Questions for D.K.

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 28, 2011.

By Myke on Sep 28, 2011 at 6:50 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Zerochan recently tweeted: I have an interview with Daichi Katagiri next week! Do you have any Qs about VF past or present? Let me know!

    If you're unaware, D.K. is the director of Virtua Fighter arcade series. Please note that he has nothing to do with the console ports. So do you have any questions for D.K? Stack 'em up in this thread!


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 28, 2011.

    1. Dennis0201
      I don't think DK will be available to talk about VF6, but I'm still curious what's his purpose to bring VF into next generation?
      And any possibility to use team battle system again?
    2. jinxhand
      1. Is there any hope for older Sega fighting games like Fighting Vipers and Last Bronx to make a strong comeback to the arcade scene???

      2. Will the Virtua Fighter series ever go back in the direction it went with VF3???

      3. Will any of the classic items found in VF4 like Aoi's Kabuki hairstyles, or disgrace items be implemented in FS???

      4. What are your thoughts about the future of fighting games???
    3. noodalls
      Is the hitbox display (as shown in DK 96) a mode that can be enabled, or were the hitboxes painted on?

      Did you receive any backlash (such as from arcadia magazine) following the release of frame data in replays? What was the motivation for doing so, when many other companies will not officially release their frame data?
    4. TheRook
      hi guys im kinda new here so forgive my noobish questions.

      1.)Will VF5FS be the final version of VF5?

      2.)Will some older moves get new animations(some old a VF2)?

      3.)What do think of the VF Community outside of Asian Countries? and would AM2 or sega try to be more involved with the Fighting game community like how Namco and Capcom has been in the recent years(like going to EVO or other tournaments)

      4.)will there be a revival of old AM2 games like Fighting Vipers, Daytona USA and Vitrua Cop?
    5. Shoju
      No it's on Lindbergh.

      My questions:

      How does he see the future development of VF. What could be done to expand the audience for VF like making the game more accesible and easier to understand (without compromising too much on depth), more flashy or having more visceral looking violence etc? What might be done to try to recapture the VF audience that stopped playng? What sort of innovations might be tried?

      What about the arcade audience in places like Korea or China? Will new VF's reach their arcades in future?

      Will VF5FS be getting any further updates?

      Will VF3's style of gameplay ever be revisted in any way? Dodge button (for easier movement) or uneven stages that might impact on gameplay?

      Anything VF related planned for the next AOU?
    6. akiralove
      1. Why don't you put a Korean fighter into the game?

      2. when can I equip Lion's life preserver again, that was my favorite.
    7. Zero-chan
      Interview happened today! Lots of tasty stuff, but as much as I'd like to share now I have to put food on my table. I'll keep you all posted on where this interview will be set to appear... But one major detail: Katagiri-san is VERY aware of VFDC and its fanbase [​IMG]
    8. Kiuju
      You know I never grasped why he was wearing a life preserver.
    9. Myke
      Thanks Zero-chan, looking forward to the interview!
    10. Kamais_Ookin
      Is your dinner finished yet!? Me wants interview.. [​IMG]

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