Oklahoma? HA!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by godimus, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    Sweetness! Good to hear. You should learn Lei Fei Garrote and Will have both stated they hate fighting against the Feister.
  2. Hozanto

    Hozanto New Member

    Hey! I am a player in Tulsa. Is there anybody else here??
  3. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    Isn't that place still owned by SCII gheyness????????????
    you're always free to drive down to OKC and play one of us.
  4. Hozanto

    Hozanto New Member

    Yeah there is still alot of SC2 players here. I am not one of them. I mainly play VF4, GGXX, and SvC.
  5. Liquid_Lion

    Liquid_Lion Member

    A Tulsa VF4 player....now ive seen everything. Seriously though, if you ever want to come to OKC to play against the best OKC has to offer (sadly) then redrum and I will show you some shit.

    Im surprised Tulsa hasnt quit playing SC2 yet. Some time ago on their boards all they did was bitch about how broke the game was. Hell, a lot of the the Chicago group has gone VF4 because of the gayness SC2 shows.

    Well, when you have the chance, come to OKC and we may go to OU where there are some other VF4 players that jam at the student union center.
  6. redrum2000

    redrum2000 Member

    Man if you ever get over the pneumonia you've got to figure out when the next gathering @ OU takes place, and if that's a sat night i'm gonna kill somebody! I'm already on call Sat and can't go to the BIG XII game and if the gathering occurs on a sat than that will be the ultimate suckage.

    Call owns me :*(
  7. Liquid_Lion

    Liquid_Lion Member

    Only two more finals on Wednesday then Im done.

    I forgot when the gathering at wills was Bran, could you run that by me again.

    How many people you think are going to be there?
    I got a call from a friend and there is supposedly going to be some VF action at the Union Center once again. If thats the case, you and I shall intervene and make a miserable evening for hopeful scrubs.

    (Brandon should use Lau, Kage is out-played)
  8. Gohin

    Gohin Member

    Anyone still on this thread?
  9. Wifebter

    Wifebter Member

    I"ll revive this thread right now.
    Uhh were still around if you wanna play this summer gohin
  10. kil

    kil Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wifebter said:

    I"ll revive this thread right now.
    Uhh were still around if you wanna play this summer gohin

    [/ QUOTE ]

    about time u noob.
  11. Wifebter

    Wifebter Member

    noob my azz!
    you've never even played against my akira
    what you doing for nov? i have that whole month off
  12. kil

    kil Well-Known Member

    brandon:nothing i maybe coming earlier than that but that depends on funds,etc as you well know :sigh: no money right now.
  13. Gohin

    Gohin Member

  14. Wifebter

    Wifebter Member

    where do you live, Gohin? OKC???
  15. Liquid_Lion

    Liquid_Lion Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wifebter said:

    where do you live, Gohin? OKC???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya right, no one is OKC plays VF.....sadly.
    Wil are you ever gonna get down here, we got so tired of waiting that I had to pick up playing Lei Fei.

    You know, the guy that started this thread has long since quit VF and has gone back to Stillwater to be a Poke, damn you Kellen, damn you in the ear.
  16. Gohin

    Gohin Member

    I live in Spencer but right now i am at Oklahoma State University for the school year. I want to fight you guys so freakin bad.
  17. Stryderr

    Stryderr New Member

  18. X_A

    X_A New Member

    Man, some famlilar names.

    Anyway - does anyone play this competitively in this state? Specifically, Tulsa anymore?

    Looking to get into a new fighting game, always heard good things - blabhlah - rant here - http://www.okgamers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=38

    Let me know.

    X A

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