Punishing The Cast

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Johoseph, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    LOL!!! Most of those free dmg were from finishing strings. Speaking of strings. . . when is Jacky getting put up on the chopping block? Seeing the moves is a lot easier than looking at the frame data + command list.
  2. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    The entire reason I decided to do this summed up into once sentence [​IMG]

    Jacky and Goh are coming later today. I try to do one long character (Jacky) and one easier character (Goh). Since doing something like Eileen + Jacky in a day would give me a headache.

    Fact of the matter is, the characters that "seem" safer (Jean, Goh, Akira) Really aren't more safe, they just have LESS options than most of the cast. Making them much easier for me to make a video of [​IMG]
  3. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Punishing Goh, strangely enough found that the MASTER of Judo.... has the most throw punish moments lol.

    Punishing Jacky, his video was kind of strange. I felt conflicted as to whether to include middle of the string unsafe things, since it's largely misleading. I ended up taking most of them out, mainly his lightning kicks (I think that's what they're called). I left a couple in like unfinished beat knuckle, and another maybe.

  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    With Goh, it would seem they gave him all those throw punishable moves for him to take advantage of his throw reversal mechanic.
  5. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Johoseph, these videos are really helpful. Am I greedy to expect more coming videos such as sobering Shun?
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Firstly, Great videos! Thank you for the effort.

    However, several people on the Finnish irc channel commented that move inputs would be also beneficial to see.

    I understand the whole purpose of the videos is to visibly see what the punishable moves look like and that idea I personally like very much, the move inputs aren't really that important, even though they might help with a character with complicated strings like Jacky. I play Jacky as a main and had to look twice to recognize for example 3PPP+K [​IMG]

    Secondly, maybe you could make a video about what moves can be punished more by ducking. For example, I just tested that Jackys duckblocked 3KP2KK is punishable by a 21 frame move or faster. Theres a huge difference between that and just PK punish (last kick is only -13 blocked)
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I have come to depend on these videos to learn my punishment for the rest of the cast. Especially since some moves you can only elbow punish at -15, while others you can do a small combo. You have to know the move animation to really know which punish you need to use. Great stuff man.

    I kinda get what the folks on the french irc channel are saying, but I think they're missing the goal of these videos. They aren't meant to teach you the character, just what moves are unsafe. If you use the given character, you really should know the commands by sight. Getting to that degree of fluidity should be a goal if that's not the case.
  8. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Agree with both of you really. The move inputs I didn't deem necessary. The only time I think they are useful to know the inputs is during discussion, which in that case I could, in the future, add Annotations to the youtube videos of the commands.

    And Tricky's right. These are straight up what you can punish on block. I didn't mean for them to be a punish guide overall, since there are sooo many ways to punish in VF.

    Who knows, in the future I might try something like that though Manji.
  9. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Punishing Sarah.

    Let's see, now I have these left:
    Lau (already recorded, editing process)
    El Blaze
    Lei Fei

    Man I've never thought there were too many VF characters until now [​IMG]
  10. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Just checking in to praise your work, awesome stuff. This is dogs bollocks, individualized match up data is the highest dream I have and you have just visualized the core concept (for Lau). Block punishing, whiff punishing, videos to everything, sky is the limit... :-D

    Just had my azz handed over by LauVF in mirror, glad to hear Lau's next!
  11. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Punishing Lau
    Also posting Sarah again since it got wiped off page 5 pretty quick.

    Wolf coming up next! Stay tuned.
  12. zai

    zai Member

    Feels good to see Sarah take some punishment. Good stuff man!
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Johoseph, in case you didn't already know, I have guaranteed punish situations highlighted in the command lists I've compiled. This may help when making your videos.

    Command List Repository
  14. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    oh snap. didn't know that, and it will help. Thanks Libertine [​IMG]
  15. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

    this is good stuffs, thx much
  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    A quick tip (hopefully) before you work on Punishing Lion:

    Lion's 1P+K, while a low and crouching-ish attack, actually recovers high when blocked. This opens up the punishment greatly to whatever you are comfortable with at +15 for the blocker.

    This also means you can simply throw him if that somehow served your purposes.

    If I was home, I'd double check to make sure you can do something like a high attack but I'm certain that you can (but second-guessing myself while posting this at work). I'm certain Lion is truly standing high right after contact with his 1P+K.

    This is probably less relevent to Lau, but I think some characters would love to punish with a high attack for greater damage.

    That said, you also want to remember that your character's position will be crouching when blocking this move.
  17. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Thanks Chanchai. Depending on the frame advantage, if Lau is quick enough his [​IMG][3][P][P]+[K] can get recovery CH and launch if they are standing and -15. That's actually Lau's biggest chance at punishment, when he blocks a low that recovers HIGH. When he blocks a mid at -15 he can only get [4][6][P]
  18. climhazzard97

    climhazzard97 Member

    thanks! cool stuff bro. could really go for some el blaze punishment. i've been up against some pretty vicious ones that completely shut down my offense. i can't tell where the damn strings end!

    note to self: must minimize the number of "hot dog!"s i hear in a round...ugh.
  19. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna quote this again just to open a question up to anyone who might know. Lau's [​IMG][3][P] is 15 frames and leads into combos on recovery CH. There are some weird things I noticed with it thus far.

    1) If the opponent uses a -15 LOW that recovers HIGH, Lau can easily go from crouching into his [​IMG][3][P] into combo. However, if the opponent uses a MID that is -15, he can't do it. I can get the frame counter to read 15 frames on the [​IMG][3][P] every time but it doesn't work. Is this because of the crouching frames?

    2) (I specifically quoted you Chanchai because of this) Some of Lion's lows that recover HIGH have some weird fucking properties, either that or its distance. But when I block Lion's [1][P]+[K] as you mentioned, Lau's [​IMG][3][P] comes out 16 frames instead of 15. Lion also has another low attack that recovers high that made Lau's [​IMG][3][P] come out in 17 frames. I was so fucking confused. I imagine it's a distance thing... but Lion really did look close as hell.

    Result: I'ma have to investigate more when I get home [​IMG]
    This probably wasn't the right forum for this kind of discussion but I discovered it while making the videos so hey [​IMG]

    And while I'm here I guess I owe you guys an update.
    The recording phase is FINISHED. Up until now I was recording a character and then producing the video in a day. I got sick of recording shit so I just trudged through the rest of the cast in one night. Now I can just focus in production [​IMG]
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I'm pretty sure the game doesn't count crouchdash frame as part of the attack's execution, so no matter how slowly you get to crouch, the upknife will show as 15 frame execution regardless in the detailed info display.

    Also, in vanilla at least you had to waste minimum of 1 frame for crouchdash if you tried to perform a crouch move from standing. I don't think it has changed. This means that you shouldn't be able to punish a -15 move with a 15 frame from crouch move from standing position, no matter how well you buffer it. You can count it as a 16 frame move when executed from standing.

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