PSN Still Down with No-end in sight

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    jesus. the level of discourse here is alarmingly shallow.
  2. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Hazz , you Blasphemer!! Confrontation rocks!! Maybe you quit early, you know , when there were no trophies initiated and tons of Bugs. They ironed all that shit out, added a massive patch that ugraded the graphics, mostly better real time lighting effects and some better shaders and best of all the Cold Front expansion. New weapons new MP modes and best of all new maps.

    They only caveat about Confrontation is the high difficulty and the ridiculously unattainable trophies, which are partially a cause of the former. Also if youre incredibly shallow, you can bash it for it's less than impressive character designs, as for some reason every character model in Confrontation is a 90 lb weakling

    Despite that, Confrontation is more of a Socom game than Socom 4, traditional Modes like Extraction and Escort, and best of all breach. The modes are what gave Socom it's individuality among an industry rife with shooters. I played through the Socom 4 beta, I liked it, but without Extraction and Breach especially, It didnt feel like Socom I know and love. Memories of Socom are playing Socom 2 on saturday mornings doing Breach and escort maps.

    Hopefully the old school modes will get added in a (FREE) DLC. The only reason I'm taking this PSN outage so well is because I didn't pick up my copy of Socom 4 on launch day. I put $5 down on it to get the preorder maps and waited. I'll pick it up May 12, when the servers are back up and stable.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    3.55 allows you to copy ANY game to the hard drive in about 10~15 mins, and you can play it without burning a physical BD. As long as you can borrow or rent from someone else, you can have it. Also anyone can share the files on FTP(whatever) and it's more than you expect. It's a big deal for SONY.

    Of course SCE has to remove the "install other OS feature", because the master key has been found by hackers, and you can't imagine what's gonna happen if they can do more stuff by linux.

    The only way to solve this PSN problem is to build up another entire new server system for PS4. Otherwise, it's just matter of time for the next attack.

    MS has been dealing with hackers/pirates for ages, and they realize to how to maintain the relationships. [​IMG]
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Its just not a good idea to F with Linux/Unix hackers you can never win. Not that I'm a sympathizer, but hardcore Linux/Unix hackers are among the best hackers in the world, the very best. You just don't F with these guys. As long as there is an Internet, TCPIP, sockets, etc and you're connected, you're vulnerable in some way. Best policy is just not to F with them. I do know this , ordinarily if you don't F with them they won't F with you.

    Sony, for the good of the order, please restore the other OS option, and give us DVD RW back, offer PSN Plus for free
    and apologize. You'll prolly never hear from the hackers again [​IMG] Sometimes its best to admit defeat and put up the white flag:

  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member


    The press conference was awesome. PSN passwords were NOT, WTF SONY. And they had the PSN server's on some BS AT&T server's, lol. The way the press conference was handle and the way SONY answer the questions was good, but you just gave Congress a shitload of ammo, Kaz. May 6 is going to be awesome when SONY appears in front of the house, and we all know Congress loves ripping a new asshole to giant companies. If the Democrats and Republicans are in the same side.....SONY won't make it out of congress alive. C-SPAN, can't wait, and if FOX cares to show it...OMG, is on!
  6. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Yeah Sony really effed up. I mean, Anonymous announced to the world that they are going to hack and screw up PSN in beginning of April. Then , according to the press conference, on April 17, somebody planted a program that can steal information. Sony had a warning in the beginning of April, they should have been on guard. A foreign program planted in their system should have been detected immediately. Somebody needs better anti-virus software. What a bunch of negligent dicks. (Yeah everyone know Anonymous claims they didn't do it. Bullshit or not, Sony knew somebody was going to hack them, they should have been ready).
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I aint making excuses for Sony, but there is no such thing as a completely secure network. Any network can be broken. Even DOD, CIA, etc get hacked every now and then. Its just normally the
    big boys are not interested in something as petty as the PSN. But if you piss off the wrong group, then may god have mercy on your soul. I think this time Sony made the wrong enemies, maybe lesson learned.
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    No kidding.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    After PSN, now SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) that runs things like the MMO DC universe online, is shut down due to hacker intrusion.

    I happent to have an account in DCUO. [​IMG] This is pretty bad for Sonys image.


    This made me change passwords on all my MMO accounts.. since I used the same in most MMOs.
  11. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Confrontation definitely DOES NOT rock.

    You say about it feeling more like a true Socom... Did old Socom's have a run feature?

    The biggest issue with me about Confrontation is that it did not grasp the one-on-one gunfights which the old Socom's have. When both players are in each others faces strafing left and right going for the GG headshot.

    Another thing which pissed me off to no end was that there was no quick-getup after diving to the floor. Remember diving on the ground in S2 then tapping triangle to initiate a crouch just after diving? The result was that you had an awesome way to avoid gunfire which really spiced the game up. Even S4 has this feature.

    Don't get me wrong, Socom 4 is the biggest piece of shit Socom ever made. It doesn't even feel like Socom. THERE'S NOT EVEN AN M4A1 SD. THAT GUN HAS BEEN A STAPLE OF ALL SOCOM'S! WHERE'S THE FUCKING 552!?!?! The game doesn't let you peek round corners, but probably THE WORST thing about S4 is it's god awful camera angle. If they're going to keep this abomination of a camera angle they need to let you change which shoulder you're looking over too, because trust me if you want to edge slightly left from a wall to get a shot on someone you're as good as dead, as you have to strafe more left than you should have to for the camera angle always being on your right side. There's no grenade arcs. I've put over 11hours into beating the single player (there's only 14missions but I died 228 times on Hard difficulty) and I still don't understand how the grenade throw system works. Sometimes you'll do an over arm throw which will go miles and other times your character will do an under arm throw which will be on the verge on blowing yourself up. I've tried tilting the controller like you can in Confrontation and that does not affect the throwing.

    If you want to change your button layout in S4 you don't know what you're actually changing it to as all it tells you is the names of the control schemes and not the new button layout.

    There's a cover system which doesn't need to be there and shouldn't be there.

    In S4 when you're in a close up gunfight you realise all of the game's flaws in concentrated form. The terrible camera angle gives you little chance of killing efficiently and most times it comes down to holding R1 and going fucking crazy with your right stick. I would strongly advise keeping your distance at all times in this game so that you don't need to see the worst close-up battle in shooting game history.

    One thing Socom 4 does allow for though which is controversial whether it's a good thing or not is the first bullet your gun fires is perfectly straight. WITH ALL GUNS. This means that if you tap the fire button repeatedly or just let off 2-3 round bursts your aim will be near perfect. WITH SNIPER RIFLES THIS WORKS TOO AND THERE IS NO NEED TO SCOPE IN ANYMORE AS IT TAKES 200 TIMES LONGER!

    Socom 4 is rifed with flaws. Infact I think the whole game is just 1 big fucking flaw. I don't think anyone can play this game without wishing there was a proper camera angle (akin to Socom's Classic View), a lean feature, a change shoulder button if the camera angle requires it and a grenade arc.

    It will take a lot of patching in order for this game to become what I expect it should be.

    I only bought the game because it had been such a long time since I bought a new game and I was becoming bored.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    wtf is socom doing in this thread

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