourney and we can hold the drawing there, after the tournament.

    If FT doesn't have a slot at Evo2k5 and we end up with a machine to raffle off anyway - I'm OK with a capped video showing, say, all the names laid out on a table, someone putting them into a hat, someone else drawing the winner. Yah, it's still a trust thing - it could be fixed by the video participants - but I'm willing to give it a go.
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is a easy thing to say when you have your own setup and a huge crew to play with all the time. I guess you really don't need to help us out to make a tourney happen, because you can have your own. Thanks for your input.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Trust me if you knew me you won't have said that.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would like to hear from all of you if you are or aren't going to help? A simple NO or YES posts from all members would suffice.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't bet your testicles on it if the sign of the voting on the Shoryuken thread is any indication.
  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Wish I could go to EVO maybe next year. I voted for VF4 to be there even if I won't. In all the threads actually.

    I need to post here more often.
  9. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Am I the only one who thinks a few Sega Girls cosplaying as Sarah and Pai would garner more attention at Evo than a FT setup?

    Seriously, are people who passed up VF4 for whatever reason before going to start playing now because Akira's 666p is throw counterable?

  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    supergolden said:

    Am I the only one who thinks a few Sega Girls cosplaying as Sarah and Pai would garner more attention at Evo than a FT setup?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The tournament wasn't, isn't and shouldn't be a PR and marketing campaign. It's an event for the players. Should it actually attract new people due to the exposure the event affords, then that's just a delightful side effect.

    VF has not yet been confirmed to be at Evo. The only way it will probably get confirmed is if it wins a popularity competition among 8 other games. At this stage I'm not sure if it's 1, some or all out of the 8 that can eventually be selected.

    Now the only way VF will gain a lot of support is if people who are able and wanting to go to Evo, make their support known, but right now there's no official way of doing this. And to further complicate the current situation, there's a split in the community between VF versions: Evo and FT. The largest communities in North America are currently playing FT, and the rest are still on Evo. Would those on FT be willing to support a VF4 Evo tournament? Maybe, maybe not, but the general impression I've noticed so far is that most probably won't.

    So in order to win their support you must have FT as the tournament game. But in doing so you risk alienating those still on Evo, regardless of how hard you try to convince them of the similarities. The situation is a double-edged sword. Everybody wants VF there, but not everybody wants the same version.

    If an effort to make FT the tournament game, there's the issue of number of setups to consider. Two out of the three locations in NA which have FT are pretty much out of the picture. We've yet to hear from the Canadians, but let's say they're able to supply a setup. Having one setup for a tournament will not work. We had 4 last year and always ran into time issues -- finishing late one evening and having to continue early the next morning wasn't exactly fun. But guess what? We can't even guarantee one setup at this stage, which makes an impractical situation all the more worse.

    So then the idea of the raffle emerges. I don't know about most people, but if some random supporter from no-wheres-ville happens to win it, how would you personally feel? My feeling is good for him, but bad for the "community" in general. Ideally, the scene most deserving should end up getting it IMO, but we'd never agree on who deserves it the most.

    Right now, nothing is certain and time is running out. Arranging FT setups appears to me as a logistical nightmare, and support for VF4Evo, unfortunately, won't be in full-force.

    Rather than bend over backwards in a half-hearted effort to impress the neighbours in the hopes we get an invite to their party, why don't we just say fuck it and hold our own when we're good and ready? But that's a whole 'nother problem on it's own.

    Personally speaking, unless a number of FT setups can be confirmed in the Evo tournament within a month, then I'm afraid I won't be going. For the same amount of money I could go to Japan and actually stay there longer.

    Having said that, I'd happily donate $50 toward the raffle if it goes ahead.
  11. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Technically there aren't many people with FT in NA. IMO Evo is still the majority in mostly everyones posesion. However, I would still be for FT being that as you said is similar to Evo. Plus since both versions are similar one can easily get used to the FT version in less than 30 min. Plus theres not much frame difference in moves so it shouldn't be a problem with expereienced vf players.
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    The problem is actual confirmation. A lot of people (myself included) are basing their choice to attend evo on FT being the tournament game. I'm sorry as much as I love evo ver. b I'm traveling not across the country at this stage of the game to play it.

    Thus here is your real dilemma:

    Person A: "Dudes! support FT at evo!"

    Person B: "Um, I wanna support it, but then how many people are gonna show?"

    Person C (to him/herself): "Shiaaat, I'm not going anywhere (paying butloads of cash) unless FT is confirmed."
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:So then the idea of the raffle emerges. I don't know about most people, but if some random supporter from no-wheres-ville happens to win it, how would you personally feel? My feeling is good for him, but bad for the "community" in general. Ideally, the scene most deserving should end up getting it IMO, but we'd never agree on who deserves it the most.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm quite alright with some random player or even a random non-player picking it up. For me it's just part of the process. It's a raffle. That's how it works. Hats off to random people for supporting a cause "just because." If it happened that way, I'm willing to bet we'd see FT on Ebay sometime afterwards /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif.

    As far as deserving, I can't see that applying to anyone. I like to expend effort for the SoCal, NA, and International VF scene but I don't think I deserve anything for it. If I really want FT, I'll buy it myself. I don't want it THAT BAD (yet). I'm also very lucky to have an FT machine less than 30 minutes from my house. Maybe when it's $547 and there's no sign of a home port or VF5 in the near future - then I'll want it that bad.
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The whole thing is just that there is no way to please everyone. That's why nothing will happen. I'm not trying to rain on people's parades, I'm just being realistic, for reasons that Myke have already outlined.
  15. Huey_Nine

    Huey_Nine Member

    Although I may be considered "Unknown" to everyone here, I nevertheless still want to support FT at EVO so you can count me in for the possible raffle as well. just pm me with the details if it is ever a go.
  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I would not be attending Evo but I would support the raffle if it came to pass; I like the idea.

  17. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Our FT kit arrived today (we decided to keep it), so if we go to Evo2k5 we can definitely bring it. I don't know if we're going though, that's the only thing. I'll have to get with Frank and see if he's willing to spend more money after his Florida trip in a couple of months, and if he can get time off from work again for Evo2k5.
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    My apologies for being absent from this discussion for so long. Unfortunately, it's just not going to work out for Toronto's FT to be at EVO. The issue really stems from the fact that I cannot make the time available for the dates and commitment the EVO requires - sorry, guys, real life interferes yet again.

    I am however, willing to contribute to a raffle as I think the idea is nothing short of brilliant.

    And so, lastly, I concede to you Shang - you win.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  19. Huey_Nine

    Huey_Nine Member

    So I guess this means that there is now no chance of FT at EVO? What a bummer
  20. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    VF4 thread at SRK closed, vote at new thread.

    It seems one of the mods at SRK closed the Vote for Virtua Fighter 4 created by Llanfair. I suggest you check out this thread: Poll: Which game will you vote for Evo 2K5?

    The poll will be active till 8/10/05. You do not need to post to participate in the poll but you would need to be logged in to SRK. As I typed this, VF4:Evo has 29 votes (including my own). That puts it in a distant third spot out of the 8 votable games. The post made by Llanfair received about 40 replies in favor of VF at Evo; 25 votes would tie for top. If you are interested in going to Evo and competing in VF I'd place a vote. I'm not sure if this is an official thread for the Evo 2K5 staff but it doesn't hurt and makes our presence felt. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

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