North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Yeah we'll be alright for joysticks.

    When can you tell me if your mate is a definite? Please let me know asap so I can sort out matches etc. Would he be planning on staying at mine too?
  2. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    I just PM'ed you Chris, but I'll know tonight, he's a 99.99% definite. The only question mark is if he can stay.

    Just be prepared for the dryest VF player on god's green earth! /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  3. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Is it *the* Darius? Of "Hit Me Baby One More Time" fame?

    I'll probably be there, won't be arsed playing much. Depends what I'm doing as I might be busy with work and stuff.
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Haha ok thats all cool. What I'll do then is just asume we've 5 players for now and mess things round when I know different.


    slimadey now has kage and jeff and Rayne has kage as well. Darius has Aoi and Lion.

    What I proposed to do was have 5 blocks of matches, each with one player sitting out. First matches in each blocks wil be best of 3 fights ( 1 fight = 45 secs, 200 life best 3 of 5 rounds ). I'm doing this to give people a chance of a slip up match. Next round would be only 1 fight ( this is Winner Vs Winner and Loser Vs Loser ) as would the final ( Player from winners bracket and player from Losers bracket ). For the player from the winners bracket to win he only need win one fight but the player from the losers bracket would need to beat the other player twice ( once to get out of the losers bracket, then again to win ). Heres the match ups:

    BLOCK 1

    slimadey Vs Rayne
    Elite Vs WackyJacky

    BLOCK 2

    csnape Vs Rayne
    slimadey Vs WackyJacky

    BLOCK 3

    csnape Vs slimadey
    Rayne Vs Elite

    BLOCK 4

    csnape Vs Elite
    Rayne Vs WackyJacky

    BLOCK 5

    csnape Vs WackyJacky
    Elite Vs slimadey

    Players can change characters from block to block but NOT during a single block of games.

    If everyones up for it we all add £3 to a hat or whatever and the overall winner gets the £15. When I say overall winner...obviously no one can win all 5 Blocks. The most they could win would be 4. If a player does win all 4 then they'd obviously be the winner. If everyone wins one once or theres a dead heat etc we could go on average win ratios, previous match results or have a final match up I'm open to suggestions.

    After doing all these blocks we'll probably have a good old game of winner stays on or something, I'm open to suggestions.
  5. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Jeez, now it's all laid out, I'm getting spod hand with Akira now!

    I'm gonna practise till my fingers bleed!

    Oh, and it's not Pop Idol Darius, although if he did look like the Darius, I'd probably pull more women when we go clubbing, ah well, never mind! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    SPoD ready? I'll get my [1][P]+[K] ready hehe.

    Let me know as soon as you do about Darius and then I'll see what I can do about fitting him in somewhere.


    WackyJacky is up for everyone putting in a fiver so the winnings are more impressive. I'm ok with it, everyone else is this ok?
  7. WackyJacky

    WackyJacky New Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    this is going to be very cool, can't wait. will we be playing in 50Hz or 60Hz mode (i seem to remember us playing the previous VF in 50Hz). it may seem like a minor point but there is a noticeable speed difference, i'll have to get some practice in 50 mode if need be /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. WackyJacky

    WackyJacky New Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    soz, i meant that i seem to remember us playing in 60 mode
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Errrr yes I should think so too! 60hz is what it is and should never be anything else. Plus I've got a nice new RGB cable so resolution is actually nicer to look at.
  10. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Yeah, I got a nice Blaze cable and have noticed an appreciable difference in quality.

    I will stick a fiver in if need be, you all got drug habits to fund or something? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    "Will play VF for food"
  11. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Hiya all. Yeah £5 would make it interesting I reckon. Would be good for all of us to be on a first name basis rather than calling each other screen names. I'm Dan by the way-I know Chris' but not the rest of your names. Do you have an off license near you Chris? Sounds like a good excuse to get mullered while were at it.Need to go and brush up on my matches against Akira,getting worried I'm gonna get whooped /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif,see ya.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Haha thats all cool. Theres an off license just round the corner from mine as well as a tesco and a somerfield so theres plenty of places to get booze.

    Whilst on VFDC I'll refre to peoples screen names but for the record everyone;

    csnape: Chris
    Nakura: Steve
    WackyJacky: Ramsey
    slimadey: Ade
    Elite: Andy
    Rayne: Dan

    Just as a pointer I recomend brushing up Vs Akira, Goh, Sarah, Jacky, Lion mainly but also Jeff, Kage, Aoi, Lei, Brad and Vanessa. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  13. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Can't wait, but will the tournie be on random stage select, it's just if some players prefer open ring, or closed etc? I'm not fussed, it's just incase.
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Ermmm I reckon just on random cos then its fair. We can't have any Kage players playing in no walled arenas then constantly looking for a TFT RO combo! I'm easy either way so I'll just see what everyones else thinks. btw is your mate up for it?

    Also to go back to what I said before and being the sad geeky host, I've no probs with people drinking and that as long as its kept to moderation. The place I'm living in this year is completely new to me and I haven't even met any of my fellow residents yet but I doubt they'd appreciate things being trashed at 4 in the morning by a group of lads all high on VF ing.
  15. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    A Quick question, how old is everyone who's coming? I'm 23.

    Oh, Chris, I'm gonna stick my neck out and say include Darius in the tournie. The only way he won't come is if he die's before the 26th.

  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Urrm ok 6 people. I'll set up matches for 5 and 6 just in case he doesn't come. 6 will be awkward but I'll come up with something.

    I'm 20 and, speaking for the others, WackyJacky is 20 and Nakura will be 21 ( old man ) from what I know.


    Okay heres an idea I've got if we have 6 players ( or maybe 7 ). Instead of blocks of matches what we do is all play one another twice. This would be best of 3 fights like the first round of a block would have been ( may still be ). Then we rank players on average win ratio in order of 1-6 ( or however many we have ). Next round is the semis where rank 1 plays 3 and 2 plays 4 ( not 1 Vs 2 as this would eliminate one of the best players staright away ). The people with rank lower than 4 are out of the running /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. This would only be one fight as would the final which would be the winner of each of the previous fights ( may well end up being 1 Vs 2 then again may not ). This is the best way so far I can think of implimenting more than 5 players...actually this could work for any number. Players could change chars between fights but NOT during the best of 3 fights in the first round. Give me some feedback and I'll get to work on the match orders.
  17. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    That sounds good. Are we gonna start the tournie straight away, or have some warm up matches?

    Chris, regarding das, he is OK with Aoi, but doesn't know what she is truly capable of IMO, I'm not dissing him, as he is better with Lion (his main character), and will get better with Aoi in the future.

    I better not forget my memory card!
  18. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Yes players will definately have the chance of a warm up in training or arcade ( NOT quest as it'll mess up win ratios ).

    Slight edit to what I said previously, I'd say everyone plays everyone once, then we work out ranks. Then have 1 Vs 3 and 2 Vs 4 and 5 Vs 6 to work out last two. These would also be best of 3 fights to make it interesting. The final would be only one fight and the losers of the two semis would player one another to determine 3rd and 4th place and this would be one fight too. Heres the list;

    csnape Vs slimadey
    csnape Vs WJ
    csnape Vs Darius
    csnape Vs Elite
    csnape Vs Rayne

    slimadey Vs WJ
    slimadey Vs Darius
    slimadey Vs Elite
    slimadey Vs Rayne

    Rayne Vs WJ
    Rayne Vs Darius
    Rayne Vs Elite

    Elite Vs WJ
    Elite Vs Darius

    WJ Vs Darius

    Yes this looks strange and would NOT be the order of fights. Don't forget as we're playing each other only once your fight Vs the person above you in the list has already been included. Like I say these are best of 3 fights and chars can not be changed eg me Vs slimadey I COULD NOT have one fight as Akira then change to Vanessa or whoever. They'll be played in the same arena as well eg me Vs slimadey the random select gives us Akiras dojo then its that place for up to 3 fights.

    After this round we compare win ratios like I said then play the semis and last man game ( best of 3 fights ) then the last two fights, ie one for 1st place and one for 3rd/4th is one fight. You can use different chars between rounds eg I use Akira in first round Vs everyone, qualify for next round and decide to use Lei or something.

    Yes, also anyone wanting to save replays bring your own card to get a copy of them. After we've played through whole set of games we can just play for fun.
  19. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    Hi Chris, another question, are we allowed to smoke in your gaff, or do we have to go outside?

    Oh, and would it be possibel for you to buy Akira's old win pose 2?

  20. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: The "big" Manchester meet

    ez peoples, im from london and will be in glascow and man chester in late oct, (for mariahs concerts, dont laugh i have front row comp seats!) so if anyone wants to meet up so they can get bruck i can be obliged:)

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