Proof that Kage is a cheap motherfucker!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, May 31, 2007.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Garbage you must be retarded, do you even know how to read?
  2. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Good comeback Einstein.

    Please elaborate for my retarded ass.

    Why do elite Japanese Kage players get beaten by elite Japanese non Kage players.

    Fucking moron.
  3. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Read this part Garbage

    This will be in the perspective of playing level of a non-Japanese player. First of all it doesn’t matter who you are, unless you are a Japanese living in Japan, you will not be playing at the top level they are playing at. I don’t care if you are a pro-gamer(aka pro-gaymer), a rich spoiled kid who moved to Japan with your parents money, some white dude wished you were asian and moved to JP only to find out that you are a social reject, or if you just some king of your mom’s basement vf club… You will not be as good as the top Japanese players. You will not be because you aren’t part of the culture. This a fact. Therefore before you say “Well look at Sega’s KS3 results so and so..†STFU.. They don’t apply to you, or me.
  4. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    For someone writing from England, English doesn't seem to be your strong point.

    Let's. . . I don't know, say New York Yankees (sorry for a baseball analogy, being a Bostonian the best I can do here and I don;t know anything about soccer) they have "systematic advantage" over others. They don't win the world series all the time. But that doesn't mean they don't have certain advantages over others. Just because they can be beaten doesn't mean they don't have certain systematic advantage. This advantage doesn't mean Yankees will always win, or win without some careful management.

    Just because Michael Jordan can be the greatest basketball player ever doesn't mean normally that someone 7ft tall doesn't have an advantage in Basketball.

    So presenting Michael Jordan, or any number of NBA players shorter than him, as a proof that someone shorter can play basketball just as well as someone taller is a fallacy. Happens all the time sure. But it's not a rule.

    Shang has been a strong Kage player ever since VF3. But it's the first time he is arguing that Kage is broken. His proof is not something mathematically infallible or anything, but I think his opinion carries some merit.
  5. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    So he's saying that he hasn't reached his characters potential and he is playing against players that also haven't reached their characters potential.

    So basically he is an authority even though he hasn't reached his chosen characters potential, playing against players that also haven't reached their potential.

    But he claims the game is broken.

    You're a fucking genius.

    [EDIT] And fuck off Hyunster, I don't think there is a clearer indication of winning an argument than the other guy resorting to personal bullshit.
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Garbage, you are obivously mentally challenged at reading the english language. Maybe you mom was a crackwhore, or you didn't suck on her nipple enough times while you were young (which would explain why you are a faggot), or you just missed too many classes in school meeting your boyfriends in the bathroom.. I don't know.. but either way you sound like a fucking retard in this thread dogging on some shit that people have spoonfed you already.. So why don't you do everyone a favor and STFU for awhile?
  7. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    So he's saying that he hasn't reached his characters potential and he is playing against players that also haven't reached their characters potential.

    So basically he is an authority even though he hasn't reached his chosen characters potential, playing against players that also haven't reached their potential.

    But he claims the game is broken.

    You're a fucking genius.

    [EDIT] And fuck off Hyunster, I don't think there is a clearer indication of winning an argument than the other guy resorting to personal bullshit.
  8. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    'Maybe you mom was a crackwhole,'

    We can't all be Shakespeare Einstein.
  9. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3


    oh and BTW your avatar works EXTREMELY well with your statements! "WOOHOO!"
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    (Sigh.) I want to argue, but it is true. At the skill level of even "awesome" American players, Kage is a monster. Even in Evo (which is when I played more Kage players) he was beastly.

    There are a handful of guys who are pretty tough with Kage, but suck with all of their other chars. I do not think this is all because he is there main man. Rather he is their main man b/c he is the one they can win with.

    Japanese players can handle Kage better, I would guess, b/c they are uber-nerds who constantly play against other uber-nerds, many of whom play Kage a lot. Their superior VF skills allow them to keep in the front of their mind all of the weird properties of Kage's various moves and stances and how to go about attacking them. And of course the experience just means they have practiced these skills all the more.

    Against Americans, Kage forcibly sodomizes most players.
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    5 VFs and the hate still continues... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA shang's best post ever.

    Sticky this thread, please!
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Well, I personally think Kage is tough. Oh, let's not forget Brad... and Pai, yeah she's a cheap motherfucker. Seeing a pattern? Come on guys, learn the characters. That's the key difference between an average player and an good one - Knowledge of the game and its variables.

    Do I have trouble with Shang's Kage? Eh, sometimes. You're talking about two guys who are pretty equal in strength (we don't suck...) save me not having the game atm. I've studied Kage well enough after Evo to rebuke him, but it's still pulling teeth.

    TFT by far is just too much for me at times. I break the throw 85% of the time, but what about the remaining of 15%? It's all the same ring out whether you "omfg i broke that" or not. Very frustrating - you can't call a guy a bitch for retreating to the center of the ring vs Kage. (Even THAT'S not safe)

    With that said, I don't care who you play. People who know me know I'm non-discriminitory when it comes to VF.

    Oh and I'm gonna throw out a preemptive "fuck you" at Shang for his inevitable "faghomoomggay" retort in my general direction because we all know Shang has hard on for me. Sorry baby I'm straight. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    i can agree with what shang is saying because when the level of skill is low some characters will always be called cheap because others can't deal with them. i felt like that when i first played the game against the cpu and they picked lion. i always turn the game on hard and went straight for the elite arcade and got tore up by lion because i didn't know what the hell he was doing. so after a number of beatings i went to practice, learned his moves and frame data, and practiced with him. i learn what i should do with my characters against him while i learned how to use him.
    so im sure if people took the time out to learn kage's moves and frame data it will be easier to deal with him. also if the top japanese players are beating kage it probably because they know all the tricks kage has and can probably see most if not all his moves and block on reaction. so there is nothing that is really going to catch them off guard unless they got out into a situation where they have to guess.
  15. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    lol you guys think kage matchups ae tough.......!

    Try t5dr deviljin vs
  16. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Low_Sweep is pretty much echoing my sentiments on the issue.

    Seriously people aside from difficult matches, nut the fuck up.
  17. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    ^Talk to ya boy shang.
  18. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    I can see the point.
  19. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    ERRR. Jerky you are out of your mind .. OH PLEASE.... stop talking about you and I are at the same level. I hate to break it to ya, but you know nothing of VF5. Do the world a favor and stop giving advices on the Jacky board. You play VF5 exactly like VF4, you don't even know the complete movelist of your character. Sorry to say you might be able to do okay in Boston with us because we all played each other for years and years, but I promise you, if you play any other half decent american player YOU ARE GOING TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED. Look what happened when you played Pushku's Brad, you dropped your pants like a 2 dollor hooker. And quit crying about "Oh I don't like the VF5 system", STFU already you dont even know the system. You played VF5 what twice, that's fucking sad for someone who calls himself hardcore. Talking about the same level.. yea you were better in the end of the EVO days. What after i stopped playing for like 2 years.. You aren't the button mashing, lose once pee in pants Jacky you were back in ver.c, but trust me you don't know VF5. Do you even knwo any new moves of other old characters, nevermind the new characters. Give me a break already. Let me give you some advice, buy the game, play some, stop posting shit. Denkai's Jacky would eat you for breakfast. ZzZ, And for the rest of you 2d/tekken rejects idiots, I should have known you guys know shit about VF.
  20. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I think I already addressed you in a previous post:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Oh and I'm gonna throw out a preemptive "fuck you" at Shang for his inevitable "faghomoomggay" retort in my general direction because we all know Shang has hard on for me. Sorry baby I'm straight.</div></div>

    That's right,

    you just got yomi'd - BITCH


    Oh and please go take your fucking Ritalin.

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