Post your characters names here.

Discussion in 'Console' started by MrNeoSandman, Mar 30, 2002.

  1. bfnh

    bfnh Member

    jacky - heartpunch
    >> a nod to my wrestling heritage. plus, when i saw the p+g throw, that's all i could think of.

    jeffrey - baracus
    >> a-team style

    sarah - pamela
    >> she reminds me of palmela andherthumb

    wolf - steiner
    >> i couldn't decide which wrestler to name him after, but the d/f, d/f p+g steiner screwdriver was always a favorite of mine. and, he has the frankensteiner too.

    lau - ming bling
    >> one of his hats makes him look like ming the merciless from flash gordon fame. well, it does to me.

    kage - stormshado
    >> big shout out to my 3-3/4" g.i.joes
  2. Munki

    Munki Member


    I'm new here, but here I go;

    Lion - Munki
    Shun - DrunkMunki

    If one could guess, Munki is nickname / username for everything.

  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Lion: Epsilon-0
    Sarah: Zero-chan
    Vane: Devil REI
    (Bonus points if you can figure out the naming scheme!)
    AI Vane: AZEL (Extra if you understand this reference, too!)
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    ""AI Lau: Limpehkalikong (your old man tell you ah!) ""

    That's quite a good one ....considering all his taunts after a win = 'giving shit to opponents'.

    Very fitting for Lau.
  5. Jethull

    Jethull New Member

    Whelp, here's mine:

    AI Sarah-RoboSlut
    Lei-Wang Chung
  6. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    kage - stormshado
    >> big shout out to my 3-3/4" g.i.joes

    Heh! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    I had to contribute before someone posted one of mine and then I'd get accused of taking their names by friends... =)

    Sarah - JoopaSara
    Akira - GraspnMind
    Aoi - LeeLoo
    Jeff - KenkaRasta
    Wolf - Stimpy
    Shun - OldMan
    Pai - HumblePai (I almost used PizzaPai...)
  7. whattevaman

    whattevaman New Member

    Vanessa: Van Diesel
    Lei Fei: MastaKilla
    Sarah: Lady Shiva
    Lau: Iron Chef
  8. Kaede

    Kaede Active Member

    Lion: Kaede
    Lau: Kaede
    Kage: Kaede
    Akira: Kaede
  9. 34

    34 Well-Known Member

    akira: 0034
    kage: 0034
    ai akira: ai0034
  10. Powda

    Powda Active Member

    Akira - Omega
    Wolf - Eh
    Lei Fei - Fong Sai Yuk
  11. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Here are the me and my brother came up with (some are dumb though):

    Beserk (Akira)-Named after the anime.

    Saucer (Pai)-Named after an anime character.

    Flashy B (Jacky)-Hopefully the name will reflect my style.

    Birdie (Sarah)-Name after Sabertooth's assistant.

    Fu Man Chu (Lau)-Just some dumb ish.

    Sam Seed (Shun)-Not very original in hindsight.

    187 Aoi (Aoi)-Always rocking a mask.

    Bruva Mein (Jeff)-More dumb ish.

    Alpha 3 (Wolf)-Named after the game.

    DaPractice (Kage)-Named after the TV show.

    Ab Queen (Vanessa)-The ab roller skills should be obvious.

    Xellos (Lei Fei)-Overrated anime character.

    The Real (Lion)-He's the realest yo.
  12. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    [hira], [kata], and [kan] mean written in hiragana, katakana, or kanji.

    Aoi: 3of19[hira]no[kan]aoi
    Lion: 3of19[hira]no[kata]rion
    Sarah: 3of19[hira]no[kata]sara
    Kage: [hira]o[kata]kage[hira]samade (a pun on Kage's name, okagesamade means something along "thanks to you god/you"
    Pai: ApplePai
    Wolf: BigHunk
  13. Darren

    Darren Member

    Jeffrey - GoneFishin'
    Wolf - Darren (Was my first Character)
    Akira - Ryu Wannabe
  14. MoebiusNu

    MoebiusNu Member

    Mines are in chinese though...

    Akira: ¤Ó·¥ªZ´L
    Lei: ¯uªZùº~
  15. br0therfrank

    br0therfrank Member

    Sarah: pReCi0uS 1

    Wee! For some reason i dont understand, Sarah is my best person against Computer and im not exactly a sarah master
    lion is my best person
  16. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Well, Sarah and Vanessa have some really obvious CPU holes, the AI stupidity for the rest of them is a little harder to find /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Sarah: Crystal
    Kage: Raven
    Jacky AI: Scrubby J
  17. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member

    Jacky: Vash (hehe, Trigun reference)
    Aoi: Baka Ni
    Lion: BakaHentai
    Wolf: M to the Q
  18. YuniYoshi

    YuniYoshi Well-Known Member

    Right now my Lion is named AleeYun after my AIM screen name but I am thinking of changing it to Lion Poo after someone you may know from BubbleGum Crisis Tokyo 2040. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  19. caltrop

    caltrop Member

    AI Akira: Heavyarms
    Not completely a Gundam reference, since he doesn't have guns or anything anyway... but the way he attacks, it seemed appropriate.
    (And my player files are unoriginal to the point of embarassment.)
  20. Jinisgod

    Jinisgod Well-Known Member

    Vannessa: Tiffinie(and the music note symbol) named after a friend
    sarah:Jodi(and the star symbol) named after a friend

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