Quest Mode Insights & Balloon Trick

Discussion in 'Console' started by tragic, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. ZombieKiller

    ZombieKiller Member

    I gotta try that balloon trick!! It took me about 1000-1200 matches before I got all my items for Sarah and Vanessa. Which was cool in that I had alot of time to figure out what moves worked well but, by the end I was just ready to move on. This should save me a TON of time!! Awesome Thread Great Job!
  2. dangerfrog

    dangerfrog New Member

    I managed to get 8 balloons in a row with pai the other day, was very happy with that, but a bit tired as i only wanted to do one run before bed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    It has got to the stage with Brad now where i have bought every item in the shop, and the last 80 or so item battles have all been cash and im still only showing 96% (or there abouts). Are there items in tournaments that i havent got, or is it because i am only at gladiator rank?
  3. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The last few items will probably all have to be won in tournies...
  4. ZombieKiller

    ZombieKiller Member

    Yeah, I think that there are some items you can only win from tournaments-but if you lose a tournament where the prize is an item you'll still be able to get it later on in another tournament.

    Also you get some items from attaining a certain rank with your character. I wanna say that there are 3 or so, but I don't know what ranks you are rewarded for getting, other than the final one.

    Thats not scripture though, just my experience in collecting 100% items for Sarah, Pai and Vanessa.
  5. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Do you remember how you got Vanessa's white pants for outfit A?
  6. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Are there any tricks for getting the item-yielding tournaments?
  7. ZombieKiller

    ZombieKiller Member

    No, I don't remember for certain, but think they might have been a tournament item. I do remember that most of her tournament stuff was similar (like desert camo shirt for one and desert camo pants for the next) so, if you picked up the winter camo shirt in a tourney then probably the same deal with winter camo pants

    Not that I've seen or heard of, you just gotta play until they come up
  8. Arianhrod

    Arianhrod New Member

    Can you remember how you got the white dress for Sarah? I've won three item tournaments so far and I've won the two white bodysuit parts (costume a) and the green bodysuit top (costume a again).

    No tricks as far as I know but if you know when a tournament is to take place, save one fight before it. Fight the fight, and if its not an item tournmanet then keep resetting the save and fighting the fight until there is an Item tournament ready. It worked on my PS3 anyway.
  9. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Hey, this really does work. Thanks a lot man, you probably saved me a few hours.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Hot damn, I didnt think about this. Thanks! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  11. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    How can you tell that you are only one fight away from a tournament being announced?
  12. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Well, I would fight about 5 fights, and then save after each one. It's time consuming, but I only got my last item tournament after resetting 10 times. The item ones are pretty rare.
  13. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    if you get all the item battle items with the balloon trick and focus on ranking up youll get the tourney items eventually.. you have to get the final rank anyway to get the 'last' item.

    its pointless to reset a dozen times when yer gonna have to keep fighting anyway to rank up and finish arcades..
  14. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Well, I got all the item battles and ranks a long time ago, so all I need were the tourneys.

    Although I think I may have skipped the item tournaments when I was just going for item battles.
  15. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    You don't need to wait for the balloon to physically hover over the arcade you're fighting in. The next arcade you select (and don't back out of) will be fought for ten item battles.

    Also, I'm pretty sure the balloon 'numbers trick' is a crock of shit. Since reading this I always quit out of arcades on matching numbers and it hasn't been a balloon once, even on sevens. The one time it did happen the numbers didn't match at all...
  16. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    balloon trick is legit.. i used it to collect cash to buy all the items very quickly very early on.. it definitely works if you have xx7 losses and get up to xx6 wins then save.. then i would win one more, quit out to see the balloon and fight 10 fights.. the 11th fight has to start but id just quit out and have xx7 and xx7 again and the ballon would appear..

    its only ever worked for me with 7s and if you lose any of the fights you have to either start over or get 9 more losses to get back to xx7 and xx7 again..

    the balloon might show up randomly but it never happened to me, however, the balloon trick with 7s aways worked flawlessly for me..
  17. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    I can also confirm that (at least on xbox 360 and playing Expert) the balloon trick does work. If the balloon didn't show up, I just leave to the dashboard, go back to quest loading my save, win/lose to make sure both numbers are 7 and if the balloon wasn't there the first time, it will be now.

    Also, it should be noted that if you pull out a match before its end whilst in the streak of 10 item battles that the balloon gives you, the match won't be counted. This basically means that if you are losing your match (and the item) you can go back to the arcade screen (but NOT the general map) and retry without wasting one of the items...
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    The argument regarding The Balloon Trick and Saves & Reloads to get item tournaments being labeled as cheating has been moved here.

    Please keep this thread confined to information and discoveries about the balloon trick.
  19. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Since some people are still asking questions about the balloon trick, despite there being an easy enough guide to follow, I bring you one with pictures.

    First of all, I'm sorry for:

    1. reviving a long dead topic
    2. blurriness of my shots
    3. the horrible way my Vanessa is dressed


    The win ratio in that one is 402 wins, 33 losses. As long as the last digit in both win and loss is the same, it has a chance of working.


    Win the match to make it 403/33.


    Next match, quit and go back to the map screen.


    The balloon appears in the top right and follows that path. I don't know where it goes after that. Enter the arcade you want to fight in when the balloon goes over it.


    Ten item battles. As said earlier in this topic, it works best when the last two digits are 3 or 7.
  20. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Everything is correct except for the comment before last. When the balloon appears - enter any arcade whenever you want. There is no need to wait for the balloon to hover over the screen. The balloon indicates that the next ten matches are item battles - regardless of its position. Just make sure to stay in whichever arcade you first enter.

    Just edit that section and then it's all perfect. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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