PANIC On the Street's of London?

Discussion in 'General' started by SlimTYME, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorists

    wether not not this person has got the whole thing sussed, it's definatley something to take into consideration.

    the message behind that document isnt "we have your ass so give up" it's "we want answers".

    if the govenment are completely innocent, they have nothing to worry about.
  2. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorists

    So, then, I'm supposed to believe this because you say it, right

    As Oli pointed out, you missed the big IF

    "Honestly, I'm skeptical of all perspectives, especially those that fail to produce any evidence to support themselves. Is that so wrong?"

    One minute we had significant evidence that iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction, next minute we went to war, occupied the oil fields, destroyed their whole country, next minute it appears there was no weapons of mass destruction in the first place!!! No doubt you are especially sceptical of your own government.

    “I was referring to the paragraph asking people to post this everywhere they could.â€Â

    Lol those weren’t even my words, they’re from the original article which was mailed out to me. You should be able to find the original article on THE RANTER whatever that is. The other article was from . I couldn’t care less whether people posted this elsewhere or not. Actually the writer sounds like a socialist which I’m not.

    Having read this thread it was obvious people where thinking terrorist, islamist, fanatic or something like that. I thought people would ‘enjoy’ these articles so I copied and pasted it, its just food for thought, doesn’t even require further discussion. Hope peeps enjoyed it.

    Having said that you really need to have a wild imagination to think someone would use vfdc as a platform to launch a global revolution. Emx, no offense but you do sound like your exaggerating and somewhat patriotic.

    Note: In case I havn’t made it CLEAR already the views in those articles do not necessarily represent my own.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorists

    Sham, why don't you do everyone a favour and shut the fuck up with your retarded neo-liberalist consiparcy theory bullshit.
  4. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorists

    [ QUOTE ]
    MAXIMUM said:

    Sham, why don't you do everyone a favour and shut the fuck up with your retarded neo-liberalist consiparcy theory bullshit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Listen you fucking moron, unless you where too retarded to understand other peoples replies, you might realise you don’t represent ‘everyone’. And no you fucking faggot, I’m not a liberalist.

    Judging from your attitude, it looks like your nothing more then a well manufactured product of the media. Sorry to break it to ya, but world affairs is more then just pop concerts and sports competitions, hope you’ll see that someday, fucking prick.
  5. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    Sham's theories are retarded, but they're not "neo-liberal."

    But now I'm going to write about bin Laden. It is a mistake to say that he and al qaeda aim to topple the West and replace its governments with Islamic ones. I can understand why people have this impression, but it is mistaken.

    Bin Laden is not insane. He is a calculating person who has a particular, and limited, agenda. In short, he seeks to use terrorism against Western nations that he sees as hostile to the Muslim world. Since the leaders of the U.S. and Britain in particular do not want to bring Israel and Oil policy into the conversation, Bin Laden is reduced to a bloodthirsty caricature. Don't take my word for it. Here are bin Laden's word's as quoted in Imperial Hubris.

    Bin Laden, in response to criticism that the 9-11 attacks allowed the US government to justify its war on terrorism:

    [ QUOTE ]
    For god's sake, what are the documents that incriminate the Palestinian people, that warrant the massacres against them, which have been going on for more than five decades at the hands of the Crusaders and the Jews? What is the evidence against the people of Iraq to warrant their blockade and being killed in a way that is unprecedented in history? What documents incriminated the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzogovina and warranted the the Western Crusaders, with the United States at their head, to unleash their Serb ally to annihilate and displace the Muslim people in the region under U.N. cover? What is the crime of the Kashmiri people and what documents do the worshippers of cows possess to make them sanction their blood for more than fifty years? What have the Muslims in Chechnya, Afghanistan, and the Central Asian republics committed to warrant being invaded by the brutal Soviet military regime and after it communism's killing, annihilating, and displacing tens of millions of them? What evidence did the United States have the day it destroyed Afghanistan and killed and displaced the Muslims there? It even launched prior to that the unfair blockade of [the Afghans] under UN cover. Under the same cover Indonesia was ripped apart; Muslims were forced to leave Timor...Under the UN cover too, it intervened in Somalia, killing and desecrating the land of Islam there. It is even the first to urge the Crusade ruler in the Phillipines to annihilate our Muslim brothers there. There are many other countless issues. We say that all the Muslims that the international Crusader-Zionist machine is annihilating have not commited any crime other than to say God is our Allah.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Al Qaeda was set up to wage jihad against infidelity, particularly to encounter the onslaught of the infidel countries against the Islamic states.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What bin Laden preaches is defensive Jihad -- an Islamic response to encroachments into the Muslim world by non-Muslims.

    Another bin Laden quote:

    [ QUOTE ]
    So the case is easy, America will not be able to leave this ordeal unless it leaves the Arabian Peninsula, and stops its involvement in Palestine, and in all the Islamic world. If we give this equation to any child in an America school, he will easily solve it in a second. But according to Bush's actions the equation won't be solved until the swords fall on their heads, with the permission of Allah...

    We renew our pledge to Allah, our promise to the nation, and our threat to the Americans and Jews that they shall remain restless, shall not feel at ease, and shall not dream of security until they take their hands off our nation and stop their aggression against us and their support for our enemies. And soon will the unjust assailants know what vicissitudes their affairs will take.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Finally, some words by the author of Imperial Hubris, "a senior U.S. intelligence official with nearly two decades of experience in national security issues related to Afghanistan and South Asia."

    [ QUOTE ]
    To paraphrase... [bin Laden]: I will be mostly quiet. I will attack those who help you. I will wage war on you in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. I will incite all Muslims against you. I will strike you again in the United States, if possible with a weapon of mass destruction. I will try to destroy your economy. Though you are evil, I care nothing for you, your beliefs, or your ways, but I will force you to end several of your policies toward Muslims. I will not grow weary, weak, or irresolute. I will not compromise. You will, God willing, be defeated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Terrifying stuff.

    Nearly as terrifying: our leaders' dishonesty in leveling with us about the true nature of things in the Middle East and instead giving us color coded alerts and conquering Iraq because, Jeez, didn't we get attacked by some Muslims and all that oil is just sitting there teasing us, and how much geography does the public know anyway?

    Note that I do not share bin Laden's views about killing innocents to achieve political change. I just think that an honest reckoning of the movement is past due.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorism

    I think the 1,000,000,000 Muslims, 99.99% of whome do not advocate the slaughter of innocent people would disagree with Bin-Laden.
  7. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorism

    Thats true. I have friends of mine that are Muslim who do not support his actions, but do have some support for his cause. It seems to me that the majority of Muslims feel that the Western governments are putitng a lot of pressure on them, but do not feel the need to respond in any sort of violent behavior.

    It seems that Bin Laden got all high and mighty with whatever power he attained and went all Rambo with it.
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Muslim Public Opinion

    Adam Garfinckle in the Spring 2002 issue of National Interest :

    [ QUOTE ]
    In a recent poll conducted by Saudi intelligence and shared with the U.S. government more than 95 percent of Saudis between 25 and 41 expressed sympathy with Osama bin Laden

    [/ QUOTE ]
  9. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: Muslim Public Opinion

    not all muslims are from saudi arabia.

    There are more Muslims living in the UK from NON saudi areas than muslims from saudi areas.
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorism

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:

    Imperial Hubris.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm about halfway through this book. I find it a fascinating read. It really opened my mind to what's happening in the world and how al-Qaeda views things. Of note is a list of al-Qaeda victories between 2001 and 2004: two of the items on that list are the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq by western forces. Osama considers these things victories for his cause.
  11. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: Terrorism

    But now I'm going to write about bin Laden

    Why write about bin laden? With the exception of the bombings in Kenya and others which I condemn btw, I don’t see why all the focus on him. There is absolutely NO evidence to show he was responsible for 9/11, he clearly stated he DID NOT do it although the western audience received a dubbed video tape saying otherwise, all the evidence produced pointed to people other then bin laden, no doubt his fame is attributable to over exaggeration by government apparatus, no doubt this serves a purpose too.

    Looks like you’ve become a tool spreading western propaganda and you don’t even know it.

    Bin Laden, in response to criticism that the 9-11 attacks...

    I think any decent human being will feel bad about atrocities committed on any nation, not just bin laden. I also think any nation would try to resist illegally invading and occupying forces including western nations, is that too hard to understand???!!! For your information when near 100% of muslims will condemn the killing of innocent civilians, the same number also consider it obligatory for muslims in those occupied countries, to repel the occupying forces. That means this isn’t a war against terror and bin laden, but a war against islam. Americans probably don’t have a clue what a war zone is like or what their government has actually been doing to these countries.

    “Terrifying stuff…â€Â

    Yeah I know, the capitalist nations have done well to cause destruction and havoc all over the planet and this is just the beginning, “nearly as terrifying†is when someone encourages a nation of innocent people to try and defend themselves against illegal occupiers. Even more terrifying is when those harmless people know the forces are there not to liberate them, but to rape resources.

    “In a recent poll conducted by Saudi intelligence and shared with the U.S. government more than 95 percent of Saudis between 25 and 41 expressed sympathy with Osama bin Ladenâ€Â

    Who wouldn’t feel sympathy for him, he hasn’t done anything in the first place, and from the evidences seen in the arab world everybody seems to think his innocent! The arab world also think scape goating him is just a pretext to allow them to fulfil their political objectives. Obviously there’s something they know that we don’t, either that or they’re all insane. You didn’t mention ‘why’ the Saudi have sympathy for him, no doubt because you didn’t know yourself, that means you have subconsciously taken the Saudi poll out of context and furthered the media propaganda.

    As for those other quotes, I doubt bin laden actually said that, those statements sound fabricated or at least completely taken out of context. Nonetheless just because you read it in a book doesn’t make it true, especially if written by someone from an intelligence agency. Valuable books by intelligence people usually get banned.

    NOTE: I Do not support Bin Laden at all. I condemn what he done in Africa. However I DO NOT think he is responsible for 9/11 and I suspect scapegoating him is part of the west plan to fulfil their political objectives. I also support any nation resisting illegal occupations of their lands, especially considering the reasons for the presence of the occupying forces.
  12. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: Bush Caught Red Handed

    Please note: The views in the following articles are not my own. I have just copied and pasted for people to read, if you you want read it if not leave it.

    The Case of the Downing Street Memos

    Revolution #008, July 17, 2005, posted at

    Revolution received the following correspondence from San Francisco.

    For over nine months before their March 2003 invasion of Iraq, the U.S. government insisted they were giving negotiations, UN pressure and international inspections "a chance to succeed."

    Now the lies of their charade have been exposed--in a series of high-level British government memos and briefing papers that have leaked into the press. Behind the scenes, the Bush White House had already decided to launch the invasion, and was lining up Britain's Tony Blair government as allies and was negotiating which lies to use as justification.

    The so-called Downing Street memo in particular is a "smoking gun" that confirms that the U.S. and British governments were coldly lying to the world about their motives and intentions. This memo (first published in Britain's Sunday Times May 1, 2005) contains the minutes of a July 23, 2002 meeting between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Richard Dearlove, then head of British MI6 Intelligence.

    Dearlove had just returned from high-level meetings in Washington. The memo documents what the U.S. officials were then saying to their main ally behind closed doors:

    "Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The National Security Council had no patience with the U.N. route... It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran."

    Clearly war to remove Iraq's government had already been decided, but the British and U.S. governments were trying to get their stories straight--on which excuses to use as their pretext for the aggression. To repeat a key sentence: "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

    This Downing Street meeting was in July 2002--eight months before the invasion was launched in March 2003. While secretly fine-tuning war plans with the British intelligence head, Bush publicly insisted he was seeking peaceful alternatives.

    Neither Bush nor Blair deny the authenticity of this Downing Street memo. But the White House does deny that its decision for war had been made by that time.

    In response to a question about the fixing of intelligence to justify the war, a White House spokesman stated, "The suggestion is just flat-out wrong." Stung by the exposure of their lies, the Bush administration responds with a new lie.


    As if this Downing Street memo was not damaging enough, a secret British Cabinet Office briefing paper (also dated July 23, 2002) has also been leaked to the Times. It states that "since regime change was illegal, it was `necessary to create the conditions' which would make it legal."

    This secret briefing confirms that Blair "had already agreed to back military action to get rid of Saddam Hussein at a summit at the Texas ranch of President George W. Bush three months earlier."

    It went on to say that the British regarded "the use of force against Iraq, or any other state, as lawful if exercised in the right of individual or collective self-defense, if carried out to avert an overwhelming humanitarian catastrophe or if authorized by the U.N. Security Council."

    In other words, the British government too was set on war, but wanted to come up with a legal public rationale for the war.

    In a third secret memo (dated March 14, 2002), David Manning, the foreign policy advisor to Blair briefed the Prime Minister on a dinner he had with Condoleezza Rice -- over a full year before the invasion was launched.

    Manning wrote:

    "We spent a long time at dinner on Iraq. It is clear that Bush is grateful for your support and has registered that you are getting flak. I said that you would not budge in your support for regime change but you had to manage a press, a Parliament and a public opinion that was different from anything in the States. And you would not budge either in your insistence that, if we pursued regime change, it must be very carefully done and produce the right result. Failure was not an option."

    Clearly overthrowing Hussein was the goal and the only discussion was how to manipulate public opinion.

    Yet another secret memo (dated a week later, on March 22, 2002) confirms this. This memo was from Peter Ricketts, British Foreign Office Political Director, to Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary.

    Ricketts writes:

    "U.S. scrambling to establish a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda is so far frankly unconvincing. ...Much better, as you have suggested, to make the objective ending the threat to the international community from Iraqi WMD before Saddam uses it or gives it to terrorists."

    But Ricketts then writes that this too may be a problem:

    "What has changed is not the pace of Saddam Hussein's WMD programs, but our tolerance of them post-11 September...the best survey of Iraq's WMD programmes will not show much advance in recent years on the nuclear, missile or CW/BW fronts... Attempts to claim otherwise will increase skepticism...."

    A few days later on March 25, 2002 Straw wrote a memo to Blair stating:

    "[T]here has been no credible evidence to link Iraq with UBL and AlQaida. Objectively, the threat from Iraq has not worsened as a result of 11 September." (UBL refers to Osama bin Laden.)

    These leaks make clear that it was not "poor intelligence" that caused the U.S., British and allied governments to attack Iraq. These war criminals knew from Day One that their justification for war was based on lies. And they were working together to fine-tune these lies, long before they admitted publicly that they were going to war.

    They never believed that Iraq's weapons posed a growing threat or that Saddam Hussein's government had "links to terrorists." These were only a cover story invented to cover their calculated aggression.

  13. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: False terror, fabricated evidence

    Please note: The views in this article do not represent my own, they are copy and paste for your reading pleasure, if you want read it, otherwise leave it.

    False terror attacks and fabricated evidence?

    Some people may think it surprising, but it has been done before. Declassified State department documents show the USA once planned terrorist actions in Florida and near Cuba in order to blame it on the Cubans, in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

    In 1954 the Israelis were caught bombing British and American interests in Cairo and attempting to blame the Muslim brotherhood. (David Hirst's book: The Gun and the Olive Branch, 1977, 1984, Futura Publications ).

    In the 1993 WTC bomb the FBI planted Emad A Salen to infiltrate an Arab group and actively incite violent attacks. There is a history of so called "Fake terror attack" used to justify war and oppressive actions. Indeed, we should even be sceptical of video tape and supposed website evidence. In 2004 Glen Jenvey (alias Pervez Khan) setup a false Islamic website to lure "Islamic Extremists", the evidence he obtained was apparently used to hold Abu Hamza. No one doubted the legitimacy of the website.

    We should also not forget that in the age of Hollywood, where dinosaurs can come alive, light sabre fights occur, and hobbits march side by side with wizards. In our view a healthy scepticism of the media is a sign of a rational and open mind.

    Phoney 'Al-Qaeda' Responsibility Claim a Proven Hoax

    With regard to the so-called claim of responsibility for the London bombings from an unknown Al-Qaeda group which the British government is treating as 'serious,' MSNBC reported,

    MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be phoney, he said.

    "This is not something al-Qaida would do," he said.

    Furthermore, the website posting doesn't even claim personal responsibility, it simply references "the heroic mujahedeen" in the third person. The posting praises the attack, it doesn't even take responsibility for it.

    These facts didn't stop countless newspapers and Neo-Con websites automatically assuming Al-Qaeda (or Al-CIAda) was behind the attack.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: False terror, fabricated evidence

    No, all the evidence points to the fact Bin Laden funded, trained and organised 9/11. He even made a trelevised statement supporting the attacks.....I quote:

    "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammad is his messenger. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammad is his messenger.

    There is America, hit by God in one of its softest spots. Its greatest buildings were destroyed, thank God for
    that. There is America, full of fear from its north to its south, from its west to its east. Thank God for that.".

    Sounds like a resaonable chap dosen't he?

    I take it you haven't read the 9/11 report? Therein you can find evidence leading right back to the training camps in Afganastan. Not many people with half a brain dispute this evidence now.

    Also, please fucking spare us the "oh, but Bin Laden stands up for the people of Palestine" bullshit. Fact is., MOST OF THE WESTERN WORLD sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians, who's land was stolent from them cruely after the 2nd world war. However, only a tiny minority of extremists support blowing innocent people to bits in support of their cause.

    Where was Bin Laden 20 years ago when he was a rich playboy in Saudi Arabia driving his dad's Mercs and Rollers and pullin Saudi chicks? Did he give a flying fuck about Palestine then? No, he didn't.

    Like all religious cult leaders the guy is a walking hypocrite with the ability to smooth talk vulnerable retards round to his perverted way of thinking.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member


    Sham, this is what you sound like...

    Please note: The views in this article do not represent my own, they are copy and paste for your reading pleasure, if you want read it, otherwise leave it.

    Oracles in ancient Greece and Rome had the practice of consulting chicken entrails to divine the future. Today we scoff at the notion that anything, apart from dinner, can be gained from the slaughter of chickens. Oh how wrong we are. Last night after a particularly filling meal at Popeyes famous fried chicken and biscuits, I was visited in my well greased slumber by a creature which called itself Murray. At least that's what I think it was. It's difficult these days to translate chicken directly and my skills may have been further diminished by the pound of hashish I threw on the fire before I took to my repose. Often under these circumstances everything I hear sounds like the "bockBigoKK" gibberish Murray spouted. I listened intently though, and I came to believe everything I think I was being told.

    Murray, it turns out, is a giant cock and Master of the Universe. Not in the He-Man sense (Murray, in fact, doesn't appreciate that Mattel or whoever it was copyrighted the name without his permission but says "bockbockBigokk" which I believe translates roughly to "even God has his limits" or maybe "those mutherfuckers are gonna get theirs"...damn hashish) but rather in the sense that Murray can control the goings on of everything. He flaps the butterfly's wings in China even. I pointed out that such doesn't seem to be the case with certain legal matters whereupon Murray began pecking violently at my eyeball. Then we had sex, which is really difficult when you're high as shit and it's with a chicken...but, y'know, when in Rome.

    It may seem a little strange and the exact parameters of our relationship I haven't fully nailed down yet, but this is my new girlfriend, GOD.

  16. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: THE TRUTH!

    Does she have a sister?
  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: THE TRUTH!

    Murray's hotter sister...

  18. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: THE TRUTH!

    “…he clearly stated he DID NOT do it although the western audience received a dubbed video tape saying otherwiseâ€Â

    Its ok, I didn’t expect anybody with only half a brain to understand what I said there.
    Sanjuro, same applies.

    Here are my last posts, the articles are a bit lengthy but worth the read, if at the end you still can’t see through, or at least consider the mirage of bull shit your living in, no doubt you’re mentally deranged.

    Note: THESE ARTICLES ARE NOT INTENDED FOR SHEEP. I am not saying mossad did 9/11, I am not dismissing it either, it could have been the work of the American oil and gas elite, maybe even islamist nutbags, we may never know.

    How convenient was 911! 19.Apr.2005 00:35




    GROUP #1: MUSLIM TERRORISTS seeking to avenge U.S. policies in the Middle East..


    GROUP #2: ZIONIST TERRORISTS seeking to frame their enemies as a pretext for involving the US in a war against Arab/Muslim states.




    We know this because Bin Laden strongly denied any involvement in 9-11 and suggested that the Zionists were behind it. (1) It is widely believed throughout the Arab and Muslim world (and even much of Europe) that Israeli and U.S. elements staged 9-11 as a pretext for a war against the Islamic world.

    The Zionists and the U.S. scoff at this idea and insist that Muslim terrorists carried out 9-11.




    Given that both Group 1 or Group 2 would be in serious trouble if it were discovered to be responsible for 9-11, and given the fact that each group blames the other, we would therefore expect the true culprit to attempt to divert the investigation towards the innocent group and away from itself. This trick is as old as crime itself. As surely as night follows day, a phony evidence trail would had to have surfaced following the 9-11 operation.



    By simply reversing the direction to which the phony trail points towards, we can logically deduce who the true culprits were. Whichever group has phony-looking evidence directed towards it must therefore be the innocent group. Find the phony trail and you will find the guilty party.



    1. A few weeks before 9-11, Israeli mossad officials flew to the U.S. and met with leaders of the FBI and CIA. The mossad claimed that a major terrorist attack was imminent and that the culprits would be Osama Bin Laden and Iraq's Saddam Hussein. They gave no other details.(2)

    2. After the attacks, there were widely publicized reports that the government had a tape recording of Bin laden calling his mother just a few days before the attacks and telling her: "Something big is about to happen and you won't be hearing from me for a while." This claim was broadcast repeatedly on every news network and convinced many people that Bin Laden was indeed guilty.

    Weeks later, CNN corrected itself and revealed that the story turned out to be baseless. Although the story is now UNIVERSALLY repudiated by even the mainstream media, far fewer people ever heard the repudiation than did the original hyped-up claim. (3)

    3. Hours after the attacks, investigators received a report of a suspicious car left behind at Boston's Logan Airport by a group of belligerent Arabs. Inside the car, investigators find an Arab language flight manual. (4) HOW CONVENIENT!

    4. Investigators then find a suitcase supposedly "forgotten" by Mohammed Atta, "ringleader" of the suicide hijackers (why would someone pack a suitcase for a suicide mission?) Inside the suitcase they find a Koran, a fuel consumption calculator, a suicide note, and more Arab flight manuals. (5) Why would they need a suicide note? Do they need to justify anything to those who find it? HOW CONVENIENT!

    5. At the crash site in Pennsylvania, investigators find an incriminating letter written by one of the hijackers. (6) The destruction at the crash site was so complete that the largest piece of human remains found was an 8-inch piece of spine. (7) Yet the letter survived the awesome crash and incineration unscathed. HOW CONVENIENT!

    6. Days after the attacks, a slightly burned passport belonging to one of the "Saudi hijackers" is miraculously found just a few blocks away from the rubble of the World Trade Center. (8) HOW CONVENIENT!

    7. FBI Director Mueller even admitted that identity thefts were used in connection with 9-11. (9) As many as 7 of the 19 "Arab hijackers" are alive and well and some had reported their passports stolen in 1999. (10)

    8. Weeks after 9-11, Anthrax letters killed 5 people. The wording of the letters was designed to implicate Muslims. "Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great" It has long since been established that the anthrax came from a US army lab and was not mailed by Muslims. (11)

    9. The Zionist run Pentagon claimed to have found a "confession video" from Osama Bin Laden. How convenient that the man who was clever enough to pull off 9-11 would suddenly become so careless and leave a self - incriminating video laying around Afghanistan. Independent translations of the barely audible video later exposed the US translation as "manipulative and inaccurate" (12). Other analyses of the video raises even more questions of fraud and doctoring.

    10. It is then revealed that investigators also found a business card belonging to one of the hijackers at the Pennsylvania crash site. On the back of this miraculous business card is a telephone number linking one of the hijackers to the "20th hijacker" Zaccarias Moussaoui. (13) HOW CONVENIENT!

    11. Also at the Pennsylvania crash site, another miracle passport belonging to "hijacker pilot" Ziad Jarrah was found. (14) HOW CONVENIENT!

    Why were these hijackers carrying passports for internal domestic flights anyway?

    12. The Friday before the attacks, three loud mouthed, drunken "hijackers" ( Mohammed Atta and the Al-Shehhi brothers) make a memorable scene at a restaurant in Hollywood, Florida. (keep the name Hollywood, Florida in your mind for a moment) The London Telegraph (and many other sources) tells us:

    "Mohammed Atta, 33, who almost certainly was the Florida-trained pilot who rammed American Airlines Flight 11 into the north tower of the World Trade Centre, his cousin Marwan al-Shehhi, 23, and an Arab believed to be a brother of al-Shehhi, appeared to have been in a bibulous celebratory mood last week.

    Tony Amos, the manager of Shuckums Oyster Bar and Restaurant in Hollywood (Florida) just north of Miami, was interviewed by the FBI and he and his barman and a waitress all identified Atta and his cousin as some hard drinkers who propped up the bar last Friday.

    Atta's bill for three hours of vodka drinking came to $48. When he drunkenly disputed the charge, Mr Amos intervened. "Of course I can pay the bill," Atta told him. "I'm an airline pilot." (emphasis added) (15)

    Devout fundamentalist Muslim "martyrs" drinking vodka for three hours? And notice how "Mohammed Atta" purposely goes out of his way to tell the manager he was "an airline pilot". This is very similar to the way in which he purposely told his flight school instructor he was "leaving for Boston".

    13. The night before the attacks, three loud-mouthed "hijackers" (one of them again being the "ringleader" Mohammed Atta) visited a Florida strip club where they again cause a scene and make a deliberate point of telling people about a pending terror attack. They then conveniently "forget" yet another Koran at the bar! CBS News reported on September 14, 2001:

    "The three men spewed anti-American sentiments in a bar and talked of impending bloodshed the night before the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, a Daytona Beach strip club manager interviewed by the FBI said Thursday."

    "They were talking about what a bad place America is. They said 'Wait 'til tomorrow. America is going to see bloodshed,"' said John Kap, manager of the Pink Pony and Red Eyed Jack's Sports Bar. Kap said they made the claims to a bartender and a patron. Kap said he told FBI investigators the men in his bar spent $200 to $300 apiece on lap dances and drinks, paying with credit cards. Kap said he gave the FBI credit card receipts, photocopied driver's licenses, a business card left by one man and a copy of the Quran - the sacred book of Islam - that was left at the bar. (16) (emphasis added)

    This one takes the grand prize! Devout, fundamentalist Muslim "martyrs" not only getting drunk, but fondling naked dancers just hours before they were scheduled to meet with God! These highly skilled secret operatives then jeopardize their mission by drawing attention to themselves while publicly bashing America and boasting about pending bloodshed, to take place the following day? And what on earth were they doing in Florida instead of Boston the eve of 9-11 anyway? Didn't they realize that if either of their two early morning connecting flights (first to Maine, and then to Boston) were a bit delayed the next morning, their whole operation would have been at risk? And finally, they oh-so-conveniently forget their business cards and Koran at the bar!

    This Mohammed Atta character sure is an absent-minded fellow isn't he? He "loses" his passport in 1999, he "forgets" how to speak German when his flight school instructor tries to make small talk with him (see Chapter 11 ), he "forgets" his suitcase before the 9-11 attacks (or perhaps he remembered at the last moment that he wasn't going to need a suitcase for a suicide mission! ), he "forgets" a Koran in a Florida strip club, and then "forgets" yet another Koran in Boston, and also "forgets" his Arabic language flight manual and "forgets" his fuel consumption calculator! How did this guy ever get to be an electrical engineer?

    My dear reader- no disrespect intended- but if you can't see through these little stunts as the obvious work of a team of "false flag" imposters, then you are either truly stupid or willfully blind. So who, if not Mohammed Atta and his friends, could these drunken, womanizing, Koran-toting, "Muslims" in Florida actually have been? An excellent May 7, 2002 story written by Christopher Ketcham of Salon Magazine provides a clue. Ketcham writes about the Israeli "art student" spy ring that was uncovered in 2001. In an article entitled "The Israeli Art Student Mystery", Ketcham informs us:

    "For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices...... No one knows why -- and no one seems to want to find out.

    "In HOLLYWOOD, (Florida) several students lived at 4220 Sheridan St., just down the block from the 3389 Sheridan St. apartment where terrorist mastermind Mohammed Atta holed up with three other Sept. 11 plotters. Many of the students, the DEA report noted, had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence and/or electronics surveillance; one was the son of a two-star Israeli general, and another had served as a bodyguard to the head of the Israeli army. (emphasis added) 17

    Need I connect these dots for you too, or are you now seeing the picture? How appropriate that these Israeli actors should stage their stunts in a town called "Hollywood"!

    These are just a few of the highly suspect pieces of "evidence" that have turned up in the wake of 9-11. ON THE OTHER HAND, Nothing resembling such a phony, transparent, and ridiculous trail has been found to point towards Israelis and Zionists. No Jewish skullcaps left behind at the airport, no Jewish Torahs found in "forgotten" suitcases, no six-pointed Stars of David found at crash sites, no mysterious videos of rabbis taking credit for 9-11, no Israeli passports turning up at the WTC or other crash sites, etc




    Zionists and allies within the U.S. government carried out 9-11 and the anthrax mailings. They then planted a phony evidence trail designed to frame Arabs/Muslims. Is there any other logical explanation?

    Anti-Semitism you say? Then perhaps you prefer to hear it from a Jewish scholar instead. In an article entitled: The Zionist Roots of the War on Terror, Dr. Henry Makow, (inventor of the board game Scruples) writes:

    "Until recently I accepted Israel's self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of blood thirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous. But what if, unknown to most people, including Israelis, the world's power elite were using Israel to advance their plan for New World Order?... Israel's image of vulnerability is a ruse. Israel has always planned to become the dominant power in the region, and "invented dangers" in order to dupe its citizens and provoke wars. ...The mossad's fingerprints are all over 9-11."(emphasis added) (18)

    According to Abe Foxman's and the ADL's dubious logic, Makow must therefore be a "self-hating" Jew.


    "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." --Adolf Hitler

    “This is not speculation. Kermit Roosevelt admited on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Iran's President, Mossadegh. Do you understand, these people brag about what hey do 40 years later?â€Â
  19. Sham

    Sham Well-Known Member

    Re: THE TRUTH!


    s we approach the one year anniversary that marks the horrific attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the only attack ever on American soil, that left 2700 people dead, countless injured, trillions of dollars in property damages and a nation in disarray and unbelief, our thoughts turn to what we have accomplished to bring justice and healing to the families of victims and to the soul of America.

    A great deal has been accomplished to destroy the very fabric of the US constitution and the rights of its citizens, the lives and honor of the people of Afghanistan, the stability of the international community and to create a growing fear of this conflict escalating. From the time George Bush vowed to avenge the 911 events and rid the world forever of this “evilâ€Â, it appears he has managed to increase the anxiety of America's citizens and failed the families of the 911 victims miserably.

    Not all has been lost however, the Bush administration has managed to make crystal clear to the entire world that this war is a war against Islam, and that they have used and continue to use Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaida network as the reason for everything from secret governments and locking up whoever they please without recourse to invading Iraq. It is now clear to almost everyone that this war is all about the balance of power in the Middle East and it’s a fraud.

    Within 48 hours of the attacks, Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaida network were named as the perpetrators of the 911 attacks and within three weeks, the US and the international coalition it assembled to rid the world of “terrorism†began raining daisy cutters and cluster bombs, in other words, weapons of mass destruction, on one of the poorest, most stricken nations in the world. Afghanistan, an Islamic country under the leadership of Mullah Omar was not in any way involved in the September 11th attack. The Taliban issued an official statement on the same day condemning the operation, however, they were quickly targeted as accomplices under George Bush’s “you are either with us or against us†ultimatum when they failed to hand Osama Bin Laden over to the United States, as their law prohibited.

    America has continued over the past 11 months to terrorize the Afghani people, having run out of dubious "military" targets and destroying mud houses, hospitals, Red Cross warehouses, vehicles carrying refugees and even wedding parties. Professor Marc W. Herold, Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc. a professor at the University of New Hampshire documented 3,767 deaths from the beginning of the war in October, 2001 until December 6, 2001. The deaths averaged out to 62 civilians a day and even if we use only half
    that conservatively, the loss of Afghan life is more than three times that of the WTC attacks today. The problem is – no one’s counting. Just like no one counted the Taliban and Al-Qaida who surrendered to US and Coalition forces and have now turned up in mass graves inside Afghanistan after they were suffocated to death inside military containers without air holes. Is American blood worth more or are we just "more equal" than people of other nations?
    We all know that this was just the beginning. The Bush administration is terrorizing its own people, albeit Muslims whose blood is considered cheap. The Patriots Act was rushed through American congress in a blur (most congressmen hadn’t even received the full version of the document prior to voting) and gave President Bush unlimited power to conduct this war on Islam without question. American Muslim businesses and charities were raided without proof of wrongdoing and thousands of Muslims living in the US were rounded up and locked away without charges or recourse.

    In Afghanistan, those Muslims that Coalition forces could get their hands on were rounded up and shipped to Camp X-Ray, a detention centre that can only be described as inhumane and illegal, where “detainees†are held without any charges and that operates outside the boundaries of the Geneva convention or any other law for that matter. One year later, the facilities have been expanded and new “detainees†continue to arrive at this point of no return, which now holds 656 “illegal combatantsâ€Â.
    American prisons inside Afghanistan house thousands more prisoners in appalling conditions, bringing wrath from human rights organizations who, with nothing other than vocal chords have tried to assist these detainees, none of who are Al-Qaida leaders but rather the majority of them were either working for a charity organization in Afghanistan, Pakistan or were doing business in Pakistan. And of course this war on “terrorism†gave new license to Ariel Sharon’s massacre of Palestinians and many other oppressive regimes that saw an opportunity to ride on the coat tails of American “Justiceâ€Â. Now Iraq and the “axis of evilâ€Â, as well as long time ally Saudi Arabia appear next on the list of US invasions.
    It doesn’t end there. America’s resulting Department of Homeland Security has managed to continue scaring Americans, issuing warning after warning of new attacks that have failed to develop; while individual freedoms are being severely restricted, pretty much without opposition, and entirely without checks and balances to ensure individual rights are maintained. American media has been the weapon of choice for Washington’s power hungry clique to rally the masses to war – a war America is now waging against most of the Islamic Arab world.

    But hold it here – is all of this to bring one man, Osama Bin Laden, the accused perpetrator of 911, to justice? Have we forgotten the objectives of this war? And more importantly, is Osama Bin Laden actually guilty of these attacks?

    It is now common knowledge that the British, French and Indian media revealed US officials threatened war against Afghanistan during the summer of 2001. These reports included the prediction, in July 2001, that "if the military action went ahead, it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest." The Bush administration began its bombing strikes on the hapless, poverty-stricken country of Afghanistan October 7, 2001 and ground attacks by US Special Forces began October 19, 2001. Prior to September 11, the Bush Administration was negotiating with the Taliban about a pipeline desired by a U.S.-led energy consortium that would cross through Afghanistan. When the Taliban balked, the U.S. negotiators told them they either could accept a "carpet of gold" or face a "carpet of bombs."

    It is not an accident that these revelations have appeared in overseas media, rather than in the US press. The ruling classes in these countries have their own economic and political interests to look after, which do not coincide, and in some cases directly clash, with the drive by the American ruling elite to seize control of the oil-rich territory in Central Asia. America is a self-absorbed nation, with a Jewish-controlled media that offers little international news coverage and carefully shapes the coverage it does provide. It’s little wonder most Americans think Israelis are the target of terrorist attacks rather than understanding it is the Palestinians who are being terrorized, having been expelled from thier homeland, and who continue to suffer on a daily basis.

    From the beginning of the “war on terrorism†the American media has conducted a systematic cover-up of the real economic and strategic interests that underlie the invasion of Afghanistan in order to sustain the pretense that the war emerged overnight, full-blown, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11. And the biggest of these cover-ups is the guilt of Osama Bin Laden.

    Within hours of the attacks, before a single body had even been recovered, fingers began pointing to Sheikh Osama Bin Laden. Isn't it interesting that the very same people who have failed so catastrophically to prevent such a major attack "knew" within hours who was responsible and who to blame. Instead of starting a responsible investigation based on this breach of American security, the spotlight was then directed to one of the poorest countries in the world, Afghanistan, and in the days that followed, Osama bin Laden was no longer a suspect but the accused, with no other suspects even investigated. With America’s fevered pitch and typical rush to judgment, Osama bin Laden had been tried and sentenced in the court of American public opinion, by Christians and Jews, Muslims and atheists alike, without a single shred of evidence. No wonder orders are to kill Bin Laden on site – where is the evidence to indict him?

    On September 23, 2001, just one day after Secretary of State Colin Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press†that the government would soon “put out a paper ... that will describe clearly the evidence that we have linking Bin Laden to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagonâ€Â. Powell was responding to pressure on the US from governments in the Middle East, as well as some of Washington’s NATO allies, who were demanding something more than bold assertions that Bin Laden and his Afghan protectors were guilty of the attacks on New York and Washington before fully committing themselves to support American military strikes.
    The day after Powell’s statement, banner headlines appeared in newspapers across the United States announcing the imminent report on Bin Laden’s guilt. A front-page article in Monday’s New York Times cited statements by government officials that the evidence “reaches from the southern tip of Manhattan to the foothills of the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan.†But by Monday afternoon, the Bush administration was backtracking on making any public presentation of evidence. Ari Fleischer, Bush’s Press Secretary, said there were no plans to produce a report and that Powell’s remarks had been misinterpreted. Consistent with the media’s shameless promotion of the government’s war drive, by the following Tuesday virtually all mention of the promised “white paper†had disappeared from the media and we haven’t seen it yet. Can anyone seriously believe that if the administration had evidence directly tying Bin Laden and his organization to the September 11 attacks, they would not rush to make it public?
    And then there was Prime Minister Tony Blair’s “mountain of evidence†and his document which he so faithfully promised to the British House on September 17th, 2002. Amounting to a hill of beans rather than a mountain of evidence, the document when it was finally released after the invasion of Afghanistan had already begun, opens with this statement:
    “This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case against Osama bin Laden in a court of law. Intelligence often cannot be used evidentially, due both to the strict rules of admissibility and to the need to protect the safety of sources. But on the basis of all the information available HMG is confident of its conclusions as expressed in this document.†We are pleased that Tony Blair was “confident†but if as he says, we can’t make a case against Bin Laden – why are we bombing Afghanistan to this day, locking up anyone America deems an Al-Qaida operative, without proof or trial, and now setting our sights on the next oil-rich country we want to control?
    he document goes on to raise nothing more than the fact that bin laden and Al-Qaida were capable of the attacks – a fact long disputed by the Muslim community. Most Muslims, particularly in the Middle East do not believe Bin Laden had the resources to commit these acts. Think about it. Four planes hijacked on American soil attacking various targets within minutes of each other is one sophisticated operation that could only have been organized with high-level knowledge of explosives, aircraft, flight patterns and national security procedures.

    Training on a simulator one day and executing these precision maneuvers the next is frankly impossible. Interestingly enough, now that Tony Blair’s hands are being tied against the invasion of Iraq, CNN has managed to “discover†tapes that they say prove Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaida have conducted chemical weapons tests and that they posses this capability. Out of the few snippets shown to North America and without these tapes even being turned over to the CIA, the White House has taken another giant stretch to say that Al-Qaida is testing chemical weapons inside Iraq. And where is the proof of this? CNN?

    And of course there is the matter of the four hijackers who turned out to be alive. BBC reported on September 23, 2001 that Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre. His photograph was released, and appeared in newspapers and on television around the world. From Casablanca, Morocco, he told journalists there that he had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and Washington and had left the US a year earlier.

    Abdulaziz Al Omari, another of the Flight 11 hijack suspects, an engineer with Saudi Telecom, had lost his passport while in Denver and Asharq Al Awsat newspaper, a London-based Arabic daily, interviewed Saeed Alghamdi, listed by the FBI as a hijacker in the United Airlines flight that crashed in Pennsylvania while Khalid Al Midhar, also turned out to be alive. Shortly after these reports, FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers were in doubt. And let’s not forget Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen, currently the only man on trial in the government’s case, who was incarcerated at the time of the attacks. Moussaoui faces the death penalty for an act he obviously could not have committed.

    While much of this information was being withheld from a nervous American public, and after two months of bombing having devastated thousands of lives and livelihoods in Afghanistan and more campaigns underway, the Bush administration came under scrutiny by some Allies who wanted to know where the investigation was really leading. And as if by magic, the “smoking gun†tape appeared, a most damning and callous account of the planning of 911 by Bin Laden, personally bragging and laughing at the outcome.

    Too bad the person on the tape isn’t Osama bin Laden, who would have had to have gained and lost a good 50lbs between his October and November video addresses, as well as undergone facial surgery which wouldn’t have begun to heal within that time frame. The "smoking gun" tape got nothing more than a giggle from the Arab world, while some of the western public, hungry for atonement saw undeniable proof that Osama bin Laden was guilty. That was until the FBI failed to make the supposedly original Arabic tape available to international governments and questions began to arise close to home about its authenticity. The "smoking gun" fizzled quickly but still we kept on bombing Afghanistan.


    And of course, Osama bin Laden stated himself, on September 14th, 2002, that he was not responsible for these attacks. It’s well known that Bin Laden is no friend of the United States of America, having declared war against it in 1996 and again in 1998, as it seems no one heard him the first time. He and his Al-Qaida network have claimed responsibility for several operations, including the bombing of the embassies in Africa and the USS Cole. Had he personally directed such a “spectacular†operation of this magnitude, I suspect he would have readily claimed responsibility for it. Instead he issued this statement on September 14th, 2001:
    “After the recent attacks on the United States of America, its leaders have indicted us and accused us for standing behind these events. We are accustomed to America’s accusations as we are blamed on every occasion, even though America has many enemies. On this occasion, I confirm that I did not do this action that appears to have been done for personal motives of America. I reside in the Islamic princedom of Afghanistan and have sworn allegiance to the Prince of Believers, Mullah Omar, to obey all the laws in Afghanistan. Mullah Omar does not permit these kinds of actions from Afghanistan.â€Â
    And "it appears to have been done for personal motives of America†seems to have new meaning a year later and that leads us to the core of this matter.

    How is it that we can enact a full scale war against a country and devastate a population of Muslims, citizens with the same right to life as Americans, who had nothing whatsoever to do with these attacks and at the same time blame someone who was not in the country nor on any of the planes, who denies his participation and who we have no substantiated evidence against?

    If we follow this same logic for Gary Condit, the US congressman who was tried and found guilty by the American press of murdering Chandra Levy, then we would be bombing the Whitehouse and offering bounties dead or alive for the head of George Bush, who is ultimately responsible for this “networkâ€Â. Of course this is absurd, as is the implication of Bin Laden on the basis that all Islamic Mujahideen or “holy warriors†as they are often incorrectly referred to, are under his control.

    Sheikh Osama bin Laden is a catalyst for change in the Muslim Ummah, or community. He has abandoned an easy life, the son of one of the wealthiest families in Saudi Arabia, for a mission to awaken the worldwide Muslim community to resist the aggression, iniquity and injustice that the people of Islam - in Palestine, Iraq, Burma, Kashmir, Assam, Philippine, Afghanistan and almost every Islamic nation in the world that suffer as the result of corrupt regimes, and Israeli and American imperialism. This imperialism couldn’t be more substantiated than by the current US aggression against Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq and Iran. Osama bin Laden is a figurehead for the end of Muslim oppression, with millions of supporters throughout the Islamic world. As such, he is valuable to the Muslim Ummah, or community, and equally protected. The notion that he would carry out operations defies logic as he is much too valuable in encouraging Muslims to this jihad, or struggle, to be risked in this capacity.

    If we take a closer look at how Al-Qaida is structured and how it operates, we see that Al-Qaida is entirely cellular in nature. Bin Laden provides the infrastructure including leadership and military training, and this infrastructure is then used by independent Islamic resistance groups as a foundation to carry out specific operations the group is involved in.

    As Bin Laden has said over and over again in statements he has issued, the resistance movement is not based on one man, Osama bin Laden, but hundreds and possibly thousands of Islamic resistance groups that exist throughout the world who have emerged to defend Muslim lands against the corrupt western-backed regimes in their countries. Contrary to popular belief, Al-Qaida is a loosely-knit organization with approximately 600 leaders that provide resources to these Islamic resistance groups who are actively involved in resisting American and Israeli control of their land, resources and their oil. And it is their oil.

    In 1996, Osama bin Laden declared war against America in response to the continuing incursion of Palestinian land and the US military occupation of the Arabian Peninsula and the land of the Muslims' most Holy Places, Saudia Arabia. This defensive action took shape in the form of attacks against military installations and US embassies around the world. Unlike the Bush administration who has yet to issue a declaration of war against Afghanistan, Iraq or any other country it is currently invading, Bin Laden did declare war however it was simply brushed off as extremism and was not taken seriously by the world’s leaders, let alone America or Israel.

    Since 911, Bin Laden has made several statements by video tape in October, November, December 2001 and February 2002 calling the attacks of September 11th “blessed†attacks. This has some envisioning that this is an admission of guilt. On the contrary, he has stated very clearly that, for the first time, America has experienced what Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Burma, Kashmir, Assam, Philippine, Fatani, Ogadin, Somalia, Eritrea, Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Afghanistan have experienced for years as the direct result of American Foreign policy and that this should be a wake up call to America. Many have that same thinking – does this make all these people guilty of the 911 attacks?
    In recent statements issued by Abu Ghaith, unofficial spokesman for Al-Qaida and Abdel Hadi Al-Iraqi, a senior military commander leading Arab-Afghan Mujahideen against the US coalition inside Afghanistan, both have referred to the term “Brothers†and “Mujahideen†as those carrying out the 911 attacks. This has created more finger pointing from those who don’t understand the vast nature of these terms. Any male Muslim is referred to as a "Brother" and with a billion Muslims worldwide; there is a great number of “Brothersâ€Â. Furthermore, any Muslim who participates in Jihad or resistance in the cause of Allah is a Mujahideen – again, a vast number of these individuals exist.

    It is very easy to see how this war is considered a war against Islam. If being a Brother or Mujahideen means responsibility for the attacks against America, is it any wonder? To compound this fact even further, the families of 911 have now sued Bin Laden’s family business, members of the Saudi Royal family, a host of Muslims charities and businesses who were clearly not involved in these events either. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that not only is this a war against Muslims but also Arabs – and between the two, that is the entire Middle East, the last frontier for American globalization.

    Osama bin Laden clearly did not fly a plane into the World Trade Center, nor the Pentagon and it would have been impossible to coordinate these attacks from any place other than US soil, so if he is not guilty, why have we not heard from him? On any given day in the mainstream press he is either dead, suffering from kidney disease, recovering from gun shot wounds or on the run, however if we stop and think a little, we see that bin Laden is waging the best defense with the very best weapon. It seems to me that Osama bin laden is doing exactly the right thing  nothing.

    Need we forget that there is a world wide manhunt on to locate this man? We have spent millions and millions of dollars paying informants and interrogating Afghans, Taliban, Mujahideen and even our own citizens. I suspect he needs to be a bit careful. And when he does appear, as he did on the Unseen Tape* that was quickly discounted and never aired to the public, if it doesn’t suit the US war objectives, it’s simply not acknowledged.

    In the meantime, the U.S. government seems to be drilling itself into a deeper and deeper hole. There are heated debates over new invasions, any concern for fiscal responsibility has gone out the window; Bush Power is being wielded everywhere, civil liberties are being put in peril, the American economy is on a serious downward spiral and every other concern we have like education for our children has been shoved to the back burner.

    And what has all this cost Osama bin Laden? Nothing. Not a single bullet, not a stick of TNT. Nearly a year ago some men hijacked four airplanes, crashing them and died with their victims. These men were the perpetrators. Since then, nothing has happened. While we have gone to war in Afghanistan, made an even bigger mess of the foreign policy that had earned us so many enemies to begin with, greatly alarmed our traditional allies and, frankly, conducted ourselves in pathetic and disgraceful ways, Osama bin Laden has done nothing.

    Attorney General John Ashcroft, whose sees visions of evil Muslims floating in his head and a terrorist under every bed, seems to have lost all common sense. And it seems as if President Bush is ready to declare war on the rest of the world, and even now he wants to convert the military into a domestic police force, as well as set up civilian vigilante and block spy committees. Does anyone else think we might have overreacted?

    It was traumatic for civilians to watch 3,500 people die in living television color  over and over and over, thanks to videotape. But we Americans, ourselves, have killed a hell of a lot more than 3,500 people  and, for that matter, lost many more people in Vietnam, for instance. The difference is that killing and dying “over there†has usually been off camera and that doesn’t have the same impact as it does on our own soil with round-the-clock TV coverage. And this war is still off camera – thanks to the censorship of American media. We've caused the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children. Every month 5000 children die in Iraq due to the sanctions according to WHO and UNICEF - imagine having 911 every two weeks only with children in these towers! If such an event happened here, with our TV coverage, the whole country would suffer a national nervous breakdown. And that means we’re vulnerable.

    There is no question that this was a horrific and horrible event. But so is the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of American-backed Israelis and the sanctions that starve children in Iraq and the list goes on and on. These are all horrific events that root in our greed for more and more resources to sustain our economic superiority. Unlike Robin Hood, we are stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. And we are paying for it in human life - both theirs and ours.

    If we could give one thing to the families of 911 that would heal their loss it would be closure. Those who are responsible for these attacks are dead and gone. Those affiliated with these acts we are aren’t even looking for. We have used 911 to justify an invasion we already planned because we just have to have it our way. By continuing to shift blame to Osama bin Laden, who clearly is not guilty, to blame Muslims and Arabs as a whole, we are placing an even more dangerous weapon in the hands of a White House already out of control and that weapon is the fuel of hate that will bring with it more violence, more deaths and more consequences. We must act to find those who help plan these attacks and bring them to justice in a civilized manner and we need to start looking on our own soil. This is the dignity we need to show to those who continue to suffer from this tragedy
  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: THE TRUTH!

    I think I'd pulled a eye muscle from reading all that.

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