
Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Chanchai, Feb 15, 2001.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Which is why I say Jacky is hard to get a win at high level of play.

    Because he probably has the most 'non hiding" attack.

    he's also the most widely used character.
    Thus one must be really creative in using him to trick ppl to block the wrong way...

    It's easy when oneis always looking to either throw or elbow->heelkick etc.

    But I'm not disagreeing. He is 'easy' to use.
    Jacky is such a big help to beginners...not funnyl

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wow, another person who spells Bryan with a 'y'

    You know, i remember a very tall guy, who i believe was named Bryan, who played in MN every now and then...and he worked at a tatoo parlor, no less. Is this all just a coincidence?
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Doh...there was another Aoi player out there, and i never got a chance to play them?
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Piccolo's got me right; that's me. I have tattoos and play mostly akira. Yeah, I remember playing with you (pic) in chinatown. You used to do High Jump Kick,Low Jump Kick, Yoho and with Kage you did P+K(counter),B,D+P+G.

    I also remember when we bought DC's at J&L (700 with a game Jeesus!).

    Like I said, due to work I pretty much dropped the VF3 scene, but I've played hundreds of matches of vf2 with adam, nelson, hiro etc (as well as my japanese friends, whom I played with most).

    LA is a vf ghost town, and aside from visits with my friend noah, and Ice-9 and UK Guy coming through last may for a few hours; and one session with a good player from taiwan named howard (who moved to san jose), I only have the cpu to play with.

    MN Aoi: with a y is the real way. people don't spell Ryan: Rian, do they?

    And I do work as a tattooer, but never been to MN.

    VF2 in new york, the good old days, 52nd street, Le Q... memories

  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    ah so it was you, glad to have met you. it was refreshing at that time to play someone that knew how to play vf, especially in chinatown arcade (SF2 land).

    hehe, you also played at Le'Q?!, the pool table place right? man once i found that they had vf2 there, that was my hangout place on my lauch break, i used to work in a pharmacy close by.

    memories indeed..

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    "people don't spell Ryan: Rian"

    so i keep telling everybody, but they still write my name is Brian unless i tell them...*shrug*

    maybe the guy's name was Ryan...still, a tall VF'er, tatoos on his arm, works at a tatoo parlor, and named (b)ryan...interesting

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