Post your characters names here.

Discussion in 'Console' started by MrNeoSandman, Mar 30, 2002.

  1. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/icons/cool.gif I have a few cool names for my characters.
    Kage: Hanzo Maru (named after SS character)
    Vanessa: BloodSport (named after the movie)
    Akira: Ryu (Name after SF character)
    Jackie: Rock Howard (named after Fatal Fury MOTW character)
    Sarah: Da Shit
    Lie Fei: Jun Bo
  2. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Lau: The Ghost
    Shun: The 18th Monk
    Lei: Mr. Liu (Gordon Liu, from the Shaw Brothers Shaolin
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Dark Akira - Akira Conqueror
    Shadow - Kage 8th dan
    T-Rex - Akira 10th Dan
    Dark Lion - Lion 6th Dan
    Fire Lord - Vanessa 5th Dan
  4. KyoukanFactor

    KyoukanFactor Well-Known Member

    i have a lot of kages some i deleted some i still have and dont rank anymore
    Kage: Kyoukan [image][/image]
    Kage: Shinigami [image][/image]
    Kage: Ryuujin [image][/image]
    Kage: Kyoushu [image][/image]
    Kage: Akujin
    Akira: Akuma [image][/image]
    Akira: Ah-Key-rah Error No Kanji Present Error
    Jacky: Bushin [image][/image]
    Jacky: Sekkendou [image][/image]
    Lau Gekimetsu [image][/image]
    If the Images mess up and dont show...then jes forget it.... /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
  5. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    LEI: Mr. Liu (Gordon Liu from the 1970s-80s Hong Kong Shaolin films)

    LAU AI: Mr. Fist

    LION: Insectfist

    SHUN: Dr. X

    KAGE: Murderman
  6. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Only have one character so far.

    Jacky = KingThuZan
  7. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Stone Cold-Wolf
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Wolf: Shut Up
    Kage: Flip U
    Lion: PokeyMon
  9. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

    Shun di:sake (as in japanese wine)
    Lion:mantis (yes I know its tacky
  10. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    i started over with most of my characters. So they have new names besides most of my older characters were usually stomp.

    Wolf: Sheep
    Jacky: Chan Long
    shun: Wu Ji
    Lau: Long Gu
    Pai: Ju Hua
    Sarah: Nikita
    Jeffery: Shaq
    Aoi: Kikoken
    Vanessa: Novalee
  11. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Got 2 more characters since Jacky.

    Pai = HoneyPot
    AI Jacky = MondoDizmo
    Sarah = BeerWench
  12. TaeKwon

    TaeKwon New Member

    Comparing Virtua Fighters with Street Fighters:
    Kage-Guy(SF Zero 3 and Final Fight)
    Shun Di-Gen(SF Zero 3)
    Pai-Chun Li
  13. TaeKwon

    TaeKwon New Member

    Comparing Tekken fighters with Virtua Fighters:
    Dural-Tetsujin(Tekken Tag)
    Lion-Lee Chaolan
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    If only for stance alone, I would compare Sarah with Howrang, and Aoi with anna/nina...Jacky is more of a Law representative...
  15. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member


    I would make only 2 alterations to your TK-VF comparison:

    I think Akira is closer to Kazuya than he is to Jin. Jin's too much of a pretty boy. Kazuya, like Akira, is also mroe linear in his attacks.

    Also, Aoi is more ike Jun than Anna. Aoi is reversal oriented and so is Jun. And something about them is similar to me...
  16. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    My characters are:

    Wolf - Fire Tiger
    Akira - Honor
    Shun Di - Uncle ("Never question Uncle!")
  17. skankyolho

    skankyolho Member

    get this freaks; Akira: Meatcleava, Aoi: Skankyolho, Kage: Dickeyhead, Lei: Cherdoi, Vanessa: Bichslappa,Dirtyslapa, Jacky: Boorahman. (boorah is the word Paul Phoenix uses as a win pose.).

    comebacks are the most satisfying wins.....
  18. beatknuckle

    beatknuckle Member

    here's how i named my best 2 vf4 characters:

    akira -> UrSoFukdUp
    kage -> MuduhFakah
  19. Elven

    Elven Member

    Kage: Draco
    AI Kage: Seth
    Lei Fei: Dragon Fist
    Lau: Serj
    Lion: Darkness
  20. Demoniac

    Demoniac Member

    I would have to disagree with equaling Akira with any of the Mishimas. His style is more akin to Paul Phoenixes than anyone elses. Big damage combos, a good throwing game, and technically difficult moves to pull off, but a simple style of play. I'd also agree about Jacky being more similar to Law than any of the other T4 fighters.

    I completely agree about Lion being most similar to Lee, though. Both annoying, light, fast and extremely gay characters. A perfect match. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

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