
Discussion in 'The Vault' started by alantan, Oct 20, 2001.

  1. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system

    Now about this dodge system, has any one tried to dodge a rising attack with the d, p+k+g or u, p+k+g attacks?

    I managed to get it to work against the cpu against <normal attacks>, but there isn't a "random yell"..... Can some one confirm about this?
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system

    I have done this b4 n indeed there is no yell

    The way I see it...the yell will come out when
    A) opponent's move is really really near n u evade at the last moment

    I think in ur case, it's a matter of knowing already the fallen opponent is going to do a rising attack , thus u evade the rising attack really early n entering the P K G
    ( in other words..computer sees u as doing a dodging attack...not evading a move..thus, no yell indicator)

    But in all honesty though..dun enter the P K G if u know ur evade is gonna be successful...go for the Bonus~!

    <font color=red>~~~ 'exam time=lotsa maggie me, very broke, no real food, no sleep, no sex!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by SummErs on 10/21/01 11:09 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  3. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Re: audio dodge indicator?

    I can definitely confirm this audio confirmation of a successful dodge. Was playing with Sarah against a CPU Kage. Did a dodge I believe was one FL I think was kinda fast and lo, Sarah let out one of her HAAAs.

    Chia Jin Ngee
    ...we live in the Age of Bacteria - Stephen Jay Gould
  4. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system

    Thanks Myke for pointing this out. I was alittle confused when I observed this Lion player sorta strolling around. Literally! Not the dashes we used to see in the past VFs.

    Chia Jin Ngee
    ...we live in the Age of Bacteria - Stephen Jay Gould
  5. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system

    Not sure if this has been mentioned but I think the jump system could do with some explaining as It's quite different this time around.

    For those that don't know you can jump by tapping u/f+k or p and not releasing the button until you land.

    If you don't hold the button you get a regular jumping attack like Aoi's jumping chop or small jumping kick.

    If you hold the button for a little while (until you are decending from the small jump) you would get Aoi's landing sidekick or small landing punch.

    I haven't tested this with many characters so I've yet to see if Pai for example would still get her SSK by holding u/f+k...can someone confirm this for me?, do the characters with non hopping u/f, up or u/b attacks like Lau's u/f+k still have the delay option or do they not have hops without an attack?.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system

    hop = upward direction + P or K, held until after landing
    hop, attack = upward direction + P or K, let go of attack upon landing or tap other attack button upon landing.
    hop attack = upward direction + P or K, let go of attack before height of hop or tap other attack button.

    tapping an upward direction + P or K gets you whatever move it was meant to give you.

    This is what I remember and did experiment with in VF4test. As far as I know, it's unchanged.

  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system

    I noticed that Chibita tends to follow up D,f+P+G throw or b,df+P attack with b,f+K+G (OTB), then sometimes hops away from the downed opponent, but sometimes does the pounce. I'm wondering whether pressing uf+P (where forward is facing away from the opponent, since his Lion has his back turned) allows you to option select between the hop and the pounce depending on whether the opponent is TR/QRing...?

  8. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: movement system


    Holding u p in that situation will always do the high pounce. To hop away, you must do u/f k.

  9. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Go try it and you will know that it won't work, dashing
    backwards(whether its cancelled or not) rrquires too much
    time, and also, linear attacks like p or elbows can
    interrupt a dodge in its early stages in VF4.
  10. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I'll take your word on that... I haven't played VF4 yet... only working on theory.
    If you do figure a way out of this problem, please let us know...
    Once I start playing, this will be one of the first things I'll investigate.

    "VF is the resonance AND the wonder." GodEater
  11. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Haha...in what way is VF4 similar to VF2? Most of the game mechanics are still based on VF3 eg.Throws are still escapable, no hit-counter select, air combo damage is still moderated, dodges are still available...the list could go on forever.
    The main features thats still linked to VF2 are the 3 button controls, the availability of back CD and a faster backdash. dp is also somewhat similar(I don't have the frame stats so I'm guessing) but its now possible to block it while standing, so its NOT homogenous to VF2.

    Your point regarding the hard-core VF2 players is just plain anecdotal.
    First of all, your figures are all wrong. Months before VF3 was released, VF2 was already recording little operating revenue from arcade vendors(I guess you don't read Jap magazines but I do... ok I did).
    Besides, even if billions are still playing VF1 or some god forsaken prehistoric game does not mean that its a great game. Most people would prefer a less technical game like Mortal Kombat(err..wasn't that the MOST popular game in the states back then?) to a mind-boggling technical game anyway, a more popular game does not necessarily have to be a better game.

    FYI, I did not complain because I "couldn't understand or deal with it", heck I am still thrashing my opponents so I'm certainly not losing. It just irritates the hell out of me when there are cheap moves in a game, whether its escapable or not. For example, Lau's f,dk is only counterable with a dp for most characters(non-low throw characters), sure I can wait a while and RISK a standing throw, but why should I even need to take a risk to punish?
    Afterall, the f,dk has high priority and does tons of damage so Lau should be punished if its blocked(thats why Am2 tweaked it in tb), and I'm not complaining even though Lau is one of my main characters.
    I'm pretty sure that VF4 will be tweaked to "perfection" in ver.D, so "experts" like you won't even be able to take one round off really good players and no, they are not the losers you often play against.

    Using vulgarities and stuff does not reflect very well on your integrity and upbringing, and it certainly does not make your point any stronger or clearer.

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by alucard on 10/22/01 11:56 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  12. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    just wanted to add a little something::::

    crouch punching/poking is a really good interrupting move when you are really close to your opponent.

    but there are always ways out of it since it is now blocked high....(these ideas are from the test version)

    1)dodge and do a midlevel attack or dodge attack<--- (tap u or down then all buttons)

    2)dash back(from the looks of it dashing is much faster in vf4 than vf3 especially crouchdashing back/forward)

    3)block high then counter with a stationary attack (e.g. blocking high on a crouch punch will push you back a little bit then do a midlevel attack that won't cause you to move forward (jerky's back plus kick, shun's kick plus guard, etc.) sorry the plus signs won't show up in the post.

    4)do a hop attack.

    5)crouch throw

    6)if there's anymore you would like to add then please add cuz this is all i know ; )

    i consider #1 and #4 a little risky.in #1 they can just poke you to set you up to do a dodge attack or dodge mid attack so they can block it and then counter with an attack or throw(depending on how far you are).#4 the same with #1 but it is still a guess if the hop attack is either mid or low.

    remember to mix these tactics up so no one can determine how to counter you. it's always a guessing game to me! hehe ... i hope this helps : )

    note*please correct me if im wrong, that way i'll learn even more* thank you

    "How many people wanna kick some a$$!!?? i Do! i Do!..." Stroke 9<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by jackybrothas on 10/22/01 09:51 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  13. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Well some people loved VF2. VF2 got me into the series. I have to say though VF3 royally rocked VF2. There were alot of things people abused in VF2, VF3 was a little too balanced in some aspects and little you could abuse.


  14. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    "187981567465456417867813567 Japanese players can't all be wrong" If I made this statement you would have torched me all over the place...as you used to say....If all the japanese are doing it does it mean we have to follow...

    If all the japsnese do something does it make it right? Hmm sounds like something you would have said...boy you change your take fast when it supports your opinion.


  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd jump in and say something re: popularity. You make the point that popular doesn't necessarily equal good. That's true, to an extent... but in Japan it's much less true than in the US. If you have gamests and whatnot from then, do you happen to have figures on how well the Capcom vs. games did compared to any VF game?

    And VF2 *was* excellent. I will freely admit it was loaded with cheap stuff, trying to defend that is pointless. But even though individual characters had cheap stuff, it was still fair OVERALL because everyone had horribly damaging, abusive moves. Even the worst characters in the game (who would you say? Shun? Pai?) could take off 50% damage at once. Part of the fun of the game is that even though the damage is out of control, the balance is adequate and the best player will win. You can see the level of concentration in good VF2 matches, because screwing up hurts a -lot-.

    You might say at this point that "hey, killer instinct was a game where everyone had 50% combos, and that sucked." .. but VF is actually fun to play. Interrupting low punches with your own low punch and then low throwing is fun. Struggling out of staggers and reversing your opponent when they dash forward and attempt a throw is fun. Hitting them with pai's sweep and using an SSK to get behind them as their rising attack whiffs is fun. VF2 may be cheap, but it's got depth. There are hundreds of moves and all but maybe three are useful. I won't argue that it has more depth than three, but is it as fun as three? Sure. Rich isn't talking out of his ass when he says interest in Japan was not as high as predicted. It was being reported all over the place on RGVA and message boards back when VF3 was still brand new. He didn't come up with it last night just to make a point.

    Anyway, if you have definitive statistics showing otherwise, showing that VF3 blew VF2 away in terms of total quarters sucked in -in Japan- ... then please whip them out. I'm not being snotty there, I'm genuinely curious, because the information is hard to come by in the USA.

    One last thing, you are confusing the point with this:
    FYI, I did not complain because I "couldn't understand or deal with it", heck I am still thrashing my opponents so I'm certainly not losing. It just irritates the hell out of me when there are cheap moves in a game, whether its escapable or not. For example, Lau's f,dk is only counterable with a dp for most characters(non-low throw characters), sure I can wait a while and RISK a standing throw, but why should I even need to take a risk to punish?

    Your argument was that 2 was nowhere near as good as four because two was much cheaper. .. and that 4 is much closer to 3 in terms of gameplay mechanics and fairness level... that about right? So if you're going to support your argument, complain about a truly unfair, horrible VF2 move (Jacky's PPEK comes to mind)... Lau's f,d+K? pbbt. In 2 you could block it for a free elbow sagger, single palm, double palm, low throw, etc etc etc. You were fucked if you used it in 2 and it was hardly rewarding. In three it was even more unrewarding... at least in 2 it occasionally floated for a combo. In 3 comboing from it is pretty rare. I can admit that it was tough to counter in VF3OB, but that was fixed in TB. It was easy to block-n-elbow-stagger, block-n-low throw, block-n-shrm, block-n-kickflip, etc.

    If you're arguing that it's rewarding in 4, how so? Is it no longer elbow/low throw counterable like it was in VF3 TB? Can you do lengthy, un-QRable combos from it now? Is it faster or more damaging?

    If you're good enough to play VF and 'deal with it' as Rich says, then you shouldn't be losing sleep over Lau's f,d+K.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  16. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member



    It's an example. I do NOT base my entire argument on the opinion of Japanese players, nor do I glorify their actions or preferences to the absurd level you do.

    Fuck off and die, Andy, you fucking retard. Goddamn, you're so fucking stupid it's remarkable. Will you ever register, fuckhead?

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  17. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Chuj ci na urodziny.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  18. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    I think I know what Alucard is saying about low P.

    Sometimes, in VF4 when I THINK I have initiative after blocking a move and I throw an elbow, I get interrupted by a low P.... really kind of weird. I mean after successfully blocking a move, I should be able to get some reward right?
  19. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member


    isnt that what I always say? You take opinions and turn them into facts..sucks when someone else does it back huh?


  20. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    No, that's not what you say. You have always sworn by what the Japanese players do. You take that as the word of god, as if there's no argument.

    Fuck off you fucking retarded idiot. I swear to god you purposefully don't use your brain just to piss me off.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black

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