PS3 Price WTF!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, May 8, 2006.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Or between paying loans, martial arts/competing, food, rent, etc 100 bucks is a deal breaker....
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

  3. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    or you could rob a bank
  4. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "id like to state for the record the only people whos bitching about this are either

    1. jobless and/or
    2. own a xbox 360"

    yep, pretty much lol
  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    or people that care about the future of VF and the gaming industry. Some are upset because they'd like to have a choice. Maybe they also don't want to have to pay out the ass for a bundle just to get a system at launch for VF, then pay import prices for sticks etc. I think the LOW end bundles will run $800, and other than that you'll have to camp out (not an option for many people) or pay a steep fee for a system from an indie store, which will probably be the same as getting a bundle.

    and not everyone on this board lives with their Mom, Alex. some people have to pay $ for these things called bills. I was expecting to pay this much, so it's not a big deal to me, but I think even in Socal, most people in our scene won't be getting a PS3 at launch, VF5 or no.

    Oh, here's a tip, if you want a system at launch, this works well:

    go to and sign up for the newsletter. They'll tell you the day that the bundles become available for pre-order. Order a bundle (they won't charge your card until about a week before it ships). They don't charge anything on top of the price for the stuff, and EB has a policy that lets you return un-opened merchandise at 100% price within 30 days. Anything you don't want, just take to a local EB w/ the shipping/price list that came in your box. This is how I got a 360 first day in the mail, and didn't pay for anything I didn't want. If you ask EB on the phone if you can return stuff, they'll say no, but you can.
  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    bryan i like to spend my free money in games and some other people dont. I've already talked with shadowdean about it, and he prefers to invest in MMA. Its not like im telling people to go rush and buy it without the choice. I cant even afford to buy it at launch myself. I'm just tired of people complaining about it. Why beat the dead horse?
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think the problem is that while we are all avid gamers, most of us are incredulous that because the price of the ps3 is so high, it is going to be a defining item in our budget, dictating how we spend a lot of our money. Sure, a HD-TV dvd player costs a ton of money. I don't own one of those yet. Maybe the demographic is changing to focus on people still living at home and people who make 40k+ a year and have no other financial obligations.
  8. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    my birthday is in november!! If everyone in socal pitches in some money, you guys could buy me a PS3!!!
  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Josh you already know where you financial obligations lie and its in MMA, so dont bs yourself, we already talked about this. And I dont think anyone on this board owns a HD-DVD player yet. I only posted that link to rationalize a bluray player with extra features versus a standard HD-DVD player. I dont know what you're trying to do with this situation except at what you do best. COMPLAIN.

    My main point is im tired of hearing everyone on the internet everywhere COMPLAIN about it. Sony already stated its going to be the most expensive. Xbox was already in the $400 price range so you know its going to cost more than that. Everyone knew its ending up towards atleast a minimum $500 range. And now everyone acts like they're suprised. Seriously WTF.

    Sal said it best, Bottom line is that you're getting one anyways for VF5. Budgeting wise, I might make the VF5 launch date, if im lucky. I sure as hell wont make the PS3 launch date. But when the money comes over time thats where its going, because I WANT TO PLAY VF5. SO please no more of this OMG $600 bs because everyone knew it was coming, like complaining about it on VFDC is going to change sonys descision about anything.
  10. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    ehn, I think people have a right to express their distaste and budgeting be damned. I could buy three PS3 60gb systems right now and enjoy a FANTASTIC dinner without breaking a sweat except that I think the price tag is overblown for what the product is. It just isn't worth it based on the information that's been released. Consumers that express their discontent are intelligent consumers, in my opinion. Lapdogs who take every scrap of meat along with every kick in the teeth deserve what they get since they are ultimately the ones who create the situation that punishes them.

    And really, given the stance of Sega to exporting their fighter in arcade form anyone who wants VF5 will likely be shelling out the cash for a product they've only seen in videos. That's like buying a suit from a catalogue.

    Sega would have been better off to look at opening their agreement to include as many platforms that could handle the graphic load. At the very least their customers would feel treated fairly.

    But you cats do what you like and yell at each other a little longer. I get a kick out of it.

  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    GE like i said before,
    Like complaining on VFDC is going to do anything.
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    People have a wont to be heard and sometimes just venting is enough to gain perspective or feel better about a situation. You can't really begrudge someone that unless you've never complained about something you didn't like to another person knowing that little if anything would change.

    In the end its nice to know you're not alone in feeling a certain way and sometimes--just sometimes mind you--you get enough like-minded individuals together they *can* effect change. If not in this iteration then the next. who knows?

  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Well hopefully people will actually use their collective disgruntled energy to do something about it. If theres a petition for VF5 to extend support to 360, or dropping the price of the PS3, I dont mind signing it. Theres no negative side effect for me to sign it anyways. But honestly, I dont know how people did not see this coming at all. Only a month earlier people were talking about plans to import VF arcade version and allocating $8,000 in cash.
  14. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    After playing some of the PS3 games on the floors, I have decided that I "NEED" this system. There is also a VF5 demo on the floor!!! The game is awesome!! Since I didn't know how to use Eileen and El Blaze, I am unable to answer any questions about them. I am, however, going to spend the next two days at sega's booth. Jealous? you're all jealous...
  15. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    It's 50$ per pay from her til release. I drink that in a weekend, so it shouldn't be that hard.

    You guys should try to see the Tiger Woods Golf vid. The artists on my team are probably dreaming about it right now.
  16. UmonDaisuke

    UmonDaisuke Member

    I've got to admit that the conferences highlights as far as software went were few. FFXIII, MGS4 (of course) lead the pack. As far as playable demos went, War Hawk and Heavenly Sword looked great. Of coruse, the quality of the feeds weren't great so it was hard to see notice anything big (so ASS would've been a correct word there /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif). I felt that MS's conference was better. They just reaffirmed what made the Xbox what it is, and moved on to announce new games.

    Hearing people from the show floor is another matter, and PS3 games were solid and impressive indeed. Madden was 30% complete, and looked better than the 360 version (which is a real surprise). The MGS4 trailer was turning heads and drawing crowds.

    I don't know though, overall, this year's show lacked something. Maybe it's the lack of new franchises.. just maybe.
  17. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

  18. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    LOLOL at Sudden_Death

    And really, it's all about the games.

    VF5? MGS4? FF?

    Unfortunately, I love all of these series.

    Let's pray for publishers to get drunk enough to stupidly spend money developing some new IPOs... because otherwise it's gonna be sequel mania for the next 10 years.

    Honestly, X-Box this, PS3 that, Wii willie....

    For me, it's all about the games. Sadly, the only games I'm interested in on 360 are the few mecha games that are coming out, and that's pretty much it...
  19. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    GE summed up how I feel exactly. It relates to what I just wrote in the PS3 thread in VF5.

    I'm not surprised by the price of the PS3, but I can see how many would be. It's basically launching at a price point double what most consoles have launched at for the last 20 years, aside from jokes like the $700 3DO. And people aren't just complaining about price, if you read the thread, people are discussing the games for PS3 as a whole, the way Sony has blatantly stolen MS and Nintendo's ideas etc. I think it's healthy to debate these things, especially with this price point. It's a real sign of Sony's arrogance, but I think they might be surprised at the # of customers who'll opt for a Wii or 360 for their kids when faced with that price tag. Most people just can't afford that. For that kind of $, I think most parents would rather get a computer for their kid.

    The sex pistols put it best: "and blind acceptance is a sign, of stupid fools who stand in line".

    People could also live life thinking there's nothing we can do about our corrupt government, about AIDS, about our environment. Or they can follow the example of the people who rallied in the US on May 1st. VF5 on the PS3 is only a mild let-down to me, I knew that was coming. The real disgusting move is no arcade outside of Japan, which everyone should be upset about.
  20. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Complaining about something is one thing, but we have to feel sorry for the guy who complains about other people complaining.

    To me, the price for the PS3 is worth is, so I will buy it.
    If it is worth it to other people, they will buy it.
    If it isn't worth it to other people, they won't buy it.

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