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PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music rumor

Discussion in 'Console' started by 420Gamer4Life, May 22, 2007.

  1. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    worried im not worried about the background music. all im saying is it would be nice to listen to your own music. sometimes its fun just to play and not have to concentrate so hard on the match. sometimes you just play to enjoy the game and listen to music with your friends. my friends and love hearing the music we have on our 360's.

    like i said though some people love music more than others. i totally agree with you DancingFighterG. as poppa would say exactly.
  2. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    If the PS3 does allow the for songs to be played from it while you play games, it will more than likely not be for games that have already come out.

    As for me, I have a computer a meter away to play music /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    "not everyone is like you EmpNova some people really enjoy listening to their own custom soundtracks."
    Again, enjoyment of music should be secondary to your focusing on the game, in this case VF5. I work in the music/radio/audio industry so my musical enjoyment most definately exceeds yours...but not when I play VF, because you shouldn't really care when you play VF what the music sounds like. The reason the music production quality is so lacking in VF, is because it is supposed to be that way. The music is elevator music, ignorable to the point that it doesn't interfere in the matches at all. Lastly if you ever play VF in a tournament or arcade, no custom soundtracks there. You're never going to improve your VF playing if you focus on the music. Whatever attention you pay to the music, even if it's 1% of the attention you give to VF, it's still a 1% that you're not focusing on the game.

    "your calling me a retard just cause i expect to be able to listen to my own music on my 600 dollar PS3."
    I called you retarded because you don't need a custom soundtrack feature to listen to your own music. Go the options menu, turn off the music volume, and then set up your own stereo/Ipod/Laptop etc. If you really want the music to directly blend into the game audio go to Radioshack and buy a 2 channel mixer, plug the PS3 and your music source into the mixer channels, and route the master output into your TV. Presto! You now have a custom soundtrack and VF sfx coming from your TV, and you can adjust the levels individually.

    " oh by the way i bet you wouldnt be saying that to me to my face. i cant stand internet tough guys. your a bitch. this is the only time youll insult someone is on the net. sorry but if your going to insult me expect me to do the same. "
    In the last two months I've gotten two concussions from Rugby...and been arrested for bar fighting. Calling you a retard has nothing to do with being 'tough,' it only has to do with your intelligence level. If I said I could kick your ass...then you can call me an internet tough guy because I've never met you.
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I work in the music/radio/audio industry so my musical enjoyment most definately exceeds yours </div></div>
  5. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    EmpNova obviously you didnt get your concussion checked out. i didnt say having music was a must. i just said it would be nice. the other thing is so what if you work in music. it doesnt mean that you should tell people that music in games doesnt matter if it does to some people. so you have your opinion and i have mine.

    by the way i dont care if you got drunk in a bar and got in a fight. i use box and i train in muay thai but you dont see me bragging about being in a bar fight. i dont care if you disagree with me EmpNova its the fact that you started with the baby ass name calling. theres no need to call someone a retard because they want to listen to music dickhead.

    just cause you supposedly work with music doesnt mean you have the right to tell people music in figthing games isnt important. although it might not change the gameplay its still enjoyable to listen to your own music. did you read DancingFigterG's post? see told you i wasnt the only one. music can get you pumped up to play for one. just like when a fighter comes down the ring doesnt he have entrance music to get him up for the fight?

    another thing i have to agree with DancingFighterG when he posted tekken and soulcalibur have good in game music. if VF5 didnt have such cheesy music i wouldnt mind. i know you can turn down the music on the game and listen to the radio or what not but i dont want to have to turn everything on cause the music sucks.
    anyway you have your opinion and i have mine. im not mad at you just do me a favor and stop with the insults. cause you start insulting me then i insult you and so on.

    its pretty stupid and immature. so peace man alright.
  6. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    I have to say personally, there are a lot of games i would like to see with a customisable soundtrack but virtua fighter isn't really one of them i'd be extra eager to play different music on.
    As has been said previously on the post, the music kind of needs to be in the background to allow concentration, other beat em ups such as tekken and soul calibur i'd like to have a customisable soundtrack though, even if it is just a gimmick. Either way, role on customisable soundtracks, it can't be a mad move in any sense, its not like it would be forced on anyone.
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Ok. So some people care about the music in the fighting game and some people dont care.
    Can it just be left at that? Can it just be "you feel how you feel, I feel how I feel"?

    Do you know how many people are ignoring your posts? My posts? Anybody's posts who they dont like/agree with? It happens on this site and many other sites everyday.

    You dont like what I'm saying? Ignore it.
    I dont dislike what you or anybody here is saying, I dont give damn about the topic but when I read grown men (I think) bickering back and forth, saying the same crap over and over it made me feel like letting you in on a well-known method of dealing with posts that you dislike or dont agree with: ignore it.

    I've ignored this thread for well over a week now because I thought at some point you guys would come to your senses and do the grown-up thing by now. But it just keeps going and going, like a vicious cycle.

    You want better music, well, some people dont care about fighting game music. That's it. That's that. Stop responding to people calling you whatever for caring about music. Ignore it.
    Before you reply angrily, stop and think about it, is it really that serious?

    P.S. No offense but, how do you find time to write so many long posts? I want to know what your job is because it obviously leaves you with a lot of time on your hands and I could use a job like that. More time for VF! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    no offense but i see your posts all over this place too and some of them are pretty long.
  9. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    No offense but shut the fuck up.
  10. Absoluteboxer

    Absoluteboxer Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    my comp is 1 foot away from where i play vf5
  11. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    i get bored sometimes playing my friends. good music keeps me pumped up and keeps me from playing lazy. some of you wouldnt know that having not played sports and all. the background music is so generic. at least tekken and soulcalibur have decent background music. some of you dont mind music in the background and to those people this topic isnt for you. this is for the people who would enjoy making there own custom VF5 soundtrack.
  12. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Stated already. You keep repeating yourself. Now let the thread die.
  13. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    i did but i cant stop people from posting and neither can you. if people want to respond with posts thats up to them.
  14. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    You should really consider killing yourself.
    Or better yet, do somebody a huge favor and let him or her kill you.
  15. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    what the hell is your problem tony. im not trying to get into a flame war with you. guess you got nothing better to do except talk about paris hilton and wipe your keyboard from the porn.
  16. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  18. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    He things Shang is cool and tries really hard to be him. Or something. Just ignore him.
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Cuz, are you serious? Do you really hate me that much to come to the defense of 420?! AND putting your buddy Shang down at the same time??? Damn, with friends like you...
    I mean, holy shit dude! Lol, I knew I had pissed you off and you couldn't let go of my nuts and I knew that I'd eventually get my monthly attack from you but, dude, I'M the bad guy here? Come on!
    Put your beef with me to the side, at least for this thread. This guy has been attacking people just for trying to help him, correcting him and even just people that disagree with him, without any disrespect! Come on dude, I know if it was Shang up here flaming his ass you wouldn't have a problem.

    I fuck with the guy because he comes on here and fucks with people on here for no reason.
    Saying retarded shit like "I do sports, you guys wouldn't know anything about that" and other dumb shit about how he trains in martial arts and all this "meet me in person" BULLSHIT.
    I know 'an eye for an eye, we both lose our sight,
    and two wrongs dont make a right,
    but when you keep getting wronged and you know all along
    it's just one life, at what point does one fight?
    Good question right?'

    It seems like most everybody, except for you, think that this guy is a douche. Do you relate to him? I really dont think your internet social skills are as bad as his. That's a compliment.
    Say what you want about your friend, Shang, but one thing he did well was fight off idiots like this guy and make them shut the hell up. At least for a little bit.
    Hold off on that beef for a little bit, I say fuck the beef, just let 420's pot roast.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    To be honest Tony you get on my nerves because you're such a spaz. Sometimes your a great asset to the community, other times you just spend your time finding "clever" insults. In this case though, you're right, this guy can be an idiot and I jumped the shark.

    And just to clear things up, I have never met Shang. All I know is this internet persona he projects. Apparently he's a good guy when you meet him though.

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