Re: Jacky/Sarah and Jeet Kune Do (open-minded only)

Discussion in 'General' started by interceptfist, Nov 22, 2002.

  1. ButtonMasher

    ButtonMasher Active Member

    JKD is purly for self defence, all the philosophy is there to help you understand the motions and the techniques better (provide application for each technique), what jacky and sarah do is a comercial JKD, Yu Suzuki saw Bruce Lee do the flip kick in Enter the Dragon so he has decided to exploit it. although JKD is a useful system it has not been evolved or developed to make it more effective, i understand that Bruce Lee analysed a lot of styles to create this system of fighting, but it takes dacades to improve and develop the system, further more, JKD is not a system which can be evolved and develop because as Bruce Lee said the basis of the system is human reaction in a fight, the natural way a person should react in a fight (not go into a classical stance).
  2. nastynod

    nastynod New Member

    i totally agree with shadowdean, i've trained in brazillian jujitsu and muaythai and it just makes you a complete fighter. Not only can you box but you can also kick (thai kicks are the best) and if the fight ends on the ground you know how 2 wrestle, about all the talk about hitting people in the groin and stuff when your mounted on an opponent your not sittin on them you laying on them they dont have a shot toward your groin. The only time they really can is when you have them in your guard but of course you wouldn't just let them sit up and take shots at your groin. Until you've been in the situations you cant really say anything about it. It sounds like your talking in theory like you've never been in there. Maybe you should try out a jujitsu class if there is 1 around where you live. You never know you may end up appreciating the art
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Wow, you are almost on the money. JKD is a training system, not really a martial art in of itself. Jun-fan kickboxing is more a martial art while jkd concepts is a training system.
  4. Blitzbreaker

    Blitzbreaker New Member

    I don't see why a big fuss is being made about fighting in general. Simply put, there are only a few basic ideas to fighting. The physically stronger one is, the more chance one has of winning a physical contest. The faster and more accurate one's strikes are, the more chance one has of winning a physical contest. Grappling is just as important as striking in a "real" fight. The UFC is not an accurate representation of a "real" fight, but at least it is better than say taekwondo olympic sparring. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif The only "real" fights are one's where there are no rules. Experience is more valuable than anything single other factor, but understand experience is not "everything."

    Have I missed anything?
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Acutally, I use Shotokan stance nowadays. /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  6. suatseals

    suatseals Member

  7. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Hey my friends...
    Go see some Vale Tudo in Brasil (it's written with an S, english is so stupid that they use a Z instead of S, =P). Anyways...nothing beats out Shaolin Kung Fu, and you guys should know that better than anyone. I did Ju Jitsu (japanese jj) and it worked out to be the most shitty martial art i've ever seen.'s like this...You get the techniques, but u don't get the philosophy part. U don't get the breathing part. You don't get the "close your eyes and hit the freaking fly with ur tongue" part. Don't u understand?? Get kazaa, and download a shaolin kung-fu demonstration video. Then check out those guys falling, no pain man...they fall like dolls, but still: NO FUCKING PAIN. You don't learn how to nullify pain in Ju jitsu do you? Nor in any other martial art throughout the world, except in japan and china (and maybe India).

    Please guys, I hope I won't have to repeat myself...
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think the problem was your instructor, not the art.
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Well, this thread sucked.

    Shadowdean had something to say, interceptfist was just, well lame. Basicly; you can not be narrowminded any more and that's were the concept of MMA fighting comes from. When UFC and so on started out everyone was being beaten, rather easily by BJJ guys like Royce and so on - now, in pride, everybody works on takedown defence and so on and aren't arrogant to other martial arts. Still many schools have this impression that they are the best and what they teach is the best so they in panic try to sell, to confused students, stories about how this would *really* work and now they have started to say that UFC and Pride and so on aren't real either. And there you have my impression of Interceptfist under.

    Well MMA isn't "real" fighting,.. but neither is whatever you do in your dojo.
    I like the fact that it's evolved to more of a sport under controlled forms - those that make me a bad person? I don't demand that boxers fight without gloves and hurt their hands or get cuts or whatever out of showing "what's the best"... why? Cause their is none. You have to be a complete fighter in all aspects... and then theirs the fighter himself as an individual.
    If you train at a shitty club and with no motivation it doesn't matter what you train. If you train to prove your martial art is the best / to beat up people you just don't have a clue.

    I've never felt a need to show of my knowledge in martial arts or show up my training and I hope I never will. I think it's a maturity level thing - I do think most people, atleast in the west, start martial arts (deep down) because they want to learn how to do fancy things and/or kick someones ass. It goes away by time or so it seems. I just wish that trainers didn't close the door on other martial arts systems and the reality aspects of fighting as alot of martial arts seem to be going more towards sport for their own students sake.

    I'll end with some of Jun Fan's own words from his book (freely): "At first a punch was just a punch, a kick just a kick. Not that I know more a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick".

    That's my 5cents, whatever.
  10. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Re: Well, this thread sucked.

    Just so it's written correctly, I drug out some of my books.

    "Before I studied the art, a punch to me was just like a punch, a kick just like a kick. After I learned the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick no longer a kick. Now that I've understood the art, a punch is just like a punch, a kick just like a kick." - Lee Jun Fan (Bruce Lee)
  11. CyberClaw

    CyberClaw Member

    Having found myself in more "Real fights" than I can count, and having over 15 years of martial arts exp (5 dojoryo, 10 shotokan, then I got tired of it and left), I'd say that real fight are something to avoid.

    At least here in Portugal, when someone picks a fight with you, you'd better watch your back, because they won't attack you alone. I was mugged like 20 times, and every single time they were at least 3 (on the beach one night, it was like 10-20 guys).

    I was already pointed a revolver once by 3 gipsys, and 3 times threatned with a closed knife.

    Real life fights, is about running and not looking back.
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Welcome back Nashi. Well, almost.

    Hi Nashi / Seijuro_Hiko or whatever you would like to call yourself right now. Aren't we over the ghetto-cop phase yet? No need to ressurect old threads to say it's better to run now is there? /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

  13. CyberClaw

    CyberClaw Member

    Re: Welcome back Nashi. Well, almost.

    Actually, I am a genuine article dude. My email is cyberclawx [at] hotmail [dot] com
    I came up with this thread looking for info on how to get a 70+ damage combo with Sarah - but the content interested me.
    That's why I gave my opinion. That's why I think UFC, Pride, etc, are better than real life fights. Real life fights have no honnor. Is 5 guys ganing on the small kid. What's the point of that? And when it's only one guy, he is carrying some kind of weapon.
    UFC, Pride, K1, all of them have some rules (so it's not a real "vale-tudo" in the literal meaning), but godamn, it's the closest to a honnorable real fight everyone will ever get.
  14. CyberClaw

    CyberClaw Member

    Erm, I read nashi's post, and he mentioned brazilian vale-tudo too, but don't think I'm him. I'm Portuguese (we colonised Brazil, and there it's speaked portuguese), and vale-tudo is means literally "anything goes". Ence the use of the word. Organised Vale-Tudo have rules though. Street Vale-Tudo (teens who do it for fun - much like street wrestling) is way more dangerous and out of control, since they many times take the Vale-Tudo to the word.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    So the fact that both you and Nashi have the same IP doesn't mean you're him as well, right?

    It doesn't take a genious to create a hotmail account either.
  16. CyberClaw

    CyberClaw Member

    Sorry, that means he is Portuguese and behind our bad ISPs stupid proxy. NetCabo. To most sites (outwar, etc) it seems like we only have one IP. But the logged IP is not MY IP, I'm sure of it. If you want, you can show up in the messager, and we'll try to hook up some app that tries to connect to my IP.

    I have a page.

    Don't open the index, because I closed the page, but as you can see, I have been worked on it quite a long time ago (unless you sugest I forged the page, and all the uploaded documents dates).

    I also have a sort of web diary, which is also greatly outdated (and dead):

    Maybe you want to see this nick registered somwhere for over 2 years. Go to the official Fable forum (Fable is an XBox game).
    I'm the CyberClaw there too.

    The above pages should point to my email. I am CyberClawX in GameFaqs, and CyberClaw in PTNet for over 5 years.
    And I'll be damned if I am that guy. For what I could gather (I just had a quick look at his posts), our (mine and na-something dude) opinions diverge - so why would I create an account to contradict myself?

    Even more, why would I ressurect a 2 year old thread using a new nickname? (I only noticed the thread's date now - I accessed it from the Sarah panel in the page).

    Take your conclusions - and I'll be in MSN messager if you want to talk to me (or PTNet alternativly if you want to check my REAL IP)
  17. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    more proof needed: try credit card number or bank account
  18. CyberClaw

    CyberClaw Member

    eheh. my nick isn't some pseudo japanese stuff. The nicks he listed above are jap, so I'm guessing that's the kind of nicks he likes to use. Other than Kagitsume (which means Claw) I've allways used English for my "character nicks" (recently I did use latin, but it was for a medieval RP game) - this is, when I don't simply name them CyberClaw ^^;
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    'Sup? First of I don't care (who would be suprised if Nashi out of all ppl had an account at another page under another name?). Either you're not him or you're the most psycho person ever to go thru all that trouble. If you are Nashi it won't be to hard to tell you from the snotty ass that he is in time anyways so what gives?
    Second (amongst many things); since you're 18 and you have 15years of MA experience - was it hard starting training when you were 3 yearsold?

  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CyberClaw said:

    Having found myself in more "Real fights" than I can count (since they have quotation marks and initial capitalization - they're a special kind of real), and having over 15 years of martial arts exp (I watch lots of radio, err television), I'd say that real fight are something to avoid (but "Real fights" are OK).

    At least here in Portugal (where everyone mentions that they're from Portugal), when someone picks a fight with you, they start by throwing bricks at the own heads, you'd better watch your back - lest it be struck by an errant headbrick, because they won't attack you alone - headbricks travel in threes. I was mugged like 20 times (by people claiming to be from Portugal - I know this because they said "Hi, I'm from Portugal - I want to fight with you - my name is not Vale Mesmo Tudo - I need to perform the obligatory throw a brick at my own head ritual now), and every single time they were at least 3 (on the beach one night, it was like 10-20 guys - they had lots of bricks).

    I was already pointed a revolver once by 3 gipsys (they carry no bricks), and 3 times threatned with a closed knife (which is less threatening than a partially open knife - unless cheese is involved).

    Real life fights, is about running and not looking back (not to be confused with "Real fights" and bricks).

    [/ QUOTE ]

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