North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Yeah I just changed it now. Need to check out Kellys site too, haven't been there in a while...

    Style TFT combos rock.

    I saw they had the match on the big screen at Manchester. I was just sat watching it with my old man.

    Check out all the Professor replays on the evo disc though, hes fucking evil!
  2. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Characters

    the ARE thing looks a little confusing, here is the way i interpret it:

    1) do a move that is disadvantage (not throw/hit counterable?) on block.

    2) evade, then press [3] [2] [3]+[P]. this should stop throws and strikes?

    maybe i have read it wrong, it was mind boggling, so can someone tell me if i am right, or if not, what i am getting wrong.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    Yeah pretty much...but Myke (and that thread) has explained exactly what its all about. Remember though the example is with Akira and Lau so you'll need to think things through with Jacky and Jeff.

    DeLune was using ARE all the time.

    More importantly though, Shaun, can you and Andy make it to Manchester this friday? Ironmikes up from London and him and Ade want to play you both. Got a text from Ade and he asked me to post so...can you guys make it? You can both stay the night at mikes he said. He wants to see your pad skillz.

    Post back if you can and I'll try and get details of where you'd meet them and that.
  4. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    If your coming Shaun/Andy meet at 5-5.30 at Piccadilly Amusement's at Piccadily Gardens (It's a big neon red sign, next to the Station Chippy).

    Hope you guy's can make it.

    EDIT: U wanna be freaked out? Go on

    Prepare to be freaked out, how does it do it?
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    Fuck me that things is scary!

    Tried it twice and both times its correct...hmmm gotta figure it out...
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    Wow, this thing is still around /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    If you can bother to do the math, there's a finite set of answers.

    So in the end, it doesn't know, or care, which number you will choose specifically, but it knows that for all the numbers possible, there's a finite set of answers. It just places the same symbol next to all of these answers, and you have no choice but to choose one of them (it doesn't care which), then displays that same symbol in the crystal ball.
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    Ahhh, cool, didn't realise it was old though.

    Bit too early in the morning here to try and get my head around it but I can appreciate its just a predictable permutation type thing.

    Something like Derren Brown does all the time.
  8. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member


    Just 'discovered' it today.

    Kage's ARE

    Been scratching my head as to why Kage's 2_3 P has been modified to NEVER juggle in Final Tuned and it's cos of ARE. To me, it seem's like a 'built in ARE move' and this must be why it's raped, still gutted mind, although you can have the 'old' VF4 version, which juggle's on normal hit, I wonder if it's throw counterable on guard? I'm gonna check the frame data! Chamone!
  9. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Ahh!

    As far as I understand from the various report threads, the upper will still juggle on major counter, just not minor counter.

    You'll no longer be able to punish blocked sweeps with it and so forth. Still I'm presuming it's now possible to dragonpunchKKK these moves as shown in the FT site gif.
    I'd like the upper to float a bit higher on Mc to make up for the loss of mc floats but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

    Edit - And didn't someone say ARE no longer worked in FT?
  10. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Thank God!

    Oh right, I must of misread the report. The dragon punch kkk thing must take off loads, so swing's and roundabout's! Still will it be enough for me to pick it over the original vf4 chop?
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    ok, I can make it, and i think Andy can too, but i'm not sure, i'll ask him and let you know. the thing is though, we i will need someone to come and meet us at Piccadilly station, cos i don't know anything about Manchester, and i am so broke that i can't even afford a taxi!
    any details would be good, should we bring our own pads? who is coming? etc.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 25th June, Friday?

    I'm afraid I won't be there as atm I don't even have a penny to my name (well, I have a nice overdraft to use if I wanted but I get charged like a bitch on it) but it seems like it'll be you two, Ade and Ironmike.

    The time is 5-5.30 and the meet point is Picadilly Amusements. Its like 5 seconds away from the station, literally just across the square so you should be able to find it no probs.

    As for pads, taking your own wouldn't hurt I guess since Mike and Ade are both dedicated stick users and I've no idea if Mike has pads with him.

    I'll text Ade tomorrow when you know about Andy and let him know you want him to meet you outside the train station.
  13. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    meeting you two

    Yeah, if you want us to meet you at Piccadilly Station, just post the platform you get off the train station at. We'll either be getting a bus/car to Mike's so you'll only need a little bit more cash. I finish work at 4.50 so let me know when you arrive in Manchester (BTW I'm due to meet mike between 5-6 at Piccadilly Amusement's). I'll PM you my mobile just in case.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: meeting you two

    ok, Andy CAN NOT MAKE IT! he has work snd he can't get out of it.

    i won't know the platform number untill i buy the ticket, so i will call you (Ade) when i know what time i will be arriving, and the you can just meet me at platform ONE. ( i will just wait there for you)
    i will buy the ticket at about four o' clock. this way i will arrive in Manchester around 5 - 5:30. hope this is ok.
    here is my mobile number (anyone else can have it if they want (i think you have it already Chris)).


    i will bring my own pad. what time will you want me to leave. cos then i can book the ticket back to leeds.
    also, are we going to be playing at Mikes, or somewhere else?
  15. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member


    Mike wants you to stay over at his till Saturday morning, round the clock VF, yeah! All the play will be at Mike's house and he drives now, so we should get a lift to and from town (finger's crossed!). I'm meant to be meeting Mike at 5-6 in Piccadilly's Amusements. If he's not there at 5 (when I'm walking past to the train station), we'll go back and meet him when I've met you. I'll wait at platform one from 5.10-5.30 approx. If we do end up using public transport, I can pay if you don't have the money. Looking forward to tomorrow, btw it's pissing it down at the moment in Manchester, so bring a coat (Typical manchester weather!). Gutted Andy can't come, but looking forward to some Jacky/Jacky matches. Actually I ring Das, see if he want's to come.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Mike's

    ok, i will stay, as long as he has all the necessary sleeping gear, coz i don't have anything to bring with me. i will do as much VF'ing through the night as i can, but my stamina isn't great, so i might not make the whole night. btw, how old is Mike? i will bring as much money as i can get hold of, so i should be able to pay for some stuff. (fares and what not....)
    Jacky V Jacky sounds good, your Jacky is much more impressive than your other characters.

    i should be arriving in the station around five-ish, i will meet you at platform one. ( i will be wearing all white.) i will call you as soon as i get off of the train, so you can start making your way to the station.
    btw. i don't mind if you end up running late for any reason, and if my train arrives a bit early/late i am sorry, i will be just going to the station and buying a return ticket to manchester.
    hope this is all ok.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Ugggh the football......not the best match I've ever seen but certainly one of the most exciting. Just completely lost for words though /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    btw Shaun, to get to the end of a thread quickly, go to Versus City, then Jamboree and then you can see who made the last post on a thread and go to the end of it directly instead of using the >> all the time.

    Be sure to save some replays guys and please try and scribble down some win ratios and get them posted when possible.

    Ugggh Beckhams penalty, the disallowed goal, ugh the humanity..... arrrrghhh
  18. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Ugggghhh

    [ QUOTE ]
    Be sure to save some replays guys and please try and scribble down some win ratios and get them posted when possible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you save some replays I'll be happy to cap them when you're up next week.
  19. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Mike's

    Mike's 18 I think (could be 19, I forget!). I've not been to Mike's new house yet, so don't know what the sleeping arrangement's are. If you do end up going home early their SHOULD be a bus back to Manchester, so you should be ok. Me and mike normally get too tired at around 2am and pass out from too much gaming. BTW We are DEFINETLEY watching Bo Selecta. Actually, I have considered several times to drop Kage and use JUST Jacky, it's just Kage's moves seem so natural to me know (because I've been using him for so long), but we'll see how it goes tonight.

    Concerning the football, just read my sig.
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Thanks for that Faded, I want to see Mikes Akira and Shauns Jacky facing off. That is assuming hes still using Akira...maybe he might have other characters in the pipeline.

    So Shaun, could you take your mem card as well as your pad to get copies of the fights. Presumably you can then give Faded a copy of them in July when you go up. Cheers.

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