NYC VF4 Frolic May 10-12th

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by adamYUKI, Apr 27, 2002.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. I'm wondering who is inviting themselves? And so what if they are. It's really up to the hosts which are "ADAM" and "ANDY" to make calls like this. They can invite whomever they want. Bungle are you coming? I'll finally get to me you, this excites me. later.

    p.s.- If its not at your house don't worry about it. Your VFers be glad so many are able to come and willing to play you guys. Never push away comp, let the hosts do that if they want to. later.
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    what part of "invite-only" is failing to register in your diseased mind? take your ritalin and read the post again, you fucking gibbering spaz: do you see me invited? no. are you invited? no. even if andy somehow did invite either of us, i could not go, and would not want to go - and the possibility of you being there would only add to my lack of desire to go.
  3. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    =) I love you too bungle. I hope under some circumstance you "DO" show up. That way I'll get the full pleasure as to see what kind of skills you have to back up your horrible mouth on here. I'm not commenting on "ANY" of the derogative remarks in the above post about me. I'll be posting "OUR" match on the forums if Bungle decides to crawl out of whatever hole he's in and show up. That will be my response =). See you guys at the gathering, really looking forward to it. later.
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >That way I'll get the full pleasure as to see what kind of skills you have to back up your horrible mouth on here.<

    wtf. i have never once said anything positive about my skills in vf4. look it up, use the search. more than a few times i have said that i dislike the game, that i hardly play it, and that i'm hardly competitive at the game.

    the only thing that my "horrible mouth" has claimed is that you're a bratty little cunt of the highest order, and so far you keep proving me right. if it wasn't already clear to your rotten little brain, i wouldn't give a fuck if you were the best player the world. my issue with you is that you're a mindless little jackass retard, and no amount of vf skill that you might have could ever possibly change that fact.

    that aside..i have no fear at all that the NYC crew, especially adam, will absolutely crush you, utterly and completely, and most likely in the most embarrassing ways possible. be sure to upload those for all to see, it'll be a real laugh.
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    god damn..... cant we all just pull out our memory cards, borrow each others official vf sticks, play some matches and just fucking get along /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  6. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Lets start off my post with "I'm sorry to anyone that reads the following." I had to respond. I'll start with a short little story from today. I'm sitting on the throne you know "The Can"(toilet). And all of the sudden "BOOM" the gound shakes and water from the inner bowl hits me in the butt. Well, I immediately go outside to find out what the heck just happened. Turns out it wasn't what I thought it was(an earthquake) but merely Bungle posting. Apparently it was so monumental that it shook the earth. I knew all of that name calling was going to get me sooner or later. Anyway enjoy the following lol. what did you say? You don't like VF4? Your not competitive so you basically suck at VF4? And that this has gone on so long, that I can use the search button to figure this out? No comment.

    Here are your words describing me: diseased, gibbering, spaz, bratty, rotten, mindless, jackass, retard, oh yeah and I'm a cunt. I didn't have to say any of them to make you look bad, how funny. I think I'm smarter, yep thats it, gotta be.

    Bungle just for the future, I would think you'd have figured this out by now, seeing as how you've been on here for so long. But I guess I'll have to explain. See, Most people that post in Jamboree post for a reason.
    1) You don't like the game- So why are you on VFDC?
    2) Aren't competitive- So basically you suck at it too.
    3) Not going to the NYC Frolic- So your posting to post basically. I'm going, so I can get away with posting in here. Your welcome to post in here, but now you look like an idiot for incorperating other people in your post(NYC Crew) and not really finding out if I'm actually going but assuming that I'm not. Well I am going. Heaven help you. You've got something that has no cure. "STUPIDITY". So, point that thing somewhere else "You'll shoot your eye out!!"

    HEHEHE<-------Did you hear that Bungle? Or was your B/F's tongue in your ear again? That was the last laugh, you missed it.
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Can we stop all of this nonsense now?!

  8. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'd talk to bungle strictly through PM's, but I just got a notice from Myke that I need to stop PMing Bungle. Too funny, after one PM I'm harrassing him. ??? think what you want, but I think he's a pussy.
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    actually, it's your second, mr. selective memory. both messages were just flames, but just personally addressed. you said nothing in either that could not have been said in public, and both were even more antagonizing than what you said in public. if that's not abusing the prv msg system, i don't know what is.

    you are just being intentionally blind and redundant at this point. i read and occasionally post here because i want to, and because i still have a lingering interest in VF. if i think someone is deserving of being called out on something, whatever the subject, i'll do it. everything else you asked in your other reply was answered by my original posts. i have nothing more to say or prove; and if constantly proving to the rest of the readers of this thread how much of an asinine half-wit cocksucker you are makes you happy, by all means, continue. you're doing a great job at it.
  10. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I guess I'll take that as a REALLY F'd up apology for you assuming that I wasn't going, and for all the horrible name calling. Jesus!

    P.S.- All the questions in the above post were "SARCASTIC"!!!
    Yes, it was my second PM to you, one for the korean thread, and "1" for this thread, When I said "one" I meant on this topic. It won't happen anymore. And my PM wasn't "THAT" bad. I just called you an idiot. thats all. And informed you that I was going, to correct your error. Oh well. =/

    Bungle if you've got a problem with antagonizing you should really reread your posts!!! I'm not one to flame unless deserved also. Lay off!!
  11. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    2) Aren't competitive- So basically you suck at it too.

    Wow...that's almost another way of calling yourself competitive, eh? Knowing how much VF3 Bungle used to play, he still would stay above most of the VFers in the US.

    Just reading TONES of your posts, Blonde_one, you really are making yourself look like an asshole. I'm feeling little uncomfortable meeting you in person and may play you in NYC.
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "Just reading TONES of your posts, Blonde_one, you really are making yourself look like an asshole. I'm feeling little uncomfortable meeting you in person and may play you in NYC."

    and that's one reason I wont attend this gathering, I just think i not gonna have any fun. if only the ppl on this list and only these ppl would come i would of been happy but...shit happens.

    Omaha Jeff



    Shou Sama
    Kaminari Oyaji
    summers (my nigga,you're always invited no need to ask heheh /versus/images/icons/smile.gif )

    andy, my nigga! the room is too small for more ppl, dont invite more than those on the list (in my opinion of course)

    man, we should of done this by email, next time fo' shizza ! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  13. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry guys really. I didn't think when posting. Its just "Bungle" he gets under my skin!! Flaming me like that..................again!! Did any of you read the korean thread? Same way, he just flames. Thats all he does. I can't handle someone thats that much of an asshole. So I flamed him back. I'm not like that in person or towards someone I can tolerate, and I can tolerate almost anyone.
  14. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Chris, just chill over what Bungle and others have said. Like Shota said above, Bungle played a TON of VF2 and VF3 and was easily one of the best VF3 players in the US. He has friends on this board and there are topics he's still interested in I'm sure, like how ShinZ and his boys did in Japan etc. Bungle has a past of not getting along with CrewNYC or Ice-9, that's another reason why you don't see him listed on the invite list. I've rarely seen him flame someone without a valid reason... he may be harsh sometimes, but that's just his current style. Read past the profanity and you'll find valid content in his posts for the most part IMO.

    Also, I want to take the opportunity to vouch for Chris(Blonde One) and Eric(Iron Monkey Fist) with regards to attending this gathering. I met both when I was down in Orlando a couple of weeks ago. I think both will get along great with Andy(CrewNYC) and Adam. Chris and Eric have a unique playing style that I'm sure the NYC guys will enjoy playing against, and conversely, I'd like to see how Chris and Eric adapt to the very defensive style of the better players in NY. It should be a positive experience all around.

    BTW, Bungle in person is different from how he's perceived here on line, and I'd say the same for Blonde One. Both of you have said things in the forums here that have made me cringe, but in person you're both OK guys. I consider Bungle a friend (since our VF2 playing days) and if I spent more time with Blonde One, I'm sure we'd be friends too.
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Two things that I find really annoying, gets on my nerves, unjustified, violently gay are :

    A) Rich sucks

    I have no idea where this assumption came from...but in recent days, I have seen people just come right out n say ' u suck' to rich.

    I am sure it is safe to say...make it a swear bet that many of us here (heck..many old timers here) never thought the possibility of Rich hating VF4 would actually happen. Personally, I'm quite sadden by rich's dislike for VF4, and I'm sure I'm not alone too...considering what a gun he was in VF3. Here's one player I never got to play with in VF3...and with his departure from's quite possible that I may never get a chance to play with Rich ever. ( no rich...Quake..IS NOT the alternative)

    B) Rich is nothing but a flamer...swears non stop etc etc etc etc etc

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I've rarely seen him flame someone without a valid reason...


    Damn right abt that too!!!
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    well I'm with Sal. I might not attend the gathering as well. I am just not feeling VF right now, and all this arguing is making my head hurt. As for Rich, I never really had a problem with him. I met Rich in person once. I thought he was a nice guy. He then later totally diss me as a player calling me machi and a whole bunch of other shit. lol You know what I did, I ignored it. Yea it bugged me a little, but you know what he just posted his opinion of me on a public board. After thinking about it for a little I just accepted it. You can't be mad at someone for just posting their opinion. Just accept in, learn from it, and move on. Flaming that person for it only gets Rich and blonde_one where they are right now. Nowhere and hating each other for no fucking reason. Although Rich diss me, I still don't hate him. Just wish that some of the things he says out loud in this forum he would just keep to himself sometimes. And with that i'm done, hopefully everyone got the point I was trying to make. Well if my mind is stable by the weekend I guess I will see everyone there.

    oh by the way, wtf is up the this tournament crap!
  17. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    posting for shits and giggles, Blonde One and IMF are quiet people. So any dumbass comments that they might say, won't come out of their mouths because they are so quiet. However they will give you a good game. I can't say I agree with them inviting themselves to an invitation only gathering but que sera /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    As far as what you might learn from them, I can't really say. Florida VF seems to be a 2-5 trick pony, someone finds something abusable and they abuse it until you figure it out. Then they switch to the next trick. Nyc from my past experience likes to move around and yes, they are very defensive with some kick ass reaction time. My simple tricks worked wonders against the crew back when I stopped by, (cept Nelson) and Blonde and IMF have more tricks than me and are more dedicated at this point. I would like to see how they fair though.

    If anything else they have well honed anti bullshit skills. Courtesy of me and enkindu /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  18. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Oh and why wasn't I invited biatches? You afraid of the lp wonder? Just kidding lol.
  19. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    FYI, I was invited by Andy through ICQ before this thread was even here. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about...all I know is that I'm flying from FL to NYC just to play VF and meet some new people.

    This being my first VF gathering ever, I'm not feeling very welcome. Some of the reactions in this thread could turn someone who's new to the game away, but not me /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    peace guys
  20. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    ahhh k, then what are they bitching about? Well....give em hell monkey dood....(In game, of course;)

    P.S. The better you do the better my boasts of being able to kick your ass at one time will sound *nudge* *nudge*

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