Online 3D Fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by martialfanatic, Dec 27, 2003.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    BS can.

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    **Note there are exceptions to the rules***

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    <font color="yellow">Ya think? </font>

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    GI - Nothing Guaranteed...No reward for your efforts...unless you consider stoping a Guaranteed attack(that must not be guaranteed if you can GI it) as a reward

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    Since I now highly doubt you play SC2, let me explain a few things - I can start with an example;
    Take for example Mitsu and do FC [2][4]BB, notice how the second hit will gaurd crush (cool) your opponent. When the opponent is Gaurd Crushed, do [6][6]A+B. Wow - he cannot block those 52 damage from [6][6]A+B!!!! How awesome is that? Hmmm, I wonder if he can GI though, golly he could. But that's kinda neat huh? That you can GI when you can not block that is (and after a gaurd crush you can get hit by heavy powermoves if you don't)? Gaurd impacts are a natural way of gameplay and can be used in many different ways.

    Another example would be if someone GI'd you... In most cases you can GI a followup but not block it / do anything else. The point of GI's being so vunerable - it's actually ment to be so. Example;
    You get GI'd (You do know that some moves auto GI right?), you can not block the follow up but you can GI it. But if the opponent stays cool, he can just choose to punish your wiffed GI instead setting up a 50/50 situation (this is how it's mostly used in highlevel play). Think this can have it's advantages? You think it would be hard GI'ng in a game which is based on strings (and there are moves that give + on block you know) and against some of the more heavier opponents you really should? Nobody (sane) tries to GI out of the blue the first hits of a string (unless it's slow).

    Basicly saying; If you have the skill to GI a move (it's one of those things that seperate scrubs from good players) that you otherwise couldn't have avoided or blocked - would you do it? I take it you just eat alot of damage for breakfast, lunch and dinner (in between hold spamming in DOA). Tell you what - download any highlevel play SC2 video of the internet where they don't GI k you fuck?

    Hey - what character(s) do you use in SC2 and how long have you played it? I can't believe the BS things you try to pull of based on quick internet searches.

    /KiwE (Gotta love me for my doacentral post).
  2. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: BS can.

  3. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: BS can.

    Kiwe, This was an interesting experiment. It seems your starting to see how I feel when people make accusations about Doa's gameplay(in this case Sc2). You see how easy it is for someone to pass judgment from looking at a Vid, reading some discussion, or listening to what their peers say. You see how things can be twisted around and manipulated to fit ones argument. I hope you had fun because im done and I need to get back to my work.

    I play with IVY.well used too since I personally dont like Sc2 and it has nothing to do with how deep the fighter is or lack there of.

    p.s Reversals are not as easy as they appear. There are 3 distinct timings that produce different effects.
    loose holds are done within the last 10 frames of the 22 frame window, counter holds are done within the 8 frames before it, and high counter holds are done in the first 4 frames of the reversal. Most people only Know about the loose holds and dont realise there are more than just one timing. The better the timing the more damage you recieve, the faster you recover and the higher you launch your opponent.

    Reversals Dont always end with Direct damage. Some reversals launch your opponent into the air TFT style and require alot of skill to use juggles that does alot of damage(you know combos that are not simply [P][P][P][K]). Than there are linking reversals that require you to be very fast at buffering to be sucessfull. Than there are the wall holds that lead into wake up rising attack breaks, Uramawari, Mid attack/low throw games(You know how hard it is to do these in Vf4, lets say its of similar difficulty). Reversals are affected by stance(some more than others).

    There's more but you have to read it at Doacentral /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    Oh yeah,When viewing a doa match that is above average play and you see someone missing reversals, that usualy means that his/her opponent were mixing up, staggered timing and faking very well..considering in general how easy is to reverse attacks.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: BS can.

    Experiment? Jesus christ don't tell me you admit that you were wrong when you said GI's had no uses (I've got money riding on this).

    Btw, you guys really should fix the characters link on the site (to a simple movelist would suffice). Shouldn't be to hard to do but it's essential as hell as it's probably one of the first things many click on your site and gives the first impression thereby. As for the rest (how hard juggles are in DOA as opposed to VF for example) - let's say I'm done arguing. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    I'll tell you one thing, all of this (if I may be allowed to go back on topic - I hope) kinda got me sad all of a sudden cause I realized that I'll probably never play against any of those who I've argued with and probably never will (not being in USA etc). Things would've been so much easier if it was an option to say play VirtuaPai with observers in both DOA and SC2 etc or just naturally flow arguments into the gaming enviroment (show me spamming Van moves!) to settle things or to just simply have fun (arch nemesis in games aren't just for Bond).

    We're just in the startup of the computer era still - think of where we were 10 years ago. While it's cool that we get to so things grow (internet, pc power etc) it's easy to envy the kids of tomorrow and how it will be when you're gone (when all of this will be incredible laughable). So once again, echoed by all; we have to start somewhere.

    /KiwE (Want's a banana smiley @vfdc)
  5. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: BS can.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Btw, you guys really should fix the characters link on the site (to a simple movelist would suffice). Shouldn't be to hard to do but it's essential as hell as it's probably one of the first things many click on your site and gives the first impression thereby.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It will be up and running soon. We didn't want to throw anything together. and have it look all tacky. We want to atleast be comparable to the hardcore gaming sites around us...not anything less

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for the rest (how hard juggles are in DOA as opposed to VF for example) - let's say I'm done arguing.

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    Im done too, I will just have to kick your Butt online /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif -(fighting face)

    You know how hard Kage's TFT combos are, lets say Hayabusa has some of his own:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll tell you one thing, all of this (if I may be allowed to go back on topic - I hope) kinda got me sad all of a sudden cause I realized that I'll probably never play against any of those who I've argued with and probably never will (not being in USA etc). Things would've been so much easier if it was an option to say play VirtuaPai with observers in both DOA and SC2 etc or just naturally flow arguments into the gaming enviroment (show me spamming Van moves!) to settle things or to just simply have fun (arch nemesis in games aren't just for Bond).

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    The time will come. I think our generation will be able to see great improvements.

    [ QUOTE ]
    We're just in the startup of the computer era still - think of where we were 10 years ago. While it's cool that we get to so things grow (internet, pc power etc) it's easy to envy the kids of tomorrow and how it will be when you're gone (when all of this will be incredible laughable). So once again, echoed by all; we have to start somewhere.

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    Technology gained momentum out of no where. I bet microsoft or Sony are thinking up ways to advance online competition. I know sony is burned by microsofts sucessful online capabilities and the only thing they would like to do is one up microsoft.

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    /KiwE (Want's a banana smiley @vfdc)

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    /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gifhmm, you mean like the one we have @Doacentral
  6. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: BS can.

    Just for the record, I never said I LIKE DoA. I said I'd like to give DoA3 a chance.
  7. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Newbie questions

    I got a newberific question. What is trolling?
  8. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: Newbie questions

    you know? ive been wondering the same thing for years now... im guessing its somebody who is in love or obsessed with something and wants to convince others to love it as well ??
  9. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    Re: Newbie questions

    trolling is when someone goes onto a message board and deliberately incites trouble.. for example, going onto a GC board and saying "GC is rubbish XBox pwns!!!11!!!111" or something equally inane. it is banned on most popular forums these days.
  10. Zakuta

    Zakuta Well-Known Member

    Re: BS can.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Painty_J said:

    Just for the record, I never said I LIKE DoA. I said I'd like to give DoA3 a chance.

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    Play DOA2 instead; it's better. =p

    And as far as GI is concerned in SC2, it has no real uses now because of G2 - as well as the fact that you can throw someone out of GI now, meaning you have to guess the throw escape once you GI. It's a tough thing to setup and do properly, but it works.

    As for 3D fighters online - it can work. I'll guess and say that a fighting game passes less information than say HL and Q3A do when you play a certain number of people. So really, it should work. May not work to spec, but it'll work anyway.

    I think i'll give DOAO a shot - I like loads of different fighting games and DOA is no's another game I can play pretty well. hehe...GOGOGOGOGOGO AYANE!

  11. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member


    Its been speculated by XBN that the online component of Dead or alive Ultimate will be running at 30fps. What are you thoughts on this and if this is true, Do you think it will elliminate lag?

    IMO, It might work @ elliminating lag, but 30fps is slow as hell. I pulled out my Sega Saturn to play Vf-Remix, It was a good game for its time, but playing a fighting game at that speed is not that great.
  12. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: 30fps

    No it won't defeat lag but it will reduce the ms(ping) time needed. What interesting is that they now have to change the engine in order for it to run at 30fps i think.

    Running a fighting game at 60fps is a hard task anyway. Shame it's just not VF Online /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    DOA ultimate is DOA 1 right ?
    But just online
  13. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: 30fps

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    No it won't defeat lag but it will reduce the ms(ping) time needed. What interesting is that they now have to change the engine in order for it to run at 30fps i think.

    Running a fighting game at 60fps is a hard task anyway. Shame it's just not VF Online /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    DOA ultimate is DOA 1 right ?
    But just online

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    Both Doa1 and 2 will be online. I dont think they have to change the engine that much...Just have to cut the animation for each move in half, or something similar to that.
  14. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: 30fps

    Yeah but y ou loose that smoothness of the game it will funny playing it at 30fps. You'll probably get used to it after a while.
  15. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: 30fps

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    Yeah but y ou loose that smoothness of the game it will funny playing it at 30fps. You'll probably get used to it after a while.

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    Your right /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif, Wether its 60fps or 30fps, its still going to have online play and thats the main focus of the game.If the game runs at 3ofps online, I bet they will add more graphical flair to make it more pleasable on the eyes.
  16. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    Re: 30fps

    You can mostly play any 2P fighting game online, all you need is a good computer and an online capable PS2 Emulator, you won't get into any legal trouble if you own the oroginal disk.
  17. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: 30fps

    More like decrease it to probably reduce bandwidth :p
    vf2 is perfectly playable online for PC i don't see why Doa shouldn't be at 30fps i guess. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Since when did a ps2 emulator run commercial games :p

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