Northwest VF (Pacific NW, North America)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, May 8, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I hope everyone who went to X-Factor Fridays @ Best Bout Gaming had an awesome time last night! I know it can be rough recovering from Evo, but like most weeks I get calls and messages from various VFers regarding the Best Bout sessions. Keep it up guys!

    Reminder (Seattle): Tonight is Saturday Slugfest @ Dante's Seattle (tournament operated by GameClucks)

    The Final Showdown tournament is scheduled to start at 7:00pm, I imagine sign up is WAY BEFORE that. Casuals will be happening all day too, so it's a great time to get your offline Final Showdown action going!

    Special Update: GameClucks (who is running this tournament and providing a lot of gear) is requesting help from the community--2 setups for the Final Showdown Tournament (and I am guessing for casuals too).

    This would ensure that everything runs smoothly and on schedule as GameClucks normally does it (have to give credit to them, their events run very much on schedule from what I have seen, but my perspective is very limited on non-Portland events).

    And even if you cannot support a station, please let other Seattle-Area players know to help ensure you have a great Final Showdown tournament and casual/practice today!
  2. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    The Downtown Dojo

    Casuals and serious training, 9pm 7/15/12 at my place in Portland. Private message for address.
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Femto, thanks so much!

    I will encourage any VFers that go to this event to encourage more VF to happen there!

    VF players attending this event should definitely setup VF casuals to encourage growth!

    Vancouver has always had some good VF players. Just need a unifying force whether it's a local tournament series or a public space, or something. Mackfactor is good, Kamais Ookin is good, and I've met other good Vancouver players (just forgot the name).

    I wish Mutant (aka Mike Scupa) was still active in VF, maybe he is, but he was a great guy in the Vancouver scene along with Tellure. They're also both videogame designers ^_^
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I just talked to an organizer of Overture (that Vancouver, BC Tournament) and he told me that all it takes for VF to happen is:

    * Bring a setup, setup a tournament. That's all you need for a side tournament to happen.

    * If you have 8+ people play in the tournament, it will become an official tournament at the next Overture.

    He also acknowledged that he knows the BC area has devoted VF players. I believe that too, I think it's great to have an event, place, or person to rally the forces.

    BC is Pacific Northwest too! So I really want to see more happening up there on VF ^_^

    It's great that we're getting more activity in areas like Eastern Oregon too. Keep it up!
  7. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Nine people in the dojo tonight! Including five brand new players. Awesome first session, can't wait for next time. Time to level up people. [​IMG]
  8. airthrow

    airthrow Member

    There were only 6 participants in VF at Saturday, but it was my first FS tourney and it was fun as hell!

    I'm going to be learning Sarah soon cus Jean is a bit slower than I like my characters to be, even though he's way fun. I am way hyped for VF nowadays, it is possibly my favorite fighter of all time... so I hope we can all keep it going in Seattle you guys!

  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Definitely! And I know Seattle will keep it going! A lot of people had reasons they couldn't make the events last week, but I'm expecting a good turnout at Thursday Night Fights this week ^_^
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Upcoming VF Events in the Northwest

    Tuesday - July 17th
    (Portland, OR) Throwdown Tuesdays @ Best Bout Gaming
    Casuals. 7:00pm-Whenever (usually 2:30am). $5 for a full night of fighting at Portland's public gathering place for all things videogaming! You will regularly meet Northern Oregon and Vancouver Washington players at these events!

    Thursday - July 19th
    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ GameClucks
    Tournament + Casuals. 5:00pm-10:00pm. Weekly tournaments and practice sessions at GameClucks for the Seattle-Area fighters. GameClucks usually run these events very efficiently. You will regularly meet the active members of the Seattle-area fighting game community here.

    Friday - July 20th
    (Portland, OR) X-Factor Fridays @ Best Bout Gaming
    Casuals. 7:00pm-Whenever (usually 2:30am). $5 for a full night of fighting at Portland's public gathering place for all things videogaming! You will regularly meet Northern Oregon and Vancouver Washington players at these events!

    Saturday - July 21st
    (Vancouver, BC - Canada) Vancouver Overture 13
    Monthly Tournament & Casuals. 12:30pm - 11:00pm. Vancouver Overture is BC's premiere monthly fighting game tournament! Even though Final Showdown is not on the official ticket, players can bring a setup and setup a side-tourney for it! If the side tourney gets 8 or more people, then it will be an official tournament at the next Overture! This event is a great way to meet more of the BC and Northern Washington players and spread the VF love!
    Event page on Facebook
  11. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    End Of Summer Tourney in Seattle will be Sept. 22nd and 23rd. It will be an official tourney. Details are still coming out however the dates are set and VF will be there, so with an almost 2 MONTH head start, there is plenty of time to plan.

    EDIT: Chanchai has word that it will be an official tourney. So we just need the players!
  12. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I already have the days off. Need to figure out a ride up there though.

    I want to set up a VF room at one of the hotels.
  13. Shouta

    Shouta Active Member

    Official tourny? Sounds good to me!
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    A lot of reminders of some awesome events:

    TONIGHT (Thursday)
    There are three things happening tonight, in three different regions! You can find the details for these events in previous posts (keeping this post smaller)

    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ GameClucks
    Tournaments and casuals tonight, starting at 7:00pm (normally 5:00pm but the tournaments will begin 7pm I hear)!

    (Portland, OR) Dojo Sessons @ The Downtown Dojo
    Private message R_Panda for an invitation and details for this evening training session not too far from Portland State University!

    (LaGrande, OR - Eastern Oregon) Free Fight Night @ Wired Gaming
    It's official, the Eastern Oregon seen is building up for competitive gaming and Wired Gaming is the place to be to rally the forces and level up!

    (Portland, OR) X-Factor Fridays @ Best Bout Gaming
    Portland's premiere place for training, meeting other fighters, and tournaments! X-Factor Fridays starts at 7pm and goes pretty much all night, most of the time. It's only $5 for the whole night, all you can game (or chill, or train)!

    End of Summer 2012 (Seattle, WA)
    We are all very excited about the End of Summer Tournament on September 22nd-23rd in Seattle, WA! I'm glad that Femto broke the news early to let everyone know. When more details come out, I will make an official event posting and set it on the VFDC calander and will (along with others like Femto aka Mike B) promote the heck out of this event because THIS IS A MAJOR-LEVEL TOURNAMENT! And Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown IS AN OFFICIAL EVENT AT EOS2012!

    If you want to have the best VF experience you will probably have this Summer, I can think of no better place. If you want to help do your part to get Final Showdown at Evo next year, THIS IS YOUR BEST CHANCE RIGHT NOW TO HELP DO THAT! This tournament will be able to hold more than 200 Virtua Fighters, let's get that going!

    We will be spreading the word to EVERYONE about this tournament. I have already given a heads up to both Northern California and Southern California players about this. We will be telling EVERYONE about this because this is likely to be one of the very few major level events happening before the end of the year. In other words, it's the best chance we have of making a difference in both VF and in the Northwest Fighting Game Community!

    EOS is something to be super excited about, let's all plan on making it awesome!
  15. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I wanna see super strong play at EOS. I wanna embarrass Cali's scene with how strong we are. Something worthy of not just the front page of vfdc, but Shoryuken too. If there was ever a time, it is now.
  16. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    I like the enthusiasm but let's refocus a bit here and concentrate on beating players in our own back yard first.

    BTW Femto for EOS don't forget to contact the Canadians including Kamais and AyuFanBoy. I haven't seen AyuFanBoy post much but I was impressed with both he and KO's play at Evo. Since you're looking for people to travel, might want to make sure we get as many strong locals in the bracket as possible.

    Sadly, I think it's impossible for me to make it but I'll be putting in time with the PDX players pushing to make sure they're as ready as possible.
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm telling the Cali players about EOS, not because I want to embarass them (nor do I think they would embarass themselves), but because I think it would be awesome if they came and I would intend to also have sessions with them outside of the tournament because that's typically what VF players do. We meet up, we fight, we get better.

    There is no guarantee that they are coming, but it would be truly awesome if they did (and I don't think they would be coming to prove anything or to be embarassed).

    Furthermore, I really appreciate players like Plague giving us a shout out on the streams at both Evo and Wednesday Night Fights, giving respect to the growth and playing level of our scene.

    And at least for me, and I know some other Northwest players, the respect is mutual. To be honest, some potshot remarks could have been made all over the forums, but they weren't made on the forums and it is appreciated. We could have had raging discussions about brackets on VFDC, but people didn't let it bother them beyond Evo. Tournaments are tournaments, results are results, and the next event comes along...

    What hopefully remains is the respect and desire to grow stronger or become the best. And that gets shown in battle and nowhere else.

    Anyways, I figure you're hyping up Northwest and getting everyone pumped for our growing and strengthening scene. I'm glad you are. I personally just don't think I need to "embarass anyone." It's truly awesome that Northwest VF has been stepping up and we're only going to get stronger, I'm psyched!

    Sorry if I have to be a buzzkill by saying I really see no need to talk about how badass we are or how strong we are going to be to other regions.

    I just figure we will let our game do the talking, and that our personal drive and love of the game will help us help ourselves to get a lot stronger. And our scene will also help us all get strong. And beyond that, our efforts to play with more continental and even international players will also help us get stronger ^_^
  18. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Hehe, aw I was just being silly >:3 hypehypehype!

    And I meant embarrass in the nicest way possible. I understand how the VF scene works, our real goal is to match the Japanese anyway.

    In other news we had eight people come out tonight to the downtown dojo, lots of serious VF training and fun matches too. I hope everyone that made it out tonight can make it to Best Bout tomorrow, could be a huge turn out for VF if even just some of tonight's group and some of Sunday's group came.
  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Upcoming VF Events in the Northwest

    Tuesday - July 24th
    (Portland, OR) Throwdown Tuesdays @ Best Bout Gaming
    Casuals. 7:00pm-Whenever (usually 2:30am). $5 for a full night of fighting at Portland's public gathering place for all things videogaming! You will regularly meet Northern Oregon and Vancouver Washington players at these events!

    Thursday - July 26th
    (Lynnwood, WA) Thursday Night Fights @ GameClucks
    Tournament + Casuals. 5:00pm-10:00pm. Weekly tournaments and practice sessions at GameClucks for the Seattle-Area fighters. GameClucks usually run these events very efficiently. You will regularly meet the active members of the Seattle-area fighting game community here.

    (LaGrande, OR) Free Fight Night @ Wired Gaming
    Casuals. 7-10pm. Eastern Oregon's #1 spot for offline competitive gaming offers a free fight night on Thursdays! A fighting scene is building there, be there!

    Friday - July 27th
    (Portland, OR) X-Factor Fridays @ Best Bout Gaming
    Casuals. 7:00pm-Whenever (usually 2:30am). $5 for a full night of fighting at Portland's public gathering place for all things videogaming! You will regularly meet Northern Oregon and Vancouver Washington players at these events!
  20. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    First off, congrats to Chanchai on the new addition.

    Second, fun games last night at Best Bout. I can't make it twice a week every week, but whenever I do make it out there's always some good competition there. If anyone is lurking the board and this thread and lives in Portland, you really need to make the trip out to the place on either Tuesday or Friday nights. Don't be shy, there's tons of people there from all skill levels and the vets like myself are always willing to answer questions. i think there were two set ups with matches going and third with someone practicing in training mode, so if you're new don't be afraid.

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