North West UK VF Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Dan, you have broke the golden rule, backing up your memory card with another one. OK, you have to have two, but if I lost my T5 save with every character on Tekken Lord or my VF Evo file scammed from LM, I would surely die! Actually I would also hate to lost my Tony Hawk file which was rinsed with every character on max stats. God I was addict back in the day, LOL.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Unlucky Dan.

    I actually have 2 different system files on mem is my personal one which I started VF 4 Evo with when it first came out (Akira on champion with over 4000 fights + other chars) and the other is the "group" system file which I have two copies of and update regularly.

    I also have 2 copies of T5 data, TTT data, GTA saves and GT saves.

    Then again I do have 3 cards...which is a bit too much for some I guess. One of them is almost exclusively VF replays from the past 3 years!

    Talking of save files, I'm planning to get Tofu on my GC version of RE2 over the weekend...the only thing I'm worried about is my GC dying on me as to get an A rank on the B scenarios you can't save! Also did you realise that getting the weapon modifiers (like pistol upgrade, shotgun upgrade etc...) actually affects your score?! Apparantly, to get an S rank you need to finish under 1.30 with no special weapons, no upgraded weapons, no first aid sprays and no saves (I think).

    Ade, after you do RE4 no merchant pro challenge, do Tofu! Have you finished RE0 on Hard? You know what, I can't believe I was still playing VF4 when RE0 came doesn't seem that long ago yet it's been 3 long years since we've been playing VF4 Evo!
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I have one copy of my memory card because I like to live life on the edge.

    Yeah, I'm bad.
  4. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:


    Unlucky Dan.

    I actually have 2 different system files on mem is my personal one which I started VF 4 Evo with when it first came out (Akira on champion with over 4000 fights + other chars) and the other is the "group" system file which I have two copies of and update regularly.

    I also have 2 copies of T5 data, TTT data, GTA saves and GT saves.

    Then again I do have 3 cards...which is a bit too much for some I guess. One of them is almost exclusively VF replays from the past 3 years!

    Talking of save files, I'm planning to get Tofu on my GC version of RE2 over the weekend...the only thing I'm worried about is my GC dying on me as to get an A rank on the B scenarios you can't save! Also did you realise that getting the weapon modifiers (like pistol upgrade, shotgun upgrade etc...) actually affects your score?! Apparantly, to get an S rank you need to finish under 1.30 with no special weapons, no upgraded weapons, no first aid sprays and no saves (I think).

    Ade, after you do RE4 no merchant pro challenge, do Tofu! Have you finished RE0 on Hard? You know what, I can't believe I was still playing VF4 when RE0 came doesn't seem that long ago yet it's been 3 long years since we've been playing VF4 Evo!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    On RE0 I got to the final save before the boss (on hard), but just don't have enough health to do it, SO SO hard. The hardest RE IMHO by a mile.

    Yeah, never did the Tofu (or Hunk for that matter) challenge on RE2, will have to dig out my US PS1 RE2 discs and reinvest. Can't get past the lift to Salazar on the Pro No Merchant Pistol and Grenades challenge, but I don't think that's TOO bad though.

    I never got an S rank on RE2, will have to correct that LOL, didn't know you couldn't use the weapon upgrades as well as no saves or first aid sprays. Still the best RE IMHO.

    Soz for the no show yesterday, went on a bit of a bender and did a pub crawl, will look forward to the 'results' page later LOL.
  5. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Anyone know where I can download any 3rd strike battle videos? Just saw that amazing video with ken parrying the shit out of Chun Li, I think Chris told me about that like a year ago. Amazing. All the ones I can find are only if you join up to the site, which is bullcrap. Thanks.
  6. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just saw that amazing video with ken parrying the shit out of Chun Li, I think Chris told me about that like a year ago. Amazing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN.

    (You're unmistakenly referring to Justin Wong being handed by Daigo @ Evo2k3)
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    You know what? At some point, at every fighting game session I've held over the past 2 years or so, someone somewhere always, ALWAYS brings up this vid in conversation LOL.


    Yeah, it's not just parrying tho is it? Firstly, it's parrying Chun Li's SAII (which is sick enough, I'm rubbish at it, Scott has parried like the first 6 hits of it or something), secondly he jump cancels right before the last hit of the super to AIR PARRY the last kick before landing and finishing with a super combo. Absolutely insane from Daigo. Stupid thing is after all that skill, he didn't even win the tourney!


    Your recklessness will catch up with you one day, right when you least suspect it, then...bam, you're down to 10th kyu!


    Well, only got round to 2 run thrus so I've now got the EX battle mode save as well. As far as I'm aware, the S rank wasn't available in the earliest version of RE2, it was added in to copies quite a while after its release for some reason. (like modified GTA vice city games).

    I did Hunk on the ps2 but now I'm determined to unlock both Hunk and Tofu on the GC version. As for the results page...


    A massive turn out, huge props to all those who and Scott.

    VF 4

    LM v K Akira v Lion 4-10

    VF 4 Evo

    LM v K Akira v Brad 6-10
    LM v K Akira v Aoi 5-0

    Tekken 5

    LM v K (Feng, Kaz, DJin, Hei, Jin, Julia) v (Lee, Anna, Raven, Lei, Roger Jr, Hei, Feng) 2-14


    LM v K (Urien, Yun, Yang, Ken, Akuma) v (Oro, Necro, Alex, Dudley, Ken, Chun Li, Ryu, Yun) 8-23

    Overall a good laugh, I'm getting far better at parrying now, just need to keep the practise up and just need to get some more combos and strats under my fingers.

    Same again for next week, let's get some more Fighting Jam on the go LOL.

    Hydron is waiting...
  9. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Next time, I want a decent stick (might have to bring my own but don't really want to carry a gym bag AND a rap LOL) then you will all be Spinning Pile Drived to death.

    Just loving Yun+Genei Jin at the moment. TOO MUCH FUN!
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hydron's squids will pwn SPD, PWN!!11!!1! That or I'll shield myself in with ARs like a mofo.

    Since when have you started using Yun? Since I posted all those combos for Mike? What happened to the Hugo usage as well?

    You should have seen Scott's Necro, he's a mad char but he's got some tricky stuff up his sleeve.

    YES, it's pancake tuesday today, time to introduce the customs of the West to my Chinese flatmates.
  11. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Just a quick one, how the hell do you throw in this game? Does Ken have any 'hidden' specials? You know, not the one that you choose at the start but others like the raging demon. Any new moves since alpha 3 that I should be aware of? I found out the fireball with all 3 punches does some different one, anything else? Cheers o wise street fighting ones, gotta give you a game on it if I get any good at it!
  12. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    To throw press LP + LK. Overhead's are MP+MK. To taunt FP+FK.

    IF you have enough super bar, you can press two buttons and do and an EX move, like QCF+MP+HP, or QCB+MK+HK. Bascially the move comes out faster and hit's more times.

    I would check out the kara throw FAQ on Gamefaqs to increase throw range and general teefness as well (although hard).
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah, like Ade said every char has 3 universal moves:

    LP+LK are throws
    MP+MK are universal overheads (jump over low moves)
    HP+HK are taunts.

    Players actually have 3 throws:


    If you do a neutral throw you can generally mash LP, LK and rotate the joystick in circles to get more hits/ more stun off the throw.

    Urien's neutral throw is a sick set up into an AR!

    Most chars have "EX" moves...these are moves that use a certain amount of your super bar at the expense of performing a move that is generally better than a normal special move and has slightly different properties than the standard special moves.

    Ken can EX:

    Dragon punch
    Hurricane kick

    You know you got it right as the char will flash yellow whilst doing the move. EX fireballs do two hits for example and EX dragon punches get more hits in, same with hurricane kicks.

    Simply do the normal motion you would for the special move but hit any two of the same attack buttons (i.e. 2 punches or 2 kicks).

    Akuma doesn't have any EX moves.

    Ken doesn't have any secret hidden supers.

    The best super that most people stick with is SAIII (and with Chun Li it's SAII) both for obvious reasons. Tho Ken's SAI is pretty good too. SAIII is so good for Ken as it has a faily short super bar...meaning you can get a fair few of them into a fight. Plus it looks the coolest imho haha.

    Oh and Ken can fake his F+HK...just walk toward your opponent and hold the button..he'll fake it. It's fun to fake it into a super lol.

    Have you guys seen the Alpha collection that is coming out? Suposed to have Alpha 1, 2, 3, Dash ...on ps2, I'll look for more details.

    Oh and before you ask Dan, if you ever see a <font color="red">red parry</font>, that's when you block the first hit of a multi hitting move (eg say EX fireball) but parry the next hit. You'll flash <font color="red">red</font> instead of <font color="blue">blue</font>. the timing is quite strict on it, I've only managed to fluke a few red parries against things before.
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Just to mirror my post on TZ:

    special anouncement we have a secret special celebrity guest coming to the meet on sunday so please try to get round peeps.

    What do you guys say to a mini 3S tourney? Seen as tho we're all playing it these days.

    Same layout as the usual VF meets, 2 chars only, league into knockout if we get enough coming. I'll try and get ramsey to come as well.

    Guaranteed players:

    1. LM_Akira
    2. Kaworu
    3. XXXX (oooh mystery!)
  15. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Should be able to make it, but don't know if I'm out tomoz yet.

    Chun Li probably for me for 3rd Strike, will leave Yun for casual's I think.

    What game does the special guest major in?
  16. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Should be able to make it, but don't know if I'm out tomoz yet.

    Chun Li probably for me for 3rd Strike, will leave Yun for casual's I think.

    What game does the special guest major in?
  17. kaworu

    kaworu Member

    Chris: ooooh mystery guest ^_^ awesome. I suggest maximum 3rd strike minimum VF tomoz, oh I'll be bringing along someone for fighting action ^_^ and I'll see if i can fit my ps2 in my bag with my stick.

    Ade: If you want I'll do you a copy of Capcom fighting Jam, street fighter 3 : 3rd strike (perfect copy), hyper street fighter,
    CVS2 60Hz and full screen and 60 Hz marvel vs capcom 2 all for a fiver, yes thats £5, what do you say?
  18. Xeion

    Xeion Member

    Scott, i think you should throw in that version of MvC2 with the custom soundtrack that i passed on to you if you are gonna charge ;P

    Just as a bonus!
  19. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Have fun, since I lost my 3 yr old vf file I have been playing 3rd strike and none of vf. Getting to grips with it a bit more and would be good to play you guys at it. If only Manchester wasnt so far away! Ive got no money at the mo so its not really an option coming up but maybe in a couple of months time. Can you tech roll or break your fall in the air like you could in alpha 3 with the 3 punches or 3 kicks?
  20. kaworu

    kaworu Member

    Fuckin hell, what a day.

    Loooads of people turned up.

    And above all, both mine and Chris' SCII sticks stopped working....the good thing is I have already fixed mine ^_^!!

    Chris: If you want me to fix yours on Sunday I'll do it gladly, you have to take apart the plug with the pins in and just push out the first as the pin had been just pushed back out of its clip, mine is perfect now.

    Scary, anyway some top matches today I thought matt did okay today he kicked some ass with skank akuma tactics.

    Hope you enjoy the game Ade ^_^

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