North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    Wow, blanked you? Hmm weird, don't know what's going on there. Don't take it personally, I'll call her sometime to see what's up.

    Yeah, it's not too far from jennys.

    LOL Just got back from a job interview and I now have a job, will be working in some random office from monday, ok pay, just something to tide me along with.

    It never rains but it pours doesn't it? Housing for sept sorted, job for next month sorted, ex ignoring mate on bus, email from mate travelling the world, England getting hammered, trouble in London...all in one day.

    Either side of today is probably going to be/has been as boring as hell for months /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    Ade in case you don't check your PMs, don't worry it wasn't Denise you saw, must have been someone who looks like her.

    She doesn't use the 114 bus anyway and is in work till 8 each week day night.

    She told me to tell you she wouldn't have ignored you if she'd have been there and seen you, she's not the sort of person to be like that.

    In other random news tho, she and her mate got mugged in Fallowfield the other day, well bad the guys took her bag with loads of clothes in and that.

    Random edit...

    I'm back in manchester on the...15th Sept! It's official. I just got my accomodation contract, need to get it sent off by 30th July.

    It's funny tho, in my last place, cos it was run by a bunch of fucking jokers, the contract and terms and conditions were about 3 A4 pages long...the same contract and terms and conditions from official accomodation I just got was over 25 pages hopefully this year should be far better than the last in terms of living quality and other "non-weirdos" living around me (besides me, denise, my mate adam and a girl elaine, everyone else on our 12 room corridor was either weird, suicidal, didn't speak english or just plain down right moronic).

    Final edit...

    Click the link to see my old place AS IT WAS.

    lol the room with all those tables nicely set out got turned into the shabby room with 2 can machines a mashed up pool table and a table football game LMAO. /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  3. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    Bloody hell, I Denise seem's to have to go through some bad shit of late!

    LMAO at the dining room table, still remember the meets in the opposite room, LOL.

    Chris, where are you up to with the T.Lord ranking status battle thing? Need any help with certain character's, I'm the skank master!
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    Yeah I mean her house got burgaled, GTA style and she wakes up to see a guy in her room and a month later she gets mugged and the guy took her fav bag with fav clothes in (all of which are not replacable as were old lines of clothing).

    Yeah, remember me u and jericho talking to those girls in that room when we had the big sept meet going on? LOL that asian girl was sat on the pool table smoking and some random guy joined in.

    You can even see my block from that photo but not my side, just the left side of B block.

    Got 4 on T lord so far, will try and get some more done before i start work.

    Actually, I'm going to start a new RE CVX file on GC today, only done it once on GC and then lost my save file. It's really underrated IMHO, it's huge and has plenty of good stuff in it.

    Actually, I recall the day before I came away to uni in 1st year (2001) was the day CV got released on PS2, i got it and spent the freshers week locked in my room playing it to death lol.
  5. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    Got 4 on T lord so far, will try and get some more done before i start work.

    Actually, I'm going to start a new RE CVX file on GC today, only done it once on GC and then lost my save file. It's really underrated IMHO, it's huge and has plenty of good stuff in it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you ever play VF anymore?
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Actually yes, don't worry.

    I haven't played the game for about 2 weeks but I put it on before to make sure I don't get too rusty. Took me about 20 mins to DLC properly again (I use a different stick and grip style to play Tekken) but then I got about 15 in a row. My CDing was a little rough but I'll polish up my playing for when I'm back in Manchester.

    Better still (don't think I've mentioned it on the thread) in the new place I'm living in, there is a room that can be officially booked out by the warden for social if we plan on holding a big-ish meet I could book out the room for a few hours or something.

    No idea what the room is like but after realising the difference between "official" accomodation and "pile of shite" accomodation like my last place it should be good...and there would be no chance of us getting kicked out by the very person who said we could use the room, like back in sept.
  7. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    Actually, I'm going to start a new RE CVX file on GC today, only done it once on GC and then lost my save file. It's really underrated IMHO, it's huge and has plenty of good stuff in it.

    Actually, I recall the day before I came away to uni in 1st year (2001) was the day CV got released on PS2, i got it and spent the freshers week locked in my room playing it to death lol.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Code Veronica is the only resi game that i've only completed once. For some reason it had the biggest pychological effect on me.
    Every time I attempt a second run through the game, I get has far has the ashford mansion, see that freaky doll, and thats it, I quit.
    In that sense its the best resi for me, but my favourite is the remake.
    PS: VF4 is a bloody good game. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  8. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    Ok, not to sound stupid or anything, but have they released another Res Evil on Ps2 (that isn't a turdy online one) after Veronica?
    I find it hard to keep up with whats new. I was in a games shop the other day, and just happened to stumble across Tenchu: Fatal Shadows, which is another game I was waiting for and I never even knew it was out!
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    RE 4 is out this oct sometime I think, it's a port of the GC version and I don't think it'll be as good as GC tbh (PS2 can't cope with some of the GC things).

    Also Outbreak File 2 is out in sept too but that will be god damn awful again I think.

    As for RE, well, I have the back catalogue on PS (1, DC, 2, 3, Gun survivor) and the back catalogue on GC (0, 1 remake, 2, 3, CVX, 4)...I did get some gun survivor games and the outbreak game but got rid of them, they're not really part of the series in my eyes.

    Oh and I've spent what seems like a life time playing them and re-playing them. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  10. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    RE 4 is out this oct sometime I think, it's a port of the GC version and I don't think it'll be as good as GC tbh (PS2 can't cope with some of the GC things).

    Also Outbreak File 2 is out in sept too but that will be god damn awful again I think.

    As for RE, well, I have the back catalogue on PS (1, DC, 2, 3, Gun survivor) and the back catalogue on GC (0, 1 remake, 2, 3, CVX, 4)...I did get some gun survivor games and the outbreak game but got rid of them, they're not really part of the series in my eyes.

    Oh and I've spent what seems like a life time playing them and re-playing them. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, out with it! whats your RE top 5? don't pull no punches!

    1. Resident evil remake
    2. Resident evil 4
    3. Code veronica
    4. Resident evil
    5. Resident evil 2
  11. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    If you guys are fans of the RE series then I suggest you check out The Operative: No One Lives Forever for some top tier survival horror action.

    If you can survive the horror of the graphics then you win.
  12. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    [ QUOTE ]
    Madin said:

    1. Resident evil remake
    2. Resident evil 4
    3. Code veronica
    4. Resident evil
    5. Resident evil 2

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mine are:
    1. RE2
    2. RE4
    3. RE1
    4. RE3
    5. RE1 Remake.

    One of my mates no.1 is RE3, so each to their own IMHO.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to manchester

    My RE top 5 are...

    1. RE 2 (out and out best imho)
    2. RE remake
    3. RE 4
    4. RE 0
    5. RE CVX

    Andy: LOL I bought NOLFE way back in the day...and promptly traded it in when I realised what a horrendous mess it was (was only £20 online at the time and I wanted a FPS).

    My SH "top 5" order are...

    1. SH 2
    2. SH 4
    3. SH
    4. SH 3
    (5. SH 2: DC)

    Metal Gear top 3 order...

    1. MGS2
    2. MGS
    3. MGS3

    Hmm I'm sensing a pattern...
  14. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    Ok I'm asking a lot now, but I'm intrigued has to why so many people rate Resident evil 2 the highest. Your answers will help me evaluate what you prize in your resident evil games the most.
    For me my list was an average of a number of different factors I enjoy about the series. The list I made clearly is not based on the amount time spent playing the game, and also not on being scared witless.
    For me Resident evil 2 had the best weapons, based mainly on the effect thay had when they hit an enemy, the upgraded shotgun and magnum has never been bettered imho. Herein for me also was the my biggest problem, there were no creatures equal to my vast fire power, being low on ammo was nearly impossible and has such I had nothing to 'fear'. Clare was so hugely over powered i felt sorry for the dam creatures. This is the only reason its not my favourite, but for me, it being too easy and not having 'fear factor' was a big deal. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif Still my most played resi game though. Lining up the zombies to attempt that '7 heads off in one shot', or blowing a group of zombies chest in half with the super shotgun.
    Code veronica had the chills for me, but because of the nature of the enemy models, I had no satisfaction when i killed them. The graphics are still great imo. And I found the storyline cracking, those twists were big wtf moments for me.
    Resident evil 3 was an arcade game, weak has hell imo.
    Resident evil 0 was ok storywise, the problem for me was that Rebecca didn't have enough 'personality' to be a lead character, her side kick was marginally better. This was the first resi game that had enemies that annoyed me, instead of scaring me. Yes i mean the dam leech zombies and the monkies. Not "oh I fear!", but "here we go a fucking gain." The fact this happend during my first play through was not a good thing for me.
    Resident evil 4, pure fun, a great adrenilin rush, the pace it keeps is outstanding, half life 2 could've learned a lesson from this game, pace wise. Shame about the lack of scares, only the lab sections 'homage' to older resident evil games got me (especially the intro of the regenarators.) got bored of it after I had clocked it the 8th a row /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif .
    The reason why the Remake is my overall favourite is that it combined great graphics (F*cking great graphics, I could of sold that shark in a market!) Great chills and atmosphere, a pleasing difficulty level and refreshingly adult violence, the defensive weapons were particulary sadistic (knife a zombie in the head, blow his head off, pick the knife up, to reuse) I also like the artistic direction for the pre renders, its never been matched imo (for example the prison cell render with the fish eye camera lens perspective) and those
    shadows, I was seeing shadows dancing in the cornor of my eye for days afterwards /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

    Here ends my shocking thread hijacking. One of these days im going to visit up north, ill give you guys a shout.
    PS: I'm ashamed to say i've always been too chicken to play silent hill, I got has far has the 'torch in the dark with monster making noises' part, but decided my heart didnt need the test. One of these days i'll find the courage)

    PPS: pratice VF, keep yourself sharp so you don't have to re-learn when FT hits!
  15. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    Hmm, good post than, Madin.

    As a whole, the RE series has been consistent as hell (apart from the Outbreak crap though). RE3 is in my list almost purely for the Mercenaries, which is the best bonus game IMHO in a RE game so far.

    Chris....I'm SHOCKED you've put SH4 ABOVE SH1? I actually think SH4 isn't as bad as some people made out, but, each to their own I guess. Anyway, My SH list:

    1. SH1 (BY A MILE!)
    2. SH2
    3. SH3
    4. SH4

    Simple. LOL. In SH4 your meant to be a mental asylum patient, but it's coming out next year on PS3. Can't wait. I still haven't completed SH2 on hard yet, better get it done this weekend.

    The main reason SH1 is my favourite was the 'atmosphere' created, and the pulp fiction style various endings (not to mention the Alien Ending!), not to mention the cool weapons. I still haven't got the gold beam gun (for getting 100% on hard), but I will one day.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    Chris, interesting that you and I have the exact same opinion on the MGS series, though I find it so hard to judge:

    When I play MGS, or indeed any 1 player game really, then my biggest 'need' from the game, is that of a good story.
    In terms of the story in MGS (1), I think it had the best one. It was based around Solid Snake, the whole game was twisted at the end, as you find out that, like a dumb-ass, you have been working for the terrorists. I also like the characters best in the first one. Liquid Snake is my all time favourite 'bad-guy' from and game, and all of the other characters (save the bumbling idiot that is Raven) are quality as well, each having their own agenda in taking part in the 'revolution'.
    In MGS 2, the story is also very good, though nobody liked Raiden.....
    The thing I liked about MGS 2's story, was the fact that it had constant references to both Shadow Moses, and the Tanker 'Accident' two years ago. I also liked the way Snake was portrayed, and the way he kicked ass all the way through the game. I also liked Ocelot's character much more in the second one, what with his double-double-double-trebble-crosses and his sarcastic humour and constant mockery of the other 'baddies'.
    I didn't like Olga, Women should never try and get involved, they are weak, usless and a total liability. The bullshit with Fortune ACTUALLY HAVING PSYCHIC POWERS is also crap. Over all though I found the story to be decent, and some of the characters were quality.

    As for the third game, although the story was ok, it wasn't as gripping as the other two, but the fact that it wasn't Solid Snake kinda ruined it for me (though it does have the best cutscence ever, when Big Boss get's whooped by Volgin,after getting whooped by The Boss).
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    For me, SH2 is way above the other SH games as I really got into the whole notion of the story...SH was gripping certainly but after many repeated plays I did tire a little of it yet I never tired off SH2.

    I put SH4 as I think the story is the sickest, best conceived story out there in survival horror...the notion of all the "ghosts" being victims of a serial killer and the idea that the places you go and things you see are constructs of a serial killers consiousness and mind (like in The Cell with J-Lo) I found totally amazing.

    I liked the integration that SH4 had with the others in the series. SH3 was very nice (beautiful graphics) but felt a little like SH2:Revisited, tho again the story is awesome and the connection with SH is good.

    As for RE2...well, what can I say? I played the game for 4 months solid and still play it now...6 years on. I've clocked it over 50 times I reckon. The bonus weapons, A/B scenarios, music, enemies, story...the complete package IMHO. The only other RE game I've played as much or as hard is RE the remake. Many of your points I agree with Madin, I can't quite put my finger on it but I just loved every second of the RE remake, played it around 14 times over in the space of a month or so.

    As for MGS...well 1 really drew me in, I didn't want to stop playing it the first time I was going thru it, the story and revelations were intense and the action was great...MGS2 was a step up IMHO and I played this game probably more than I've ever played a game before (bar VF). MGS3 is an awesome game but in my eyes, it doesn't have the "feel" of the first 2, but definately miles and miles ahead of any competition.
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    For me, SH2 is way above the other SH games as I really got into the whole notion of the story...SH was gripping certainly but after many repeated plays I did tire a little of it yet I never tired off SH2.

    I put SH4 as I think the story is the sickest, best conceived story out there in survival horror...the notion of all the "ghosts" being victims of a serial killer and the idea that the places you go and things you see are constructs of a serial killers consiousness and mind (like in The Cell with J-Lo) I found totally amazing.

    I liked the integration that SH4 had with the others in the series. SH3 was very nice (beautiful graphics) but felt a little like SH2:Revisited, tho again the story is awesome and the connection with SH is good.

    As for RE2...well, what can I say? I played the game for 4 months solid and still play it now...6 years on. I've clocked it over 50 times I reckon. The bonus weapons, A/B scenarios, music, enemies, story...the complete package IMHO. The only other RE game I've played as much or as hard is RE the remake. Many of your points I agree with Madin, I can't quite put my finger on it but I just loved every second of the RE remake, played it around 14 times over in the space of a month or so.

    As for MGS...well 1 really drew me in, I didn't want to stop playing it the first time I was going thru it, the story and revelations were intense and the action was great...MGS2 was a step up IMHO and I played this game probably more than I've ever played a game before (bar VF). MGS3 is an awesome game but in my eyes, it doesn't have the "feel" of the first 2, but definately miles and miles ahead of any competition.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, I see what you mean about the SH4 story now, but the gameplay (with bad guys not dieing and coming back to life) really pissed me off.

    SH2 was a great game, with a great story, but I preffered the street design in SH1, even though 2 looked better (the graphics in SH1 are awful TBH). The weapons were much better in 1 as well, especially the emergency hammer in the basement of the hospital.

    RE2 was the best RE by a mile. RE1 Remake is possibly the hardest RE so far (up there with RE0 IMHO, esp. on hard).

    Anyway, when you back in MC Chris, I need some VF play and quick!
  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    I'm officially back in Manc on the 15th sept which is a thursday bizarely enough. I'm working in lpool till the 2nd sept but i can't move into my manc place until the 15th but we can try and have an addict session on the friday/saturday or something, have to see.

    Just playing thru RE:CVX and Nemesis atm, getting bonue weapons and all epilogues etc as I've not done much stuff on the GC releases.
  20. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Moving back to resident evil

    Coolio, we'll have to do one of the 'old skool' RE/VF/Tekken/SF 'all nighters' that Friday? Or whenever you've settled in?

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