Racism (was Politics)

Discussion in 'General' started by KtotheG, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    No disrespect: I know you're Muslim and all but I don't think that you speak for all or even the majority of Muslims with this statement.
    I've met peaceful Muslims who want nothing than to live free, be happy and co-exist with the rest of the world.
    If everybody from Muslims to Jews, Christians, Atheists, etc. had this kind of live-and-let-live mindset there would be a lot less misery in the world.
  2. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    its just a matter of time.

    from my perspective

    Muslims in Australian media today get the same treatment that "Wogs" (derogatory term for South European immigrants) were getting back in the 50s and 60s, and the Chinese and Vietnamese were getting in the 80s and 90s.

    its just a matter of time before AUSTRALIA HARDENS THE FUCK UP again, and stop acting like a bunch of little whingeing pussies.


    know what that sounds like? yep, you guessed. SOMEONE THAT NEEDS TO HARDEN THE FUCK UP. This irrational fear that is whored like some 2 dollar hooker by the media is just pathetic. And the fucking idiots that the majority of the populace are, just lap it up as if it was handed to them on a silver fucking platter.

    seriously, what kind of a fucking retard lives their whole life in fear of the Muslim boogeyman?

    the average westerner, thats who. but give these idiots time, and they will soon see their own idiocy as they saw it when they gave the same treatment to the European and Asian migrants.

    its also a pathetic state of affairs that our own Indigenous population gets the dirt stick treatment from the media as well.

    /rant bitches
  3. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Since when does saying youre not a pacifist mean you're not peaceful? That's a strange assumption on your part.

    Regardless though, this is not a live and let live era. You can act all happy go lucky in miami now that you´re off duty but the war is not over. Muslims are still being targeted and we´re not about to play doormat.

    "Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone lays a hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That's a good religion. In fact, that's that old-time religion. That's the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That's a good religion. And doesn't nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal."

    Malcolm X
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I wasn't going to reply but fuck it:
    Since when did "live and let live" become the thing to NOT do? If someone is attacking your religion/race/you then I say defend yourself. The people attacking you are not "living and letting live" so should you do the same? Maybe you misunderstand me - just cause I'm a nice guy and I prefer diplomacy over fighting doesn't make me a carefree/happy-go-lucky guy who believes that the war is over.
    "That's a strange assumption on your part" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
    We could play that b.s. game back and forth all day long, lol, but it's clear that you have your world views and I have mine. I'm not here to change anyone's opinion just put in my two cents and I hope that you are too. With that said, we had a very long convo about the war itself and a few other serious topics before on IRC I'm not going to get on here and explain or justify my life story. Say what you will about every person that joined the military with the intentions of making some money for college and then got sent to war and put in between a rock and a hard place... but at the end of the day, if it comes down to me and you, it's always going to be you before me. I will kill before I am killed. It's as simple as our innate self-preserving nature.

    You can gimme all of the righteous-up-on-a-high-horse-I-would-never crap but I don't really know you and you don't really know me. For all I know, you could be down with Al-Qaeda and for all you know I could be the heartless, baby-killer that Al Jazeera paints me to be.
    But you got one thing right: I'm not in it anymore... and having seen it first hand I can tell you this: Love > War.

    If you keep thinking that doing the same thing that you've been doing for thousands of years and that has not been working is eventually going to work, then you're as deluded as G.W. Bush is. Keep running into that brick wall if you want to.

    MLK, Ghandi, Mother Teresa. These are all names that achieved way more with love than with any war.
    Call me soft and weak but attack me and I will defend. I will respect until I am disrespected. Then and only then you get to see my fangs.
    I know you prob heard this song:
    "An eye for an eye, we both lose our sight/ and two wrongs don't make a right
    But when you've been wronged for so long/ and you know all along/
    it's just one life
    At what point does one fight?
    Good question, right?"

    Well, I agree BUT only love can heal war. A gunshot wound cannot be healed by another gunshot wound. I might be wrong, I'm still young and learning but I believe it's as simple as rock, paper, scissors. If both players keep throwing out rock it's just going to be a stalemate. Eventually one player, the smarter and less prideful of the two, will swallow his pride and not throw out the "hard and strong" rock and will throw out the "soft and weak" paper and win. It's obviously not THAT simple but you get my drift (I hope).

    Anyway, this thread's not about me or the war, it's about racism so I'm through derailing. I will pm from now on but I just wanted to make a few things publicly clear regarding my stance.
  5. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Call me soft and weak but attack me and I will defend. I will respect until I am disrespected.</div></div>wich is EXACTLY what I was saying in my post.

    I'm all about living in peace and all that stuff, but we ARE being attacked and we ARE being disrespected. So what makes it okay for you to defend yourself but when I say the EXACT same thing you come with this self righteous hippie make love in the park bs and basicly say muslims should just shut the hell up and cosplay a damn roll of toilet paper.

    Love can't end a war for shit, try it on a smaller level and go up to some ruthless killer on the street and tell him about love, see if that helps.

    oh and that song is nonsense, two wrongs my ass. Someone commits murder, yea that's a wrong. Murderer loses his head, that's not a wrong, that's called justice.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Just make sure you're killing the right guy.
  7. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    cool down, fellas /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    I do.

    It's kinda stupid to shout that the company was racist when:

    1. Monkeys are respected in Japan.

    2. The ad was shown in Tokyo

    3. None of the Japanese sample who watched the ad associated the monkey with Barack Obama.

    It's also fucked up that the black people living in Japan expected the company to know that the monkey is derogatory to black in the US when they should've known that the monkey is well respected in Japan. Double standards, much?

    What annoys me most is that mans are saying that Japan shouldn't be ignorant to a presidential campaign going worldwide. Acting like the US is gonna fucking take over the world and get every country to abide to its rules WTF?

    Japan isn't guilty. It's those who called it racist who called it guilty.

    OK. First off, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

    Secondly, this is not America vs. Islam. This is Christianity vs. Islam.

    I'm not sure whether democracy was founded upon Christian principles (democracy was born BC), but Christianity likes democracy. Christianity doesn't wanna lose its influence on democracy. And vice versa.

    The Islamic terrorists have declared a war on democracy. They see democracy as wrong. They want a caliph governing the world. A caliph governing the world sounds like the prophecy out of the Revelation book in the Bible.

    Christianity doesn't like that. Never has. But has never been given an opportunity to speak its mind without having a blacklash.

    Then 9/11 happened.

    Christianity is waging a war on Islam, and vice versa. What we are seeing is a war on dominance. Christianity fears losing its grip on America especially, seeing how fast Islam is growing.

    Survival of the fittest, right?

    I'll be heading to work now, otherwise I'd be more... elaborate on what is going on.
  9. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    The Islamic terrorists have declared a war on democracy. They see democracy as wrong. They want a caliph governing the world. A caliph governing the world sounds like the prophecy out of the Revelation book in the Bible.

    wrong again

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Christianity doesn't like that. Never has. But has never been given an opportunity to speak its mind without having a blacklash.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Christianity is waging a war on Islam, and vice versa. What we are seeing is a war on dominance. Christianity fears losing its grip on America especially, seeing how fast Islam is growing.
    ha fucking ha.

    the involvement of the western nations in north africa and the middle east is nothing more than corporate imperialism. its all about lining the fat pockets of the bloodsuckers in halliburton and such organisations. there is a captialistic oligarchy present in the West, and these are those who benefit ridiculous amounts from the interventions in afghanistan, iraq, etc.

    its not politics or religion.

    its about money.

    when george dumbass monkey bush told you he was going to war with Iraq because they had WMD's, that was bullshit. when it was about removal of a so-called "tyrant", that was bullshit.

    its about money
  10. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    I'm sorry, but calling Saddam a "so-called tyrant" is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard.

    Also, open a history book and notice how the world has been ideology-versus-ideology since they figured out how to record information. Get off of your high-horse.

    If you truly believe that, at the top level, politics and religion aren't about "money," (power, control) you are just another sheep.

    If your country actually had an enemy, you might feel differently about things. Personally, I live a few blocks from where Islamic extremists blew up the trade center. (Twice) I lost about 20 friends and acquaintances in it. If America came out and declared war on Islamic extremists specifically, domestic and abroad, I'd leave my wife and job and join the military, if they'd have me. (The current "war on terrorism" is missing some teeth, in my opinion.) If you're Muslim that's cool. If you're a brainwashed, murderous extremist, I hope they take you out with the rest of them.
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    You all really need to realize that this war is about assholes trying to be the biggest
    asshole. Power Hungry fuckers on both sides of the fence. That's all, adding all
    the abstract shit is nothing but smoke screen.

    Who's got the biggest cock.

    And stop writing about religion in the racism thread. Only Pigs, Niggers, Spics
    Slants, and Camel Tossers need write here.
  12. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    I think you underestimate the power religion has over race.
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    I think you underestimate the power of the Dark Side.
  14. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    Dave Chappelle talks about "Open racism".

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VU28Pv26nNQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VU28Pv26nNQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    "A well known celebrity caught in the act of racism...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ezY69wHQZJM"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ezY69wHQZJM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  16. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    Then I'm bringing out the classic:

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IZtQUEY1IU8"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IZtQUEY1IU8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  17. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    there is nothing ignorant about it at all, maybe you are misinterpretting it. The word "tyrant" is what the neoconservative media scum like to use to refer to Hussein and even the great man Fidel Castro, but i dont think he is deserving of such a title.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Also, open a history book and notice how the world has been ideology-versus-ideology since they figured out how to record information. Get off of your high-horse. </div></div>
    you are missing the point. WHY has it been ideology v ideology? for financial reasons, one ideology does not want to give up land, control, influence, etc to a rival ideology. look, even the crusades were about getting land.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    If you truly believe that, at the top level, politics and religion aren't about "money," (power, control) you are just another sheep. </div></div> what the fuck was i saying in my post?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    If your country actually had an enemy, you might feel differently about things. Personally, I live a few blocks from where Islamic extremists blew up the trade center. (Twice) I lost about 20 friends and acquaintances in it.</div></div>
    zz fucking zzzz. dont bring emotion into an argument like this. who the fuck hasnt had family and friends die. And btw, i'm in australia, and here our enemies are exactly the same as yours. what a fucking sad state of affairs, all because USA and Aus are politically allied.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    If America came out and declared war on Islamic extremists specifically, domestic and abroad, I'd leave my wife and job and join the military, if they'd have me. (The current "war on terrorism" is missing some teeth, in my opinion.) </div></div>

    "Islamic extremists" dont have an army, so how can you declare war /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    If you're Muslim that's cool. If you're a brainwashed, murderous extremist, I hope they take you out with the rest of them. </div></div>

    lmfao, me? i have no religious affiliation; if anything, i would characterise my beliefs as Marxist.
  18. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    Seriously? You should do some research before you call either of those men great. They both did horrible things to their people. That statement alone completely nullifies any point you bring up.
  19. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    firstly, i only refer to Fidel as being great. Fidel led the revolution of cuba, and overthrew America's pawn and right-wing facist, Batista. He delivered Cuba from the fangs of US imperialism, and brought Cuba to socialism.

    all this do some research comments are bullshit. i know all of the criticisms of both Castro and Hussein, I know all of the documented humans rights abuses and other crimes committed. YET, I still say Fidel Castro is a great man, and Hussein is not a tyrant. how fucking hard is that to comprehend?
  20. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Racism

    Again, read some books. just to name some major reasons why they are horrible men...

    Fidel removed thousands of citizens from their homes and forced them out of the country. Where were they sent? Nowhere, he said get the fuck out. Hence the enormous population of Cubans in the southern part of the states.

    Hussein, wow really not a tyrant? He killed millions of people, many of which were just children.

    You can make claims all day but your wrong. They were both cruel, horrible men that did nothing but cause hatred and death.

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