Northwest VF (Pacific NW, North America)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, May 8, 2007.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Sounds good! I completed License Challenge, that's all I got as far as VF, haha....


    Oh yeah, so BBB in Feb. is the 9th correct? Better be, because I got it off.
    R_Panda and Chanchai like this.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Yes, Best Bout Beatdown 20 will be on February 9th! ^_^
    nou likes this.
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Something funny that got brought up about Seattle on FB. BB/animu and Tekken players are the ones placing the highest in their respective games. Gotta add VF to that list!

    Saw Yosuke on FB, doubt he remembers me but today I was thinking " Man how did I not "get it" until now". I remember even going through the EVO tutorial after the first time I met Chanchai and Yosuke, to see where I wasn't getting. Didn't even know what questions to ask, I just remembered being flustered, lol.

    Ah well.....
  4. yangsing

    yangsing Member

    get what
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I should be at Best Bout tonight for some VF ^_^
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Get the flow of the match, when I should input the different defensive choices, basically the basics.
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    It's easy to lose it too hehehe. For me, whenever a new iteration of VF comes out, I end up focusing on figuring things out on my end that I forget to watch what the opponent is actually doing for awhile... Takes a few months to get my bearings back in and start watching both sides of the fight...

    I guess this is why I have an annoying but developed auto-pilot game to sub-in until I remember to watch what my opponent is actually doing :p Fortunately, I do start to watch both sides of the equation again after awhile.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Glad to have AJS, Yangsing, Fat Bear, Panda, Jared, and Hellsap playing VF tonight! Lots of matches tonight!

    That said, sorry for my sometimes sour attitude tonight. I had almost no control of myself tonight, was hitting buttons a lot and also dropped a lot of things that I don't even normally drop (And I usually drop a lot of very specific things, but tonight I was dropping totally different things). I let too many things get to me today and it affected my attitude.

    All that said, I really liked a lot of the gameplay I saw. I especially liked AJS' Jean and Fat Bear's Goh tonight! AJS always criticizes his own game and feels like he missed everything and wasn't properly punished, but he still outplayed most people tonight and provided some very entertaining VF. Fat Bear's Goh is better than the last time I saw it and his matches with AJS were very entertaining!

    And as always, really good stuff with Yangsing's Kage, Jeffry, and Shun. Part of me wishes we played more, the other part of me is embarassed that my attitude would have made it frustrating for me tonight lol.

    Fun fights with Panda's Brad, but sorry I couldn't stay focused in our fight. Excellent punishment by your Brad and also improved patience and punishment against certain situations with my Lion that used to nail you even last week. Really kept my movelist in check!

    Fun Wolf mirror matches against Jared's Wolf! I know playing a Heavy can feel different and at first slow or sluggish, but after awhile you'll feel that the speed of play is not too different from most characters, just more of a mastery of the arsenal of Wolf vs. the arsenal of Jacky. Your Wolf will get faster and more efficient with more experience
    R_Panda likes this.
  9. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Very fun games, really felt I learned something from every player I played against tonight. I liked our matches a lot Chanchai, though I know you were distracted. I personally felt more focused than normal, and I think my focus training on Super Hexagon is helping in VF, as silly as that sounds. I kept in mind the idea to keep my eyes open and to watch my opponents, along with the motto to trust my fingers, as confidence is a key part of my execution. I feel like I'm still searching for a lot of answers against you, Chanchai, but I have a fun time evolving the very specific style I have to use to fight you. I do feel like there's still a certain level of bullshit I'm letting you get away with that I need to figure out, lol, and maybe develop more of my own.

    AJS and I had a nice longer set in the beginning, and I felt I was getting a handle on Jean, but I couldn't adapt during the shorter second set much at all. The first set started out poorly too. I need to adapt faster. Fun though, you always bring a lot of effort, and it makes me want to play hard too.

    Yangsing's Shun is boring. Jeffry hits me hard 'cause I'm dumb. These matches remind me to pay attention and remind me to optimize combos.

    I like your Wolf play Jared, though I know you may not have felt the same. What you're learning now with Wolf will help show you the fundamental games of VF, and you'll see results if you keep up the practice. I make fun of him, but Wolf is a good character, if you decide not to go back to Jacky.
    Chanchai likes this.
  10. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Training in Portland OR tonight, 1/27.

    Final Showdown and Accent Core Plus all night long, starting at 9pm at my place. This is last second but I'll try to post to vfdc earlier next time.

    One 360, one PS3, two Asus Evo monitors, and space for 30. pm me for details, all are welcome if you want to learn this game. :)

    This will be a biweekly thing from now on, with a special event in the works for the next one. Excited..! ^_^
    Chanchai likes this.
  11. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Thanks to Hellsap, Chip, Zony, and shinryu for coming out! GGs yo~

    Next Sunday will be held at a different location. These dojo sessions will become bi-weekly starting the week after BBB20. If everyone keeps making it out, I'd like to start hosting real events as well - but these are details to come later.^^
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Best Bout Beatdown 20 is looking pretty awesome, with the exception of AJS not being able to participate (he would be my tournament favorite, to be honest). Life happens, but the fighting goes on!

    We have some Seattle players participating at Best Bout Beatdown 20, I plan to be there, Panda plans to be there, and more people are confirmed!

    BBB20 should be a good brawl in VF5FS!
    R_Panda likes this.
  13. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    • [​IMG]
      1515 sw Montgomery st. 97201

      Training and Beginners' Tournament

    • [​IMG] Virtua fightin' all night long! Serious training and fun!

      This will be the first exciting run of what I'm calling my Beginners' Tournament, a VF5FS tournament open to anyone without a Best Bout Beatdown Champion title under their belt. $2-3 double elim winner takes all format, and the winner will have the chance to take me on in a ft5 for $10, at no risk to themselves, in the Final Boss round. If you're intimidated by Best Bout's roster, how about you try climbing this hill first? :)

      And this session isn't just for new players, we need some of that Old Guard to train these guys up right too.

      Equipment includes two Asus monitors, a 360+TE, a PS3+TE, and a dual modded hitbox. Private house with fair parking and space for 25 players easy.
    Chanchai and nou like this.
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    The Northwest featured Two Great Weekends of VF Back to Back!

    Last weekend, Portland hosted Best Bout Beatdown 20 and players from Seattle attended to train and compete! The roster was quite good and the VF action was very fun, especially in the after session. The tournament was broadcast and archived. I will post my notes for that at the end of this post in quotes.

    This weekend has had a wonderful development! Following a VF tournament hiatus, Seattle's own Saturday Slugfest 8 (by GameClucks) strikes back with some excellent VF action in a huge return to form! Not only that, but MasaRED makes a return to offline competitive VF (he never really left, he just got crazy busy with work!). R Panda brought a crew from Portland as well and lots of VF action ensues!

    Also, this weekend hasn't ended yet! Panda has done an awesome job helping newer VF players and in fact, he is hosting a private session and "beginner's tournament" in Portland on Sunday! I have to say, I am very grateful that Panda has been working hard on developing a new generation of Portland VF players, filling in a void that Rayblade and myself are unable to fill these days. Thanks Panda!

    A guide to Slugfest 8 (with links to the archive stream and bracket) in the post after this one!

    Best Bout Beatdown 20 Recap
    YouTube Playlist by TeamKhaos

    Challonge Bracket

  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

  16. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Congratulations to Masa on winning Saturday Slugfest 8.

    Personally this tournament felt totally unacceptable and frustrating after losing BBB20 just last week. It's time to put in the work again if I want to level up.

    Sometimes it feels right in front of my face, and other times it's a hundred hours away...
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'll be honest: for me, against Masa, it feels like it's a hundred hours away lol. But it's obtainable!
  18. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The Ugly: Before posting, I found myself blaming this and that for losing last night. It's me and not making the wrong choics while my opponents are making the right choices against my wrong choices.

    The Bad: Still gotta work on habits, with a "more doing than talking" type of mentality. Sorry for keeping everyone late at the venue for the people that showed up. There were some unforseen circumstances but we should've had a Plan B ready. Tourney was rushed because of it and people didn't get the pre-tourney practice in.

    The Good: Fun sessions afterwards. I didn't want to stop! Had a great time and it was cool seeing old faces along with new faces! The 1-and-dones were hilarious. The general just kicking it and talking about whatever was awesome. Having more than one setup was awesome. I like the venue, even though that area is still under heavy construction.


    - Shouta for offering to pick me up, even though I'm way out of the way for him.

    - Zass for picking me up, to save Shouta the trip.

    - PDX for coming up and playing with us.

    - Jared and the PDX crew for giving me a ride back so late in the night.

    - Seeing people enter that I haven't seen in a while (Twonny, Heaton) and the new faces Goldfish and Shujiky from the MK crew.

    So yeah, good times all around, but again sorry for keeping everyone waiting at the venue. Learned a lot from Zass about getting it done on the tourney bracket though. That shit flew, haha!
  19. Heaton

    Heaton New Member

    I'm never gonna get rid of that name, am I?

    Definitely gonna be getting back into this game, now that all the hype from the 500 other fighting games released over the last year has died down. Definitely had more fun with VF than any of the other (non-Calibur) games out there, and you guys are chill as hell. See you guys again soon!
  20. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Hey Heaton, fun games at SS8! Even though we only played that one set, I really liked your enthusiasm and questions, and I think we should definitely play more. And if you liked Brad, I will teach you all about him and more anytime. You in the nwvf fb group?

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