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PS3's Weak AI

Discussion in 'Console' started by akiralove, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. jherb5000

    jherb5000 Well-Known Member

    Man look...it's VF5 ENJOY YOuRSELF! AI has never been all that.
    Evo was tight because of the player data and the way it would replicate their playstyles but even that wasn't like fighting them in real life...give AM2 a break.
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Man there are a lot of idiots on this thread. How did all you guys manage to afford internet being so stupid? Chances are if you posted more than 3 times on this thread, You are an idiot.

    #1, VF5 for PS3 is a shitty, bare boned port. You can twist it however you like it. It is a fact: VF5 of PS3 is a a shitty bare boned port. The Quest mode is a complete joke. The Save system sucks. The commentary is lame as hell. The training mode does not teach you jack. VF.TV is nothing more some replays. They might as well just brought the arcade game over without any features at all.

    #2, VF4EVO Quest Mode will make you a better player. If you don't know this, then you are probably the idiot who abuses the same move over and over again until you got max ranking then dropped the game. Before you get on your high horse and scream about how deep the game is, VF is requires just as much reflex/muscle memeory as yomi. If you can beat EVO high ranking AI consistently without any kind of exploiting, you'll be top 10 in North America(Yes that's how shitty the scene is)!

    #3, To think you can make a difference as a player to make vf for better is idiotic. If you've been around for awhile and you don't know Sega doesn't give a rat's ass about console VF, then you are a fucking moron. There is absolutely nothing, NOTHING a player can do about it. VF Console is made for one thing... to supplement the Japanese VF arcade. This was a high level decision Sega made after VF4 PS2. Every feature on the console is nerfed so people wouldn't abandon the arcade. The idea is pretty fucking obvious: You train at home and compete at the arcade. The only reason why VF is even outside of Japan is because Sony's paying a load of cash because PS3 sucks ass. Sega admits this themselves: it's all about money and it's all about Japanese arcade, because that's where the money is at. It's not about the players, it's not about the scene, you think Sega gives a shit about you, Ice-9? you, Srider? What have you done for them? Can they make money off you? can they make money off the scene? Can they make money off the players? LOL quit joking. There's a reason they don't give a fuck about you, because you can't spend your money in their arcade. Wake the fuck up you dumbfuckers. You are nothing but a bunch of useless fanboys to Sega, a bunch of useless tools.

    and BTW: before you ask "hey why don't you quit if you bitch so much"?, allow me to reply to you with: fuck off, I like the game, i'm not a fanboy.
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Well, actually, this is the first time a VF port looks 100% as good as the arcade version. Got to commend them for that.
  4. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    wow, some angry people on this thread...

    My biggest gripe with the AI in VF5 is their "ability" to play a little too perfect. Like ducking under every single high attack in the game. Not like high attacks that are part of canned combos that you can see coming, but 12 frame jabs that the AI will crouch under at the last possible moment. It makes playing certain characters very difficult, and way too easy for others.

    I'm also bothered by how the AI will "read" your controller, rather than whats actually happening on the screen. For instance, Lau's b,d throw, which leaves the opponent staggered. If you do this to the computer at higher levels, they will recover really quickly from the stagger, which is fine, but then they will read your inputs before your animation has even started, to know what to counter. Like if they recover from the stagger, and you run in for a throw, they'll attack. If you go for a 12 frame jab, they'll duck, and if you go for a mid level combo that comes out really quick, they'll block.

    Same with Vanessa's back charge kick. They'll block it when its coming for them, unless your G canceling it, in which case they'll hit you out of it. The problem with that is, they start their attack when YOU push G, not when the cancel animation begins. If a human player was able to do stuff like that constantly in VF, I'd accuse them of being psychic.
  5. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Shang you've made some stoopid posts you have to admit /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif but dammit you're right about this one. I wish more people would realise that yes-vf4 evo AI actually fucking helped players who dont have so many/any people to play against. People are still chanting the same crap 'just play it in vs mode'. Read the threads and understand the point of what people are saying. Srider, thanks for the link but I dont think that particular email box will do any good. Does anyone know email address of team in charge of 360 version?
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Shang, why do you always assume that people give a shit about Sega? Because you know what, just as Sega doesn't give a shit about me, I don't give a shit about Sega! Sega sees me as money, I see Sega as a provider of goods/services. Everyone is happy, the world continues to turn, and capitalism triumphs once again.
  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Shang doesn't care what you think, he just has nothing better to do than create trouble on the internet.
  8. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    ??? Do you even read what you write? The very fact that is this thread exist shows that people are "UNHAPPY". blab blab blab about capitalism, you don't even make any sense. You do realize sega has a monopoly when it comes to vf? consumer gets raped, just like we are now. The fact this thread is 10 pages means people, many people are unhappy. And I don't need to assume people give a shit about sega, we are surrounded by sega fanboys here, and now. And wheather you deny it or not, you are the biggest sega fanboy out there, along with srider. You even made this website dedicated to worshipping sega. plz.. ok
  9. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    oh dear...
    Capatalism > people = PWNED
  10. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

  11. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Well Shang must be a mod to go off on Srider like that. Spincter sore or something Sang? Yes it DOEs suck and Since online deathmatch would make all of you sodomize yourselves to death with a pump action shotgun, they should have at least let us upload our player A.I. like what we had in VF4 original ps2 , and let those battle it out. Basically, we would be doing SEGAs job, creating some decent A.I.

    Sega of JApan Shit on us YAnkee gui lo so much I bet they make an online patch fix for the A.I. along my lines or just new ugraded difficulty levels, and ONLY JAPAN PlAYERS GET THEM.

    They are still mad after WW2.

    Remember Virtual On ONtario T was online on Japanese DC, but not american. That was AM3 but still.

    What ever happened to am3? Are they homeless now? They used to make kick ass games when Sega had gobs of cash in the 90's.
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Guess you're an idiot.
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    No Cuz, you are the idiot. Do you know what "If you postED" means? Should've listen to your mom and went to english class instead of sucking cock for money at highschool.
  14. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Umm, was that a reply to me?

    Careful, Shang, this is your second post. But we all know you wont post again because YOU are not an idiot, right?

    I wished I worked at Sega and I could get you a copy with nothing but the arcade game "without any features at all". Then I would come and knock on your door and say:
    "hey lil' buddy, let me get that copy of VF that you were jonesing for sooo bad, and here's a 'bare-bones, arcade version of VF5 without any features at all."
    Would you actually make the trade? I mean you "might as well" have that instead. No replays, no wacky commentary, no training mode. Just because it isn't /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif Evo /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif oh, Evo, your AI and training mode were so great /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif what are we going to do without it??? Fuck you, Sega, you hate me, I know you do /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
    Well guess what, Sega? I hate you too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif

    There's just way too much HATING and not enough CONGRATULATING. How many other games do you know out there that even have fucking commentary? Yeah it's goofy but at least Sega tried to put something new/innovative that I'm pretty sure, with some tweaking, can and will get better.

    FACT: VF was the first fighter to have character customazition. Others have copied.
    FACT: VF is the first fighter to have commentary. Others will soon copy.
    FACT: VF was the first fighter to allow their fans to be immortalized in one of their game. Others will soon copy.
    FACT: VF was the first 3D fighter and has always led the way in new ideas: voices/graphics/counters/reversals/martial arts styles/training modes/etc.

    So you can come here and crap all over Sega and VF just because they took a step back (for once) and crap on 'em just because you can (it is a free country after all) but it doesn't change the fact that VF leads the way in most if not all innovations in 3D fighters to date.
    So hate if you want, bottom line is you're on a VF dedicated website complaining about VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
    And for those that bought the game and are still complaining about it: take it back or STFU.
    Better yet, give it to somebody who actually loves VF, weak AI or not.
  15. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Should've listened to - you English professor you.
    english – I do believe it needs to be capitalized.

    But hey at least you got to tell someone that they sucked cock, which is pretty much your sole reason for posting isn’t it?
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Have you played vf5 for ps3 yet? What? you started play vf when? What are you other than a Sega fanboy?

    Fact: character customization is useless in vs. mode. since all I hear is cry about AI is nothing, vs. mode is everything. Sorry to break it to you you aren't gonna see much customization in vs. mode cuz sega crippled the save system.

    Fact: Commentary sucks and it's useless. You are an idiot if you play the game with commentary on.

    Fact: VF5 AI sucks

    Fact: new ideas?? dude open your eyes, VF5 copied a lot of shit from tekken. What is the NEW idea in VF5?

    Please okay, go out and buy the game, play some, then start defending shit you are clueless of.. Akiralove played the game, I've played the game. Have you?

    p.s. Cuz: oh man.. you really owned with that one GG.
  17. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I'd been trying to get into VF since VF3. I really liked the look of VF3 but never understood how everything worked. I didn't have access to the internet back in 1999 so it was a struggle to figure anything out. The console version didn't even have a proper manual.

    VF4 had a much better training mode and some replays to show what was possible. Almost all the competition I had back then was on Tekken so I was stuck with the crappy AI giving me bad habits.

    VF4Evo was the game that helped get me into VF properly and finally understand how VF works like attacking when you have frame advantage and using defensive techniques when at a disadvantage, as well nikatu and fuzzy guard. The excellent training mode, challenges and AI all helped me really raise my standard. I have got good competition now as well which helps a lot. The AI does have some holes though as mentioned it doesn't pressure you on oki, you can't use fakes or delays very well either etc. It still helps a lot if you use it to improve your play rather than just to beat it. Id use it to stay in practice if I wasn't gonna have any competition for a while.

    To hear VF5's AI and training got downgraded is really disappointing. The training mode doesn't even have a basic record feature? Even Tekken and Soul Calibur players would complain about that. One of the things I was expecting from next generation systems is better AI. I was hoping the next VF would benefit from this. Blu Ray discs seem to count for nothing and no down loadable content for that 60 gig HD either. PS3's will cost nearly $950 over here with no core package.

    Id still buy the game though as I manage to get competition but using the AI to stay sharp and the training mode to work things out at home I guess wouldn't be possible.
  18. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    VF5 is a great game, well worth the price.
  19. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Huh? How is it useless in versus? We can't bring our profiles to other locations, sure, but you can just create one on the console you're playing on, it's not that tough.
  20. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member


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