Price of a VF4 game

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Sep 2, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Why accept 75 cents? Why accept 50? Why accept 25? Where do you draw the line. What it comes down to is a judgement call that the arcade operator will have to make. Sure, we think half the time the call is a piece of shit, but hey, that's life.

    No. That is apathy. I can't spend any more energy on this topic after this last post but I will say this: If you guys are as much ghosts in the rest of your life as you are in this one simple area then you deserve to get reamed. And you will.

  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    No, it's called consumer choice. If you think you're gonna get reamed at a particular arcade, don't frequent it. Duh.
  3. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    but the reason that less people go to arcades is becuase it costs to much!

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  4. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Maybe in the UK but here in the states the prices are pretty reasonable if you dont go to Gameworks or the equivalent. My local arcade is supposedly getting 2 VF4 machines at launch at have said they will be 50 cents.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  5. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    hmmm you lucky *&^%$ i had to play a pound for the test machine

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well its like the gourment coffee industry. Why do people pay $2.00 for a cup of coffee? VF4 may be the first next gen game that commands .75 per play. It depends how Sega markets the game as well. The game takes a spot in an arcade owners real estate. .50 is reasonable, I think though .75 may be the price for nicer arcades and even $1.00 at the family centers. I think as high as .75 is fair. Lets hope VF4 looks waaaaaay better than the other fighters that are out and that are coming out in the near future, then you have a reason for newbies to pay more to play the game.

  7. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    I understood that model 3 was expensive, after all it was years ahead, but weak naomi 2 only uses DC components and a lot of RAM(okay T&L chip too). No such an expensive hardware should also be years ahead.........Model 2,3 v.s playstation, N64
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    the gourmet coffee industry gets away with high way robbery because it caters to a select demographic of people that enjoy and seek out the kind of exclusivity that can reinforce their affected sophistication. are you saying you would like to encourage that type of behavior within the vf community? there was enough of that fucking crap with vf3, and you still see that tired shit played out on this board (you know who you fucking are).

    the gimick of impressive 3d graphics are enough to encourage people to give the game a try, but that alone will not allow the game to command a price per play greater than 50 cents when people can simply gawk at the game while in queue for the more modestly priced, and more popular t4.
  9. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree - we're talking about a fighting game here. If if was some breakthrough new genre with a massive original dedicated cabinet that would appeal to a whole family (kinda like how those huge formula 1 racing games do) then, sure, the cost is justified.

    Naomi2 is JAMMA compatible. Who knows where it will end up. It could be in a beat up old SF2 cabinet for all we know at some arcades - or it could be in a nice Naomi cabinet; the likes of Virtua Tennis, etc.

    When VF3 came out here in Toronto, it was $2 per game at Playdium (our equivalent of big game centres). Later when Funland got their 50 inch, it was $1 and came down to .75 cents. It stayed that way forever. A HUGE pain in the ass. It finally came down to .50 cents after us bitching for a long while. That's where it should have been from the start. I can only imagine how many people arcade operators are going to scare away by making a game too expensive.

    Andy, I'm not quite sure what proportions you wish to see VF4 achieve in North America but don't get your hopes up - the game has a ridiculous amount of ground to make up to catch Tekken, etc. I think it will do well, don't get me wrong, and I'm looking forward to the new competitions and hopeful tourneys. But VF has always had a niche market here in North America and I don't have high expectations that that is going to change.


    <font color=white>Llanfair</font color=white>
    <font color=orange>Booyah daddy mac! I'm stylin!</font color=orange>
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I sort of agree with Llanfair here. Although I have been noticing interest among various online places perk up for VF4 (the communities I'm hoping would give VF4 a try and stick with it) the fact is VF4 needs that something extra to even hope to achieve SF and Tekken popularity. Being priced 25 cents higher per play is probably not going to cut it...not unless Sega is willing to put some heavy marketing muscle behind the arcade. And you know they're not going to do that.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Well, I did see TK4 (it's kinda weird having a civil conversation after I was just beating you down in the general forum, but that's the net for you) ...and anyway, It looks easily like TK3 with some pallette swapping. It's still at low resolution with big ugly scanlines, which probably saves namco from having to make a really tough number crunching processor like Naomi. If this were a public forum elsewhere, some tekken weenie would spit all sorts of stats about how powerful system 12 or whatever is, but my reply would be "WTF? Then why didn't namco use the goddamned thing?"
    ... their idea of complex levels is a mall wall with an alcove. It actually disappointed me, and I'm not even a fan of the series.
    VF looks superior, but graphics unfortunately don't cut it. Look at MvC: Few original sprites, less detail and color, lots of palette swapping and rehashing, and of course it's not 3D with spiffy lighting and realism, just nice comic art with some hit flashes and junk. It's all about the gameplay. VF has to have 36 hit combos and people getting hit in the balls a lot in order to convince a scrub to part with 75 cents.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    well we can all work around my learning disability.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  13. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    what you think its fair i know little about prices in the usa but why would a higher price be fair in a family center? i am someone who moans at arcade staff about prices as i think the max for any game should be 50p

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  14. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    when i was a kid i tryed to get into VF2 but it cost to much at my arcade and ot was to hard. I dont mind the game being hard even as a kid but the price was to much to get good at it. I didnt get into Vf untill i got a dreamcast

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  15. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    I think I blew about $4000 (Australian) on VF1. It was too expensive, but it was expensive in the same way crack is expensive! er... so I've heard =]

    I did most of my VF2 and 3 playing on the Saturn and DC respectively, although I did a lot of VF2 arcade fighting for the challenge scene. VF3 there pretty much _was_ no scene that I could find -- I moved to Brisbane and that was pretty much that. I'm sure someone will correct me on that -- there's bound to have been VF3 playing concentrations here and there.

    So my point is a VF addict will pay to play at any price I guess. For mainstream acceptance... yeah bring it on cheap. Have Sega never played "Lemonade Stand"? Low unit price = high volume... it ain't rocket science...

  16. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    i wont play any price as i am on 40 quid a weekat the moment maybe when i get a job with tekken i can get twice the games in as there are people always playing the game and you can get a challane piss easy.

    'Hah whats next attack of the drunken cats' Wong Fei Hong from Drunken Master
  17. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    I don't know how much the arcade operators will charge nor do I know anything about the US industry to make a resonable comment. Since I have little control over it, I'd have to take whatever the price offered.

    Personally though, 75 cents per game is expensive. Even 50 cents for that matter. I played the test version with 3/5 rounds setting, but the game of VF4 goes VERY quick, a lot faster than VF3.

    Right now, there are only newbies and beginners in Chicago area, so I don't have to pay as much. But if I were to play Harold or out-of-town experts, I can see myself spending the money at much faster rate than I had with VF3.
  18. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    So what are your thoughts on 4 Shota good or bad?

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  19. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    sure, but you have to play tekken :)

  20. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    VF, the sophisticated choice...

    There's an interesting point hiding behind these snide generalizations.

    I know I -- and many other -- VF fans regard the game as more "sophisticated" than other fighting games (e.g., Tekken). I don't mean in the technical sense of learning the moves and tactics, I mean in the "style" sense.

    You know like:

    VF = Coltrane, Tekken = Kenny G.


    VF = American Beauty, Tekken = American Pie

    Hmm I guess the flaw in my comparisons is that CDs and movie tickets cost the same regardless of the "sophistication" of the product...

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