PS3 Price WTF!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, May 8, 2006.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    Brian has a good point: if 2 people in a scene buy the nice PS3, 2 sticks and a memory card each, and VF5, you're basically creeping on $2,000. That's the price we paid for our Evo arcade board new from Sega. This price point is pretty un-precedented for a standard price tag. And as VF players outside of Japan, unfortunately, this time around we have no other choice. We can't go to the arcade, we can't play on a 360 (yet...) so anyone outside of Japan MUST spend over $600 just to play VF5 on the base PS3 w/ the control pad and no saving.

    If you think about it, I think there are several people in our Socal group (and probably across the country) who haven't spent $600 on VF since they started playing! I think this is a big change, and will have huge effect on our scene. It's totally worth discussion.

    if you don't wanna listen to people talk about PS3 price etc, why the hell are you reading a thread in a message board titled "PS3 Price wtf?"?

    this is what message boards are for, for people to discuss things. If you don't wanna hear it, go back to downloading bootleg manga /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    P L A Y S T A T I O N 3

    - Yahoo! Japan recented surveyed 20,000 users for their opinions on the PS3 retail price:

    8% (1548 votes) - I will buy the console on the launch day even if the price is high
    19% (3725 votes) - Undecided due to the high price
    25% (4814 votes) - I will buy when the price is reduced
    26% (5171 votes) - Plan to buy when price is reduced
    24% (4742 votes) - Presently have no interest to buy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and it's not just VF players who are interested in this subject. 75% of Japanese users polled will either buy when the price drops, or not at all. Pretty telling. It's interesting to note too that this was probably a voluntary poll, so I'm sure grannys, chefs, and other non-gamers who have no interest in games/PS3 probably didn't participate. So, we can speculate that the 25% who won't buy are people actually somewhat interested in games (perhaps arcade games, portables etc).
  3. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    With Nintendo Wii coming out around the same time and DS selling like crack over in Japan...Sony will be in trouble come November
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

  5. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    ROFL! /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif

    First Solid Snake, now the Terminator. If superheros aren't happy with Sony surely the regular joe has a right to be pissed too. /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  6. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    IF blue-ray technology fails to take off, is it still worth all that money?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes, it will be.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:

    If BlueRay catches on, bascially XBox is dead... blue ray popularity will make or break this console war imo...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That depends on why Blu-Ray succeeds. But based on my expectations of what is going to happen, I think you are right. If Blu-Ray catches on because its space is utilized in games then Xbox 360 is dead and Sony will have won this generation. The sucess of Blu-Ray as a movie format has no bearing on the success of of the Xbox 360. I personally, think the extra space will get used sooner than later.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ice-9 said:

    would say the opposite...if Blu-Ray catches on, people who want the X-box 360 won't bother to buy the HD-DVD add on but would buy the 360. If Blu-Ray fails, people will seriously reconsider buying a PS3 because you can't separate Blu-Ray from PS3.

    If Blu-Ray fails, Sony is in serious trouble. But if Blu-Ray succeeds, Sony will taste the sweet success of dominance in two key markets.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    El_Brisal73 said:

    Problem with Blue Ray like it was with Beta is that it is to expensive for a stand alone player. A HD -DVD player is $500 and they say a Blue Ray will be around $800

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think people are getting the markets mixed up. The HD-DVD isn't competing against the Blu-Ray drive, it is competing against the PS3. Let say that everyone who has a HDTV has a hard-on for the HD-DVD players. Will people buy 1 million HD-DVD drives by January 2007? Will 4 million HD-DVD players sell by April 2007? The obvious answer is of course not. Will that many PS3's sell? Of course they will. In the battle for the next generation formats, everything other than price is working for Blu-Ray. That disadvantage is going to go away soon, thanks to the PS3. By the time people begin to demand HD movies there will be so many more Blu-Ray players in homes you would have to be an idiot to side with HD-DVD. By the end of 2007 the numbers will look ridiculous; it'll be something like 10 million PS3/Blu-Ray players vs. 500,000 HD-DVD players. The truth is actually closer to the opposity of what El_Brisal73 said; The HD-DVD player is what's too expensive to be a stand-alone movie player. The blu-ray is too expensive to be a stand-alone player as well. However, come November, the Blu-Ray won't be a stand-alone player, whereas the HD-DVD will.

    To examine another possibility let's say that everyone who wants HD movies buys an HD-DVD player and HD-DVD discs even if they already have a high-end PS3. Let us also say that no one buys a single Blu-Ray movie. In that case, Blu-Ray as a movie format would have failed perfectly. But that is independent of the value a Blu-Ray drive adds to the PS3 as a game machine. That value depends entirely on how large the games get and fast they grow. The fact still remains that a DVD-9 has about 9GB of total space and about 7.5GB of useable space after copy protection is put on the disc. It is also a fact that a dual layer Blu-Ray disc has about 50GB of total space. If games grow to 15-25GB in size than the Blu-Ray ray drive won't be dead space, but rather it will be helping the PS3. The games will have more in them and it will be obvious. In such a case the Blu-Ray will carry its own weight without selling a single movie. The best thing that could happen to Sony is for Killzone to reach the graphical performance shown in its now-famous target video and use about 25GB's in doing it.

    The only way that the Blu-Ray drive will be a total loss will be if no one buy any Blu-Ray movies despite already having the players built into their PS3's AND if video games don't grow past 7-9GB of space. These two premises are mutually exclusive and both would have to come true in order to doom the Blu-Ray drive to Beta-land. In other words, people have to hate it no matter what, in spite of its superiority and greater support.
  7. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Don't be so sure that 4 million PS3's will be sold by Apil 2007. I would say closer to the end of summer 07 and maybe Winter 07.

    $500 is cutting it close to being to much for a video game system, but then you might think you get Blue Ray but Blue Ray is one supposed to be HDMI standard ( no HDMI in $500 system), and two prices for games may go higher than 360 because it is expensive at this moment to burn games to Blue Ray Disk ( all PS3 software must be BR ).

    There are so many factors but all in all Im looking forward to seeing what happens.

    btw the thig I hate most abut the PS3 is the no rumble feature in the controller /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  8. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    DUDE!!! ShhhHHHH!!! What are you talking about? I do not participate in any type of illegal activity... are you trying to volunteer yourself as victim number one?!?! =P
  9. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    if 2 people in a scene buy the nice PS3, 2 sticks and a memory card each, and VF5, you're basically creeping on $2,000.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm guessing that they'll have some kind of PS2 to USB converter out sometime. So everyone who owns a stick already should be fine.

    But honestly, Xbox 360 is what, 400 dollars? You can get a PS3 for 500. It's a 100 dollar difference. People who really worry about the price probably do not own an HD TV. To people buying a high tech entertainment system, 100 or 200 is a drop in the bucket, really. There is an option to buy a cheaper one that (supposedly, from the info we know) doesn't effect gameplay at all. You still have a hard drive, a free network interface with online multiplayer, etc. Cheaper 360 doesn't even include a Hard Drive, so the Xbox 360 core SKU is really a huge joke and one of Microsoft's biggest mistakes. Don't assume that the 500 dollar PS3 SKU is going to be a crippled machine, like the 360 is.

    In regards to UMD, it's simply an impractical medium for movies. Honestly, it's not very often that I'm going to watch a movie on the go, except when I'm traveling. I don't expect people to be traveling THAT much to want to go buy every UMD movie in existance. Sony probably stepped on some toes in encouraging all that UMD production in hollywood... sad for them. If you are enough of a technophiliac to wanna watch a movie on your PSP, you'd sooner download it to your memory stick and watch it for free.

    But really, specs sell to early adopters. Is Blue-Ray really substantially more expensive than HD-DVD? It is more expensive, but if you want to watch Blue-Ray media, you can buy the PS3 and you're getting a "deal".

    However, I do believe that the average user will probably not see as much benefit converting from DVD to Blue-Ray/HD-DVD. Tape to DVD is a huge difference, navigation wise (more convenient), picture quality wise, and sound quality wise. Blue-ray does offer improvements, but it is not as dramatic a change.

    Similarly to the change between PS2 and PS3, or Xbox and the 360. Really, it's not as huge of a change. The changes keep getting smaller and smaller.

    Thank god Nintendo is here to save the day.
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    P L A Y S T A T I O N 3

    - Yahoo! Japan recented surveyed 20,000 users for their opinions on the PS3 retail price:

    8% (1548 votes) - I will buy the console on the launch day even if the price is high
    19% (3725 votes) - Undecided due to the high price
    25% (4814 votes) - I will buy when the price is reduced
    26% (5171 votes) - Plan to buy when price is reduced
    24% (4742 votes) - Presently have no interest to buy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Given that this is a VF thread - bias is of course a factor.
    We are not standard consumers by any means. Several people on this forums have bought Evo or FT boards at 3-5k each to continue playing VF. Even with LPC's exaggerated pricing scheme (memory cards?? what happened to the harddrive, 2 joysticks per consumer???) 1k is quite a relative bargain, especially compared to the new 8-15k reported VF5 prices. On top of that it comes with other features you might enjoy (bluray - other ps3 games). Seems like this will be the first perfect port of VF as well. I know this is a skewed perspective, but this relates to any of us who was willing to travel out to a tournament. Right now the UK and Ohio just aquired FT. For some of us 1k wont stop us from "eventually" playing VF5 just as FT didnt. The question is how much do people really want to play VF5?

    I forgot who said this but, "Consider this, 1,000 losses in VF5 in a Japanese arcade pays for VF5+PS3+ETC"
  11. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Ummmm...You will need a memory card if you want to bring your saved characters to someone else's place. 2 Joysticks are possible if you actually want to play with someone that doesn't use the pad and hasn't bought a joystick..

    The cheap PS3 is a crippled system(no HDMI, no Wifi etc...). You will not be able to buy accesories to make your system a premium system like you can a 360.

    Only people that should buy the cheaper PS3 is if they have no plans to get a HDTV set.
  12. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    But honestly, Xbox 360 is what, 400 dollars? You can get a PS3 for 500. It's a 100 dollar difference. People who really worry about the price probably do not own an HD TV. To people buying a high tech entertainment system, 100 or 200 is a drop in the bucket, really. There is an option to buy a cheaper one that (supposedly, from the info we know) doesn't effect gameplay at all. You still have a hard drive, a free network interface with online multiplayer, etc. Cheaper 360 doesn't even include a Hard Drive, so the Xbox 360 core SKU is really a huge joke and one of Microsoft's biggest mistakes. Don't assume that the 500 dollar PS3 SKU is going to be a crippled machine, like the 360 is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Both core systems are plain stupid imo. At least with the 360 you CAN buy a hd for it. Of course it's going to be overpriced but what can you do. On the other hand the gimped PS3 isn't even upgradable, unless Sony changed their stance on that recently.
  13. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    [ QUOTE ]
    EL_Brisal73 said:

    Don't be so sure that 4 million PS3's will be sold by Apil 2007. I would say closer to the end of summer 07 and maybe Winter 07.

    $500 is cutting it close to being to much for a video game system, but then you might think you get Blue Ray but Blue Ray is one supposed to be HDMI standard ( no HDMI in $500 system), and two prices for games may go higher than 360 because it is expensive at this moment to burn games to Blue Ray Disk ( all PS3 software must be BR ).

    There are so many factors but all in all Im looking forward to seeing what happens.

    btw the thig I hate most abut the PS3 is the no rumble feature in the controller /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For the purposes of the movie format war it doesn't matter whether the PS3 has sold 4 million by April or 2 million by April. I personally believe it will sell 4 million by April 2007, but it does not matter because it will sell rings around the HD-DVD player. So many people will find that Blu-Ray drives have been dumped into their homes that Blu-Ray movies will have a big head start on HD-DVD movies.

    The $500 PS3 beats the crap out of a $400 Xbox 360. If you compare it to the $600 PS3 then it is crippled. But if you compare it to any other gaming machine available at the time then it will be clearly superior.

    It seems that people are buying the argument that there isn't that much different between the 360 and the PS3. I don't buy that. I have not seen anything technical that has said that the Cell isn't twice the processor that the Xbox 360 processor is.
  14. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    What's funny is, if you're like me and you've spent the bulk of your disposable income in the past couple years or so on things like VF trips (btw thanks stomp, brian, talis, catherine for helping make these trips & lodging far less expensive!), naomi2 (damned elusive FT...soon!), new ps2, vf3 arcade, shittons of sushi, beer, condoms...a nice, big HDTV has not been on your list of priorities. So when I get a ps3, I need to also manage an adequate display & the price doubles (easily. on the low end even). Oh well.
  15. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Femto said:
    Both core systems are plain stupid imo. At least with the 360 you CAN buy a hd for it. Of course it's going to be overpriced but what can you do. On the other hand the gimped PS3 isn't even upgradable, unless Sony changed their stance on that recently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But the gimped PS3 still includes free online, hard disk, etc. You can plug your PS3 into the wall for ethernet, so that's not an issue. The lack of HDMI output is the only bad thing, and if people are really worried about price, they aren't going to have the hardware to take advantage of that in the first place. If you plan on getting a HD TV in the future, 100 dollars is not a large amount to invest up front.

    360 core is bascially screwed, because you can't play any old games on it and newer games that require a hard drive won't work, Xbox live won't work, etc. Upgrading it later will cost more money, and is financially much stupider.

    I am sure that the cheaper PS3 will sell a lot in Japan, where many people don't have room for HD-TVs and stuff. Here, I don't know what the stratification might be, but I'm assuming that hardcore people will buy the more expensive one. The cheaper one might be more attractive for parents getting a gift for their kids or something.
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    It's funny how you people cry about the PS3 price, then turn around a cry about the base model is useless...

    Let's see what the 100$ gives you in reality

    1, card reader.. USELESS. it's 10$ attachement for your PC. I have a MCE tabletop with a carder, never use it.

    2, wireless.. USELESS. Why would anyone use this when hardwire is faster and more reliable. Why would you want to use wireless when your PS3 is just gonna sit there next to your TV? You must be a fucking moron. I have a MCE tabletop with wireless, never use it.

    3, HDMI.. COMPLETELY USELESS. I bet most of you morons don't even know what HDMI is. Given ICT won't be here until at least 2012, HDMI gives you nothing more than saving you the audio cable. Give me a fucking break, No HDMI = no HDTV? what a clueless motherfucker.. 99% of the HDTV on the market today don't USE HDMI (that might have something to do with the fact HDMI cables are like 100 bucks, but nm). Talking about running PS3 on SD?You must be a fucking moron to even thinking about connecting a PS3 to a SDTV. If you can't afford a HDTV, don't waste your $ on PS3.

    The only other thing is the addition of 40G HD, now if the base model doesn't have a HD at all then it's a different story. But the base has a 20GB drive... and that's more than enough if you are playing games and not downloading a ton of updates, trailers, game demos and shit.

    The base model works fine as a BluRay Player and console, if you want the other juice get the premium model. In reality 10% of the people will make actual use of the additional features, but they'll probably all buy the premium model cuz of social pressure, like myself.

    and btw only the HDMI port can't be upgraded. HD,Card Reader,Wireless will all be sold as addons. Idiots, go back to school plz.
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Playing my character at someones elses house is barely a priority, sadly ive gotten used to the evo scheme of things, and a VFnetless arcade version. Anyways i still used your 1k price modeling for my analogy anyways, so i dont know what the complaint is.

    its just like saying
    360 (400 + game(no import available) + 2 joysticks + memory cards + a year of xbox live to patch the game and access MSVFnet + microsoft points to buy exclusive costume items, like an XBOX360 jacket for brad) = $X, XXX
    Its like extending the cost as much as possible, dont doubt if VF5 was 360 exclusive they wouldnt abuse the live system like that.

    as for the upgradeable thing
    you just need to worry about the ICT thing -which is no big deal that shang mentioned already.

    Anyways a year from now itll be hard to hear these complaints, over the sound of VF action. Brian you talk like you're not going to buy one /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  18. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    #1 Sony Online is a joke until I see otherwise.
    #2 I do have a HD display (ask Maddrox) and I will be selling it to get a dual HDMI port TV. Because HDMI is the future of HD displays. Especially if you want 1080p

    For Sony to take out this feature is laughable. It is necessary for Blue Ray and HD's future. Unfortunately people who do not know jack about HDMI and Blue Ray will be left out in the cold in the future.
  19. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Well i heard 2010 HDMI will be standardized - wasnt that the goverments plan for HD standardization also? Thats a good 4 years off and this generation of consoles will be way nearing its way out.

    I dont know how you bias sony completely about HD's future on this when 360 doesnt have a HD-DVD player standard. I doubt anyone can see the difference between component and HDMI anyways unless you're pushing past a 36" TV,. People who have larger TV's can afford the $100 price difference. So whats the big deal?
  20. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EL_Brisal73 said:

    #1 Sony Online is a joke until I see otherwise.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the context of VF5, it doesn't matter.
    In the context of other Playstation online games, I don't really see the advantage of having a system like Live unless you're physically tethered to your TV. It just looks like a replacement for AIM with voice chat. If I wanna play a game online with a friend, I just tell him from my computer, and we connect to the same game. That's not really that hard. The only thing that Live really impresses me with is downloadable demos (something sony should have) and the possibility of downloading content to make your games last longer. Such as Ninja Gaiden packs or Splinter Cell packs or whatever. The problem now is that you have to spend 3 dollars to get a new texture on your horse in Oblivion. I hope that's not the future of content there.

    [ QUOTE ]
    EL_Brisal73 said:
    #2 I do have a HD display (ask Maddrox) and I will be selling it to get a dual HDMI port TV. Because HDMI is the future of HD displays. Especially if you want 1080p

    For Sony to take out this feature is laughable. It is necessary for Blue Ray and HD's future. Unfortunately people who do not know jack about HDMI and Blue Ray will be left out in the cold in the future.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again, if you have enough money to worry about 'the future of HD displays', then shelling out a little more cash for the better PS3 is a non issue.

    For Microsoft's system, you'd have to buy a completely separate peripheral for HD-DVD anyway, and who knows, that may be 200 dollars ? 100 dollars ? Either way, you'll have to pay more money to get an high def movie experience with 360 anyway. Plus, I have a hunch that Xbox 360 will start making HD-DVD games. Then guess what, that add-on will become a requirement.

    Then Microsoft will become SEGA... and ... ooh ... that's not good for them...

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