Nvidia GTX1080 dropping 5/27/16. GG to the following:

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, May 7, 2016.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Libertine, your PC is a utter and total disaster.. You are on z97 right? So that's an obsolete chipset, obsolete gpu. Are you running on HDD? I wouldn't be surprised. And how much did you spend? 2-3k or more? Shit... It's worth less than 1500 right now. Disaster!
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Honestly.. this describes @Libertine perfectly:
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator


    I'm not quite sure what that post said, but from the gist of it, you appear to be confused. First, the word "that" is not an article, but a demonstrative pronoun in the context in which I used it. Second, you're talking about "awesomely look" while your avatar is a picture of yourself smoking. That's like trying to take a sexy picture of yourself in the bathroom but forgetting to flush the toilet behind you first. That's not "awesomely look" at all.

    Lastly, I have a 980 Ti, not a 980. Now, this is fine because my plan was to stick to the same graphics card for around 5 years before upgrading. The plan is 3 years now, but the point is that I don't need to have a current graphics card each generation. If it means anything, I thought that you had good advice. I wouldn't get the most powerful graphics card being offered if I was upgrading each year. I'd do what @Shang does and get a much cheaper card (or two) and upgrade the next year, but I'll always be a PC scrub compared to him and @Chief_Flash since I don't care about having the latest technology all the time. I'm fine for 3 years.
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Why is having the latest shit so important to you? Also, just because I said that I ran Crysis doesn't mean I'm bragging about it. LOL. There's tons of other shit I'm getting.

    Are you getting Mirror's Edge: Catalyst?
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    What? You spent 800$ on a 980 and not a 980Ti???? OMGGG!! Owned!!..
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Can you read?
  7. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Can somebody help @Libertine out here??? the man who spent 3000$ on his PC, which now worth less than 1500$, wants to know if I can read. Thank you in advance.
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Haha! Alright, I'll just shut up now as you prepare to play games at 60 FPS in 4K with your new graphics cards. I'm going to try Doom now on my obsolete computer.
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Lol Doom.. No Vulcan API.. Observe the power @Libertine, look at the dos counter and cry them tears. GG.
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Wow, a new card having better performance than my older card. Who saw that coming...

    Where are you getting 50% cheaper from? It's not even close to 50%. Not only that, but you think I spent $800 on the 980 Ti? I thought that Asians were supposed to be good with numbers...
  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    You stupid FUCK!

    Price you paid for 980Ti: 800$
    MSRP of 1080: 600$
    Street price of 1080: 550$
    550 to 800 = 46% increase in price!!!

  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    50% less... Okay, I thought that you were saying it was half the price for some reason. Still, I didn't pay $800. I think it was $750 with tax.

    I'm still waiting to know how the 1070 performs and what the price will be.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Hey retard, learn what markup means.. I actually went to school for this shit, where as you went to school and learned how to be a Fucktard white bigot who hates people who aren't like you.

    Markups are from base price. If I paid 550 and you paid 800, you've paid about 50% more than what I paid.. You understand??? Markups are from base price, nor inflated price.

    I gotta tell you @Libertine, what amazes me about your stupidity is not that you are stupid, uneducated, and igorant, but the fact you have so much conviction of them.
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I just edited that post. I thought you were saying that it cost 50% of the price.

  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    damn @Shang went in Hard! I felt there over here
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Libertine, post all costs associated with your PC build and let's see if we can build your PC for 1/2 of the price... Disaster!!!
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I purposefully went for premium parts, and when I upgrade I'm going to keep most of it (speakers, keyboard, monitor, etc.). I could have built it for less money if I wanted.

    And shut up Tricky, you're a clown. When I take $100 from you, whatever price difference there was between the 980 Ti and 1080 will be negligible.
  19. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

  20. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'm in.

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