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PS3's Weak AI

Discussion in 'Console' started by akiralove, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Yeah I sympathise to anyone who's been shafted by this.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I get really annoyed at people saying stuff like this. Did any of us say it was easy? No we do NOT think it's easy to get new players. I myself played VF4/evo for years by myself for the most part. Ask anyone in norcal about the scene before I arrived and actively got people to play. There IS a UK scene, why not try to get together sometimes.

    Please DO voice your opinion. I've already said it before, organize a list of things you want to see, get people to sign it or whatever. Yeah, the chance of it actually impacting the game is probably very little, but every small step counts. Don't just post on VFDC and then complain about nothing being changed. Actually put in some real effort in making a change if you want it to happen, you never know.

    There is no shafting for people who got the PS3 version, the only shafting is people who don't buy it for stupid reasons. We are having so much fun playing this game, and the people who love VF but don't buy it when they can are just retarded imo. There are a bunch of people who wish they can afford to have the same experience, it's amazing that people can't learn to appreciate and make the best out of what they have.
  3. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Dont you love forums? Im going round in circles and feel like Im beating my head against a brick wall. If you're happy with the game, thats great. Thats probably because you're new to the game so the crappy AI doesnt matter so much, OR you have people to play against. People in my situation understand where I'm coming from. Who wants to continue this stupid circle.....
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I was in your situation, and I understand where you are coming from. Unless I'm mistaken, let me see if we are on the same page.

    1. You bought an import PS3 with import VF5 in Europe.
    2. You have played enough of quest to reach the top level AI's.
    3. You can beat the AI 100% on hard mode consistently.
    4. You actively attend gatherings in your area or organize them in an attempt to find new regular players.
    5. You advertise your events/gathering that you organize on VFDC at the very least.
    6. You have voiced your opinion to Sega/AM2 about the changes that should be made directly.

    I take it that you've done all of the above, so the AI really bothers you, and there is simply no one in South West England that plays VF nor are there anyone that is interested in playing the new VF5 when it comes out in Europe because you have talked to everyone that lives in the area.

    Well then, sorry, I guess you are just out of luck.
  5. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    VF5 came quick, glad it did not take 5 years, I would rather be playing this game now than in 5 years, LOL! Also, those types of FPS games have programmers who write code for bots so the AI ungradable. Maybe with these next gen systems you will se more of this also.
    VF.TV feature has some great replays of each character vs every other character, they show a lot of stuff in the replays and you can watch the actual butting commands.
    You won't be running through the entire quest mode for "1" character anytime soon. I am sure your JOB AND GIRLFRIEND will even further complicate things.

    People are keep talking about the AI in EVO and my memory of it was...... that on the hardest settings all the AI did was pre-read what buttons I was hitting and counter me, what fun is that? I have to go back and play EVO and see if my memory suits me.

    Other than that, if you want be hardcore, I think if you go into the DOJO with all the settings turned up, you will get the practice you are looking for without the dumb pauses in between matches. This way you can get great/improve your precious gaming level without any delay.

    This site is filled with player gatherings for previous versions of VF. You would think that if the previous VF AI/quests were so great, no one would need to leave their house.

    Please play the game before adding question marks. Rent it, play it at a store, whatever. Then come back and bash if you feel its still necessary.
  6. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Shafted by what? People paid $60 for a video game, if you bought a PS3 for this game only, you shafted yourself because you are flat out retarded.
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    These opinions are not mutually exclusive:

    1. The port of VF5 sucks donkey balls, because it's a step backwards from Evo in many ways.

    2. The port of VF5 is better than any other fighting game out there currently.

    3. It's worth buying a PS3 for VF5 alone, because you'll definitely get more than 560 losses worth of enjoyment out of it.
  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Hehe my old friend, one of the few moments where I completely disagree with you.

    The AI in this instance is just completely whack. You cannot possibly be good in VS cpu n vf5 quest n take it as a complete indication that the individual is ready for real life opponents.

    Unless, the real life opponent is just as bad as the AI.

    Some call VF4 evo AI as 'cheating'.
    I call it damn good programming esp when they punish u accordingly with max damage(most of the time anyway). It really teaches / show u the possibility of what the game offers.

    Anyone that insists on 'ignoring' the single player aspect of the home product is sadly mistaken. If it was so unimportant, then why is it there in the first place????????

    At the end of the day, I think there 'might' be an update for the ps3 owners of the game. Otherwise, there will just be a truck load of unsold vf5 sitting there in the warehouse simply because it's the inferior version.
  9. Ookamunka

    Ookamunka Member

    Uhm, playing a fighter 1 player other than practicing combos and timing, no matter how good the AI is, is pretty much synonymous to watching a porn for plot.
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    the influx of idiots never cease
  11. Ookamunka

    Ookamunka Member

    Says the person who says computer AI will make you better in a game that relies on the ability to out think an opponent. Do you travel for fighting games? Do you go to tournaments? Do you even understand what it means to become good at a fighting game??? Oh wait, you don't, since you think that the Evo AI makes you good. Seriously people. Get over it, the AI blows. No big deal. The AI blows in every single Street Fighter game, every single Tekken game, every single X fighting game. It doesn't matter! You won't get good at a fighting game unless you play other GOOD players. And for most of the population in the US, that simply won't happen.
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    oh please check my signature

    I'm in asia, I have a scene here, I have a 10th Dan from Japan, Danny has a Tsuwamono, Ice 9 has it too. Others that didn't go but are good enough. Trust me, we do just fine.
    Check your facts.
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    This is a consumer product, not a person's lot in life. When you're spending money on a consumer product, "making due" shouldn't have to be a consideration.

    It's disappointing to see that Sega can't seem to please its core audience, of which certainly anyone who posts on this forum is included. The only real conclusion that one can draw, given the obvious capability of the company, is that they simply don't want to do any more than they're currently doing. I don't see why the core audience should reward that behavior by going out and finding more suckers to spend money on what they perceive to be inferior product. If VF dies in foreign markets, Sega has no one to blame but themselves.

    Disclaimer #1: I've yet to play VF5, but I will be picking up my copy this week.
    Disclaimer #2: I saw you on the 1up show. Cool.
  14. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    Evo AI let you seriosuly tighten your game. You would get punished with max damage when you messed up. They would press nitaku at the correct situations. Certain AI's had their own style, shun would actually drink at the end of a round, Brad did more than slip left and right all day, they would throw escape, etc.

    You could seriosuly tighten your game in the final evo arcade employing correct defensive techniques and pressing nitaku at situations. The evo AI had absolutely no oki game, and neither does 5. But 5 threw away a lot of the whole 'structure' of the AI that made evo valuable for a player.

    No AI will make you a good player, but it can improve your game. You can win in VF5 doing nothing but doing 2p until they block it, then evade and punish.

    It doesn't make it a bad game, nobody is saying that. But VF5 for PS3 has removed almost everything that seperated Evo from other fighters with no real explanation. "Live with it its only 60 dollars" is a great attitude to have as a consumer. It only costs money, why care about the quality of anything?
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think I made it very clear about the things that I was disappointed with.

    Regarding the AI, people forget that aside from the handful of top players that we see in Japanese videos. Japan is FULL of lower tier players who are not nearly as good as the elites. The new video that SuperG posted of his play against a random 8th dan lau player in Japan reflects this. We know that the quest mode AI is built using play data from players in Japan who submitted their data. On top of that, AI will never be as good as their real life counter part. So do you see where this is going?

    I'm not saying that people should live with it, but seriously, what are you going to do to change it? Be pissed off and continue to play by yourself in a room? Quest mode AI does a great job for new players to feel comfortable playing VF. I know it sucks for people who are trying to get good at VF, I have no illusion about that. You guys forget that there are many many newcomers who will struggle with Quest mode AI as it is. Look at what Siyko already said about the AI. "LP until blocked, then evade and punish" Look, I think the AI has already done it's job. It's showing the players the system, getting them to think about the game, showing them what you can do to your opponent.

    Summah, applying your same logic, we are playing with Shin from KS3 and ice9, Rocketpai are also here, it's definitely not a case where we are playing with crappy players. Have you guys actually played with new players though? Them getting destroyed in seconds without know what happened does NOT help someone learn the game. When people play a game like that, there is alot of "wtf just happened" and people are likely to simply quit playing the game. There needs to be a tool for people to learn the game, and dojo mode combined with quest mode AI are those tools. It's a tremendous help for any scene to train new players. When I say "ready for live opponent," it doesn't mean they are good enough to beat anyone. It means they can play the game calmly, and understand what's going on, and why they lost. Without quest mode experience, VF will seem foreign and illogical to new players.

    Even with evo's quest mode, I don't think it really produced any players who are ready for real opponents. Ask any of the people who played a ton of quest mode, and they will tell you that it's still very different from live opponent.

    I think you guys also forget that VF5 is the first in the series. What extra features/contents did the original VF4 port have? It's too bad they couldn't put all the cool stuff that evo had in VF5, but it's almost expected based on past history. I'm not saying that you should put up with it, but things are not going to change now unless people do what they think would help to change it.

    I mean... Tekken 5 nor DR had nearly the same amount of extras as Evo. VF5 definitely has more content than DR. The point of a home port for a game like VF5 is so people can practice to play in the arcade. It sucks, but like you guys said, it's a consumer product, it's designed to make money. AM2 makes money from the arcades, so it's feature packed. Until AM2 makes money from the home port, anything extra they put in will be a favor to the consumers. It sucks, I wish it wasn't this way, but that's the way profit seeking products work, it works both ways.
  16. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    A character save system that wasn't fucked up.
  17. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    This is still going round in circles I see. Can the people who agree the AI is shit and wants to do something about it suggest how we get in touch with the 360 team. Or how to contact the ps3 team concerning the possibility of patches. (although I doubt that). Whatever we thinks best. As soon as we agree on that then we can go about doing something about it. More posts on how the AI is fine or whatever just wont help this thread. So.... any suggestions?
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree, I've said that this is sorely missing since Evo publicly as well.
  19. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

  20. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Make sure you upgrade the DIFFICULTY to HARD for every Quest character profile you craete. Each Quest ring name profile you create is default at "NORMAL" difficulty, no matter what you set for your previous created character. Its stupid I know. Amateur screw ups for this c team interfeace developers they used. Its obvious the arcade team did all the graphicvs and gameplay for Ps3, and they left the interface to a buch of interns.
    They suck, I can save my battles in Quest mode or arcade.

    Heres the really stupid dick move the console team made: You can set your difficulty in arcade mode to Very HARD, But Quest mode only goes to "hard" Making arcade mode harder than Quest, in most cases anyway. N ot in Jeffry or wolfs case. Jefferys Ai and wolfs Ai in arcade are just as stupid as ever, you can just run up to them and spam throw to win, even at very hard. Try that in Quest mode and youll get cxrouch punched, fuzzy guarded and beat to death quickly. im alsoo oissed that you dont get a longer Version of "ARCADE MODE" for the home.
    In VF3 you had to fight ten fighters , then DURAL. In this crap its a MEASeLY 7 then Dural. Way too quick. Give us a survivor mode, or an extension of arcade.

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